Witch Way to Turn

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Witch Way to Turn Page 18

by Karen Y. Bynum

  “It’s a recessive trait on the women’s side of our family.”

  “Our family?”

  “Yes, child. I’m your grandmother.”

  Chapter 20

  Breena sat in stunned silence.

  “My name is Lucinda Vale. My son, Victor Vale, is your father.” The president smoothed the hem of her tweed skirt.

  “I…uh. My…”

  C’mon, Breena. Use your words.

  It took her a minute. “Father? What’re you talking about? My parents are dead. The social worker showed me the file, the death certificates.” She couldn’t believe this. Why hadn’t Myles prepared her? Did he know?

  “I’m sorry there isn’t an easier way to tell you all this.”

  Breena’s palms suddenly pulsed. Quickly she sat on them and tried not to focus on the heat they gave off. Everything she’d ever gone through could’ve been avoided. What the hell? “You mean to tell me, I was in foster care my entire fuckin’ life, and my parents are still alive?”

  “I assure you, dear, it was for your own protection.” Her violet eyes dulled.

  “I’ve been cursed at, belittled, beaten up, not to mention nearly sexually assaulted a bunch of times, and you call that protection?” Breena stood and paced the length of the couch.

  Total bullshit.

  “Look at the bright side, dear.”

  A bitter laugh leapt off Breena’s lips. “Which is?”

  “You’ve been able to protect Jenny.”

  She froze and faced Lucinda, fists clenched at her sides. “How do you know about Jenny?”

  “My dear, who do you think sent her to you?”

  “Why would you think I’d be able to raise her? I was in foster care when I found her, in the woods of all places!”

  “I wasn’t the one to actually deliver her to Rhodhiss, deary.”

  Her supposed grandmother’s pet names were really starting to tick her off. “Whatever. I don’t care. Because of you, Jenny has suffered years of abuse. Do you know how hard I’ve had to work to protect her? Do you even care?”

  Silence. Not golden.

  The president crossed one leg over the other and wove her fingers together around her knee.

  Anger fueled every cell in Breena’s body and once again she hoped for the blue light to explode from her trembling hands. She needed to calm down. She needed information. If nothing else, she deserved answers. “Where are my parents?”

  “It’s complicated.”

  “I’ve had it up to here,” Breena cut off the air above her head, “with ‘it’s complicated’. Un-complicate it.”

  “What I’m about to tell you is of the utmost secrecy. If word of my cover-up gets out, everyone involved will be executed, including you and Myles.”

  “The executioner will have to get in line. I’ve already got a queen breathing down my neck.”

  “The queen? Your mother doesn’t want to kill you, Breena. She’s searched for you for years.”

  Mother? What the hell? No way.

  “But Orin had orders from the queen to kill me.”

  “The queen’s assassin?”

  “Yeah, one and the same,” Breena said.

  “How odd.”

  “Why don’t you start from the beginning.” Breena sat on the couch with her arms folded and fingers tapping one at a time across her side.

  “Many years ago, my son became fascinated by the Council. He wanted nothing more out of life than to become a member. However, it’s rare for a man to be able to wield magic. Normally they are only carriers. When I realized Victor wasn’t just a carrier but a warlock, I was overjoyed. I immediately started him in training, and he took his rightful place on the Council at his coming of age.”

  “Carriers of magic? But other supes are men.”

  “Yes, but theirs is a different kind of magic. They cannot control it. The magic controls them, makes them into what they are. As you have witnessed with the preternatural and the vampire.”

  “So, since I’m half-witch, half-preternatural, do I control my magic or does it control me?” Breena tried to let this new information sink in.

  “It’s too early to tell. You have only just come into your ability.”

  She’d gotten the president off track. Time to refocus. “What happened after Victor joined the WC?”

