Aries (Gods & Monsters Series Book 1)

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Aries (Gods & Monsters Series Book 1) Page 41

by Hanan Sobhy DreamCatcher

  The invite list:

  1) The Hell Moon pack, with Alpha Samuel & Beta Soren.

  2) The Wolverine Pack, with Alpha Tristan & Beta Ryan.

  3) The Crescent Pack, with Alpha William & Beta James.

  4) The Thunder Moon Pack, with Alpha Jermey and Beta Tyler.

  5) The Blue Crescent Pack, with Alpha Brian and Beta Drake.

  6) The Frost Moon Pack, with Alpha Damon & Beta Cohen

  7) The Snow Lord Pack, with Alpha Lucifer & Beta Paymon

  8) The Leucine Pack, with Alpha Noah & Beta Sebastian.

  9) The Shade Pack with Alpha Damien & Beta Raahm.

  10) The Lucian moon Pack with Alpha Leviathan & Beta Stephan.

  11) The Whitefire Pack with Alpha Bishop & Beta Bernard.

  Ariel was excited. She was all over the place, buzzing with energy.

  She held a notepad and a pen in her hands as she sped around the mansion, moving from one room to the other, guiding the staff members, that Aries asked to help her, to get the house ready. Hades was on her tail, listening to her as she chatted away and explained all about her plans for the packs while Aries rested for a while.

  Ariel had given him the rest of the day off and he was starting to actually enjoy himself. That was before Adrien invited himself over to hang out with the demi-god.

  "Ariel!" Jake's voice coursed through the corridor as he rushed out of the office's room.

  His face was pale. He had a frown plastered on. "My name is Jake Sullivan."

  "What? Um... okay, what's up? Is everything okay?" Ariel asked, concern lacing her soft voice.

  Jake shook his head and stared at her wide-eyed. "Can i speak to you alone?" He asked, his eyes shifting to Hades, to stress on the 'alone' part.

  Hades rolled his eyes, "Believe me when i say that your petty life matters are the least of my concerns," he spat at Jake before shifting his cold icy eyes to Ariel, "so if you excuse me Ari-elle... i'll be in the garden overlooking your slaves."

  "They're not my slaves. They're staff members who are pack members who are hired by Aries to help!" Ariel stated as-a-matter-of-factly with a pointed look.

  Hades smirked, before brushing past her and stalking towards the kitchen which had a back door to Aries' vast gardens.

  Ariel looked at Jake, "You're white as a sheet. What's wrong?" She said, placing a gentle hand on his arm.

  Jake bit his lips. "Come." He said, holding her forearm and dragging her to the office frantically before shutting the door and locking it.

  Ariel's heart started to race, "What the hell Jake?"

  "Just... Listen to me." He spoke lowly, approaching her cautiously as if he were afraid she'd bolt.

  Ariel raised a perfect brow at him, waiting for him to speak.

  "I need to leave." He blurted out.

  "What? How could you with the battle just a few days away! Leave where?" She asked looking stunned.

  "No, not permanently. I just... i just need 12 hours. 12 hours. Please."

  "What happened Jake? Tell me so that i could help you."

  "I was making the calls to the Alphas for the meeting. And well... Alpha Bishop, Alpha of the Whitefire pack is dead, and his Beta is nowhere to be found. He ran for his life. There has been an uprising in their pack. A revolution."

  "Oh god. Who told you all this? And what does it have to do with you? Why do you have to leave?"

  "The Whitefire pack, it was my old pack. Alpha Bishop was horrible. The pack was mercilessly tortured, the girls raped and killed. So I ran. And Alpha Aries took me in, he took me under his wing. Made me a Beta. But i-i'm not a wolf of rank. I'm a coward... i-i have to leave." He said, his voice straining as his body shook.

  He was crying. His body was wracked. He fell to the ground, hiding his face frustratedly as hot tears went down his cheeks.

  Ariel went down to her knees and hugged Jake's shaking body, "Hey, hey, that doesn't make you a coward! You're brave! You made a life for yourself even under all the bad circumstances! Don't say that! Don't even think that Jake!"

  "You don't understand! You don't! I left her behind! I left my baby sister behind! I thought she was dead and i left her! She was beaten, stripped, and raped and i left her there! I thought she was dead! So i ran for my fucking life! I'm a coward! I'm a horrible brother!" He yelled, as he intertwined his fingers through his hair and pulled at it while he sobbed.

  Ariel stared at him in horror and confusion, "W-what do you mean thought?"

  "W-when i called Alpha Bishop's office, a female's voice answered. S-she said 'Alpha Fey speaking...' and so i hung up without saying a word. I, then dialed an old contact of mine. Someone who was friends with my father, and they told me all about a girl who started a riot, a Pack revolution and slew Alpha Bishop. They enthroned the girl as their Alpha..." he said pausing as he squeezed his eyes shut, wiping them with his fingers. "That girl's name is Feyrouz Sullivan..."

  Ariel's eyes glinted as she connected the dots.

