Torn by Love (Scarred by Love #4)

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Torn by Love (Scarred by Love #4) Page 9

by C. A. Harms

  I allowed him to guide me to the bed and slowly undress me.

  Tanner had shocked and awed me. I had never expected him to go to this extreme. He wanted me here, which was evident now. It was time for me to stop waiting for the ball to drop.

  Chapter Twenty-Two


  I had been lying in bed next to Lily for close to an hour watching her sleep. It was surreal to think that she now lived with me.

  She was angrier than the devil when she first got to the house. But that all faded when she saw what I had done to the bedroom. I’d painted it earlier in the week, and last night Max and I had busted ass to make it the closest we could to her room at the apartment.

  She had to know I meant business when she saw that. I mean, come on, lavender walls. I almost cried when I made the first swipe with the brush. I was definitely sunk like the Titanic. I had expected a night full of arguing leading up to some hot make-up sex. What I got instead were hours of slow, meaningful touches. Making love had never been something I wanted to experience. But after last night I had an entire different outlook. Something shifted inside me, and I wasn’t sure what exactly had changed, I just knew there was no way I would ever live a day without Lily in my life.

  I left her standing in the kitchen, talking to Logan. She was laughing at something he said as I kissed her good-bye.

  She had no idea what I had prepared for us tonight, but she would find out soon enough.


  “So I see you made it through the night without any cuts or bruising,” Max said when I entered his place.

  “Yeah, I was worried for a brief moment, but when her screams turned to moans, I knew I was in the clear,” I fired back, earning a grin. He and I were sometimes too much alike.

  Bree came bouncing down the stairs with Paisley following close behind.

  “I heard Lily was all kinds of mad when she showed up at your place last night.” She passed me Princess’s bag and placed her hands on her hips.

  I shrugged my shoulder. “I have skills that make her forget all about her anger, if you know what I mean.”

  Bree looked over at Max and narrowed her eyes. “Yes, I know exactly what you mean. Apparently that’s a skill all you Parks boys possess.”

  Max and I shared a laugh before I leaned down and picked up Paisley. When she gave me a big smile, I had to do a double take. “What happened to you?”

  “I lost my toof,” she replied. She opened her mouth wider so I could get a better look.

  “Your toof, huh? Well did the tooth fairy leave you something special?” I asked.

  Her little head bobbed in excitement. “Ten dollars.”

  “Wow, the tooth fairy must have been feeling generous. All I ever got was a quarter.” Paisley wrinkled her nose at the idea.

  I looked back up at Bree, and she shook her head no, nudging her thumb in the direction of my brother. Paisley not only had me wrapped around her little finger but Max as well. It was crazy seeing him all domesticated and shit. It looked good on him, though.

  “Well, the little lady and I are off. We have to go get Riah from Mom. She’s keeping Isabella and Carley. I’m not sure I’m ready for diapers and vomit yet.”

  I was already questioning my choice to keep Mariah and Paisley. I had volunteered to watch them when Max pretty much begged me. He had gone on and on about not having any alone time with Bree anymore, and then Mason laid it on thick, saying I owed them for all the trouble they had saved my ass from growing up. They were just two little girls. It couldn’t be all that bad. Right?

  After my second stop I was now loaded down with dolls, dress-up clothes, and an entire tote full of toys, food, and dishes.

  The squealing and giggling coming from the backseat of my Tahoe only made me smile. Who would have thought I would be babysitting my nieces while their parents had a night out on their own? Something about me had changed, and I was surprised myself.

  The girls didn’t wait for me. The moment their feet hit the ground, they went running for the house. I walked inside, my arms full of all kinds of girly shit, to find Mariah and Paisley dancing around with Lily in the center of the living room.

  “We are having a girl party,” Paisley announced as I lowered the toys to the floor. “Aunt Lily said we can paint her toenails.”

  My eyes wandered back up to Lily, and she smiled. She was just as excited as the girls were, and I’ll admit I may have fallen for her just a little more in that moment.

  “But what I forgot to mention is you can paint Uncle Tanner’s too.”

  More screaming and excitement spilled from the two girls.

  I held my hands out in front of me. “Uh, no. Not happening, Squeaky One and Squeaky Two. Uncle T’s toes are off-limits.”

  Lily floated toward me with a mischievous look in her eye. I knew she was up to something. I also knew she was about to get her way. Damn, I had it bad.

  She rose up, brought her lips closer to my ear, and whispered, “Do you remember that bag I told you not to look inside of? The one from my shopping trip and makeover day?” She nipped at my ear, and I nodded. “What if I tell you that I’ll wear what’s inside of it after the girls are in bed? What if I told you that I promise to make your toes curl with the pleasure I’ll give you?” Oh fuck me running, she knew how to work me over. “All you have to do is play nice and let the girls paint your toes.”

  At that moment I think I would have agreed to wear a damn dress. Okay, well maybe not, but I was pretty damn close.

  Lily knew she had me by the balls. She turned around, fist-pumping the air. “We’re painting his toes, little ladies.”

  And the squealing once again broke out. What had I just done? I would never live this down.

  Max was going to love this shit.

