Aries (Gods & Monsters Series Book 1)

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Aries (Gods & Monsters Series Book 1) Page 29

by Hanan Sobhy DreamCatcher

  "Well, it's about time," Hermes' voice rang through the house.

  He walked out of the living room a serious look on his face, but that was nothing compared to his shock after seeing Aries.

  "What happened?" He asked sternly. There was no warmth in his eyes or voice.

  "Now's not a good time," I mumbled as we walked past him into the living room.

  We placed him on the couch and I wormed myself underneath his head. I looked down at him, he looked peaceful. We should really call the pack doctor to make sure he was going to be okay. I ran my fingers through his hair admiring him. I was just about to suggest calling Dr. Darren when I saw Jake glaring.

  He looked tense as he stared at something behind me.

  Hermes joined us his demeanor seeming completely off.

  I furrowed my eyebrows, "Guys what's wrong?"

  "Well don't you just stare, tell her Hermes, what on earth is the matter?" sounded a deep velvety voice from behind me.

  A chill ran up my spine, as I slowly and cautiously got out of my seat, gently placing Aries' head on the cushion.

  My heart was racing but I nonetheless turned around, my eyes widening as I took in the stranger that stood before me.

  My breath caught in my throat.

  He had a stubble chin, with a jawline that could cut my life in two. His silvery eyes pierced my soul. It was unnerving. He had dark soft short hair that was sleekly combed to the side. He was really tall and broad; his height seemed taller than Aries. He looked perfect, too perfect. It was scary, his demeanor felt...unsettling. He was captivating, but yet again I felt uncomfortable.

  "Ariel," Hermes spoke as he approached me, "this-is Hades."

  A sadistic grin crawled onto the man's face, "So you're the one who was brave enough to conjure thought of my presence?"



  God of the underworld Hades?


  How is he here?

  Why is he here?

  "Why are you here?" I bluntly blurted.

  He laughed loudly as he stalked towards me. "So you don't know?" He inquired, raising an eyebrow.

  My eyebrows furrowed, a dark pit forming in my stomach as it churned uncomfortably. I felt like throwing up.

  I shook my head as my jaw tightened and a lump wedged itself in my throat.

  He smirked at me, "I'm here to collect your mate."

  Chapter 34- You found me


  I peeled my eyes open but I felt blind.


  Where in hell was I?

  A loud bark of laughter suddenly erupted all around me, "Welcome to hell."

  I knew that voice.



  But that would mean...

  Was I dead? That's impossible, I can't completely die...

  Where was Ariel?

  What was going on?

  "Show yourself," I ordered.

  A growl of annoyance resonated in an echo in the dark, "You've got some nerve.."

  "I said SHOW YOURSELF!" I growled at the top of my lungs, feeling fed up and frustrated. I was confused and worried, Ariel was all alone back at home, and I had to go back to take care of her.

  Suddenly an invisible force pulled me harshly, and I was met with Hades' silvery cold eyes.

  "You growled for me?" He asked in a mocking tone.

  It was really him. The god of the underworld himself in the flesh.

  His demeanor was powerful, unnerving, cold...

  "Why am I here?" I asked annoyance lacing my voice.

  "You're asking me? Your soul is the one that left its body. You tell me. How on earth were you able to achieve that? It's physically impossible for...even a demi-god like you to be pulled out of his body." He stated all seriousness and curiosity in his tone.

  I thought...


  The last thing I remembered was...

  My wolf.

  "My wolf.." I breathed, "he took over, and I felt myself slip away.."

  There was more though, so I continued.

  "After the darkness, I was pulled back into the light hearing Ariel's voice, before it took over me once more."

  Hades was quiet, his eyes calculating as he watched me silently.

  "Well then, I've got my work cut out for me." He shrugged before disappearing on me.

  I yelled, screaming for him to wait.

  I wasn't dead! I'm right here!

  What was happening!

  Desperation filled me, frustrated tears gathering in my eyes. I couldn't handle this anymore. I felt agony. For the first time, I had no idea what was happening.

  I felt scared. Afraid to lose Ariel, I had just found her. Life was unfair. It was sadistic. Giving me a taste of happiness in my thousand years then ripping it away once more.

  I yelled into the void as I let my tears of frustration fall...



  "What are you talking about? Collect my mate my ass. He's not dead! Why would you collect him?" I growled, walking towards Aries' body as I protectively stood between him and Hades.

  I shifted my gaze towards Jake, "call Dr. Darren, now!"

  Jake nodded stiffly, still seeming overwhelmed before he left the room hurriedly.

