Sabrina's Vampire Series Boxed Set

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Sabrina's Vampire Series Boxed Set Page 11

by A. K. Michaels

  “Well yea, that's happened and yea bad guys get off but I wouldn't go off and kill them.” Sabrina knew there was more than once she would've liked to though.

  “Sabrina, it's usually psychopaths I kill. They have no remorse for things they have done, very bad things. They will continue to do those bad things. Destroy peoples lives, whole families' lives. The law is sometimes just not strong enough to catch these guys. When I come across them I take them out.” Kyle took a breath in, waiting to see how this would go.

  “So who asks you? To get rid of them I mean?” Sabrina's mind was going in a dozen different directions. Shock was foremost and she had to try and calm down and get as much information as she could before deciding how she felt about this.

  “It differs, a lot of the time it's the family. However, I've had offers of work from lawyers, friends, even police officers. I even work, on occasion, with the FBI. If they can't take these guys down they know they just continue doing what they do. You would be surprised who gets in touch with me about jobs. I've also done some work for the US government, like a black ops sort of thing. They would deny all knowledge if it came out or I was caught. Sometimes the law just isn't enough Sabrina and when it isn't I help out.” Kyle had never thought twice about what he did, now his thoughts were scrambled. Looking at it from the outside, how was Sabrina going to react?

  “So it's not like, oh I don't know, a wife wanting rid of a rich husband to get his money? Or one crime family wanting to take out another? Stuff like that?” Sabrina knew there were times the law failed society, it was a fact of life. A fact she didn't like but at no time did she think she could do anything about it.

  “Absolutely not, I'm not saying I haven't had those types of requests. When I get them I forward on any paperwork to the target, it's up to them to take things from there. I only deal with targets that have done wrong repeatedly and the law hasn't been able to stop them. The last one I took out was a serial killer. He had been arrested and released on numerous occasions but no one could make it stick! He was thumbing his nose at the system; even federal law enforcement couldn't pin anything on him. Yet he continued to kill and get away with it. He even took out an injunction against the authorities. He claimed he was an innocent victim who was being hounded by police, and the order was granted by a Judge. The police couldn't go within a hundred yards of him! This gave him more leeway to kill. He was up to seven by the time I got to him. To be sure I used my vampire powers, reading what was in his psychotic mind, and got a confession; I had to know that he had in fact killed those women before I took him out.” Kyle stopped talking long enough to watch his mate's reaction.

  Her face showed shock, fear, disgust, loathing. Kyle wasn't sure whether her feelings were aimed at him or the killer.

  He began to rub his hand up and down her arm, his need to touch her great. Sabrina's face had lost the fear she had at first exhibited and Kyle was immensely glad at that. The thought his mate may fear him had made his stomach clench and his heart ache, not feelings he liked.

  “Shit Kyle, I don't know what to think, really I don't, it's easy to make a snap decision, say something like nobody has the right to play God. Or that he deserved it, but it's not as simple as that! I need to think and also look over your paperwork and research. I want to see your process in either taking a job on or not, can I do that?” Sabrina's detective mind was now working overtime; how did he choose, how did he make sure the person really warranted an execution?

  An execution? Yes that was exactly what it was.

  She needed all this information, and more, before she could decide how she felt about things.

  Many times as a police officer she had come across scum who had dealt death and horror and never spent a day in jail. They were experts at finding and using loopholes in the justice system, either that or they just took out witnesses.

  She remembered a thug who was a serial rapist, he had brutally raped at least ten women, and those were the ones they knew about. He left the women near death to face a recovery of months and years. That is if they did recover, some didn't.

  He got away with it each and every time because of something or other; lost evidence, witness tampering, even jury tampering. Sabrina wished she could just run the guy over with her car. Wished some other thug would take him out.

  Wishing it and doing something about it were two different things. Weren't they?

  Kyle moved his head closer, placed a gentle kiss on her lips. Lips that were the most luscious he had ever came across. He was very relieved that his mate returned the kiss.

  Sabrina sighed, she loved her vampire more than life itself, she couldn't live without him. However, she had to get her head around what he had told her.

  Kyle stood up and moved them to where there was a pile of large towels, he wrapped Sabrina in one and rubbed her dry. She smiled up at him and he did his best to seem relaxed and returned the smile.

  “So, I'm going to get some more coffee on, I ate some cereal earlier. It's still weird having my breakfast in the afternoon and my dinner late at night. Anyway, coffee, I need more, then can you show me what you've got on your next job?” Sabrina used the word job because she didn't want to say something like target or something that sounded just as sinister.

  Kyle nodded his head but he wasn't sure how she would react to this one, it was bad, real bad.

  Sabrina moved into the house through the sliding doors that took her into the kitchen. Moving on autopilot getting the coffee organized. As the smell filled the kitchen she ran through to the bedroom, pulling a pair of shorts and a crop t-shirt on she tugged at her long auburn hair until all the knots were out of it. She placed a hair band on her head, to keep her hair out of her eyes.

