Walking Among the Cherry Trees: The Cook Brothers Series

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Walking Among the Cherry Trees: The Cook Brothers Series Page 11

by Heather D'Agostino

  “Here ya go,” George stepped back to let me enter the vault ahead of him. “What’s the box number?”

  “Five eighty two.” My eyes moved from the key to the wall of safety deposit boxes. George flipped through his ring of keys until he found the correct one before pressing it into one of the boxes on the wall. He reached for mine, turned it, and the door swung open.

  After pulling the box from the wall, he turned, and placed it on one of the tables in the center of the vault. “I’ll give you some privacy,” he smiled. “If you need anything, I’ll be right outside.”

  “Thanks,” I murmured as I crept closer to the table. I wasn’t sure what I was going to find in here, and it scared me.

  I took a deep breath before flipping the lid up. There were stacks of papers, a few expensive pieces of jewelry, and an envelope containing several bonds. “What did you want to keep secret?” I mumbled as I lifted it all out and onto the table. I set the jewelry aside along with the bonds as my fingers began to sift through all the papers. Some were newer. A copy of her will, the deed to the house, the title to her car, but a yellowed worn piece near the bottom nearly brought me to my knees.

  It felt different when my fingers brushed over it. It was yellowed and worn and contained lots of creases from being folded and refolded. I lifted it in my shaking hands as I opened to read the words across the top. My baby had never had a death certificate. I was sure this was what I was holding, only I wasn’t. The words across the top stunned me.

  Certificate of Live Birth

  Baby Boy Cook

  Medical Record Number: 9527643211 Date of Birth: June 14, 2005

  8:26 PM Male single

  Place of Birth: Home 426 Cherry Lane

  City: Cherryville

  Mother: Morgan Ann McGregor Date of Birth: July 28, 1987

  City & State of Birth: New York, NY

  Residence: 32 East 42nd Street

  Father: Taylor Joseph Cook Date of Birth: May 17, 1987

  City & State of Birth: Cherryville, NY

  Residence: 307 Maple View Ln

  By this point, the paper had fallen from my fingertips, and I stood there completely stunned. What the hell did this all mean? The baby had lived? All these years of thinking she’d died in childbirth only to find out ten years later that she didn’t. Wait, I shook my head as I reached for the paper on the ground. Male, it said male.

  Reality of the situation finally began to sink in. I had a son. Taylor and I had a son. As the shock began to wear off, I folded the paper and placed it in my purse. After putting the rest of the contents back in the box, I rounded the corner only to find George waiting for me.

  “Did you find what you were looking for?” he stared at me with curiosity.

  I nodded as I fought to repress the anger that was boiling just below the surface. I was fuming, and I didn’t want to blow up on him. All these years of pain I’d been fighting so hard to cover up. All the nights I spent crying myself to sleep. The pills I popped for years after the baby was born as I tried to bury the sadness. Everyone knew about this, but me. They’d all lied to me and watched as I sank into oblivion.

  My heels clicked on the floor as I breezed through the lobby of the bank quickly making my way outside. When the hot air hit my face, I felt like my life was being sucked from my body. My surroundings began to spin around me as I attempted to make my way across the street to Cook’s Hardware. I had no idea what I was going to say to him, but I knew I needed to say something. He was supposed to have loved me. He had asked me to marry him, and then he’d just walked away. He promised he always would love me, yet he hid this and broke up with me all in the span of few days.

  When I burst through the door, I saw Taylor hunched over the counter talking on the phone. His eyes lifted to meet mine, and he must’ve sensed my anger. He held up his finger letting me know I needed to give him a minute before he mumbled into the phone, “I’m gonna have to call you back.” After placing the phone back on its cradle, he turned to face me and my wrath. “I’m sorry about this morning,” he crossed his arms over his chest. “I know you’re mad, but I had to work.”

  “You think I’m here about this morning?” I scoffed as I watched confusion spread over his face. “Of course you do,” I muttered as I mimicked his stance.

  “I had to get home and take care of CJ, and then come here…” his voice trailed off as his face slowly turned whiter and whiter, all the pieces coming together before his eyes.

