Dragon’s Stone

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Dragon’s Stone Page 7

by Lena Austin

  Twisting his upper body without disturbing what Aneurin did, Jack put his arms around Remo and drew him closer. “I have to ask. Is it true Elf ears are very sensitive?”

  Remo swallowed hard, strangling inarticulately for a moment on his words, and then whispered, “Yes.”

  Aroused by the byplay above him, Aneurin felt his own cock heat and engorge. From his position on the floor, the dragon could see little, but he had better things to do while he listened. The sweet taste of man flesh filled his mouth, and he nursed the head of Jack’s tasty cock with relish. Soon, they’d have the human on his back again where the Elf and dragon could roam before pleasing themselves. Aneurin had never played with anyone else, and the uncertainty of how to include another filled his mind with many exciting possibilities. Aneurin devoutly hoped it would be his cock in the Elf’s ass while Jack filled his, but who knew what would happen? The dragon sucked harder, so filled with arousal he feared he’d burst.

  Jack hoisted the lightweight Elf high in the air, until Remo’s bare feet brushed Aneurin’s shoulder. Knowing Jack’s preferences for a mouthful of nipple, Aneurin assumed Jack tasted the white flesh and berry brown buds.

  Remo moaned, and his toes curled, so Aneurin could safely think the Elf found as much pleasure in Jack’s tongue and teeth as his dragon did.

  The room crackled and snapped with mage energy as the two untrained wizards vented their excess energies. The power moved around and along his body, as if Aneurin had stepped in a nest of ants that investigated the new structure without stinging. Dragons could not be harmed by ordinary magic, and certainly neither of these two could command -- yet -- the greater magic that could affect him, so he could merely watch for flying objects without fear. He could probably contain the energies, if it came down to it.

  Aneurin heard the slide of flesh on flesh, and Remo’s body twitched. The lusty dragon looked up to see the Elf now riding a wave of energy, completely unaware he did so. Remo’s head was thrown back until his long hair fell to brush his hips, while Jack’s hand supported the milky ass and delved into the crack to tickle and tease.

  Jack was aware he levitated the Elf, it seemed, for he kept one arm firmly wrapped around Remo’s waist, holding his play “victim” steady while his mouth sank lower to tease the firm slender belly.

  Aneurin chose to lick and nibble down to Jack’s balls, and found them rising steadily upward as well, in preparation for an explosion of pleasure. This would not do, for the mage energy pulsing in the room warned Aneurin an explosion of another sort was a real possibility. Whether it came from Jack alone or the Elf did not matter. Aneurin didn’t feel like watching them immolate themselves in their passion. Aneurin released Jack’s cock from his attentions. “I suggest we continue this while lying upon the bed.”

  Remo was the first to hear his words. His head snapped upright, and he looked around. The Elf’s blue bag whizzed by his head, doing a mad dance with an unlit candle. “Oh, dear. Perhaps we should.”

  Aneurin’s bonded raised his head from Remo’s flesh, his eyes glazed and unseeing. Jack grunted when a small table collided with his back. Awareness returned to his moody dark eyes. “Ouch. Damn. Forgot about that.” In that instant, all objects stopped their movement and fell to the floor.

  That included Remo, and Jack’s grip on his ass and waist was insufficient to hold him. An undignified squeak of alarm heralded his plummet to the floor.

  Aneurin cushioned Remo before real damage could ensure the end of their play, though they ended up in a tangled heap on the icy flagstones of the floor. Oh, yes, Aneurin could see the Elf was sweet to hold, with firm long muscles beneath that moonlit flesh. His arousal was such the images of impaling that sweet body on his cock sprang to Aneurin’s mind before he could consider the unworthiness of the thought.

  For his part, Remo took the indignity with grace. He used his bound hands to push himself off Aneurin’s chest, and sat upon the dragon’s cock until he rubbed his cock with the dragon’s, creating sweet agony. Remo’s bright eyes twinkled, and he bent to give Aneurin a short kiss. “Thanks for breaking my fall, dragon. You are most kind.”

  Jack lifted Remo off Aneurin with a worried frown. “Are you both okay? Nothing broken? Let’s get off this floor before Aneurin goes into a reptilian torpor.” He set Remo gently on the floor next to Aneurin, and then Jack put both hands out to aid his dragon in rising.

  Remo rushed to assist, and Aneurin was soon off the achingly cold floor. Now the Elf took command, his maidenly shyness a thing of the past. He addressed Aneurin. “I think Jack should fuck you first, do you not, Aneurin? If you will see to his pleasure, I shall cast a shield spell around the bed so we’ll be safe from flying furnishings. I’ve ability enough for that, I think.”

  Aneurin had no doubt an Elf could do more than that, but he nodded his agreement. Aneurin’s eyes narrowed a trifle as he remembered Elves learned magic from the cradle, though non-Elven eyes rarely saw it. Why would an Elf wish to present himself to learn human wizardry, anyway? Aneurin would ask Remo privately later.

  Jack kissed his dragon, then Remo. “I’ll leave myself in capable hands, then.” He eyed Remo’s bonds. “Or should I say, other appendages?” He laughed and sat down on their bed, reaching onto the nightstand for the equipment he felt essential to play -- condoms and lubricant.

