Aries (Gods & Monsters Series Book 1)

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Aries (Gods & Monsters Series Book 1) Page 16

by Hanan Sobhy DreamCatcher

  I didn't comment or snap a snarky remark at him, enjoying the position we were in.

  He shuffled closer and i could tell that he was a cuddler.

  I felt his whole strong, thick, arm snake all around my waist, as his fingers dug into my skin gently.

  Heavy breathing tickled my neck and fanned my shoulder, making shivers continue to scatter through my body.

  My back was to his front, and i could tell that he was sleeping shirtless.

  His prominent 8 packs were poking at my back through my shirt.

  I could feel everything.

  Each and every muscle as it tensed then relaxed with our contact.

  His grip had tightened around my waist as he spooned me.

  But what really shocked me, was that i placed my hand on the one around my waist.

  His muscles tensed then relaxed, as he sighed in what seemed to be, content?

  My arm was on top of his, and it was so scrawny compared to his.

  He pulled me closer, and nuzzled his head into the crook of my neck, where his breath fanned the area where i was marked.

  My whole body tensed, went completely rigid, as my wolf suddenly growled, loudly.

  My eyes widened, as i felt Aries tense as well, pulling his head away while he loosened his grip around me slightly.

  It was obvious that my wolf was still sensitive and cautious around him.

  He marked us without our consent and without my wolf being sure if he was our mate.

  She felt threatened and wary. That's why she's been unresponsive at times, lately.

  I, however, didn't move my arm off of his.

  I kept it there. Feeling oddly safe and secure before i sighed and began to drift off to sleep.


  "Wake up." A voice, i didn't recognize, commanded.

  I stirred and mumbled some incoherent words. Then turned to my other side, drifting back to sleep.

  A loud huff reached my ears, and i began to curse under my breath, swearing to hang whoever was trying to wake me up, upside down by their toes until they scream bloody murder, while i rain hell from the sky.

  "Wake up!" A growl sounded, before someone began to shake me, in my sleep.

  I let out a ferocious growl, shooting up in bed as i scowled at the person who dared to wake me up.

  I glared, my eyes widening in shock as my eyes met the pair of cold green eyes of a woman i didn't know.

  "Finally, get the fuck up," she spat.

  I didn't like her attitude, and my Alpha blood wouldn't let me ignore her disrespect.

  "Who the fuck are you?" I sneered, clutching the sheets tightly in my fists, as i began to contemplate strangling her with it.

  Her eyes widened before she gritted her teeth, "I don't have to explain myself to you, now, get up and go change, we don't have time. We're already late. Aries will have my head if we're not at the clearing in 10 minutes."

  My wolf growled, getting furious, as i spared a glance at the windows. The sun wasn't even up yet! Which means that waking up this early, is unnatural!

  "Actually, you do have to explain yourself to me. I'm your Luna, and i have the right to know, who the hell you are," i growled.

  "You're not my Luna, yet, bitch," she snapped, folding her arms at her chest, as she narrowed her eyes at me.

  My blood boiled, and i felt like clawing her eyes out.

  I smirked at her, which shocked her, because she wasn't expecting me to, "Well, then too bad. Because i'm not moving from the comfort of my bed. If Aries wants me, he'll have to come and get me. Since he loves the thrill of the chase." I bit back.

  "It's not your bed!" She spat.

  I narrowed my eyes at her, "Yes it is. Aries said, that everything he owned, was now mine."

  Who the hell was this bitch?

  She was so fucking annoying, i just wanted to bite her head off. I've never felt this hostile towards someone so quickly. And yet, the mere sight of her agitated me.

  She growled, "Why are you so difficult?"

  I smirked, with a shrug, "Beats me."

  Her blonde hair bounced as she threw her hands up in the air exasperatedly, "Ugh!" She gritted, before heading out the door.

  I inhaled then exhaled, loudly, before comfortably relaxing again. I began to shut my eyes as thoughts rushed through my mind.

  Who was she?

  Why was she allowed to call Aries by his first name, instead of Alpha?

  Why is she such a bitch?

  Why am i so hungry?

  So many questions, so little time.