  Chapter Twenty-Three


  I left Tanner with the girls while I snuck away to whip something up for dinner. Our toes had been painted, but Tanner drew the line when it came to his fingers.

  I couldn’t wipe the smile from my face as I remembered his look of horror when the girls chose pink nail polish. He groaned and covered his eyes. He grumbled and complained, mumbling something about no longer being a man. I laughed a little too loud, earning a you are so gonna pay for this glare.

  When I finished with the macaroni and cheese and hotdogs—because what kid doesn’t love those things—I went to gather the troops. The laughter coming from the spare bedroom had me sneaking over quietly to peek in without being seen.

  There in the center of the room, with his legs tucked under him, was Tanner. He held a tiny little teacup between his fingers, his pinky pointed straight out.

  “Would you like more tea, sir?” Paisley asked.

  “Why of course. I have never tasted anything quite this good,” Tanner replied. “I’d love another cupcake, Miss Mariah. Your baking skills amaze me.”

  I covered my mouth to stifle my giggle. If I didn’t know before, I surely knew now—I loved this man.

  He looked up and winked at me before taking another sip of his pretend tea, making an mm sound as he rubbed his tummy.

  “Girls, are you hungry?” I asked.

  They both dropped their fake dishes and bolted for the door. I moved aside just in time. Tanner stood and sauntered over to me.

  “That was so adorable,” I confessed.

  “You told me if I played nice, I could get rewarded later.” He wagged his eyebrows.

  “Something tells me that isn’t the only reason you were playing. I’m pretty sure it has a lot to do with how much you love those little girls.” I rose up on my tiptoes and kissed his lips. “You’re so good with them.”

  We stared at each other, and the words that laid heavily on my tongue were momentarily halted by squealing from the other room.

  “We better go feed them.” I stepped back, and he watched me as I backed away. There was a look of unspoken desire in his eyes.

  I was just about to round the corner of the hall lea
ding into the kitchen when he hollered after me. “Hey, Lil?”

  I turned back around to face him. He still stood in the same place, watching me.

  “You know I love you, right?”

  I swear in that moment my heart thumped harder and faster. My head was spinning from how good his words made me feel. I shook my head.

  “I do, baby. I love you.” He smiled.

  My eyes burned, and I forced a swallow past the lump in my throat.

  “I love you too,” I said as he finally began walking toward me. When he stopped only inches from me, I continued. “I’ve been in love with you for months, but it finally hit me tonight. I am so in love with you it hurts.”

  Tanner kissed me, then rested his forehead against mine. “I had no idea you were my game changer. The one that would rock my world and make everything different.”


  Throughout dinner I continuously found Tanner staring at me. He would wink when he was caught.

  The girls insisted on watching a movie after dinner, and we allowed them to pick. I wasn’t surprised when they both sang out “Frozen” in unison. After all, it was their favorite movie, and Paisley had brought her DVD from home.

  I gave them both a quick bath and helped them into their pajamas while Tanner made a big, comfy pallet on the floor. There were so many blankets and pillows they were going to get lost in them, I was sure of it.

  Tanner was so proud of himself when they both dove into the heaping pile. He sat on the couch and patted the spot beside him. I more than willingly curled into his warmth, and he pulled the blanket up around us.

  During the movie he stole some kisses and whispered a few naughty things in my ear, but mainly he just held me close. The girls both passed out before the movie was over. Uncle Tanner had done a great job wearing them out.

  Tanner grabbed the controller and turned off the DVD, then lowered the volume before turning to face me. The flicker of the television was still lighting the room just enough to allow me to see the gleam in his eyes. It was my only warning before he brought his body over mine and lowered me to the couch.

  He slowly kissed along the side of my neck before trailing his lips along my upper chest. His tongue tasted my skin as he ascended.

  I bit down on my lip to keep from moaning. The pleasure of his mouth on me was overwhelming. Being with a man like Tanner was almost like an out-of-body experience. It was sometimes hard to control my reactions. The last thing I wanted was for either of the girls to hear me.

  “The waiting is killing me, Lily. I’ve been dying to know what’s in that bag,” he whispered.

  He pushed his growing erection against me, and I smiled. “We need to move this to the bedroom. And don’t you think we should put them in bed first?” I asked, causing him to groan in protest. He pouted for a second before rising up and pulling me along with him. He slapped my ass, and I yelped from the sting.

  “Move it. I’m all out of patience, woman.”

  I have never seen someone move so fast. By the time I had the covers pulled down, he was lowering Mariah to the mattress. He didn’t even pause before jogging off to grab Paisley. After placing her next to Riah, he lifted the bed guards up on each side and spun on me with purpose.

  He held my gaze as he backed me out of the room, and my back hit the wall just outside the bedroom on the opposite side of the hallway.

  He smirked down at me. “You have five minutes. If you need more than that, forget about what’s in the bag. This has been one of the longest nights of my life, and right now all I want is to be inside of you.”

  Oh my holy hotness, my legs were about to give out.

  “Five minutes, Lil. Then I’m coming after you.”

  Chapter Twenty-Four


  I wasn’t joking when I said five minutes. I was just about to crawl out of bed and break down the bathroom door when it creeped open.