  Remo met Aneurin’s appraisal blandly, batting his eyes like a flirting wench. “The morning flies by, and today we plunge into a whirlwind of new knowledge. Let’s enjoy while we can. There will be time enough for conversation as the days pass, I am sure.” He leaned forward to whisper, “I am anxious to be beneath a dragon. Hurry.”

  Aneurin controlled his laughter with difficulty and told his treacherous body to resist for a moment longer. His cock developed a mind of its own and yearned toward Remo. His anus puckered at the sound of his rider’s groans as Jack anointed himself with lubricant for their mutual pleasure. Aneurin reminded himself to borrow some for Remo’s sweet ass. The devious Elf was up to something, and Aneurin vowed to keep that firmly in mind to discuss with Jack at the first opportunity. Such thoughts did not wither his desire for the graceful being before him, but the dragon would remain wary. For now, he would play the game. Aneurin turned to Jack. “May I borrow some of your lubricant?”

  Unaware of his concerns, Jack raised one dark eyebrow and slathered Aneurin’s heated cock generously with the warm, slick liquid. Jack’s chameleon eyes weren’t dark moody green now, but nearly as blazing gold as Aneurin’s own with lust. His lazy grin was full of promise. “Going to be the fulcrum between us, Aneurin?”

  “That is a plan I like!” Remo slipped to the other side of the generous bed and laid his head upon the velvet coverlet. His shining length of hair spilled over the pillows like silken embroidery. He crooked an enticing finger at Aneurin despite his bound wrists. “Come inside and play, dragon. Be the full crumb, whatever that is.”

  While Jack roared with laughter, Aneurin clambered awkwardly on the bed and between Remo’s knees. Despite his earlier lust, things were moving just a bit quickly for his taste.

  Remo helpfully put his ankles in the air, amazingly almost touching his nose. “I am stronger and more flexible than I look. Do not think you will harm me.”

  Jack stifled his chuckles and shoved gently at Aneurin’s back. “Have at Remo, and once you’re firmly planted, I’ll enter you.” He kissed Aneurin’s shoulder. “I think you’ll have to be the one to move between us for this to work.”

  The thought of stroking in and out of the Elf while impaling himself on Jack’s thick cock was more than Aneurin’s lust could bear. Aneurin took his aching penis in both hands and began his gradual journey into Remo’s willing depths.

  Jack left their bed for a moment and returned with Remo’s glasses in his hands. He slid them on the Elf’s astonished face with a sheepish grin. “Hope you don’t mind, but I think they’re sexy.”

  Blushing furiously, Remo blinked at Jack. Then, as if he could no longer
contain himself, his eyelids fluttered half shut. “As you --” He stopped and moaned. “-- wish.”

  Aneurin slid completely within the Elf and echoed his incoherent moans of appreciation. Remo’s body throttled his cock with sweet agony. Aneurin’s balls ground against his firm ass cheeks, begging for release. The dragon silently agreed with Jack that their new friend was twice as enticing with the lenses magnifying his luminous eyes. Aneurin grasped Remo’s cock to give the Elf release with his hand and waited for Jack’s assault on his own receptive body.

  Jack wasted no time, impaling Aneurin as quickly as he could without damage. The human’s breath hissed behind Aneurin. “This feels fantastic. I’m not going to last worth a shit, guys.”

  They did not prolong their pleasures. For a few minutes the room echoed with their harsh gasps and collective cries of pleasure. Vaguely Aneurin noted there were no crashes of crockery hitting the walls. He assumed Remo’s shielding of the bed had worked, though Aneurin had not seen him cast a spell.

  Only a few short thrusts, and Aneurin felt his balls scream with release. He buried himself in Remo’s body and roared his pleasure. The dragon’s clawed hand mindlessly stroked Remo to match his own cries of pleasure.

  Jack followed them both into ecstasy, pounding into Aneurin’s body and digging his fingers into Aneurin’s hips with every downstroke. Jack filled his body, grunting and seemingly seeking depths he’d never plumbed.

  They stayed where they were, panting and recovering, until one by one they separated. Aneurin blessed the generous width of the bed that held them all, though there was little room to spare.

  Remo cuddled beside Aneurin on his right, and Jack wearily took his dragon into his arms on Aneurin’s left. Aneurin sighed contentedly, grateful to be in the middle where he’d be warmest.

  Jack’s sleepy and irreverent voice sounded unnaturally loud in the silence. “Welcome to the Royal Academy, gentlemen.”

  To Be Continued in Dragon’s Quest

  Lena Austin

  Lena Austin is a “fallen” society wench with a checkered past. She’s been a licensed minister, hairdresser, Realtor, radio DJ, exotic dancer, telephone service tech, live-steel medievalist swordswoman, BDSM Mistress, and investment property manager. Not necessarily in that order. She never finished that degree in archaeology, but did learn to scuba. After a life like that, gardening is pretty restful. Of herself, Lena writes, “I’m tall, presently red-haired, and I look like an unholy mating between an Amazon and a librarian.” Visit Lena’s website at http://lena.realmsoflove.com/.




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