  My name is Jake Sullivan.

  Feyrouz Sullivan.

  "Your sister is alive. She's the Alpha of the Whitefire pack.”

  Chapter 46- Goodbye Old Friend


  "Yes..." Jake breathed, "Please let me go to her. Please let me make up to her all the days of torture that she probably endured because of my cowardice. I beg you. Give me just 12 hours. I'll come back as soon as possible."

  I watched him with a frown, my heart feeling his anguish and turmoil.

  I nodded, "Go to her Jake. And if you need anything, mind-link us. We're here for you. You're our family Jake. You know that, right?"

  Jake nodded wiping away his tears.

  I couldn't help myself and hugged him tightly before pulling him up from the floor.

  I had never seen this side of him before. I saw sarcastic Jake. Funny Jake. Protective Jake. Intimidating Jake. But never broken Jake.

  That's the only thing I could call him at the moment. He looked broken. Helpless even. It tore my soul up into pieces to see him like this.

  "Go, run fast, stick to charted territories, fix things with her and then come home to us. Be safe brother." I whispered before giving him a small encouraging smile.

  Jake composed himself before grabbing and hugging me once more.

  He gave me his signature charming smile, feeling slightly high spirited after he let everything out. He then cupped my cheeks and placed a soft kiss on top of my head. "Thank you," he whispered, before rushing out in a flash.

  I let out a shaky breath, that I didn't know I was holding before nibbling on my lower lip nervously, unknowing how Aries was going to take it. Having his right-hand man disappear on him before the battle by a day and a half.

  I decided to fetch Landon so that he could take care of the lycanthrope gathering while I had some one-on-one time with Michael.

  Running down the stairs, to what was supposed to be where the cellars were. I thought about what I was going to say to Michael. So many emotions and thoughts were running through my mind at the moment.

  Walking down the steps cautiously, my eyesight slowly but automatically adjusted to the blackness of the cellars. It wasn't completely black, but compared to the brightness upstairs this was dark.

  Reaching down the bottom I found that there was a long barely lit corridor, with multiple rooms on each side. I noticed there was a light bulb on top of each room which indicated whether or not the room was occupied. And that all the bulbs were off. Except for one room at the very end of the corridor.

  Heading towards the bulb-lit room, I heard screams & thrashes as I neared.

  I cringed, my heart feeling as if a boa constrictor had looped itself around it and was dawdlingly wringing the life out of it.

  As much as I hated Michael, I couldn't bear hearing his pained voice.

  Because when you love someone for so long, no matter what bad they do, you can't help but forgive them for the things they've done.

  I knew I couldn't forgive him, not completely.
Because what he did was unforgivable, but at the same time I couldn't hurt him. For that, I planned on banishing him instead. That way maybe he could find a new life. A better one. Maybe even find a pretty girl, a new mate to bring him happiness to replace his sorrow.

  Reaching the sturdy door that muffled the screams and pain of my old friend, I knocked making sure to keep my bare hands away from the silver area, only to knock on the titanium made square that acted as a portal for food to be sent to the detained person.

  All sound coming from the inside seemed to be halted at once, before the sound of Third Landon's boots clacked on the floor as he approached the door.

  I noticed that a pair of gloves were left hanging on a pin in the wall next to each door except for this one, which meant third Landon was wearing it.

  Landon ripped the door open with a growl and a harsh intimidating look on his face.

  His anger dispersed as soon as his hazel eyes landed on my form.

  "Luna," he gasped, bending to bow slightly, "What brings you here?"

  I studied him, my eyes raking his attire.

  His white shirt was blood-stained, as were his arms. His hair was messy and he seemed to carry an untamed look. He carried a whip in his glove covered hands that he didn't even attempt to hide.

  "I'm here to see Michael..." I muttered, "Jake is gone to run an errand of his. He'll be gone for the next 12 hours or so, and until he's back, I need you to help take over his tasks upstairs."

  "What about Michael?" He asked.

  "I'll take care of and keep an eye on him."

  "But it's too dangerous for me to keep you here with him on your own... Alpha Aries won't like this..." he drawled his body stiffening once more.

  I inhaled sharply, starting to feel doubtful about whether or not I should even be doing this. But I had made up my mind, I needed to understand why Michael did what he did if I were to get some peace of mind, "Landon." I started, "This is not a request, it's an order. I can take care of myself. And Michael won't hurt me. He never did before, he won't start now..." I continued softly not wanting to seem rude. He was a nice guy, and he was only doing his job.

  Landon seemed like he didn't find my words convincing, and honestly, I didn't believe the words I had just spluttered either. I wasn't sure that Michael was the same Michael that wouldn't dare hurt me, especially after the backhand he gave me only a few hours ago. He held so much rage within him. I didn't really know what to expect of him.

  Landon was reluctant but nonetheless nodded.

  "Thank you," I said giving him a reassuring smile as I let out a relieved breath.

  If Landon would've pestered me for a bit longer, I didn't think I would be able to convince him to let me stay any longer, because my own worry was gnawing at me from the inside, telling me to leave, that this wasn't a good idea, and that Aries would be livid if he found out that I was here.