  “When were you going to tell me?” I moved closer.

  “Tell you what?” he swallowed.

  “Oh I don’t know,” I reached into my purse to pull out the yellowed piece of paper. “Maybe this?” My voice rose higher as I slapped the birth certificate down on the counter in front of him.

  Taylor’s mouth opened and closed a few times as he reached up to grip the back of his neck. “You went to the bank,” he muttered under his breath.

  “Did you think it was better that he never know who I was? How could you?” I could feel the tears coming. The tears that I’d held back for many nights now after coming back to this place. “Does he know?” I trembled under the anger radiating off me.

  “No,” Taylor’s eyes widened. “If you’ll let me explain…”

  “There’s nothing to explain,” I screeched.

  “Yes, there is.” Taylor rounded the counter so fast that I stumbled as I backed up out the way. I didn’t understand what he was doing, and I didn’t want him near me at the moment. He rushed over the front door of the store, and quickly flipped the sign to closed as he locked the door. “I’ve wanted to tell you so many times.” He shook his head as he slowly approached me. He was treating me like the fragile girl he used to know.

  “Was that what last night was?” I mocked as I tipped my head to the side. “One last fuck to see if I was as good as you remember?”

  Taylor’s face paled even more as he watched me, and a horrified expression washed over it, “You have never been just a fuck, you know that.”

  “Do I?” I challenged. “After this,” I lifted the paper and flung it at him “I’m not so sure I know anything anymore. When were you going to tell me?”

  “Never,” he murmured as he shook his head.

  If we’d been listening better, and not screaming at each other, we would have heard the back door slam shut. “Hey Dad,” CJ called as he skidded to stop upon running in on us.

  Taylor’s eyes begged me to keep my mouth shut as our son ran into the room totally unaware of what was going on. “Give me a minute, ok. Go get a snack and wait in the back for me.”

  He nodded before his eyes danced between the two of us, “Ok.”

  As he slipped through the door, and out of sight, my heart yearned for him. I think it must have always known, but my brain hadn’t believed it. A singled tear slipped from the corner of my eye as I stared at the door he’d disappeared behind.

  “I never meant for you to find out like this,” Taylor whispered as he glanced behind himself to make sure CJ was indeed out of the room.

  “You never meant for me to find out at all,” I growled. “My father did this, didn’t he?” I slammed my fist on the counter. “Didn’t he?” my voice rose.

  “Yes,” Taylor’s shoulders dropped as he stared at me.

  Before he could say anything else, I raced to the front of the store. I yanked at the door as I fiddled with the lock. It didn’t want to budge at first, but somehow in my panicked state I was able to get it opened.

  “Morgan wait!” Taylor called as I burst out onto the sidewalk.

  I shook my head as I rushed as fast as my feet would carry me over to my car. I had to get out here. I had to find my father. I had to get some answers. How could a parent do this to his own daughter? Did he hate me that much? How could Virginia hide this all those years? What was CJ going to think when he found out the truth? Would Taylor even let me tell him? I pounded my fists against the steering wheel of my car as the tears now cascaded down my c
heeks. Tears for the daughter I thought I’d lost. Tears for the son that’s never known me. Tears for the young girl who mourned an event that never happened. I was so angry I wasn’t sure I’d be able to forgive any of them. They all played a part in deceiving me. I knew my father had to have been the grand master, but I couldn’t understand why Taylor had gone along with it. Why would someone who claimed to have loved me side with the one person who wanted us apart?

  I needed to go home. Home to New York and away from here. I needed to step back and decide where I wanted to go from here.

  WHEN THE TRAIN pulled into Grand Central Station, I was jolted awake. I’d been sleeping as I leaned against the window, completely worn out from the emotional day I’d had. I was angry and hurt that the people who were closest to me could do what they’d done. I’d left in such a hurry that I hadn’t even had time to close up the house properly. At the moment, I wasn’t even sure if I’d ever go back. All the happy times that I’d been remembering lately were being overtaken by the sad ones. Sadness seemed to follow me everywhere lately, and CJ… what was he going to think? I’d up and left and not even told him bye. We’d become friends, sort of. I didn’t understand my pull toward him at first, but now, after finding out he was mine, I did. What would Taylor tell him about me? Would he tell him anything?