  A furious Aries stomped into the room, with a smirking 'bitch chick' trailing right behind him. That lady was going to pay for waking me up so disrespectfully. No body wakes me up like that except for Liz! I was going to wipe off that smirk of hers if it was the last thing i did.

  "Ariel.." He growled.

  I forged an innocent look, as i sat straight in bed, flashing him a dazzling smile, as i stretched lightly, "Oh, there you are darling," i said sweetly, as i batted my eyelashes.

  Aries' furious face morphed into one of sheer confusion.

  I patted the bed next to me, giving him space to take a seat, "I was wondering whether or not you'd come and get me. I began to think you wouldn't give me my morning kiss," i pouted.

  Aries' face looked panicked, "No, no, not at all, i just-i sent Genevieve here to wake you, until i came to pick you up." He said, giving me a small smile.

  I shuffled in closer to him, wrapping my arms around his neck as i nuzzled my nose with his, "Thank you, Aries," i whispered, placing a soft kiss on his lips.

  Aries wrapped his arms around my waist as he fleetly placed me on his lap, he tightened his grip on me when i pulled away.

  A groan emitted from his lips, and i giggled.

  We weren't usually this close, things were usually awkward, but if this was going to piss that bitch off, then game on.

  He leaned in again, and kissed me softly, but i deepened the kiss, tilting my head to the side to get more access as i passed my tongue through his lips.

  Aries groaned into my mouth, making an unplanned moan sound at the back of my throat.

  'Geneveive's' eyes widened as her smirk fell and turned into a frown.

  I smirked against his lips, stroking his tongue with mine.

  He moaned loudly, pushing me back onto the pillow as he followed on top.

  He hovered on top of me, placing himself between my legs, as i wrapped them around his waist.

  I took a peek behind Aries, to see that 'bitch chick' was gone.

  I parted for air and gently, pushed Aries away.

  I heard his wolf whimper while he pouted.

  I got up off of bed and headed for the wardrobe, deciding to begin getting dressed. I had a long day ahead of me.

  "Where are you going?" Aries growled.

  "I'm gonna get dressed," i said, simply. He was about to start talking but i cut him off, "Next time, i suggest you don't send a bitch to come and wake me up so disrespectfully. I don't appreciate a stranger treating me like she owned me. If she talks to me that way again, i will rip off her head," i spat, before i shut the walk-in closet's door, leaving a shocked looking, speechless Aries, staring after me.

  I looked at my side of clothes and found to new bags of nike sports clothes parked in the corner.

  I peeked in, and found a grey sports t-shirt and black shorts.

  I put on my sports bra before slipping them on. The shirt clung to my body, because the material was a bit stretchy.

  I slid on my socks and shoes before tying my hair up in a high pony tail.

  Strutting out of the wardrobe, i headed for the bathroom, and washed my face then brushed my teeth.

  Aries wasn't in the room, so i assumed that he was waiting downstairs.

  I skipped down the stairs and looked for Aries.

  I decided to check his office.

  The door was left slightly ajar and when i peeked in, i found that Genevieve was hovering around Aries, watching
his every move as he signed some papers.

  She had a smile on her face, and she stuck to his side like a second skin.

  She placed a hand on his arm as he signed, leaning in closer to his side.

  His face hardened, as he clenched his jaw, but he made no move to remove her from his side.

  His eyes shot up to my direction and i panicked, not wanting to get caught peeking. His eyes widened, as he got out of his seat, pushing Genevieve away in consequence.

  My eyes widened and i made a dash for it, heading towards the kitchen.

  I picked up an apple, and raided the fridge for orange juice.

  I poured myself some juice as i took a seat on the stool, while sipping on my drink casually.

  Thoughts clouded my mind. I felt weird about what just happened. I knew i had no right to be snooping around. I knew i had no right to go all 'green eyed monster' on him. He wasn't mine. But i couldn't help feeling sort of betrayed.

  Although, he did nothing in response to her, but he also didn't push her away, and that made me feel...i don't know, kind of queasy.

  God this was messed up.

