A Wartime Christmas

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A Wartime Christmas Page 18

by Carol Rivers

  ‘Yes, please go ahead.’

  Miss Pearson stood up. ‘You’ll be hearing from me soon, Mrs Lewis.’

  Kay walked with her visitor to the front door. Kay glanced along the passage to the open door of the kitchen where the two boys were playing in the yard. ‘You wouldn’t take him away and put him in one of these institutions, would you?’

  ‘We aren’t known for dragging children off, Mrs Lewis,’ Miss Pearson said with a rueful smile. ‘In wartime our department has better things to do with its limited resources. However, this is rather an unusual case and I can’t promise they will approve your application.’

  ‘What about Dolly?’ Kay asked. ‘What if she comes round?’

  ‘I would advise you to tell her we need to speak to her.’

  With a nod Miss Pearson left. Kay wondered if she would ever see the young woman again. She was nice in her own way, but seemed more interested, just like the policeman, in writing everything down for her superiors, rather than solving the problem.

  That night, after everyone was asleep, Kay was sitting in her dressing gown at the kitchen table, deep in thought. Jean Pearson had suggested a test of means, but the council representatives calling to inspect your home and everything inside it broadcast to the world that you were destitute. She couldn’t have that, no matter how short money was. A family in Crane Street had been forced to give up their piano, she remembered, their only form of entertainment for the children, in order to receive help from the council. Alice Tyler had seen inside the house and said it was almost bare of furniture. A cold shiver at her neck made Kay quickly sip from the mug of cocoa she had made herself. Her pride would never allow her to be reduced to begging for help. If she was given the coupons for food and milk for Sean, it would solve half of the problem. But first and foremost, it was what the doctor had requested, that was most important—

  Kay heard a slight movement behind her. Expecting to see Vi, she found instead a small figure watching her. Sean’s dark eyes were almost fearful under his shock of ruffled hair. Alfie’s striped pyjamas were ruckled around his thin calves, one leg up and one down. His pyjama jacket was unbuttoned, revealing his skinny chest.

  ‘Sean?’ Kay swivelled slowly on the chair. She felt she was looking at a frightened rabbit and one movement from her would send him scooting off. ‘Can’t you sleep?’ she asked softly.

  He lifted his hand and rubbed his knuckle in the corner of his eye. Kay slowly rose to her feet. Drawing her dressing gown round her, she looped the belt slowly at her waist. ‘Would you like a drink of milk?’ She pulled out the chair. ‘Sit down and I’ll pour you some.’

  Sean, still looking alarmed, watched her go to the cupboard. While her back was turned, Kay heard him shuffle across the kitchen floor and the chair creak as he sat down.

  When she’d poured a small amount of milk into an enamel mug, she placed it on the table in front of him. ‘There you are. That will help you to sleep.’

  Kay returned to her chair and watched him sip eagerly at the drink. She lifted her own enamel mug and finished her cocoa. For a few minutes afterwards Kay sat quietly with him. She could see his long lashes blinking, as though he was fighting off sleep. But she still had the feeling he’d be off if she made any sudden movement.

  ‘Was it a dream?’ she asked and smiled when he nodded. ‘Alfie has them sometimes. But dreams aren’t real, Sean. They go away. You mustn’t be frightened.’

  Sean gave a long yawn, revealing his gappy white teeth. His body seemed to relax but he showed no sign of leaving his chair. Very slowly, his eyes began to close.

  Kay placed her hands on her lap. ‘It’s warmer over here,’ she told him. ‘Come and sit with me for a while before you go back to bed.’

  Sean stared at her uncertainly, brought wide awake by this alarming suggestion. It was as though he’d never been asked to do such a thing in his life. Had he ever been cuddled or hugged, she wondered? Kay slowly held out her hand. ‘Just for a few minutes. So we don’t get cold in the kitchen.’

  The little boy slipped warily from the chair. Moving towards her, he positioned himself at her knees, allowing her hand to gently slide around his waist and lift him onto her lap. At first he sat rigidly until Kay eased him against her, threading her fingers through his hair. She could smell the soap that she and Vi had used for the boys at bath time. She could also feel his stick-thin arms and bony ribs as she encircled him, laying her chin against the top of his head.

