April's Angel

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April's Angel Page 10

by Danni Roan

  Angie smiled her heart swelling. She understood exactly how he felt but didn’t dare speak. She needed to know what came next. What he wanted from this thing they had.

  “I’m trying to say that I want this to be more than a spring fling. I want to get to know you, to build a relationship that will mean something. A…a future.”

  “I feel the same way,” Angie replied squeezing his hand. “Jace, I don’t know what or why, but you’re so special. You have a heart after God and to help others. I don’t know where this is going, but I don’t want it to end just because I have to go back to school.”

  “Then it doesn’t have to end,” Jace said falling to one knee before her. “We’ll write and talk and see what comes next. I’ll be praying for wisdom and understanding. When we’re both ready, we’ll take the next step.”

  “Together,” Angie agreed.

  “Together.” Jace leaned forward pulling Angie into a soft kiss and warm embrace. His heart was full, and he knew that the future was brighter because of his April Angel. The girl who had blown in on a spring breeze had fallen into his heart on wings of joy.

  Chapter 16

  “So how were exams?” Jace asked as April rolled into May and then early June. Angie had returned to her studies and had been cramming to get the best grades possible.

  “Not bad,” I’ve been in this study group and everyone is really helpful. I’m learning to ask for help a bit more too,” she added with a laugh.

  “How about you? How’s work? I know summer is the busiest time of year.

  “It’s not bad,” Jace said, “but the new online classes I’m taking are eating into my downtime.”

  “Wait. What? What classes?”

  Jace chuckled. “I’ve started the first part of my training to be a therapy wrangler.” Jace dropped the words waiting for Angie’s response. Her squeal of delight had him holding his phone several inches from his ear as he chuckled.

  “You sneak,” Angie quieted but the joy was still in her voice. “Why didn’t you tell me?”

  “I wasn’t sure at first,” Jace said. “I wanted to understand what the job required, and what I had to do. I wouldn’t be a therapist, just a wrangler, but I have those skills, and I think I’d enjoy the work. You know I’ve never really known what I wanted to do with my life, but working with you this spring did something to me. I think this is the kind of work I’d like to do. I love horses and like people pretty well too.”

  Angie’s bright peel of laughter made him chuckle. “I think it would be a great path for you, Jace.” Her heart soared thinking of the possibilities. Over the past few months, she and Jace’s relationship had only grown stronger even with the distance keeping them apart. They encouraged each other and had someone to talk through issues with.

  “It certainly opens up more options for the future,” Jace agreed. “Speaking of which I’m planning on coming to your graduation. Do you mind?”

  “Mind? I can’t wait! You can stay with my parents, and you’ll finally get to meet Christina.”

  “Are you sure I’m ready for that?” Jace asked with a laugh. Angie had told him about her oldest friend who was a bit of a whirlwind by the sound of it.

  “She’ll love you,” Angie grinned. “Just like me.” She froze realizing what she had just said. She had openly admitted she loved Jace.

  “I love you too,” Jace said not even hesitating to reply. He hadn’t wanted to speak the words until Angie knew her mind.

  “Then I guess you’re ready to meet Christina,” Angie sniffed as tears threatened. How had she fallen for a cowboy who lived and worked in Wyoming?

  “I’d better let you get back to cramming for those exams,” Jace said softly. “I can’t wait to see you.”

  “Me too,” the phone went dead and Angie sat staring at the wall for a few moments. “God, you don’t like to make things simple do you?” she asked smiling. “Still you know what’s best. I’ve lost my heart to that man, and I don’t know what that will mean, but I’m willing to trust you with my heart as well as my soul.”


  Angie was waiting by the baggage pick up when Jace sauntered down the stairs. He looked amazing in a black T-shirt and faded jeans, and his battered cowboy hat made him stand out among his fellow passengers. In a few long steps, he was in front of her scooping her out of her chair and holding her tight as he kissed her sweet lips.

  “Well howdy, cowboy!” Angie laughed when he finally let her up for air.

  “I’ve missed you,” Jace grinned still holding her in his arms.

  “Ahem,” a man behind them cleared his throat and Angie laughed looking over Jace’s shoulder.

  “Dad, I’d like you to meet Jace.”

  Jace carefully placed Angie back in her chair then turned a crimson face to the dark-haired man who was studying him with a stoic eye.

  “Please to meet you,” Jace said his voice squeaking like a teen’s as he shook Mr. Cortez’s hand.

  “It’s nice to finally meet you too,” Mr. Cortez said. “Angie has had nothing but good things to say about you.”

  Jace cut a look to Angie, and she shrugged reaching out to take his hand. “I’m kind of partial to you, you see.”

  Jace chuckled some of the tension leaving him. “I’ll get my bags, and we’ll be ready to roll.”

  A few minutes later, he was sitting with Angie in the back of a big van zooming down the ramp from the Orlando airport.

