Red Hot and BOOM! A Sizzling Hot Collection of Stories from the Red Hot Authors

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Red Hot and BOOM! A Sizzling Hot Collection of Stories from the Red Hot Authors Page 27

by Randi Alexander

  Jake spoke up, “There’s plenty of time. I’ll help.”

  Help? What did he mean by ‘help?’

  Jake could see the questions in Lacy’s face but he continued. “I know places in town that I’m sure will love to do your auction idea. I’ll make some calls, go see some people personally.”

  “The course needs your attention right now, Jake,” Rick said. “That’s your first priority.”

  “The course won’t suffer,” Jake assured his boss. “I’ll work on the event after hours. I’m sure there’s a free condo right now. If you’ll let me, I can move in for the rest of the week and Miss Allen and I can work on it after hours. I mean,” he looked back to his boss, not wanting to be too presumptuous, “if that’s okay with you.”

  He’d already made his decision in his head, but Rick needed to at least give the illusion to them all, especially Barnes, that he was thinking it over. He sat back in his chair while they all stared at him. The auction did sound like a great idea, if Lacy and Jake could pull it off. Barnes had been a thorn in Rick’s side for years and Rick was enjoying the pained look on the doctor’s wrinkled face as he awaited the verdict.

  Rick stood from his seat. “As much as we’ve all grown to love your party, Doctor Barnes, I think it could use a little tweaking. I’m sure Miss Allen will implement her auction idea in a tasteful and appropriate manner, so as not to tarnish the clubs reputation. Won’t you, Miss Allen?”

  Lacy nodded her head vigorously. “Oh, absolutely. I’d never do anything to tarnish our image or hurt Doctor Barnes.”

  Barnes’s grumbled his objection, but he was shot down by Rick. Everyone was discretely hiding their smiles.

  “I want it made perfectly clear that I’m not associated with this charade,” Barnes stated on his way to the door.

  Lacy stepped to the side, using Jake’s big muscular frame as a shield. Barnes was unpredictable and he was livid at the moment. The safest place was behind Jake and it gave her an excuse to touch his bicep again, something which made her very happy.

  “You know he’s going straight to the board once he leaves here,” Rick said after Barnes was gone. “I hope you two know what you’re doing.”

  Jake and Lacy turned to each other. The usual confidence was in Jake’s eyes, but Lacy was anything but. A party like this took weeks to plan, linens had to be ordered, vendors lined up and a million other things worked out.

  And they only had a few days to do it.


  Jake had cancelled his plans to go away and moved into the resort that day. Things had taken an interesting and unexpected twist. Just hours before, Jake had been planning to put distance between himself and Lacy, but the fact that she needed help putting the party together had drawn him to her and the idea of spending more time with her had sealed the deal.

  Lacy was a nervous wreck. They’d planned to meet down in the lounge after Jake was done work on the course for the day. The plan was that they’d get some food from the kitchen and start making phone calls and establish a timeline.

  “I can’t believe he’s making me stay late to help you,” Jenny said with a pout as she plopped down on the chair next to Lacy.

  Her presence was a surprise and her news was a downright shocker. “Who’s making you do what?”

  “Rick, he’s making me stay late to help you plan the Independence Day thingy.” There was disdain in her voice.

  Jenny hadn’t been warm to the idea of these last minute changes to this weekend’s event, she was more the type to work her eight hours and go home for the day. She didn’t like things that required additional work. That is, until she saw Jake walk into the building, fresh from the shower and looking sexy as sin.

  Jake spotted Lacy sitting in the lounge beside her assistant. But he only had eyes for Lacy. As always, he was drawn to that magnificent waterfall of hair. It was long, dark brown and fell well below her shoulders. His palms twitched to have a few strands of it wrapped round his palm. The whole idea made him sweat a little, so he rubbed his hands dry on his pants as he approached the ladies.

  “Miss Allen,” Jake said politely as he sidled up beside them. “Jenny, what are you doing here so late?”