  ‘You can always come down and talk to me if you should wake up,’ Kay assured him. ‘We can drink some milk and sit here like this. When you go back to bed, you’ll fall fast asleep again.’

  She felt him tremble slightly, then give in to her embrace and the warmth of her plaid dressing gown.

  ‘Can I stay ’ere then?’ she heard him mumble.

  ‘Would you like to?’

  In reply he nodded, allowing her to pull him closer and she too nodded in silent agreement.

  Ten minutes later, he was snoring softly against her chest. She didn’t want to disturb him as he seemed so content, his breathing matching her own.

  Kay didn’t know how long they sat there. But when she eventually woke him and hand in hand they ascended the stairs, she knew she had drawn closer to this orphan of the storm.

  ‘Goodnight, God bless, sleep tight,’ she told him, as she placed the blanket around him.

  Kay guessed that Sean had never been shown affection, had not the least idea who God might be or understand the blessing that accompanied the kiss each night that he had slept here. Watching him slowly close his eyes, she was certain she saw a flickering smile on his lips and a soft sigh of contentment.

  To Kay’s great surprise, the very next week she received a letter from the Children’s Welfare Department. Under supervision of the authorities, Kay had been granted temporary care of Sean as a war nanny. Furthermore, the doctor had confirmed her request for the concentrated orange juice, cod liver oil, priority milk and other vitamins. Kay was also allocated ten extra coupons to help with his food and clothing and fifteen shillings for his care for one month.

  ‘That’s a turn up for the books,’ said Vi as Kay replaced the letter in the envelope. ‘Thought we’d heard the last from that young lady.’

  ‘She must have gone to the doctor,’ said Kay, ‘and checked on what I’d said.’

  ‘I hope he told her just what a state Sean was in.’

  ‘Must have done,’ agreed Kay. ‘Miss Pearson said she’d do all she could, but I didn’t think she was listening.’

  ‘I warn you, love,’ Vi said firmly, ‘don’t go getting too fond of the boy.’

  ‘Course not.’ Kay tried to sound dismissive. But she knew she wasn’t fooling anyone, least of all Vi. This little boy might be Alan’s child although she was reluctant even to think about it. Sean’s presence in her life could remind her of the pain that lies and deception might bring. But when she looked into Sean’s eyes, she saw just a helpless little soul who had been deprived of the basic needs in his life: a mother’s true love and understanding. Alfie had been given Kay’s love from the start – for the nine months she had carried him in her womb then from the moment he had made an appearance on this earth. She believed it was a child’s birthright to come into this world and be loved – at least, that was how Kay felt. She ached inside for any child who was robbed of it. Vi might give her all the warnings necessary about keeping her distance, but when it came to matters of the heart, Kay knew there were no bounds to her feelings.

  The following day, two more letters dropped through the letter box. One was from Alan, the other from Lil. She opened Alan’s first and was disappointed to read that his next letter might be a long time in coming. With all that was going on in his absence, she felt a moment’s panic that any reassurance on his part that might relieve her of the worry of Dolly and Sean would be a long way off. She guessed he was being posted overseas. Where was he going? Was it to the desert? The wireless had reported that the Eight
h Army was trying to beat back the German offensive at El Alamein. Or could it be somewhere in Europe or even further afield? Kay felt close to tears. Alan told her he loved her and missed her. He said his family gave him strength to fight for his country.

  Kay didn’t feel like opening Lil’s letter. She thought she knew what Lil would want. And when Kay read it, as she suspected, Lil was making plans for Doris and Len’s visit at the end of the summer. ‘August is bound to be good weather,’ wrote Lil. ‘At the worst, it’s wet but warm. Aunty Pops can’t wait to see Alfie.’

  With a deep sigh, Kay dropped the letter on the kitchen table. She looked out on the yard where Alfie and Sean were playing. Two little boys, one her own, the other whom she was caring for. What would her parents say if she wrote and told them about Sean, or worse, the accusations that Dolly had made against Alan? She would, of course, have to keep this to herself when she replied to Lil and regretfully suggest their visit was postponed.

  Kay read Alan’s letter again. ‘I love you, sweetheart, and miss you.’ She could hear his words in her ears, remembering with a sharp pang the last time he had made love to her.