  “It’s kinda warm here,” Jace commented.

  “It’s summer in Florida, warm is an understatement.” Angie twined her fingers with his and grinned. “Don’t worry, we have good air conditioning.”

  Jace chuckled. It felt good to be with his girl again as they caught up on news. Graduation was Friday night, and he couldn’t wait to see her get that degree. He had several other surprises for her after that and only prayed that everything would come together without a hitch. Life was too short to waste any more time waiting on love.

  “How’s Ben?” Angie asked as they pulled up to a ranch-style house painted in pale teal and white. “Who’s looking after him?”

  “Red said he’d take good care of him for me, and Jackson asked if he could use him for some rides. They both promised to give him lots of cookies for you while I was gone,” he added with a laugh.

  “Good, he needs all the cookies he can handle. Now come in and meet my mom and Christina.”


  The ceremony was beautiful and Jace found himself fidgeting as he watched Angie roll across the stage in her gold cap and gown to receive her diploma. She was beautiful, perfect in every way, his little angel on wheels. His hands twitched, and he slipped one into his jacket pocket feeling the hard velvet-covered box nestled in his breast pocket.

  He hadn’t been kidding about the surprise he had for Angie, now if she were willing to take the final risk and say yes, he would be the happiest man on earth.

  As the graduates left the stage and the ceremony came to a close, Jace followed Angie’s family to the foyer where other exuberant grads were hugging family and friends.

  Christina, a mass of red-gold hair and bright eyes launched herself at Angie whooping with glee as Angie smiled.

  “You did it!” she squealed moving aside for Angie’s parents to hug and congratulate her.

  When they moved away, and Angie turned her beautiful brown eyes toward him, Jace dropped to one knee taking her hand and meeting her gaze. “Congratulations,” he grinned. “I knew you could do it.”

  Angie blushed prettily squeezing his hand back. Having him with her tonight made the day complete as if every eventuality had been accounted for.

  “Angie,” Jace began clearing his throat to shake the nerves threatening to silence him. “I’m so proud of you. You’re an amazing woman who went for her dreams. You’ve come so far to get this diploma, and I know that finding that dream job is just around the corner.”

  Angie’s eyes sparkled with tears at the cowboy’s words, and she felt he
r heart swell with appreciation of his pretty prose.

  “There’s just one more thing I’d like to know before you set out on your own to prove what you can do.” Jace’s hand slipped into his pocket and pulled out a tiny blue box, popping the lid open to expose a small, sparkling diamond ring. “Would you let me ride along with you on this journey? I’d like to be the one to catch my angel if she falls.”

  Angie’s eyes went wide as she looked at the box then at Jace’s imploring face. Others had turned to watch, and they were now surrounded by onlookers who held their breath as the seconds ticked by.

  Placing her hands on her face Angie eyed the ring again then met Jace’s gaze. “Yes,” she whispered throwing herself into his arms knowing that no matter how high she flew he would always be there to catch her if she fell.

  Loud applause burst out among the happy families there to celebrate a life-changing event as Jace pulled Angie into his arms standing and spinning her as his heart gushed with joy.


  Angie pulled her black leather gloves over her hands and grasped the spinners on her wheelchair. In a few short turns, she rolled out into the arena, her fat tires on her chair gliding over the loose surface easily.

  “Mrs. Anson are you sure I can do this?” a little boy in big glasses asked looking at the horse next to him. “He’s so big.” The boy turned on his crutches looking small and frail.

  “You can do this Jimmy,” Angie assured. “I do it all the time, and you know what?” she leaned forward to whisper a secret. “This is the best horse in the world for your first ride.”

  Jace looked down at her and winked as he held the bridle on the steady horse. “You can even give him a cookie if you want.” The man drawled watching when the boy laughed at old Ben’s reaction, of lifted head and pricked ears.

  “Is it okay Mrs. Anson?” the boy asked.

  “Just do what Jace says. Ben loves cookies.” Angie nodded and offered the small boy an encouraging smile.

  The horse nickered low and turned to look at the boy as Jace handed Jimmy a cookie helping him hold his hand flat.

  “It tickles,” the boy giggled, gently stroking Ben’s nose as the big buckskin crunched his cookie loudly. “I think I’m ready now.”

  “You’ll be fine Jimmy,” Angie said wheeling closer. “Climb up here on my lap and I’ll show you how to get on.”

  The boy did as she asked and was soon seated in the saddle, his crooked legs braced in wide stirrups and his back supported by the tall cantle.

  “It’s so high,” Jimmy said as he looked down.

  “It is but I’ll be right beside you.”

  Together they moved out across the arena, Jimmy grasping the supports on the front of the saddle as Jace led Ben along the wall.