  “My son is a natural leader. Everyone loved him and did anything he asked. Until he met your mother, the queen of the preternaturals.” The last word seemed laced with more than a hint of disgust. “She wanted nothing to do with him. Naturally, he’d never been so enamored with someone. I warned him being with her kind would end badly, but he didn’t listen. Looking back, perhaps I shouldn’t have discouraged him. Maybe he would’ve pursued her less.” Lucinda’s eyes lost their brilliance for a minute, and she hung her head in what appeared to be shame. “He was so angry when I banished him from the Council.”

  Lucinda shook her head and continued. “Eventually he won the queen over but they were, shall we say, overly hasty in consummating their new-found love. Nine months later, you were born. Although, I will admit Victor and the queen concealed their romance well.”

  “Why’d they have to keep it a secret?” The story had totally sucked Breena in.

  “Mixing magical races was not done back then, dear.”

  “Oh.” From Lucinda’s tone and sneer, it seemed not to be done now. Prejudiced much?

  “The queen did an excellent job of hiding her pregnancy, so no one was the wiser,” Lucinda added.

  “Why’s it such a big deal if someone gets pregnant?”

  “Council has to approve every birth and ITT.”


  “Intention to turn.” The president touched the pearls around her neck.

  “If a birth or ITT takes place without permission, what happens?”

  Lucinda’s violet gaze held Breena’s. “The death penalty, of course.” Breena could hear the conviction in her words.

  “So, my mom and dad were going to be killed because they got pregnant without permission.” Breena air-quoted permission.


  Seriously? How nuts is that?


  “The supernatural community would grow exponentially if not monitored. And with the witches’ long life and the other supernaturals’ immortality, having enough food to sustain us is a valid concern.” She sounded like a politician. Rehearsed.

  Breena sat in silence, staring at her feet.

  “That’s why I put you into foster care. I wanted to protect you.”

  Breena jerked her head up and glared at Lucinda. “You wanted to protect yourself.”

  The president didn’t respond for what felt like an eternity. “I don’t think you fully understand, deary. I didn’t need to protect myself until I covered this entire situation up. If I’d just sat back and let the pieces fall where they may, then Victor, the queen and you would have been executed at my hand, by my order. I couldn’t allow it.”

  “I should thank you, then?” Breena understood she had wanted to protect her but Lucinda could’ve kept her witchy mouth shut and raised Breena as an adopted daughter, if she’d really wanted to.

  “No, you should concentrate on staying alive and doing what Myles tells you. That’s why I sent him.”

  “Myles is my babysitter?”

  “He’s there to protect you, to watch over you,” Lucinda replied.

  “Why do I suddenly need protection?”

  Lucinda arched a well-groomed brow, looking puzzled. “My dear, Myles has been assigned to you since you were an infant.”

  Say what?

  But…she’d only met him a few weeks ago. When he started at the pharm.


  He’d been lying to her. Pretending he’d never met her. Acting like he was getting to know her. He’d been there her entire life? Which brought up another question: if he’d been protecting her since she was a baby, how the hell did she end up with Evil One? Un-fucking-believ
able. “Did you hire him to protect me?”

  “No, of course not. It was part of his sentence.”

  Great. Just great. Of course Myles didn’t have feelings for her. I’m his punishment.

  “What crime did he commit?”

  “I think that’s enough for today.” The president stood and waved her hand toward the front door. It blew open and Rae stalked back into the living room. “Please show our guest to the elevator.”

  “Certainly,” the younger woman answered as her gaze narrowed on Breena.

  * * * *

  Breena thanked her lucky stars no one stepped into the elevator with her as she made her way to the lobby. Fear, betrayal and anger pounded through her, and those were just her top three current emotions. She needed time to process all this new information. It seemed like her life grew more and more complicated each day, which made it harder and harder to hold on to anything.

  Myles sat on the edge of a leather wingback chair by the water fountain in the center of the huge lobby with his gaze glued to the elevator. Even though crap-tons of people dithered about, Breena knew exactly where to find him. She could’ve cut his anxiety with her preternatural ears. He stood as she approached.

  “You. You were sent to protect me.” She fought to keep her voice from shaking. Rage pumped through her. Her palms tingled.


