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Wanted Page 10

by Ruth Langan

  Trudy winked. “Warm from the oven.”

  Ethan moaned. “How am I ever going to get them to eat store- cookies after this?”

  “Did you just say that nasty word, ‘store-bought’?”

  While the others roared with laughter at the look on Trudy’s face, Ethan said goodbye to his hosts.

  Hannah kissed her grandparents. “Bye, Bert. Poppie. Thanks for a wonderful day.”

  Danny was skipping ahead when he suddenly turned back and, imitating Hannah, said, “Bye, Bert. Bye, Poppie. This was the best day of my whole life.”

  As they rounded the corner of the house, Ethan looked slightly embarrassed. “I hope your family wasn’t offended by that.”

  Hannah reached up to touch a hand to his cheek in an achingly sweet gesture. “Obviously, you weren’t looking at my grandparents’ faces. If you were, you’d have seen that they were positively beaming. And quite frankly, so am I. I think all little boys should have a Bert and Poppie in their lives.”

  Ethan smiled into her eyes. “I can’t argue with that.”

  “Hey, little guy.” Ethan paused along the sidewalk when he realized that Danny was lagging behind. “Getting tired?”

  Danny nodded.

  “Okay. Come here. I’ll carry you on my back.” He crouched down, and the little boy wrapped his arms around his father’s neck.

  They caught up to Hannah, who was cradling T.J. in her arms, his face nestled against her shoulder. His eyes were firmly closed, his breathing slow and easy.

  “My boys have had quite a day. So has their dad.” Ethan lifted his face, inhaling the perfume of the night. “Smell that air.” It was sweet with the fragrance of peony and rose, of lilac and lily. It reminded him of Hannah.

  He glanced over at her. “Do you ever get tired of flowers?”

  “Never.” She laughed. “Would you?”

  “I never used to think about it. Now I figure I’ll never get enough, thanks to you.”

  When they reached the gatehouse, they waved to the guard. Once inside the grounds they could hear the gentle lap of water on shore and were greeted by the automated trouble lights that had been installed, switching on the minute they drew near the house.

  “Here we are, little guy. Home.” Ethan climbed the steps and deposited his son on the deck.

  Too weary to stand, Danny crumpled and sat on the doorstep with his back to the closed door.

  Seeing him, Hannah smiled gently. “I think someone needs to be carried up to his bed.”

  “He can walk.” Ethan turned to her with arms outstretched. “I’ll take T.J. He has to be heavy.”

  She shook her head. “I can manage. Why don’t you carry Danny, and I’ll take T.J. upstairs?”

  “If you don’t mind.” Ethan picked up his older son and led the way inside, turning on li as he made his way to the stairs.

  Once in the boys’ room, Hannah lay T.J. down on his bed and began removing his sneakers before slipping him gently under the covers. The little boy never stirred.

  Danny sat on the edge of his bed and rubbed his eyes. “Do I have to brush my teeth?”

  Ethan chuckled. “Not tonight, son. I think if you tried, you’d fall asleep at the sink.”

  Ethan covered him with a blanket and bent to kiss his cheek. “Good night, Danny.”

  “’Night, Daddy.” The little boy looked at Hannah standing beside his father. “I had the best time. I haven’t decided what I liked most—sailing Courtney’s boat, painting in Sidney’s studio or picking strawberries with Poppie.” He yawned loudly and closed his eyes. “I wish I could spend every day with your family, Hannah. They’re the best.”

  She sat on the edge of the bed and brushed a kiss over his cheek. “You know what they say about wishes, Danny. Maybe if you wish hard enough, they’ll come true.”

  Ethan felt a hard, quick tug on his heart as she stood and crossed the room. When he held the door she brushed past him and he felt his body strain toward hers. With a last look at his sleeping boys, he snapped off the light and closed the door before following her down the stairs.

  As they stepped into the kitchen he was frowning. “I think Danny said it best, Hannah. This has been a terrific day. You have an amazing family. Thank you for sharing them with us.”

