Once Upon a Lady (The Soul Mate Tree Book 8)

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Once Upon a Lady (The Soul Mate Tree Book 8) Page 3

by Addie Jo Ryleigh

  Helena had become her only salvation, along with Lady Laura who’d excitedly welcomed Kate into her party. The two women’s companionship allowed Kate to enjoy her plate loaded with fruit and her glass of lemonade as she watched the few children in attendance dodge between guests.

  “Aren’t you glad I forced you to come along?” Helena whispered.

  “Stop your gloating. You aren’t always right, you know,” Kate joked in return.

  “Surely I am. You and Valarie just won’t admit it.”

  Kate turned to set her sister straight when her heart caught mid-beat at the sight of the man entering the garden. “What is he doing here?”

  “He who?”

  Kate hadn’t realized she’d spoken aloud until Helena’s question penetrated the hum sounding in her ears. Tingles from the night before broke over her skin, impeding her response.

  “Who are you staring at?” Helena turned to follow Kate’s line of sight. Panicked, Kate distracted her sister with a hand on her arm.

  As she forced her eyes from the late guest, Kate struggled for an excuse. “No one. I thought I saw someone but I was wrong.”

  “You are acting unusual.”

  Kate squeezed out a laugh through lips tight with shock. “Says the woman who used to dress as a stable boy so she could avoid her studies.”

  “It worked, didn’t it?”

  Finding it easier to breathe, Kate congratulated herself at successfully diverting her sister. If Helena discovered her connection to the man making his way to the refreshments, it would not end well.

  By the by, sister, do you see that impeccably-garbed man currently reaching for a glass of lemonade? Well, I know what he looks like, mostly naked. You see, he kissed my hand in a secluded grove while I ogled his rippling muscles . . .

  No, it wouldn’t end at all well.

  Chapter 5

  Lady Whoever’s garden party the last place he wanted to be, Jackson struggled to remove the scowl from his face as he coerced yet another cordial greeting past his lips. If not for his father threatening to cut him off, he’d be anywhere but dallying with snobbish nobles.

  Realizing Jackson wouldn’t willingly enter society, the old viscount had thought of the perfect way to ensure his son complied—by denying him his allowance. Though not rich, the viscounty contained sufficient monies to keep Jackson comfortable.

  “Are you enjoying yourself, Mr. Cooper?” a woman inquired.

  Pinned by his father’s glare, Jackson silenced the truth that threatened to spill from his lips, and revealed just enough to mollify her. “It is a perfect day for festivities.”

  “Indeed. It is such a rare treat these days,” the lady replied, her monstrosity of a hat bobbing in the breeze.

  This can’t get any worse.

  “Have you met my daughter?” The beribboned biddy yanked forward a younger version of herself who’d been hidden behind the oversized headwear.

  He was wrong; it had become worse.

  “I don’t believe he has.” Impeding Jackson’s chances of escape, Father picked that moment to interject himself into the conversation. Jackson didn’t need to look at his sire to know a twinkle shone in his eyes. Father’s whole purpose of forcing Jackson to rub elbows with the ton was to obtain a titled daughter-in-law.

  Quite problematic, because Jackson didn’t desire a wife, titled or not.

  He did, however, want his father’s funds which would allow him the freedom to pursue his true interest. If the man would have held off on his ultimatum for a few short days, Jackson would have obtained the blunt necessary to accomplish his goal.

  He plastered on a smile and aimed it toward the young woman who, like her mother, boasted a bonnet large enough to cause an eclipse. “My father is correct, I haven’t had the pleasure.”

  “Well, allow me to introduce . . .”

  As the older madam droned on, Jackson lost the ability to focus on her words as a vision to his right demanded his attention. Flanked by two women stood the very wood nymph who’d kept him awake all night with erotic, sinfully satisfying thoughts.

  Before his body had a chance to react—and drain the blood from his head as it flowed to a location further south—his father jabbed an elbow into his side. “Jackson, Lady Stonehurst is introducing her lovely daughter.”

  Jackson tore his stare from the beauty across the yard and turned to the young lady whose eyes remained hidden under the giant frippery perched on her hair. Was the vast size a requisite? “My deepest apologies. Please forgive me, my lady,” he offered with a bow, when he longed to whisk away his tree nymph instead.

  Then he cringed at how fast Father would have him leg-shackled if he knew a lady of consequence had already caught Jackson’s attention. It wouldn’t matter if those intentions were the opposite of honorable. The things he wanted to do with the mystery woman had nothing to do with matrimony.

  He gave his head a subtle shake. There was only one true necessity regarding the beautiful interloper. Stay clear. He might be going through the actions to appease his father but he had no intention of finding a wife. Once he had the funds secured, he would depart. No more society. No more London. And certainly, no more mystery woman who’d slipped her way into his thoughts and wouldn’t let go.

  Determined to get through the afternoon without snarling at anyone, Jackson forced his attention back to the mother-daughter duet, as if he were a willing participant in their patter. Too much depended on his ability to satisfy his father.