  I couldn't feel this way! He wasn't mine to begin with! I'm beginning to forget why i was here in the first place. I'm here to prove him wrong. I need to prove to him, that i'm not his mate, and i'll do just that, whatever it takes, if it's the last thing i'll do.


  I decided to ignore him, there was no reason for us to talk about this, what happened didn't even matter.

  I bit into my apple and chewed silently.

  Michael, come quickly. I mind-linked him.

  Ariel? What is it? Are you okay? He linked back.

  I was surprised that he was awake this early.

  Yeah, i'm fine, i just need you. I feel uncomfortable. I answered.

  I'll be right there.

  "Ariel!" A growl, yelled my name.

  My head snapped to the source of sound and i spotted a fuming Aries.

  "What?" I snarled, sounding more hostile than i thought i would.

  His facial features softened, as he looked at me, "I-we have to go." He said, referring to the training.

  Genevieve appeared behind him and i chose to ignore her.

  "I'm not going."

  Aries' eyes hardened, "What do you mean you're not going?" He spat.

  "Exactly what you heard. I'm not part of this pack, therefore, i do not need to train with you," i sneered.

  "You are coming whether you like it or not!" He growled.

  "You're not my Alpha! You cannot order me around. Sorry to burst your bubble, but i'm an Alpha, too. I have a pack to run, and the only fucking reason i'm here, is to show you that i'm not your goddamn mate!" I growled back, feeling my canines start to elongate as my eyes darkened.

  'Snitch Bitch''s eyes widened in shock as she took a step back.

  Yeah that's right bitch. I'm stronger than you think. My wolf snarled, making a weird appearance.

  Aries' eyes darkened ten-fold. He let out a ferocious growl, as his canines protruded and his claws shot out, "Don't test me!" He gritted out, his voice sounding hoarse and angry.

  "Ariel?" Michael's voice rang through the house.

  I got out of my seat, snarling at Aries, before i hurried out of the kitchen, still feeling my wolf on edge.

  I strode over to Michael as soon as i spotted him.

  "Hey, hey, what's the matter?" He asked, knitting his eyebrows in concern as he took me in an embrace.

  He patted my back comfortably and stroked my hair.

  My wolf began to calm down in his familiar arms.

  "I want to go out for a walk with you," i said, deciding to blow off some steam.

  Michael released me from his arms, and cupped my cheeks, "If that's what you want.."

  I nodded, feeling frustrated tears sting my eyes.

  Michael's eyes widened, then darkened.

  "Who hurt you?" He asked menacingly.

  I shook my head, feeling a lump form in my throat, i swallowed thickly, "Never mind that. I just want to spend time with you."

  Michael nodded, taking my hand and pulling me out of the house.

  We walked down the street, as birds began to chirp.

  The sky was a light purple shade, still recovering from the night's influence and breaking into the beautiful sun.

  I took in a deep breath and sighed.

  "What's wrong?" He asked.

  I shrugged, "I just feel homesick. I miss mom, dad, & Adrien." I said briefly.

  Michael gave me a pointed look, one that he always gave me when he knew that i was holding back.

  I huffed, "Okay, fine. I'm just not used to people telling me what to do. I've always been the Alpha. I mean, i know dad still called the shots, but still. Usually if i asked him for something nice enough, he'd listen to me, too."

  "And now you feel uncomfortable with Aries telling you what to do?" He added unsurely.

  I nodded, feeling pathetic.

  He sighed, and slung his arm over my shoulders, "Look, Ariel, i know that you're not used to having people disrespect or tell you what to do, but to get these people to respect you, you have to prove that you're worthy of their respect. Stay strong, stand your ground, show them the Ariel that we know and love, and you'll end up having the upper hand."

  I took in a deep breath, and nodded, "I know, you're right. But sometimes giving up is easier than putting effort into a pack and an Alpha, that i won't even be with."

  "At least you'll know you've tried," he said, giving me a weak smile.

  I nodded, "Well, can i at least stay with you instead? I feel unhappy being in that big, empty house with Aries. I feel lonely."

  "Sure, i don't mind Ari, if you want, may be you could convince Aries to let me stay at his house with you instead. Because i know he won't let you stay in the pack house he put me in. It's for unmated males."