  “You’re welcome.” She turned at the door and, seeing the frown line between his brows, lifted a finger to the spot. “If it was such a great day, why this?”

  He stepped back, avoiding her touch. She was the reason for the frown, though he’d never admit that. “I guess I was just thinking about all the things I should have done today instead of playing.”

  “I see.” Stung, she turned away. “Well, I won’t keep you from them any longer.”

  “Hannah, I didn’t mean…” As she opened the door he placed a hand on her arm. Just a touch, but he felt the heat jolt through his body like a flash of lightning. At once he lowered his hand to his side and clenched it into a fist, determined not to touch her again. He needed, for both their sakes, to be strong enough to resist temptation. “It’s not that I’m ungrateful. I couldn’t help but see the way my two little boys were lapping up all that love that your family seems to share with such a generous spirit. I’ll never forget it. But…”

  “But now you’d like me to leave.” She nodded. “I understand. Good night, Ethan.”

  Without warning she leaned close and brushed her mouth over his. It was the merest whisper of a kiss, but she heard his quick intake of breath before he dragged her close and savaged her mouth with a kiss so hot, so hungry, she was nearly devoured by it.

  Hannah gave no thought to resisting. The suddenness of it seemed to electrify her, and on a moan of pleasure she wrapped her arms around his neck, adding to the heat that flowed between them.Ethan was already regretting his moment of weakness. This wasn’t at all the way he’d planned it. And now, unless he found the strength to end this as quickly as it had begun, they were both going to take a fall.

  Calling on all his willpower, he wrapped his fingers around her upper arms and held her at arm’s length while he fought for breath.

  Then before he could lose his nerve, he released her and took a step back.

  For long moments Hannah stood perfectly still, struggling to suck air into her lungs.

  When she looked at him, she saw his eyes narrowed on her with such intensity she actually shivered.

  “Sorry.” She tried to smile, but her lips trembled.

  Seeing it, he cursed and called himself every sort of fool. But still he held his silence.

  “That was bold of me, Ethan. But then, I’ve never been a shrinking violet.”

  When he didn’t offer any response, she turned away and stepped through the doorway.

  “Good night, Hannah.” He stayed where he was, desperate to hold on just a minute more. Once she was in her car, he would allow himself to relax.

  He listened to the sound of her footsteps receding. Closing the door, he leaned against it and took several deep breaths before crossing to the stairs.

  The last thing he wanted was to go to his room. The silence of it mocked him. As did the sight of the big bed. Empty. Always empty. The very word was a knife to his heart. Empty like his life. Like his future.

  Instead of climbing the stairs, he walked to the window and studied the moonlight slanting golden ribbons across the waves. For the longest time he stood there, feeling more miserable than he could ever recall.

  He’d thought the loss of Elizabeth was the lowest point of his life. But seeing Hannah today with her family, hearing all the jokes and laughter, seeing the easy way they were with each other, made him realize just what he’d missed. And was missing still.

  His fault. He had no one to blame but himself. She’d made it very plain, with that one kiss, that she was willing. But how could he lead her on when he had nothing to offer her? She had her whole life ahead of her. What sort of future could he ever hope to have if he didn’t clear his name?

  Only a coward would e
ver drag a woman like Hannah into a mess like this.

  He didn’t know how long he’d been standing there. Minutes or hours. But he suddenly became aware of a shadow moving on the deck.

  Striding across the room he tore open the door. And then he simply stared.


  “I just realized something.”


  “How fine and noble you’re trying to be.”

  She smiled. A smile that seemed to hide a hundred secrets. The light spilling over her cast her in a golden halo. Everything about her seemed to shimmer and shine. Her eyes staring into his with a heat that was like a las to his heart. Her hair, golden in the moonlight. Her tanned arms reaching out to him.

  “I don’t know what you’re—”

  The words died on his lips when she stepped through the doorway and touched a finger to his mouth. She kept her eyes steady on his.

  “Who appointed you my keeper, Ethan? Was it Poppie? Or did you come up with this all by yourself?”