  "If you need me, just call out my name. I'll be listening in." He said with what seemed like a protective manner.

  I nodded. Trying to act as if I knew what I was doing. I can understand his fear of leaving me alone here, apart from it being his duty to protect his Luna, I knew that everyone thought Michael was insane. He had tried to attack Aries himself, twice. Nobody with a sane mind would attempt that. So obviously Landon thought that Michael could attempt to attack me.

  Landon took off his gloves and handed them over before throwing me one last glance of hesitation over his shoulder with an unmissable frown as he left.

  I put the silver insulating gloves on before taking in a deep breath then hesitantly walked into the room shutting the door behind me.

  "Michael?" I called out unsurely, as my eyes adjusted even further to the pitch-black room.

  A pair of wide wild blue eyes glistened in the darkness.

  I used my heightened senses to see him better, my eyes almost glowing.

  My silvery cold orbs studied his battered, bloodied, and whipped form as I tried to feel the walls for a light switch but I couldn't find one.

  Sighing I gave up, before looking at my old best friend pitifully.

  Tears stung my eyes as they traced the slash marks that covered his chest. He was bound to an old rusty metal rod that hung from the ceiling with chains. His arms held high over his head as his knees sprawled on the ground. His head hung in despair and his hair was clad with copper-colored dried blood stains from when I had hit him before he attacked Aries.

  "How did we get here?" I found myself whispering, more to myself as I shook my head. "How did we end up hating each other?"

  Michael's blue eyes looked icy cold, glinting in the dark as they narrowed.

  "I never hated you. I loved you." He spoke up sharply, with his raspy voice. "But you didn't love me back." He spat. "Instead you picked him."

  His words stabbed at my heart. Mates were not a choice. They were a gift given by the goddess. They were parts of your soul and it wasn't my choice.

  Anger built up inside of me, how could he blame me for something out of my control? We didn't choose our mates! I don't regret choosing Aries, but I still surely didn't deserve the blame! "I didn't choose Aries to be my mate! You don't choose your mate. If your mate had been alive you would've chosen her too!" I bit back, growling at him.

  Michael ravingly tugged at his restraints, "You chose this! Even after I told you he killed her. You still picked him! And trust me I wouldn't have picked her. I loved you!" He snarled, before scoffing mockingly, "My mate didn't volunteer to spar. I tricked her into doing it knowing she'd die because she was a weak omega. I did it to make you see how your so-called mate got the title as a Mate Killer! Other mated wolves have died before her! He never stopped it! He let them die! I was just proving a point!" He admitted impudently.

  I was appalled at the gruesome words that fell to my ears, to say the least. I felt sick to my stomach, and when I thought of his actions I grew revolted by the mere image of Michael's evil doings. I couldn't believe my ears. He killed his own mate.

  He killed her...

  My wolf stirred uncomfortably within me, urging me to leave.

  I drew my eyebrows together as I tried to find the proper words to retaliate but I couldn't find anything to say.

  I felt confused.


  Why would he sacrifice everlasting happiness with a mate that would love him unconditionally, for me? Someone he could never have.

  "Letting your mate die is you proving a point? What point would that prove?" I inquired, trying to remain calm so that I don't provoke him. He was obviously not in his right mind.

  He actually reminded me of a giant hornet's nest waiting to swarm. And I was the stupid girl that had a large stick in her hand and was eager to give it a good poke.

  Michael growled at me, "It would prove that Aries is a monster." He spat.

  I'm not going to be the stupid naive girl that pokes the giant metaphorical hornet's nest.

  I'm going to leave calmly before this blows out of proportion and gets out of hand.

  I'm going to turn around, and leave before we're at each other's throats.

  I gritted my teeth and turned my back from him. Not wanting to fight anymore. He was never going to understand me, and I was never going to comprehend his obsession with me.

  "Your mate is a filthy old bastard. A killer. A beast. Time will prove to you that no one will ever love you like I do!"

  Upon hearing the decibels of his fury, the top of my volcano of anger had burst out and burned everything to ashes.

  With newly erupting rage, I stopped at the door, turning to him once more "The only thing that time proved to me, is that you're insane!" I snarled at him, " And you know what Michael? I came here to have a heart to heart conversation with my old best friend. I thought maybe, maybe, the old Michael was in there somewhere. I thought maybe you weren't to blame for this insane shit you've been pulling. I thought that the death of your mate was causing you to act this way!" I screeched at him before my body started to tremble
as hysterical sobs started wracking my being while I tried to suppress the agony I felt, "I thought that I could still save you, I never knew that I had lost you completely until right now, in this moment. I was just going to let you go and find a new pack. I was thinking of asking Selene to grant you with a new mate once we saved her, thinking maybe that way you wouldn't be so spiteful and full of hate towards Aries, that I could make it up to you. But I'm not going to interfere in your punishment anymore. I'm going to let Aries do what he sees fit for you."


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