  It was something she always did when at work, she couldn't stand stray locks getting in her eyes as she tried to work on a computer. Sabrina moved back to the kitchen and saw Kyle in the corner of the large living area. Near the bookcases where the high tech computer sat along with his laptop and iPad. He was sitting working at the large computer......she wondered why?

  She grabbed two mugs of steaming hot coffee and moved towards her mate. She took all of him in as she neared; the hair she loved to run her fingers through, the lean hard body that was so strong and gave such pleasure, his ass, God his ass was just made for her to wrap her legs around.

  Sabrina. Stop it. She admonished herself, work mode, come on girl. It's like riding a bike. Although she hadn't been at work for over seven months now she was sure her detective's way of thinking would return. Well she hoped so anyway.

  “Here's your coffee.” Sabrina held out Kyle's mug, they both liked their coffee the same way, full strength and no milk, although Sabrina liked a sweetener in hers.

  “Thanks, I'm just pulling up what I've got already. Sabrina, this one's bad, I'm not sure if you should look at it.” Kyle had felt anger and disgust in equal measures when this one came to him and he didn't want to upset his mate.

  Sabrina looked at the worry on Kyle's face, her heart leapt at his concern for her. She had been a cop and worked undercover in the pits of hell, she was sure she would be fine.

  “Kyle you know the kind of work I did, let's see it.” Sabrina's voice changed subtly, it was more like the tone she used to use in the station at work.

  Kyle noticed too and his eyebrow raised slightly at the change. She sounded calm and confident.

  “Ok, do you want to sit in my lap or would you rather pull a chair over and look at it together.” Kyle asked, hoping she would sit in his lap. However, Sabrina walked to one of the dining chairs and she pulled it over and sat down at his side.

  “Right, this guy's a pedophile....He has preyed on both boys and girls which is unusual..... but he seems not to care. As long as they're young he'll take them and do what he wants. All the kids are under five, some of the damage done is unthinkable Sabrina. The last one that we know about is a little girl; she's four years old
, he abused her for over twelve hours. It's been three weeks and two surgeries and she's still in intensive care. She'll never be able to have kids, if she survives herself. It's her father that's contacted me …..”

  Sabrina interrupted. “How? How did her father know about you or get in touch?” Sabrina's mind started to work again as a cop and this was something that had bothered her.

  When Kyle said folks sent him information on who they wanted him to deal with she had wondered how they did so. How they even knew that he was out there?

  “I've been doing this a long time, I have a reputation, obviously not under my own name. Only a very few know my real name. An awful lot of law enforcement and lawyers know about me. Someone has obviously steered him towards me. I have a number of email accounts in various names, I run them through this computer as it has the most up-to-date scrambling programme. Nothing I receive nor send can be traced back to my home or this computer. The first contact is made by the potential client with a brief account of 'who and why' then I do some background research myself. I have several contacts within law enforcement and the various government agencies. If they back up the initial contact's information I then take things further again. I usually use a local private investigator to keep track of the target. See what they get up to, dig into every aspect of their life. I do that electronically too; bank accounts, emails, social media sites, any other kind of sites they belong to. One thing about this type of person, they like to share. Whether it's just bragging about what they've done or more. Some upload videos of what they've done to sites, pictures, stuff like that. I'm not constrained with needing warrants to get such information. Only when I am certain that they have done what they have been accused of do I take the job at an agreed price. Then I go to where they are keep my own watch, make sure they're as bad as I've came to think. If they are I take them somewhere private; I use my powers to get a confession and then I kill them.” When Kyle stopped talking it occurred to him he hadn't had this long a conversation with anyone before in his life.

  Sabrina kept her eyes glued to his as he spoke, what she saw surprised her. He was passionate about this, she could see it clearly.

  “Ok, let me see, who's this guy and what've you got on him so far.” Sabrina's cop background was now in full flow and she was all business.

  “Right, here's what I've got so far. He's so cocky he's posting from a local internet cafe. Not using his own laptop, which I know he has, because the cops had it and went through it with a fine tooth comb and came up with nothing! My contact followed him to this cafe and he took out two mobiles, a legit one that's registered, that the police have had access to, and a burner. The burner he connected to the PC and downloaded this …...”

  Kyle pressed a button and the scene that came across the screen had Sabrina almost gagging. What he was doing to a tiny child on that screen made her anger rise and she wished the guy was there in the room with her. She would cut his fucking cock off with a pair of blunt scissors.

  After a few seconds Kyle shut it off, the download only got worse and he really didn't think Sabrina needed to see it.

  “Fuck!” Sabrina hissed out and Kyle nodded. “Yea baby, he's one sick son of a bitch and I think that video is all the evidence we need, don't you?” Kyle watched her face closely. Looking for any sign of how she was taking all this in.

  “Can't you just hand this over to the cops?” Sabrina was still trying to find another way.

  “Nope, it was obtained illegally so it won't stand up in a court of law honey. It's that little girl's father that contacted me, I know for a fact it was one of my FBI contacts that gave him my details. He had already texted me and let me know. He just couldn't take this guy getting away with it again.” Kyle knew the agent well and knew the agent had very nearly done something himself.