  I rose from my seat and straightened my suit as I reached for my briefcase. I shuffled off the train as quickly as the crowds would allow as I searched for the correct baggage claim. Grand Central was nothing like Cherryville. There were no caring townspeople here to offer assistance. Here you just hoped that you got out of the way so you weren’t trampled by the passengers.

  Once I’d claimed my bag, I pulled it behind me as I made my way to where my driver would meet me. It felt strange being back, but I knew that I needed to talk to my father, and decide what my next move would be. Did I want a relationship with CJ? Would that be best for him? Did I want to stay in Cherryville like I’d thought about for the last several weeks? I wasn’t sure what the answers were to any of those questions or the millions of others that seemed to be swirling through my mind. All I knew was that I needed to clear my head.

  When my driver stopped in front of my building, I asked him to wait. I wanted to drop my things off, change, and go out. I needed to escape, and it had been so long since I’d gotten out from under all the heaviness in my life that I thought I might suffocate under the pressure. I raced upstairs, dropped my bags in my room, and began stripping out of my suit. Pieces of clothing trailed behind me as I made my way into my closet. I stared at the sundresses that were hanging to the right. They looked like the ones I’d worn while staying in Cherryville. They weren’t NY Morgan at all. I growled as I shoved them to the side and grabbed a short, tight skirt that molded perfectly to my hips. A top was next, and I knew just the one. It was blue and silky. It had no back, and tied at the neck. I swept my hair up, and pinned it on top of my head leaving a few pieces hanging down on my shoulders. After adding another coat of mascara, and applying a darker shade of lipstick, I smacked my lips together, grabbed a clutch, and made my way back downstairs.

  My driver was leaning against the side of the car staring at his watch when I approached. I didn’t think I’d been gone that long, but I didn’t really care. I was past that point, and now, I just wanted to forget the day ever happened. “Thanks,” I waved as he opened to the door for me to climb in.

  “Where to?” he called as he slipped behind the wheel.

  “Club High Ball.” I motioned with a flick of my wrist as I began shuffling through my clutch, easily slipping back into my lifestyle.

  “You need a membership to get in there,” he muttered.

  “I’m a VIP,” I scoffed as the car pulled away from the curb.

  “A rich princess,” he grumbled as traffic began to move along 42nd street.

  “I pay you to drive, not comment on my wealth.” I pointed out the windshield. This was unbelievable. Who the fuck found this guy?

  When we pulled up to the front of the club, the driver hopped out to get my door. Lights were flashing as a heavy beat from inside filtered out every time the front door was opened. A long line of patrons wrapped around the building on the front walk. I smirked as I thought about how some of them would stand there all night and still not get in. As I inched toward the door, I began digging through my clutch in search of my ID. I stumbled slightly on the heels I was wearing. I hadn’t been in them in weeks and forgot how hard it was to walk.

  “Easy,” a deep voice sounded from behind me as two strong hands gripped my hips. I jerked to stop as I quickly looked over my shoulder to see who was touching me. A pair brown eyes shone back full of mischief. “Hi,” he released me, but let one hand slowly descend down my hip before falling away.

  “Hi,” I flirted back. “Finally,” I mumbled as my fingers found what I was looking for. I marched up to the doorman with Mr. Tall, Dark, and Fuckable behind me. I flashed my ID, and the bouncer moved the rope to let me pass. When the stranger behind me tried to follow me in, the bouncer pushed against his chest halting him.

  “VIPs only,” he growled as he put the rope back in place.

  “I’m with her,” the stranger pointed at me.

  When the bouncer turned to me with question in his eyes, I smiled before answering, “I’m here alone.”

  “I thought we had something!” the stranger yelled to my back as I reached the door.

  “See if you can get in, then we’ll talk,” I giggled as I pushed through the door and into the club.