  ‘I wish you were here,’ Kay murmured with a sigh and placed her lips on the lined paper filled with Alan’s writing. She closed her eyes and tried to see his face. But all she felt was an ache inside that she knew would never ease, despite all that had happened, until he was safely in her arms again.

  Chapter Twenty-Three

  ‘It’s me! Dolly. Open up!’

  ‘Where have you been for the past four months?’ Kay shouted through the locked front door. She was trembling.

  ‘I’ve had things to do.’

  ‘Things that were more important than Sean?’

  Dolly pounded on the door again. ‘I’m here now, ain’t I? So let me in!’

  Kay and Vi looked at one another. ‘Has she got the spiv with her?’ whispered Vi.

  ‘Don’t know.’

  ‘What are we going to do?’ Vi looked frightened.

  After a silence, the front door burst open. Kay and Vi stumbled back as a splintering noise filled the air. The lock had come away from the wood. The rays of the low sun captured the outline of a giant of a man who stood beside Dolly. His head was hairless and shiny. He didn’t seem to have a neck; it was lost in the muscle of his shoulders and arms bulging out from his dirty shirt.

  ‘Who’s this?’ Kay demanded, trying not to look afraid. ‘Where’s your other pal?’

  ‘Never you mind,’ replied Dolly, walking in. ‘Now, where’s Sean?’

  ‘Asleep of course, at this time of night.’

  ‘Well, you can wake him up.’

  ‘No,’ Kay replied, folding her arms. ‘Not at this time of night. Come back in the morning.’

  Dolly looked up at her companion. ‘I said she was a stubborn cow, didn’t I?’

  With a grunt, the man pushed past Kay.

  ‘You can’t go in there,’ yelled Vi as with his shoulder he barged open the door of the front room. Vi put her hand to her head, swaying, as she grabbed hold of the banister.

  ‘You’re upsetting my friend,’ Kay said, rushing to help Vi. ‘Go away.’

  ‘I want my stuff.’ Dolly poked Kay in the shoulder.

  ‘I thought you wanted your boy.’

  ‘Don’t worry, he’s next on me list.’

  There were bangs and thumps from the front room, then Dolly’s accomplice appeared again. He shook his sweating head. ‘If you can’t find nothing, you’ll have to give her a slap or two,’ ordered Dolly.

  Vi screamed as two big arms went around Kay and lifted her off her feet. Kay was thrown against the wall. A pain travelled down her arm as she tried to steady herself. The next moment a blow sent her reeling out on the pavement. Everything swirled in front of her as she realized she had stumbled out in the road, unable to regain her balance. She blinked her eyes fiercely to clear her vision but swaying, she felt her legs crumple beneath her. Reaching out into thin air, she cried out softly as everything seemed to turn black around her.

  ‘Kay, drink this.’ It was Babs, holding a glass of water to her lips. Beside her was Paul. He was bending down, frowning as he looked into her face.

  ‘You’re safe now, Kay, they’ve gone.’

  ‘Wh . . . what happened?’

  ‘You fainted.’

  Kay sipped the water. ‘Where’s Vi?’

  ‘I’m over here, gel, in the chair,’ said Vi. ‘Don’t worry, I’m all right. It’s you we’re worried about.’

  Kay shuddered as the ugly memories returned. Dolly’s accomplice had broken the door open and forced his way inside. The last thing she could remember was falling down on the road.

  ‘That rotten Dolly,’ muttered Babs. ‘She and her cronies need sorting out.’

  ‘Too right,’ Vi murmured in a weak voice. ‘The big lug clumped Kay round her head.’

  Kay rubbed the tender bump by her ear. But it was her arm that hurt the worst.

  ‘Paul drove up in his car just as you fainted,’ Babs told her. ‘The cowards ran off as soon as they saw him. Kay, I think we should get the doctor.’

  ‘No. I’ll be all right.’ Kay gently moved her arm again. It was painful and tender, but it wasn’t broken. ‘Are Alfie and Sean safe?’

  ‘They slept all through it.’

  ‘Breaking and entering is against the law,’ Paul said angrily. ‘And so is assaulting you.’

  ‘I’ve reported Dolly once,’ Kay replied. ‘I told them the whole story, but it didn’t do any good.’