  “Ok, so we know he's guilty, you've agreed to take the job, how much Kyle? How much do these jobs usually cost?” Sabrina knew Kyle had money, a lot of it, she just hadn't guessed at how he got some of it.

  “Well usually a job is in the several millions, sometimes tens of millions, various things denote the price. The first thing is how much can they afford to pay. I've done a few jobs without being paid. Then the kind of security the target has in place, if it's a more complicated job the price goes up. Some of these guys are very wealthy, that's one of the reasons they think they can get away with anything. That also means they can be locked up tight with their own security. That takes a lot more planning and so can be more expensive. Now I know you're not going to like this part but if the target is one of these wealthy guys, I know they always have a safe, cash on hand, in case they have to run. I usually take that too.” Kyle stopped because he had given her a lot of information and he wanted to give her time to process it.

  Sabrina actually smiled at the last part. Taking the cash from those guys didn't bother her at all.

  “Ok, the last part, about the money, doesn't bother me, not a bit. I need a bit of time to process this, is that ok Kyle?” Sabrina was going to go and sit quietly, in the sun, and go over everything he had told her.

  She knew the decision she made would affect her life in ways she couldn't even begin to understand.

  “Of course baby. I know it's an awful lot to take in, just know I don't do anything lightly. I check, double check and triple check before I take a job on. Sometimes it's the only way to put a stop to these guys. I've got some work to do so you go and relax, take as long as you need to think about it then let me know your thoughts.” Kyle moved so his lips were over Sabrina's, giving a soft, gentle kiss, before he pulled away and went back to work on his computer.

  Kyle hoped that Sabrina was going to be ok with this. He wouldn't like to use his powers on her.

  Chapter 3

  Sabrina got a glass of fresh orange juice and put a few blocks of ice in it, with that in hand she moved back to her lounger.

  The glass went underneath, out of direct sunlight, and she lay back and closed her eyes. Her mind was going in a dozen different directions and she tried to calm it enough to think clearly.

  She started at the beginning, Kyle was a killer. Interestingly enough the thought didn't alarm her. He was a powerful vampire and she knew he had the ability to kill within him. If she was truthful that was part of the dark side that attracted her in the first place.

  She always felt safe with him, knowing there would be no situation he couldn't deal with. Whether it was with his sharp tongue or his vast strength. She liked feeling safe. She liked the power he held inside, mostly in check. She also liked seeing it set loose every once in a while.

  Like the time they were leaving a nightclub after a fabulous night out. They had gone to dinner, gambled a bit, with Kyle winning a lot of cash as he usually did, then they went dancing at this new hot nightclub. She still remembered the feel of Kyle's hands on her body as they danced.

  He kept her almost glued to him the entire evening and she had been the one to ask to leave, so his expert hands and body could give her the pleasure she had been wanting.

  As they left a very large and very drunk guy almost knocked Sabrina to the ground and Kyle was not happy. The guy then tried to grope her breasts and Kyle's anger spilled over. Kyle took the guy down so fast that Sabrina hardly had time to process what was going on.

  As Kyle once more took her arm to lead her to his car she could only stare at the crumpled heap of the guy lying on the ground. Sabrina was shocked to realize that she was turned on, big time, by Kyle's actions. So much so that they didn't make it home.

  Kyle pulled to the side of a quiet road and they had sex with her leaning over the roof of the low sports car. Sabrina smiled at the thought, yet another pair of her underwear got ruined as Kyle tore them easily from around her.

  So, Sabrina thought, I know he is a vampire; he's powerful and short tempered, well when it came to her anyway, but he also thinks things through. His actions were always controlled and pre
cise. She couldn't see him just killing for the sake of it, well not now anyway.

  Kyle told her on more than one occasion that she had changed him. That before he just didn't give a damn about humans but didn't go out of his way to harm any. Now, his feelings, his love for her, softened him in a way he, at first, found disconcerting.

  Sabrina thought about all that Kyle had told her. Using her detective's brain she ran through it all. Once again she remembered times when she wished she could've taken out a perpetrator who had escaped justice.

  She concentrated on that, what were her reasons for not doing so? Sabrina chuckled because she knew the main reason was because she didn't want to end up in prison. Her fear of being caught being the main one, that was a bit scary. Sabrina thought if she could get away with it she probably would have taken out at least two guys.

  “Bugger!” Sabrina exclaimed out loud at the revelation She remembered the serial rapist. God what she would do to take that fucker out.. Could she? The thought spiraled out of control in her mind.

  She could picture taking out that guy, easily, she would have no qualms whatsoever at doing so. If she could get away with it.

  “Are you ok?” Kyle's voice made her jump. She was engrossed in visualizing taking out the rapist.

  “Uhm yea, just got a lot going through my mind.” Sabrina half smiled knowing that Kyle probably knew exactly where her thoughts were taking her.

  “You know, if you feel that strongly about that guy that's in your head I could look him up?” Kyle's words made contact with her brain and she looked up at her vampire. His fair hair was all mussed up, he must've been running his hands through it, she thought. His features so perfect that she wondered again at how lucky she was that he was hers. She adored the guy, vampire or not,killer or not. Jeez, was that messed up?


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