  "Oh, well, i guess i could try." I said.

  "Forget about it." A voice boomed from behind.

  My heart began racing as i clenched my jaw, turning around slowly, while Michael's grip on my shoulder tightened.

  I came face to face with Aries, and a bitchy Genevieve standing right behind him, smirking.

  "You will not be staying with him," he growled.

  "I won't," i said with a pause, watching as his face morphed into one of confusion, "He'll be staying with us." I continued.

  Aries growled, and began to speak but i held up my hand, to cut him off, "I don't want to hear it. I'm alone in that big mansion, feeling bored out of my mind. I want Michael to stay with me," i added.

  Aries huffed, and gritted teeth, "Fine, but I'll have to assign Jake as your new bodyguard aside from Genevieve," he said.

  "Genevieve is my bodyguard?" I asked, with disbelief.

  Aries nodded, and i saw Genevieve shrink slightly.

  "Then why was she treating me like the fucking gum stuck on the bottom of her shoe?" I spat.

  Aries growled, his head snapping to Genevieve, "You what?" He snarled at her.

  "I-I I didn't-" she stuttered.

  "Yes you did!" I growled, "I don't want her anywhere near me if she's going to treat me badly! She called me a bitch, told me that your bed wasn't mine too, and said that i wasn't her Luna. I may not be your mate, but i sure as hell ain't gonna tolerate any bullshit. I am the next Alpha of The Blood Fang pack. Either you change her or i'm taking Michael and am going back home. I will not be treated disrespectfully."

  Aries' eyes widened in what seemed to be frustration, "You're not going anywhere!" He growled, before snarling at Genevieve.

  Genevieve's eyes widened, as she bowed her head, sprinting away from us.

  Aries inhaled and exhaled, to calm down, "Ariel," He cooed, stepping towards me cautiously as he placed a hand on my cheek, caressing it kindly, "I apologize for Genevieve's behaviour. I'll assign someone else as your bodyguard. I hired her at first, assuming that she was one of my best warriors and that she was suitable for the job. If you
want Michael to stay with you at our house, then i will permit it, but..." He said with a pause, his eyes softening as he frowned,"...please do not leave." He pleaded.

  My eyes widened as i felt lost for words.

  He's begging?

  He's begging!

  He's begging us to stay! My wolf yipped, feeling happy to have the upper hand for once.

  I nodded, accepting his new terms.

  "Can we get to sparring now?" He asked.

  I nodded, and Michael's grip on my tightened.

  Aries' eyes shot to our contact and darkened momentarily before he shut them tight, regaining control over his wolf.

  "If Michael would like to train with us...h-he's welcome," Aries gritted through clenched teeth.

  A smile broke it's way onto my lips, "Really?" I asked with disbelief.

  Aries' eyes widened, before he nodded, as his lips tugged slightly from the sides as a try for a smile.

  I grinned at him as i rushed and gave him a hug. Aries was stiff at first, but then he relaxed under my touch, "Thank you," i whispered, pulling away.

  Aries nodded, and gestured for us to follow him to the sparring clearing.

  We did as asked and followed in silence.

  Michael gave me a weird look, not really believing that Aries is finally being reasonable.

  But i wouldn't dare question his change of heart.

  We got to the clearing in no time.

  Everyone had already gathered, and most were stretching and warming up.

  I could easily spot Genevieve from far away and she was giving me a dirty look.

  I snarled at her from afar, and Michael nudged me in response.

  I growled at him.

  "What's your deal?" He asked.

  "She's my deal!" I snapped, "She called me a Bitch this morning, and woke me up quite rudely if i do say so myself."

  Michael's eyes darkened, "She did, didn't she?" He growled darkly, beginning to stalk towards her.

  I stopped him with a hand on his chest, "She's not worth it," i said, shaking my head.

  His muscles tensed then relaxed as he shut his dark eyes and opened them again, their bright blue colour returning, "Alright, but if she bothers you again, i won't hesitate to rip out her spleen and feed it to her."

  Aries looked back at us, giving Michael a glare.

  Michael glared back making Aries growl at him.


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