  Hades looked at me amusedly, "I see why Selene picked you as his mate.."

  Raising a defiant eyebrow at him, I distastefully asked, "Who?"

  Hermes intervened walking towards me gently taking my right hand in his, "Calm yourself, Ariel." He whispered, his eyes softening as he tucked a strand of my hair behind my ear. He then took in a breath and let it out, "Selene is the one you call the moon goddess." He informed me, before turning to Hades who had his eyebrows raised at Hermes. "What is it?"

  "Oh, nothing. It's just, I didn't know you had a soft spot."

  "What's that supposed to mean?" I snarled.

  Hades' eyes shifted to me angrily, looking like fire, "Watch your tone when you speak to me, I will not be disrespected by some...filthy dog!" He threatened, taking slow steps towards me as his upper lip curled in distaste.

  Hermes got in between us, but I couldn't control myself.

  Fire burned within me my eyes turning black as my wolf came out to play.

  "You asshole!" I snarled, as I angrily pushed Hermes out of my way and smacked Hades straight on the face.

  Hades' eyes went black.

  Pitch black.

  What have I done? Omg omg omg. Idiot!!! I'm going to get us all killed.

  I took a few steps back shielding Aries from Hades.


  The floor started to ignite in fire.

  "I will make you regret doing that.." he spoke lowly.

  "I-i'm sorry.." I whispered.

  "Hades...calm yourself.," Hermes spoke quietly, starting to reach out for me.

  Hades' lips twitched on one side before he reached out and grabbed my arm and teleported us away.

  I screamed, feeling as if I was free-falling, the only thing keeping me together was Hades' tight painful grip on me.

  I gripped onto his shoulder with one hand as I sealed my eyes shut.

  Before we landed somewhere. Not so gracefully. Well, for me at least.

  I slammed into what seemed like a soil-y ground, with prickles of grass here and there.

  Pain surged through my back as well as the back of my neck.

  I groaned.

  "It wasn't so bad.." his deep cool voice sounded.

  I glared at him, dusting myself off as I got up off the ground, "Says you. You let go of me as we landed!"

  He smirked at me, "Serves you right." He said, his hands clasped behind his back as he walked towards the river.


  "Where are we?" I asked.

  Hades looked at me curiously, his usually cold silver eyes...softening.

  "You're worried." He stated.

  "Well, duh. I'm in the middle of nowhere with King of the Undead. Shouldn't I
be worried?"

  He laughed.


  Not a mocking laugh. But a real one.

  I did a double-take hearing that unusual sound.

  He looked at me, all seriousness back in his demeanor, "What was it that you wanted me here for?"

  I was surprised by his question.

  "How did you know what I was planning?" I asked.

  His lips tried for a smile, "I see everything, hear everything, know everything. But I especially peeked into your mind."

  I raised my eyebrows curiously, "why?"

  "Because I didn't understand how you could even exist. How is it that Aries had a mate? I wanted to know. Why did Selene grant him a mate? And more so, what was his mate like.." he said stalking towards me as he stopped just in front of me. So close I could feel his breath fanning me. An eerie chill ran up my spine. He was very attractive, but the feeling of someone other than Aries so close was repulsive to me. He ran a finger across my cheek, and then stopped all together taking a few steps back.

  "I want one."

  "You want one?" I inquired.

  He glared at me, "yes." He hissed furrowing his eyebrows with a frown.

  "You want a...mate," I stated, thinking about it.

  He looked at me, uneasy but nonetheless nodded stiffly.

  For the first time since he got here, his eyes showed some emotion.

  Not just any emotion. He looked lonely, desperate, longing. But as quickly as I spotted that look in his eyes, as swiftly as it was concealed.

  "Wait, didn't you have Persephone?"

  His eyes hardened, "Apparently, I never truly had her." He spat, "why did you want Aries to lure me here?" He asked angrily. "What did you want?"

  I flinched under his harsh tone.

  "I-i we needed your help."

  He raised a questioning eyebrow.

  "To defeat the witches and free the Olympians," I replied.

  Hades slowly shut his silvery eyes, breathing in slowly before sighing.

  "Come." He ordered, extending his hand to me.

  I looked at him questioningly.

  "Let's get back. They're probably worried." He stated, in a gentler tone.

  I nodded stiffly, before walking towards him.

  He grabbed me by the waist, looking up at the dark sky, as I gripped his arm, tightly shutting my eyes.

  I felt us teleport, a strong whoosh of air surrounding me as my stomach flipped.