  “I don’t have to answer that.”

  She gave a deep-throated laugh. “I’ll get it out of you. I’ll either kiss you until you’re breathless, or we’ll arm wrestle and I’ll shame you into telling.”

  He couldn’t hold on to his frown. “Do I get a choice?”

  “Sure. The same choice you gave me.” She stepped closer so that their bodies were touching.

  She saw his eyes narrow. “You have the most expressive eyes, Ethan. Did you know they give away all your secrets?”

  “What are you? A witch?”

  “Of course. All women are. Now I’m going to read your mind.” She touched a fingertip to his temple and gave him a little cat smile. “You didn’t really want to send me home, did you?”

  His voice was a low growl. “Whether I did or not, if you’ve got a brain in that head, you’ll get out of here right now.”

  Her chin jutted like a prizefighter’s. “Make me.”

  He wanted to shake her. Without thinking, he caught her by the shoulders and realized, too late, that he’d made a terrible mistake. Now that he was touching her he had to hold her. His arms came around her, dragging her close. But now that he was holding her, it was even worse. He had to kiss her.

  Against her mouth he whispered fiercely, “I tried to warn you, Hannah.”

  “Yes, you did.” She lifted her hands to frame his face. “And it was so noble and manly of you. But I happen to have a mind of my own.” She paused just a beat before adding, “Don’t worry. I won’t hate you in the morning, Ethan.”

  There was a flash of humor before his eyes narrowed on hers and he claimed her mouth in a kiss so desperate, it sealed both their fates.

  Chapter 12

  He’d never known a mouth so clever. He would have gladly feasted on it for hours if it weren’t for the wild rush of needs that had him driving her back against the wall, his hands fisted in her hair.

  He might have worried that he was too rough, except that she had already wrapped herself around him and was driving him slowly mad.

  She ran hot, wet kisses over his face, then returned again and again to his mouth, as though she couldn’t get enough. And her hands. Those strong fingers that could steer a heavy tractor or roll out a leng sod were now clawing at his back, nearly shredding his shirt as she yanked it over his head.

  She sighed at the sight of his naked chest, laying her palms flat against his hair-roughened flesh, taking a moment to breathe. But only a moment. Then her greedy mouth began nibbling a trail of fire across his chest, and he wondered that his heart didn’t simply explode.

  “Wait.” He tore away her ankle-skimming skirt, leaving it to pool at their feet. Then he tugged the white silk tank over her head, and for the space of a heartbeat his throat went dry at the sight of that lithe, perfect body covered only in wisps of nude lace.

  “Hannah,” he said softly. He pressed his forehead to hers, struggling to calm his raging passion.

  Maybe it was that quiet whisper that had her going so still. Until this moment she’d been so sure of herself. Sure enough that even his attempt at rejection hadn’t had the desired effect. Instead of running home to weep or sulk, she’d stayed and fought for what she wanted. And the minute she’d been assured that she’d been right, she had been overcome by a frenzy of need for this man.

  But now, seeing that hunger in his eyes, hearing the fierceness of his tone, she felt an icy trickle of fear. Fear of what they were about to share. Because she knew in her heart that this wasn’t a mere whim. This was, on her part, the real thing. This was what she’d been waiting a lifetime to find. And she wanted desperately for it to be equally important to Ethan.

  “Losing your nerve?”

  She lifted her chin. “Of course not.”

  “You’re not a good liar, Hannah.” The smile curved his lips. Warmed his voice.

  “I’m not afraid.” But her breath hitched as he lowered his mouth to the lace that covered her breast.

  “You should be.”

  Heat poured between them, and she wondered that she didn’t burn to ash. She could feel her legs trembling, and clutched frantically at his waist to keep from falling as he slowly drove her higher and higher toward the edge of madness.

  On a shuddering breath she managed to whisper, “Are you afraid, Ethan?”

  “Terrified.” He kept his eyes on hers as he unsnapped her bra and tossed it aside before feasting. He felt her flinch as his fingers encountered the elastic of her lace bikini before dipping inside.

