The First World War
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Kadet Party, Russian
Kapp, Wolfgang
Karl I, kaiser of Austria
Károlyi, Mihály
Kato Takaaki
Keegan, John
Kemal, Mustafa (Atatürk)
Kerensky, Aleksandr
Keynes, John Maynard
King George V, HMS
Kitchener, Horatio H.
Klemperer, Victor
Klotz, Lucien
Kluck, Alexander von
Knobelsdorff, Konstantin Schmidt von
Königgrätz, Battle of
Königsberg, SMS
Kornilov, Lavr
Kraut, Georg
Kühlmann, Richard
Kut, siege of
Lambert, Richard
Landwehr von Pragenau, Ottokar
Lansdowne, Lord
Lansing, Robert
Lawrence, T.E.
Law of Siege, French
League of Nations
LeGallais, Lottie
Lettow-Vorbeck, Paul von
Makombe revolt and
Tanga campaign and
in Germany
in interwar years
in Italy
Law of Siege and
in Russia
state power vs.
warfare and
Liebknecht, Karl
Liege, siege of
lightning (Yilderim) campaign
Lion, HMS
literature, postwar
Littauer, Vladimir
Lloyd George, David
Lobanov-Rostovsky, A.
Lódz, Battle of
Loebell, Hauptmann von
London, Pact of (1914)
Longwe, Fololiyani
Loos, Battle of
Ludendorff, Erich
Amiens Battle and
Falkenhayn’s strategy debate with
nervous breakdown of
1918 offensive and
resignation of
Siegfried Line and
as Spa conference
Luxemburg, Rosa
Lyautey, Louis
McKenna, Reginald
Mackensen, August von
McMahon, Henry
McNeile, H.C.
Mahiwa, battle of
Mahsusa Tekilât-i
Majestic, HMS
Malaya, HMS
Malone, William
Mangin, Charles
Marchetti, Tullio
Marghiloman, Alexander
Marne, first Battle of
Marne, second Battle of
Masurian lakes, Battle of
Mathy, Heinrich
Matin, Le
Matscheko, Franz von memorandum of
Mayo, Carlo
Mbaye, Kamadon
Megiddo, Battle of
Meinertzhagen, Richard
Merlin, M.
Merrheim, Alphonse
Mesopotamia campaign
as German failure
Indian troops in
Persian campaign and
siege of Kut in
Messines, Battle of
Michaelis, Georg
Mihajlovi, Slavka
Miles, Lilian
Milner, Lord
Milyukov, Pavel
Mr Standfast (Buchan)
Mitteleuropa (Naumann)
Mobilitazione Industriale
Moltke, Helmuth von
Monash, John
Monmouth, HMS
Morgenthau, Henry
1911 crisis in
Mücke, Hellmuth von
Müller, Georg von
Müller, Karl von
Munitions Ministry, British
munitions production
artillery production and
civilian-military conflict and
lowering of standards in
manpower needs of
Murray, Archibald
Murray, Bill
Mussolini, Benito
Nahungu, Battle of
Namakura, Battle of
Napoleon III, emperor of France
Narungombe, Battle of
National Defense Act (U.S.)
Natorp, Paul
Naumann, Friedrich
Naumann, Heinrich
Naval Appropriations Act (U.S.)
Neuve Chapelle, Battle of
New Armies
New York Times
New Zealand
New Zealand, HMS
Nicholas II, tsar of Russia
fall of
Nicolson, Arthur
Nikolay, grand duke of Russia
9th Army, German
Nivelle, Robert
Nivelle offensive
Nixon, John
Northern Rhodesia
Orlando, Vittorio
Ottoman Empire
army of
Brest-Litovsk treaty and
dissolution of
extent of
in First Balkan War
foreign debt of
Germany’s alliance with
leadership of
see also Caucasus campaign; Gallipoli campaign; Mesopotamia campaign; Young Turks
Ottoman Public Debt Commission
Owen, Wilfred
Painlevé, Paul
Paléologue, Maurice
Palestine campaign
Pan-German League
Pai, Nikola
Payer, Friedrich von
peace settlement
and Germany’s refusal to admit defeat
and liberation of Belgium
mandate system and
reparations in
terms of
victory as defined by
Pershing, John J.
Pétain, Philippe
Picot, François
Pity of War, The (Ferguson)
Plumer, Herbert
Poincaré, Raymond
Pollio, Alberto
in First World War
Portuguese East Africa
Potiorek, Oskar
Princip, Gavrilo
Prittwitz und Gaffron, Maximilian
Provisional Government, Russian
Putnik, Radomir
Queen Elizabeth, HMS
Q ships
Rathenau, Walther
Rawlinson, Henry
Redlich, Josef
Reininghaus, Gina von
Remarque, Erich Maria
Renault, Louis
Rennenkampf, Paul
Repington, Charles à Court
Reserve Army, British
Ribot, Alexandre
Richert, Dominik
Richmond, Herbert
Riddell, Lord
Ritter, Gerhard
Robertson, William
Röhm, Ernst von
Rohr, Willy
Rolland, Romain
defeat of
war on Central Powers declared by
Rommel, Erwin
Roosevelt, Theodore
Roques, Pierre-Auguste
Rupprecht, crown prince of Bavaria
assassination crisis of 1914 and
Brest-Litovsk treaty and
in Caucasus campaign
; declining economy of
East Prussia offensive of
fall of tsar in
Germany’s declaration of war on
Japan’s war with
liberalism in
manpower resources of
mobilization in
onset of war and
Provisional Government of
revolution in
strikes and mutinies in
in Third Baltic War
in Triple Entente
wartime industry of
Ruszkiy, Nikolay
Salandra, Antonio
Salonika front
Samsonov, Aleksandr
Sanders, Liman von
Sarikamish, Battle of
Sarrail, Maurice
Sassoon, Siegfried
Sazonov, Sergey
Scheer, Reinhard
Schlieffen, Alfred von
Schlieffen Plan
Schnee, Heinrich
Scott, William
Scottish National War Memorial
2nd Army, Austro-Hungarian
2nd Army, British
2nd Army, French
2nd Army, German
2nd Army, Russian
2nd Army, Serbian
Second Balkan Var
Second World War
Seeckt, Hans von
Serbia .