  I may have stopped breathing. In fact, I’m sure I did. I was fearful of speaking because I knew if I made the attempt, it would only come out in a moan.

  Never in my life had I seen something sexier than Lily. Her blonde hair hung down her back freely, and the royal-blue lace covering her slim body left very little to the imagination. The nightie was see-through, enhancing her breasts, and the built-in support held them snuggly beneath the fabric. She also wore stockings and a tiny sliver of material that I assumed was supposed to be panties. My mouth watered as she stepped farther into the room and did a little turn, allowing me to see the backside of the sexy number.

  “Do you like it?” she asked. She was nervous and it showed.

  “Love,” I replied. “Fucking sexy, baby. I’m seriously speechless. You’ve left me without words.”

  She smiled and came closer to the bed. I let my eyes roam lower and found the heels she wore on her feet. When I looked back up at her, she offered a shrug. “Bree told me I needed heels too.”

  “Those are going to look hot wrapped around my waist.” The words fell from my lips before I could stop them.

  She laughed. “Well, it looks like you found your voice.”

  I wrapped my arms around her waist and spun her around before pinning her to the bed. “I am so turned-on right now. You may want to brace yourself for what’s to come.”

  “I can handle what you dish out. Let’s get started. I’m all out of patience.” She threw my words back at me.

  I appraised her body with my hands and mouth, leaving no spot neglected. The moment I burrowed my head between her thighs, she was begging for me to take her. I prolonged the torture by tasting her slowly.

  “Please, Tanner,” she panted. “I want you inside of me.”

  Sliding up her body, I then pressed my cock against her wetness and glided back and forth over her clit.

  She was just about to start begging again when I slipped inside. Her back arched, her mouth opened, and she moaned in pleasure. “Mm, yes.” She locked her legs behind me, and I muffled her screams by covering her mouth with mine. My girl was on fire.

  Another orgasm shook through her, and I followed her over the edge.

  We both stared at each other panting, trying to catch our breath. My vixen had once again struck me stupid. She was my sweet girl with a little bit of hidden dirty.

  Damn, I had hit a gold mine.


  Lily lay sprawled across my chest, barely conscious. We’d just spent the last thirty minutes wrapping up round two. At this point I could no longer feel my legs, and I think we may have broken my dick.

  I tensed, and the fucker jumped against her thigh. Nope, still worked. Lily softly giggled, and I smiled at the sound. “What’s so funny?”

  “I was just thinking I never showed you what else was in the bag.”

  I pressed my head back against the pillow and looked down at her. I could only see one small section of her mouth at this angle, but I could tell she was still grinning.

  “What is it?” Now she had me curious.

  “Under my pillow. I slipped it under there earlier.” She sighed. By the sound of it, I was sure she was dozing off.

  I inched my hand below her pillow and felt what it was almost immediately. “No,” I said, shaking my head. “Fuck no, that shit is not welcome in our bedroom. I can get you off. No fucking vibrating piece of plastic is doing the job. I don’t need help.”

  A fucking vibrator, seriously. Hell no.

  Lily shook against me, and I realized she was laughing.

  This shit had Max written all over it. “That asshole told you, didn’t he?”

  Her laughter only grew louder.

  I was going to kick his ass. I had this thing about sex toys—well, vibrators. I didn’t like them. They took the place of what my dick was supposed to be doing. If my girl wanted something inside of her, it would be a part of me. No, I didn’t vibrate, but I could fuck shit up. I was good, damn it, and I didn’t need help making my girl come.

  “Wait.” I rolled over, taking her with me. “You
don’t use that, do you?” I was always sure she was satisfied after we had sex. I would know if she was faking, right?

  “Oh my God, Tanner, I don’t need it. It was a joke. I couldn’t help myself after Bree told me about the conversation she overheard you and Max having.” Lily shook with laughter.

  So Bree was the culprit.

  “Let me just remind you that if you need to get off, I am your man. I’m more than happy to serve you.”

  Her eyes rolled back as I slipped inside her once more. Thank God for contraceptive shots. We didn’t have to use condoms that took away the full effect of Lily’s warmth.


  “You sure you’re ready for Grandma Edna and her meddling?” I asked as I led Lily up my parents’ driveway. Everyone was here with the exception of Zander and Riley, who was still ordered to stay off her feet. She was chomping at the bit to get out, but Zander wasn’t budging. She was even willing to come see Grandma, which should tell everyone just how bored she truly was. No one willingly came to our Sunday brunches, not when Edna was involved.

  “I’m fine, Tanner. She can’t be that bad.”

  I could only shake my head and wrap my arm around her shoulders just a little tighter. Poor girl had no idea what she was about to walk into.

  I heard her nagging the moment I entered the house.

  “The way you boys mistreat your bodies, I just can’t get over it. Mason at least only has one tattoo.” Grandma always found a way to tell us we were doing everything wrong.

  “Nope, got four. Three are just in places I only allow Kelly to enjoy,” Mason clarified.

  “Don’t forget about his piercings. He has a couple of those.” Max had found a way to keep the attention off himself.


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