  What seemed like a lifetime later, Jackson managed to extricate himself from the proceedings before his father had him betrothed to the daughter of the lady with the inflated bonnet. He should have paid better attention and at minimum, learned their names. It would help his chances of avoiding them in the future.

  Free of his bothersome sire, Jackson wandered through the gathering, searching for an escape. Unfortunately, wherever he turned, he unwittingly sought out the last person he should acknowledge.

  One night. Hell, less than a night. More accurately, one glimpse of her dark eyes and he’d been snared. No woman had ever entranced him so deeply. Damn moonlight and damn her siren song. He needed to avoid her. Which, before his father’s demand, would have been effortless.

  Now, forced to attend ton events, evading her would be impossible.

  “I never thought I’d see the day. Jackson Cooper, mingling with the aristocracy.”

  Ah, yes, my brother . . . someone else most prudent to escape.

  Reluctantly Jackson halted his steps and acknowledged his sibling. “Your attendance doesn’t surprise me.”

  Edward chuckled. “Unlike you, I possess social skills. Though, nothing like a little financial incentive to prevail upon you, I see.”

  His brother wasn’t horrible and Jackson didn’t dislike him. Their stance on life merely differed. Jackson had no time for the very individuals who, given the chance, would shun their family. Edward, on the other hand, thrived on the opportunity to commingle with high society.

  “I take it you heard of Father’s ultimatum,” Jackson grumbled.

  Edward had the decency to suppress the smile twitching on his lips. “Every word. If it means anything, I tried to convince him otherwise.”

  That came as a revelation. His brother had never been Jackson’s biggest supporter.

  “Having your ugly mug stealing the ladies’ favor will severely hinder my efforts,” Edward continued.

  Now, that sounded like his brother.

  “Have no fear. I’ve no desire to fish in the pond of eligible ladies.”

  “What of Father?”

  “I only need more time and then Father can do what he must,” Jackson confided.


  Though Jackson trusted Edward wouldn’t carry word of his s
cheme to their father, he wasn’t about to share his plans. Too much was at stake.

  He kept his focus on his brother and not the young woman at the edge of his vision. “Nothing important. Just be assured I won’t be hindering your efforts with the ladies.”

  Damn. Why can’t I put her out of my mind?

  “Ah, I’m not worried. You might be the better-looking Cooper, but I hold all the charm.”

  Sadly, Edward was right. Mostly because sweet words weren’t needed for Jackson to lure the sort of women he pursued into his bed.

  His eyes flickered to the dark head over Edward’s shoulder.

  Until now.

  No. He would not be tempting his wood sprite into his bed. Bedding her wouldn’t come free. It would cost him his bachelorhood. Something he wasn’t willing to part with. Not even for her.

  He must destroy his fascination with her. Maybe last night had been an aberration. No woman was as enticing as he recalled her being. He didn’t even know her name.

  One thing was certain, he’d never view her as a typical society chit if he continued to think of her as his spirted nymph. No better time to break the spell than the present.

  First, to rid himself of his brother . . . “Since I doubt conversing with you will pacify the man, I’m off to do Father’s bidding.”

  He took one step before Edward’s mocking voice slid over his shoulder. “Good luck. And remember, scowling is not attractive.”

  Jackson didn’t break his stride as he focused on his target. Today she’d dressed less formally than the gold ball gown from the prior evening. Nevertheless, the pale pink frock she sported was just as fine . . . and equally as tempting.

  Determined to purge himself of her allure, he refused to take in the creamy skin on display above the modest neckline. Or the adorable curve of her delicate nose poised above the most inviting set of rosy-hued lips. He clenched his fists, shoving aside the thoughts of what he could do with her delectable mouth.

  Through it all a voice whispered that despite his best efforts, he would not be victorious.

  ~ ~ ~

  Kate felt his approach before she saw him. Which wasn’t all that surprising since her body had remained mindful of his presence. Fighting the impulse proved fruitless.

  When his tall frame blocked the sun and cast her in shadow, she knew besides giving him a direct cut, she had no escape. If only she hadn’t ventured from her sister’s side. At the time, abandoning Helena had been her singular option since their slow stroll through the gathering had traveled too close to the very man standing beside her. She’d been delaying the inevitable.

  Kate was now alone, as she tried to keep her attention on the lawn activities before her, hoping no one would witness what was about to happen.

  “Aren’t sprites confined to the trees?” His deep voice washed over her.

  She didn’t turn to acknowledge him. “How nice to see you properly dressed for once.”

  His chuckle warmed her. “Are you following me?”

  An unladylike snort refused to be repressed. “Hardly. You are rather difficult to overlook, being the only unknown face here.”

  “That’s not true. You’ve seen my face . . . as well as other, more interesting parts.”

  Kate wished she’d listened to her sister and worn a bonnet. Anything to mask the heat flaring in her cheeks.

  Thankfully he remained at her side and hadn’t a clear view of her face. “We have not been introduced. I can’t be seen speaking to you.”

  “Then let us go where we can't be seen.”

  Her heart raced at his boldness. Why was this man so tempting? She was spoken for, though still unofficially. Proper ladies didn’t follow strange men to private locations, regardless of their marital status. “Absolutely not.”