  “Ethan.” Hovering on a high, sheer cliff, she could do nothing more than hold on.

  “Shhh.” He covered her mouth in a savage kiss as he took her on a wild ride to the first peak of pleasure.

  She was wonderful to watch. Those honey eyes widened, before glazing over as she reached the crest. Her hands tightened at his waist, then seemed to go limp.

  She was mad to touch him as he was touching her. In a frantic burst of energy she tore at the fasteners at his waist until the last of his clothes joined hers on the floor. Her hands moved over him, and she smiled at his low moan of pleasure that sounded more animal than human.

  He’d wanted to go slow. To touch and taste and savor to his hear’s content. But now, with her hands on him, the need was so sharp, so intense, there was no stopping the avalanche that was bearing down on them both.

  With his hands pressed to the wall on either side of her head, he leaned into her and kissed her until she was breathless. The feel of all that warm, naked flesh imprinting itself on his was the sweetest torture. He knew he could no longer deny the hunger that was aching to be fed.

  When she wrapped her arms around his neck, he lifted her and started toward the sofa across the room. Halfway there he paused to kiss her again. That was his undoing. The rush of heat, the tide of need, swept over him with such force, he was staggered by it.

  They dropped to their knees on the floor, locked in a fierce embrace. The most incredible heat rose up between them, clogging their throats, leaving their skin slick with sheen. Their breathing was shallow and ragged.

  “I can’t wait another minute.” On a sigh he dragged her down, with only a rug to cushion her from the hard floor, before covering her body with his. “I need you, Hannah. I need…” Those were the only words he could manage before fusing his mouth to hers.

  Her body arched. Her hips rose up to meet him as he entered her. With a long deep sigh that seemed to come from her very soul, she took him in and began to move with him, to climb with him.

  The world could have ended in that instant, and neither of them would have noticed. There was only this time, this place, the intense pleasure they shared.

  “Oh, Ethan.” Her eyes were fixed on his, and she locked her arms around his neck as she felt herself reaching the crest.

  Hearing his name on her lips was the sweetest sound he’d ever known. It was the last thing he heard before he took her with him over the edge.

  “You okay?” With hi
s face buried against her throat, the words were muffled.

  “Ummm.” It was all she could manage as she waited for her world to settle.

  “Sorry. I was rough.”

  “No.” She lifted a hand to his cheek. “You were…amazing.”

  That had him lifting his head to study her eyes. His grin was quick. “Thanks. I’m a little out of practice. You were pretty amazing yourself.” He rolled to one side and gathered her close. “Must be all those hours of digging in the dirt and laying sod.”

  She couldn’t help laughing. “Yeah. That makes a girl nimble.”

  “You are that.” He ran his hand along her back, up her side, encountering the soft swell of her breast, and felt her trembling response. It thrilled him to know that even now, spent from lovemaking, she wasn’t immune to his touch.

  “Sorry about the hard floor.” He glanced toward the overstuffed sofa across the room. “I was aiming for that.”

  “Great aim, William Tell. Remind me to never volunteer if you want to display your skill at shooting an apple off someone’s head.”

  Ethan threw back his head and ro. “Oh, Hannah. You’re exactly what I’ve needed.”

  “That’s me. The comic relief.”

  He leaned up on one elbow and took her hand, lacing his fingers with hers. “I love your sense of humor. But more, I love your goodness. When I see you with my boys, I start to believe that the past can be put to rest and we can have a future.”

  She looked at their linked fingers, then up at him. “Believe it, Ethan.”

  He stared down into her eyes. “I didn’t want you involved in this. I want you to know that I did my best to discourage you.”

  “I noticed.”

  He shook his head. “I thought I’d handled it well enough. What made you decide to come back for more?”

  “I saw the look in your eyes. It was more eloquent than any of the words you spoke. I was in my car and ready to head home to sulk when I remembered Poppie’s words of wisdom, spoken since I was just a girl. ‘Nothing ventured, nothing gained.’”


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