  I involuntarily squeaked, feeling queasy as we rushed through what felt like a void. Before we suddenly landed, but this time, gracefully, as Hades steadied me.

  I opened my eyes and we were back in the comfort of our living room, at the mansion.

  To say they were shocked was an understatement.

  Eric held a balling Elizabeth on the couch opposing Aries. While Hermes paced and Jake yelled instructions at some people along with Michael.

  I realized I was still gripping onto Hades and him myself so I quickly let go of him standing to the side awkwardly.

  "Ariel.." Liz breathed relief washing over her features.

  She got up and quickly took me into her embrace. It was then when I felt like breaking down.

  I felt weak without him around, and I sobbed.

  "He's gone! He's gone! My Aries, he's not waking up!" I cried feeling relieved to have her here to help me.

  Elizabeth held me tight hugging me with all she had, "shhh, shhh, he'll wake up, he's not gone. He'll be okay."

  I sniffled untangling myself from her as I looked into her eyes wide-eyed, "what do I do?" I asked helplessly.

  "Hey, hey, it's okay, we'll figure something out. Remember he's Aries, he's a demi-god. He's the indestructible one our parents used to tell us scary stories about, he's not dead." She said, cracking a smile.

  I nodded, wiping away my tears.

  Looking at Jake I asked him, "where's Dr. Darren?"

  Jake gave me an apologetic look, "he came over, checked on him, he thinks he's in some sort of entrapment in his own mind. If he were human they would clinically call it a coma. But this is a bit different. His wolf took over pushing away his soul. And when he shifted into human form his wolf also got pushed back but his soul still hasn't been able to stably find it's way back and regain control so he's left unconscious and not responding."

  "B-but he spoke to me when he shifted back! He was there! I swear it!"

  Jake sighed, "listen to me, you're not listening. Think of it as an unstable network. He came and when he collapsed he couldn't find his way back."

  I nodded tears starting to gather once more.

  "But you can fix it.." Liz said hopefully.

  I turned to her, "how?"

  "You're the gift of the moon goddess, you have other powers. Try something! Try calling out to him. Hold his hand, don't just stand there Ariel! Why are you acting so helpless?" She growled frustrated with me.

  "I don't know I feel lost without him!" I yelled panicked.

  Elizabeth grabbed the two sides of my face tightly, bringing me close to her own, "You are not incomplete without him. You two are two wholes joined together, who can completely function temporarily without the other. So get in his head, try to mind link him, try anything, and bring him back." She said determinedly, a grin making its way to her face.

  My face lighted up, as I laughed, I don't know how, I don't know why, but she gave me power. I could do it. I will do it.

  Hold on Aries. I'm bringing you home!



  Everyone watched as Ariel laughed feeling a burst of hope rush through her.

  What she didn't know is that her eyes were glowing and everyone was staring.

  Especially Hades. He watched her with bewilderment in his eyes with a bit of...appreciation.

  He yearned for what they had.

  He wanted to be loved. But who would love death?

  Even a goddess couldn't handle him. And she left him. She wasn't kidnapped as the humans were told.

  What he didn't want anyone knowing was that she ran away.

  Ariel approached Aries reaching for his hand first. Trying to feel for anything. But there was nothing.

  Then she placed three fingers onto Aries' temples and closed her eyes.

  Energy surged through her, as Aries' body convulsed.

  Her eyes opened wide as they glowed, a silver halo for iris', looking upwards.




  All I could see was black.

  I didn't understand what was going on, but I nonetheless called out, "A-aries?"

  My voice echoed into a void and I felt hopeless.

  I was about to try again, but then I heard it.

  "Ariel?" His voice came through the darkness. A faraway voice, but nonetheless, it was there.

  "Aries!" I yelled, "I'm here! Where are you?"

  "Ariel! I can't see! I don't where I am!" I heard him once more.

  I ran. I couldn't see anything, but I just ran unknowing where to.

  "Talk to me Aries, I'll try to find you!"

  "Oh, Ariel! How did you get here? What happened? Where am I?"

  I followed his voice, it was getting closer & closer but I couldn't see shit. I didn't know if I was going right. And I didn't know how I was going to get him back.

  "Ariel? Are you still here? Please don't leave me!" His voice sounded desperate. It hurt me to hear him like that.

  "I'm right here! I'm not going anywhere without you, I'm-" my words were cut off as soon as I bumped into something and toppled over it shutting my eyes.

  I peeled my eyes open, and there they were.

  The electric blue eyes that sent shivers through the whole of my being.

  "I found you..." I breathed, relief washing over me.


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