  “Even if I have something of yours?”

  Blast! Her ring. Given her luck lately, she would have lost it in the grove of all places. Her aunt would toss in her grave knowing Kate had misplaced her gift.

  “A true gentleman would return it.”

  His deep laugh caused her pulse to flutter. “I'm no gentleman. Or haven't you heard?”

  She had heard. His unexpected appearance hadn’t gone unnoticed. Especially by Lady Laura whose earlier squeal of excitement, that the elusive Mr. Cooper had picked her event to enter society, still stung Kate’s ears.

  Amid the shrieking, Kate had learned her mystery man was none other than the second son of Lord Middleton. The very son who avoided all societal events. Until today.

  Kate turned and glared at the man bribing her with her own property. Giving how she’d found him rubbing more than mere elbows with Lady Somerby, he obviously didn’t hold an aversion to all members of the aristocracy.

  “Why are you even here?” she asked, then could have bitten off her tongue.

  “I thought you didn’t wish to be seen conversing with me.”

  “I don’t.”

  His grin mocked her. “Then why the interest?”

  Enough of this teasing. “Give me my ring and leave me be.”

  “And have someone see me passing you a trinket?” He feigned a gasp. “I think not.”

  Against her better judgement, the corner of her lips twitched, threatening to form a smile. Wretched man. She would not be swayed by such jests.

  His perfectly blue eyes held hers and her resolve wavered. The tingles he provoked in the grove crashed into her, tempting her more than a simple band of gold could.

  He seemed to sense her hesitation as he murmured, “Come with me.”

  Finally breaking from his gaze, she glanced around. No one appeared to be watching, which seemed impossible given the stir the man’s appearance had triggered.

  As she vacillated, his warm breath fanned her ear with a repeated demand. “Come with me.”

  Unfamiliar excitement coursed through her. An awareness Blackthorn hadn’t inspired. I must be insane to agree.

  She gave a slight nod.

  The simple movement was all the encouragement he needed as he curled his hand around hers and swept her around a hedge, along a path . . . and away from the crowd.

  Chapter 6

  Ignoring how wrong his actions were, Jackson concentrated on the striking woman at his side. If he had any sense, he’d resist her appeal . . . and the temptation it presented. Mostly because the exact predicament he avoided in life would be the very thing he’d be bound to do if they were discovered—

  Marry the chit.

  Her gloved fingers, encased in his, drew his attention. The simple touch of her slender hand roused reckless pleasure in a way no woman ever had.

  He was powerless against her.

  With no set destination, Jackson guided her down the pebbled path, away from the joyous sounds of the esteemed guests. Until he skidded to a stop, causing his little nymph to collide into him with a solid, “Umph.”

  An apology died on his lips as he stared at the anomaly before him.

  The tree from the grove. He swore it was the very same, standing before him now in all its twisted bark and gnarled glory. Was it possible for two trees, residing in two separate locations, to be so very similar? Could a tree have a long-lost twin?

  He wouldn’t consider what it could mean, unwilling to entertain that particular idea just yet. For now, he’d mark it as a coincidence. After all, and despite her claiming as such, his nan didn’t know everything.

  A slight gasp came from his side and he turned to take in his companion’s widened eyes, pinned on the image behind him. Had she seen the same vision as he had in the grove?

  Pulled under by the warm chocolate of her eyes, he dismissed the impossible tree and fixated on her and the unbearable urge to be closer, to swing her into his arms. To hell with all the reasons he shouldn�
�t. Her eyes met his, their depths further enticing him to dance with temptation.

  A wave of sensation tracked down his spine as her tentative fingers tightened on his.

  “What is your name?” As much as he longed to forever think of her as his private wood sprite, he needed more.

  Her voice held a touch of hesitation. “Kate.”

  He wrapped her name around his mind and held it tight, all the while knowing, illogical or not, she would always be his seductive nymph.

  “This is unwise.” His base desire cursed him for injecting prudence into the moment . . . and in opposition, his common sense decried his lack of better judgement for the desire to have her in his arms.

  He repudiated both.

  Kate remained silent as he lifted his hand and traced his gloveless finger over her cheek, mesmerized by the smooth silk of her skin.

  As much as he wanted to pull away, to flee before it became too late, he was lost.

  He curved his hand around the back of her neck, urging her closer. Their eyes remained locked as he lowered his head, drawn to the inviting promise of her lips. Instinctively, Jackson knew the moment he acted on the sweet provocation, everything would change.

  I don’t give a damn.

  He needed to possess her.

  As his mouth fell over hers, sparks like lightning sprang from their gentle touch, spurring him on. He deepened the kiss, pulling her flush against his chest. Trapped between their bodies, her hands fluttered restlessly and a deep groan passed through him when her slender fingers curled around his neck and into his hair.

  A womanly sigh parted her lips, prompting him to tangle his tongue with hers. At the intimate touch, time ceased, leaving only the woman in his arms and how right she felt there.

  He moved his hand down her back until it settled above the curve of her backside. His fingers itched to travel further, to grip her fullest curves and haul her against the ache in his breeches. He wanted to ravish her. Make her his in every way possible.


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