  Angie watched as Jimmy’s nervousness turned to sheer joy as they moved around the ring. She had taken the job nearly a year ago, and it hadn’t been long until her new husband had joined her as one of the top therapy wranglers. Her boss had told her it felt like hitting gold when Jace joined them. The horses, well trained as they were, had never been so calm or well cared for.

  “Mr. Jace, are you really married to Miss Angie?” Jimmy asked his hands loosening on the supports as he relaxed and grew accustomed to the rhythm of Ben’s stride.

  “I sure am,” Jace replied with a grin.

  “Well, I guess that means I’ll have to find my own girl,” Jimmy laughed. “You know this riding thing isn’t too bad.”

  “You’re comfortable?” Angie asked.

  “Yeah,” Jimmy mused. “I never liked therapy before ‘cause it makes my legs hurt, but this isn’t bad.”

  Angie giggled thinking back to when she had first started to ride and the cowboy who had stayed with her all the way. “You’ll be sore tomorrow,” she said. “You’re using muscles you didn’t even know you had.”

  “Well, I still like this better than the other stuff.” The small boy with the big glasses wrinkled his nose to show his dislike.

  “Me too Jimmy,” Angie agreed. “Me too.”

  An hour later with Ben tucked into his stall munching another cookie Angie turned to her handsome wrangler. “That went well Mr. Anson,” she grinned tipping her head up expectantly for a kiss.

  “It sure did. I know it has taken you a while to convince Jimmy and his parents that riding would be good for him.”

  Angie grinned. “Do I get a star for being persistent?” Angie teased.

  “No but I can give you a cookie,” Jace’s warm laugh engulfed them as Ben reached toward the pocket that held the treats.

  “I can’t believe we’re here,” Angie breathed. “Are you happy? Is this job what you were looking for?”

  “I have everything I could ever ask for,” Jace said squatting before her and tipping his hat back on his head. “I’m doing the work I enjoy and am married to the prettiest girl in Florida.”

  “You don’t mind being here?” Angie gestured around the open stable and wide paddocks.

  “Darlin’ all I care about is being with you. God brought us together in his way and in His time. If he wants us in Florida I’m content.”

  “I might just love you a little bit,” Angie teased.

  “You think so?” Jace joshed back. “Well, that’s a good thing, honey, because you’re stuck with me now.” He leaned forward kissing her. “You’re my April Angel, winging in on a March breeze and stealing my heart.”

  The End

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  Book in this Series:

  Love Letters & Home

  Heartstruck and Heavensent

  Dreams of Sweetwater River

  Counting Kadence

  Temptation and Tenderness

  Guardian of Her Heart

  Marry Me Katie

  A Forgetful Heart

  Mercy’s Light

  No Place Like Home

  Melodies of the Heart

  Falling Forward

  The Bonnets of Rescue Ranch

  All That Glitters

  Racing Destiny

  A Searching Heart

  His Wish, Her Command

  The Legend of Lollipop

  To Win Her Heart

  His Heart, Her Love

  Baby be Mine

  Lessons from the Heart

  Holly for Christmas

  April’s Angel

  Falling for You

  Other Books by this Author:

  From the Cattleman’s Daughters

  Katie Isabella


  Meg Mae

  Cattleman’s Daughters Companions


  The Redemption of Rachel

  Sean’s Secret Heart


  Sweet Annie


  Tales from Biders Clump

  Christmas Kringle

  Quil’s Careful Cowboy

  Bruno’s Belligerent Beauty


  A Teaching Touch

  Prissy’s Predicament

  Lucinda’s Luck

  Ferd’s Fair Favor

  The Travels of Titus

  Winter’s Worth

  Strong Hearts: Open Spirits

  Maggie’s ValleySadina’s Stocking

  Celestre’s Song Beloved Beulah

  The Ornamental Match Maker

  Carousel Horse Christmas

  Loose Goose Christmas

  Pineapple Persuasion

  July’s Jubilant Christmas Jumble

  Shutter Shock Christmas in July

  Brides of Needful Texas







  Whispers in Wyoming

  Love Letters & Home

  Counting Kadence

  Mercy’s Light

  Falling Forward

  Racing Destiny

be Mine

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  About the Author

  Danni Roan, a native of western Pennsylvania, spent her childhood roaming the lush green mountains on horseback. She has always loved westerns and specifically western romance and is thrilled to be part of this exciting genre. She has lived and worked overseas with her husband and tries to incorporate the unique quality of the people she has met throughout the years into her books.

  Danni currently lives in her thirty-six foot RV with her husband and is traveling the United States to see this beautiful country and experience its history first hand.

  Danni and her ‘every-day-hero’ have one son who is attending college and finding his own way as his crazy parents experience the author life along with life on the road.

  As a Christian Danni, believes strongly that God brings new challenges, and blessings into one’s life to help them grow and she hopes that her words were both and encouragement and inspiration to you.


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