  I wandered around for a little while before finally seating myself at the VIP bar upstairs. I had thought I might run into someone I knew, but no such luck. I wasn’t really in the mood to talk anyway. I needed to lose myself, and I only knew of one way to do that. With the music pumping around me, and all the bodies gyrating, I was able to turn my mind off a little bit, but then the bartender approached, and fuck me, he looked just like Taylor.

  “What can I get you?” He placed a napkin in front of me indicating that I’d been served. “Grey Goose and soda,” I sighed as I shifted on my stool.

  “That bad, huh?” he chuckled as he turned to grab a glass. He reached for the frosted bottle tossing it in the air as he poured two fingers of vodka and filled the rest of the glass with soda water.

  “Thanks,” I stirred the ice around with the small straw he’d stuck in the glass. “I’ll start a tab,” I slid my black AMEX card toward him before sipping my drink. It tasted like heaven. I’d been away from the city for so long that I’d almost forgotten what this lifestyle tasted like.

  The drinks kept coming, and each one went down easier than the one before, and before I knew it, the room was starting to tilt. “So, what do I win?” The same voice from outside came from beside me just as a scraping sound of the stool met my ears.

  “You got in,” I turned my head and my eyebrows climbed. I knew I must have had a crazy look on my face because the stranger just chuckled as he motioned for a beer.

  “I did indeed,” he nodded as he turned, placed an elbow on the bar, and stared at me. “Now, about my prize,” he leaned forward, letting his nose barely brush my ear as he whispered, “I’m really good with mouth.” His breath tickled my neck causing me to shiver in my intoxicated state. “I’m good with my hands, too,” he shrugged as he leaned back in his space and took a sip of his beer.

  “You are, are you?” I smiled as I uncrossed and re-crossed my legs hoping to alleviate the throbbing between them. This was what I did. This was how I met people, but after the night Taylor and I just had, I wasn’t sure I still had it in me. I lifted my eyes to signal I wanted another drink just as the stranger finished his beer.

  “What ya say to a dance?” he stood and held his hand out.

  “I’d say you’re crazy. Did you see these shoes?” I giggled as I held my foot out so he could see them.

  “Um,” he chuckled. “I’m the one that kept you from face planting outside. I can make sure yo
u don’t fall. Remember, good hands,” he held up his hands palms out in front of him as he waited.

  Right at that moment, the bartender brought my drink back. “I need to finish this first,” I pointed to the drink as I lifted it to my lips. He sighed, but then laughed when he saw me tip my head back and down it. “Let’s go.” I set the glass down and turned the stool to face him as I reached out to steady myself with his arm.

  “Am I that bad that you need to get shit faced?” he mumbled as he wrapped one arm around my waist slowly letting it slide down on my hips.

  “Bad day,” I grumbled as we approached the edge of the dance floor.

  The stranger led me out to a spot in the center before wrapping his arms around my waist. My hands slid up his chest and locked around his neck as we began to sway to the erotic beat. Between the alcohol swimming through my system, and the erection I could feel pressing against my stomach, I was ready to jump this guy.

  His hips pressed forward as his grip tightened causing me to stumble slightly. His hands began to move, one going up my back the other going down. He leaned forward and brushed his mouth across mine, testing the waters. At first I wanted to push him away, but as the day began to swirl through my mind, all I wanted to do was forget. I didn’t give him time to pull away, but instead crushed my mouth to his. He seemed stunned at first, but when I nipped at his bottom lip, he groaned and held me tighter.

  We stayed there on the dance floor for quite some time groping each other and kissing. He’d managed to touch every part of me that wasn’t clothed, and the further our kissing got, the more I wanted to leave. “Let’s get out of here,” I mumbled against his mouth as I started to pull back. We were both covered in sweat at this point, and I was horny as hell.

  “Your place or mine,” he panted.

  I thought for a minute about taking him to mine, but that just meant I’d have to kick him out after we were finished. It was much easier to make up an excuse to leave if we went to his. “Yours,” I gave a quick smile before remembering that I needed to close out my tab. “I need to go back to the bar to close my tab. I’ll meet you out front,” I giggled as I started to walk away.


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