  “Back off.” She pushed his chest. He didn’t even flinch. “Some protector you are. You’ve known me since I was a baby? God. How did my life turn out so shitty?”

  She pushed him again. This time he reached down and grabbed her hands. She yanked them away.

  He didn’t move, not one muscle. “Bree, I can only do what I’m ordered to do,” he said through gritted teeth.

  Is that why he hadn’t made a move at the pharm? Was he ashamed of how he’d let her life turn out?

  “Why didn’t you compel Norma? Keep her from hurting me?” She swallowed her anger. “From hurting Jenny?”

  “Bree, please. I couldn’t. I wanted to, but I couldn’t. But I did things. Things I shouldn’t have. I disobeyed her.” He raked his hand through his curls. “I swear I tried to make life better for you, for Jenny. I could only go so far.”

  “Damn liar.” She crossed her arms.

  “Bree, I didn’t have a choice.”

  “You at least admit I’m your punishment?”

  “No. Not what I said. I meant I wasn’t allowed to tell–”

  “Save it, Myles,” she snapped. “Where’s my room?”

  “Bree, please let me–”


  “Third floor, number 321.”


  He handed it to her.

  Spinning on her heel, she readied herself to march straight to the elevator. Anything to get away from Myles. To get away from the anger…the pain. He grabbed her wrist before she was able to take a step. Yanking her to him, he wrapped a strong arm around her, tilted her chin and captured her mouth. His kisses devoured her. She let him press their bodies tighter together, closer, until no space existed between them. Nothing in the world mattered but his lips on hers.

  She surrendered to his consuming passion, allowing him to gently part her lips and touch his tongue to hers.

  Breena’s heart pounded a hole in her chest, and she felt her ears growing.

  His kiss was gentle but urgent. Breena’s libido purred with contentment, even though she knew this was wrong. It took her a minute to remember why. She was with Orin. God, she was a terrible person. How would she feel if the preternatural was out kissing some skank?

  Flattening her hands against his chest, she pushed. His steel-blue eyes had never been so gray and lifeless. He looked like she’d punched him.

  “Bree, I love you.”


  No way in hell had he just said that. How could she believe him? With all the things he’d kept from her? All the ways he’d allowed pain in her life…in Jenny’s life. The way he’d taken advantage of her? For her protection. Sure. Whatever. To satisfy his own needs maybe. He was a vampire, and apparently her blood was pretty damn tasty.

  But she had wanted this, wanted him, wanted a confession of his true feelings. It was just, now…she didn’t know what to believe. Was this part of Lucinda’s plan to protect her? If she let herself wander down that path, where would it lead?

  She wouldn’t be someone’s charity case. And she didn’t need his kind of protection.

  “No, you don’t, Myles.”


  “No. It’s the blood talking.” She threw his own excuse back in his face.

  * * * *

  “Gotcha.” Arms wrapped around Breena from behind.

  Who had her? The door had been locked. She’d used the key to get in. The grip around her tightened and her heartbeat raged in her ears. Fight or flight mode kicked into high gear.

  No way for her to run. His hold was too tight.

  Fight it is.

  She stepped as hard as she could on her attacker’s foot and jabbed an elbow into his stomach.

  Grunting, he loosened his hold and she threw his arms off her. With no idea what to do now, she began to scan around for something to use as a weapon.

  “Calm down, Breena, it’s just me.”

  “Orin?” Sucking in a deep breath, she turned to face him. He kept his distance and she waited for her heart to stop racing.

  “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to scare you.”

  Never before had she been so glad to see someone’s face. She needed him more than ever. Being kissed by the boy who’d lied to her her entire life had screwed up her emotions even more. What’s worse…she’d let Myles kiss her. She’d parted her lips and let him in.

  But she’d stopped. Yes, she had. She’d done that. Pushed him away. Now, if she could just prove her feelings for Orin, she could ease her conscience.

  “You okay?” Orin asked.