Austria-Hungary’s declaration of war against
Austria-Hungary’s ultimatum to
in Balkan Wars
defeat of
military readiness of
7th Army, French
7th Army, German
17th Army, German
72nd Division, French
76th Regiment, German
evket, Mahmut
Siedlitz operation
Siegfried position
Sims, W.S.
6th Army, Austro-Hungarian
6th Army, French
6th Army, Turkish
16th Army, Austro-Hungarian
62nd Division, British
Smith, Adam
Smuts, Jan
Socialist Party, British
Socialist Party, German
Socialist Party, Italian
Soissons, Battle of
Soldan, Georg
“Soldier, The” (Brooke)
Sombart, Werner
Somme, Battle of the
British failure in
casualties in
Germany’s decision to fall back in
objectives of
strategic doctrine and
Sophie, archduchess of Austria
Souchon, Wilhelm
South Africa
Spee, Maximilian, Graf von
Spiess, Hans
Stopford, Frederick
Storm of Steel, The (Stahlgewittern) (Jnger)
Stresemann, Gustav
Stumpf, Richard
Sturdee, Doveton
Stürgkh, Karl
submarine warfare
debate on
peace initiative of 1916 and
Suez Canal
Sulzbach, Herbert
Supreme War council
Sykes, Mark
Szögyény, Count
tactics, tactical adaptation
breakthrough vs. attrition in
broad vs. narrow front in
command authority and
intelligence and
Talât, Mehmed
tanks development of
Tannenburg, battle of
Tsluanu , Octavian
Tawney, R.H.
firepower revolution and
3rd Army, Austro-Hungarian
3rd Army, British
3rd Army, French
3rd Army, Cerman
3rd Army, Russian
3rd Army, Serbian.
3rd Army, Turkish
Third Balkan War
Austria-Hungary’s war plans in
casualties in
civilian population in
onset of
Siedlitz operation in
siege of Przemys sl in
stalemate in
Thomas, Albert
Times (London)
Tirpitz, Alfred von.
Tisza, István
Townshend, Charles
Traders and Heroes (Sombart)
Trades Union Congress
Treasury, U.S.
Trenchard, Hugh
trench warfare
advent of aircraft and
battle as redefined by
casualties and death rates in
disease, vermin and
institutionalization of
Triple Alliance
Italy’s abrogation of
Triple Entente
Bolshevik Revolution and
finances of
Italy as member of
London pact of 1914 and
war strategy of
Triumph, HMS
Trotsky, Leon
Troubridge, Ernest
Troubridge, Thomas
Turkey, see Ottoman Empire
21 Demands
U-boats see also submarine warfare
Under Fire (Barbusse)
Union of Zemstvos
United States
Allies’ economic dependence on
army of
blockade policy opposed by
entry into war by
submarine warfare debate and
Unsung, The (De Mis Kinden) (Gheuens)
Valentino, Enzo
Vandervelde, Emil
van Deventer, “Jap,”
Vehib Pasha
Venizelos, Eleutherios
Verdun, Battle of
aircraft in
artillery bombardment in
Brusilov offensive and
casualties in
French resolve and
strategic doctrine and
Versailles Treaty (1919)
see also peace settlement
Victory Medal
Villa, Pancho
Vimy Ridge
Vittorio-Veneto, Battle of
Viviani, René
von der Goltz, Colmar
Wade, Aubrey
Wangenheim, Hans von
Warburg, Paul
War Industries Committee
War Ministry, Prussian
War Office, British
War Propaganda Bureau, British
War Requiem (Britten)
War Surveillance Office, Austro-Hungarian
Webb, Beatrice
Weber, Max
Wegner, Armin
Weir, Lord
Weltkrieg (world war), concept of
Wilhelm, crown prince of Germany
Wilhelm II, kaiser of Germany
abdication of
declining power of
German-Austrian relations and
Karl I’s meeting with
personality of
submarine warfare decision of
Turko-German alliance and
war decision of
Weltpolitik policy of
Wilson, Henry
Wilson, Woodrow
Fourteen Points of
Wintgens, Max
Woebcken, Heinrich
Yanushkevich, Nikolay
Young Turks
first battle of
third battle of
Yuan Shih-kai
Zimmermann, Arthur
Zita, empress of Austria
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