  ‘But this time you were hurt, Kay. I’ll take you to the station in my car if you’re up to it.’ Paul held out his hand.

  Kay shook her head. ‘No, I still feel light-headed.’

  ‘In that case,’ said Babs with a sigh as she got up, ‘I’ll make a cuppa and Paul’ll see to the front door.’

  When Kay was alone with Vi, she swung her legs down. ‘Are you really all right, Vi?’

  ‘Yes, love. But shouldn’t you go to the law?’

  ‘They won’t believe me, and will just ask a lot of questions that’ll only make me feel worse.’

  ‘Well, if you say so.’

  ‘Vi, I’m going to see Miss Pearson about Dolly.’

  Vi nodded slowly. ‘But will she know what to do?’

  ‘I don’t know. But it’s worth a try.’

  Babs came in with the tea and lowered the tray to the table. ‘Are you sure I shouldn’t call the doctor?’

  ‘I feel much better now.’

  ‘Paul’s just mending the door.’

  ‘That’s kind of him. Babs, I don’t know what would have happened if you and Paul hadn’t arrived today.’

  Babs put her hands on her hips. ‘All the more reason to go to the law.’

  Kay nodded. ‘I’ll think about it.’

  Babs smiled. ‘That means you won’t.’

  It wasn’t till later in the week that Kay felt well enough to go to see Miss Pearson. Her arm still hurt, though the bruises had faded. The swelling behind her ear had gone down and at last she could walk without feeling dizzy.

  ‘You must report this,’ advised Miss Pearson. ‘Of course, it’s a little late now. But tell them everything that happened and if you can, bring a charge against Dolly and this man for what they did. And you do have a witness in Vi and your neighbour, although it would have been better if the doctor could have assessed your injuries.’

  ‘I wasn’t feeling well enough,’ was all Kay could manage.

  ‘I can’t help you if you don’t. Now, Kay, please do as I say.’

  Kay finally gave in. Everyone seemed to think reporting Dolly and the man would do some good. But she suspected that she would be looked on with scorn as she had been the first time.

  ‘I’ve a complaint to make,’ she told the same policeman. After explaining what had happened, Kay lifted her arm and touched her head, trying to show where the damage had been done.

  Sliding on his spectacles, the policeman frowned.
‘Why didn’t you call on us at the time?’

  ‘I wasn’t feeling well.’

  He drummed his fingers on the desk. ‘We get a lot of family upsets like this. It happens in wartime.’

  ‘It’s not a family upset,’ Kay insisted, ‘at least, not my family.’

  He consulted the book on the desk. ‘That’s not what it says here. From our records it appears your first complaint was made against this person – named as Dolores, or Dolly, Lewis – back in May. This person visited you to say she was married to your husband and made a nuisance of herself whilst doing so.’

  Kay nodded. ‘That’s right.’

  ‘So what’s that if it’s not a domestic?’

  ‘What I want to report today is that this woman came back again, with another friend,’ Kay argued. ‘The man assaulted me and my lodger, Vi Hill. Not to mention knocking down my front door.’

  ‘Then why ain’t this lodger here too?’

  ‘Because she’s at home, looking after the boys. One of them is my son, Alfie, the other is Dolly’s son, Sean. The boy who she left with me the first time she came.’

  The sergeant slid his pencil behind his ear. ‘Look, whatever it is you’ve got to complain about, madam, you need evidence. You need witnesses. And if an assault has been committed, then it’s fair to say we’d need to examine the victim or victims, which in this case is you and your friend. Well, one of you is standing right in front of me looking none the worse for wear and the other is at home with the kids. The alleged incident took place some days ago, and you don’t know where the alleged attackers are now.’ He heaved a big sigh. ‘Have I got that much right?’

  ‘Yes, but—’

  ‘So where do you suggest we start?’ asked the policeman, opening his arms. ‘We’re light on just about every aspect of this alleged happening. All we have is your version of a story that might or might not be true.’

  ‘Why don’t you believe me?’

  ‘It’s not up to me to believe anything. I only write down the facts.’

  Kay was furious. As the people behind her made shuffling noises, she knew she was wasting her time again. She turned and, as she had before, tried to hold her head high as she left the police station, wishing she’d never done as Miss Pearson had advised.


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