  She nodded, though she still felt winded and overwhelmed.

  Orin closed the distance between them with one smooth step and drew her into a powerful embrace, latching his arms around her waist and holding her snug against his chest. “I’ve missed you.” He traced her jaw line with a trail of hot kisses. His breath caressed her skin.

  “I can tell.” Breena lifted her head off his shoulder, so he could see her playful eye roll.

  Even though his ears shot up through his hair, his eyes kept their sunflower ring. “When I’m away from you, all I can think about is being with you again.” He brought her arms to his neck, scooped her legs up and wrapped them around his waist. “Do you want me?”

  She hesitated, not because she didn’t want to be with Orin, but because being with him like that meant in her mind she’d sealed her choice. “Yes.”

  He smiled, seeming not to notice her hesitation. His lips grazed hers. He playfully nibbled her earlobe as he carried her to the bedroom. Her ears rose, but it wasn’t a soul she wanted to devour. She caught his smile.

  “What?” she asked.

  “Your ears say you’re happy to see me,” he whispered in her ear.

  And she was. She wanted him. But in the brief amount of time it took for them to move from foyer to bedroom, Breena had already thought of a butt-load of questions to ask Orin. Why had he gone to see the queen? Was he in danger of being killed since he hadn’t killed Breena? Did he know anything about her parents?

  No, she told herself and locked the questions in a mental filing cabinet for later. Right now she needed to lose herself. Needed Orin.

  In the bedroom, he set her down on the bed. He slowly caressed the length of her erect ear with his fingertip. “You’re beautiful,” he said.

  She reached for him, drawing him into a kiss, and he yielded to her with a soft sigh. Wherever she wanted this to go, she knew he would take her there. With Orin, doubt wasn’t a word she had to worry about. He wanted her. Would do anything for her. He was the perfect choice.

  When her kiss deepened, so did his. She
had the overwhelming urge to lean back and surrender her desire to him. God, she needed to get out of these clothes. Needed his skin on hers.

  As she began to lift her shirt, he caught her hand in his. “Let me.” Raising her arms, he let his fingers meander down until he reached the hem.

  Her breathing went shallow with anticipation. Her body ached with wanting, need. Sweat beaded the nape of her neck. This was it. They were alone. Free to do whatever they liked. And Breena could think of a lot of things she’d like to do with Orin. But dammit…

  “Wait.” Breena looked at him.

  He didn’t move a muscle. His fingers froze against the bare skin of her stomach. She shivered, letting herself imagine for a moment how those fingers would feel on other places.

  Sighing, she bit her lip before collapsing backward onto the bed.

  Why couldn’t she do this? It’s what she wanted, needed. But it wasn’t right. Not with her feelings so all-over-the-place. It wasn’t fair to either boy and definitely not to herself.

  Orin lay down next to her. He propped himself on one elbow and watched her. Maybe he hoped she’d say something. Give him some explanation for slamming on the brakes like that. Maybe she should. But what could she say? What would he say? What the hell was she thinking?

  “I’m sorry, Orin.”

  “You never have to apologize to me, Breena.” He planted a feathery kiss on her forehead. “I love you.”

  Chapter 21


  She’d waited her entire life to hear someone say those words. And, out of the blue, she’d heard them twice in one day.

  But now. Here. At this moment. She had two sexy guys in love with her. Any girl’s dream, right? Then, why didn’t she feel elated?

  How could Breena possibly choose? Be with her soul mate or follow her heart, which way to turn?

  Orin was epic, generous, compassionate and willing to die for her.

  Myles was kind, protective, great with Jenny and willing to...do whatever the president told him to do?

  Orin had disobeyed a direct order from a queen to be with her.

  Myles had brought her to Texas to see the president, because he’d been told to.


  A nagging voice inside her wouldn’t let her commit to Orin. Not right now. There was something she had to do. It had seemed like it could wait before. But it couldn’t. She had to work out whatever-the-hell her twisted, confused emotions were for Myles. Even if she was pissed at him.


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