  You couldn’t have wiped the smile from Jenny’s face with a belt sander. She grinned from ear-to-ear. “I’m helping the boss here with the new Fourth of July party.”

  “You are?” Jake asked, stunned.

  “She is,” Lacy added with a flat voice.

  All the excitement she’d had in her stomach over the prospect of spending time with Jake had been pushed out by Jenny’s presence. It was going to be the just the two of them, and now all of a sudden, Lacy was going to have to babysit Jenny and probably spend more time keeping her assistant’s hormones in check than actually working on the party.

  “How was the shower?” Jenny asked with a cheery smile, looking Jake up and down like a hungry lioness.

  Yep, hormones were definitely going to be running high all around, because Jake’s sexy mane was a mussed mess. Not only did he look like he’d just walked off the page for a Dolce and Gabbana cologne ad, he also smelled like it. Lacy’s hormones shot up to match Jenny’s. She suddenly felt tightness in her nipples and a surge of heat in her pussy. The memories of what they’d done just last night were stealing her concentration.

  Jake dodged Jenny’s comment. He’d come to their first meeting right after moving into a vacant condo two doors down from Lacy and had been unaware that Jenny was going to be joining them.

  Tension was high as they got down to business, Jenny and Lacy had been on the phone all day, calling potential vendors and businesses who might be interested in participating in the auction. So far a couple restaurants had turned them down, a few said it was too last minute and one even shared the opinion of Doc Barnes, going as far as to call Lacy’s idea nothing short of white slavery.

  Good news came in the way of the chamber of commerce of two area cities and the biggest bank in Natchitoches agreeing to participate and match the total of all the donations. The event would serve two functions, it would be for the members and guests of Willow Cove to enjoy and also a fundraiser. Since Barnes wouldn’t help them select a charity, they had made the decision for the proceeds from the auction to help erect a statue in the town park for the veterans of the local parish.

  They’d left the lounge and were seated at a table in one of the conference rooms. Jake leaned back in his chair and gave a big stretch. It was getting late and he needed a pick-me-up. “I don’t know about you two, but I’m crashing here.”

  “I can imagine,” Lacy offered with a yawn. “I’m sure you had a long day outside on the course.”

  Beside them, Jenny tapped away at the keys on her phone. She’d done little work or made any suggestion worthwhile since they’d started. Instead, she’d spent her time tweeting selfies from her phone and giggling at just about everything Jake said.

  “Jen, honey,” Jake said after a yawn. “Would you be a dear and go get us a cup of coffee from the kitchen?” Jenny gave him a hateful glare, as if she considered herself off the clock because of the hour. “The late night poker crowd is down in the bar, I’m sure there’s a pot brewed already.”

  Jenny looked to her boss for help. Do I really have to do that? she asked with her eyes, but Lacy was on the phone and just said, “Nothing for me, thanks.”

  Lacy was engrossed in her conversation on the phone. She was talking to a guy over at the lumber yard. Scoring them as a sponsor and getting them to participate in the auction would be a huge coup for her, but her eyes landed on Jake for a split-second and she caught him staring at her breasts. The feel of his smoky gray eyes on her body shot a jolt of electricity up and down Lacy’s spine and she lost her focus.

  Jake shifted in his seat. Finally, he’d gotten rid of Jenny for a few minutes. If only Lacy wasn’t on the phone, he could try to broach the subject of their confusing encounter the other night. While he waited for her to get off the phone, Jake let h
is eyes wander all over her body. Lacy was petite and curvy with big blue eyes. Even at this late hour, she still looked like a million bucks and her pouty lips drew back memories of where those lips had been during their date—wrapped around his cock, a cock that was straining the zipper of his jeans under the table.

  God, what he wouldn’t have given to feel her foot drift over from the other side of the table and settle in his lap. Jake’s cock was hard as a rock under the table, the thought of Lacy’s arch rubbing the bulge in his jeans was enough to make his dick leak pre-cum. For the sake of this party, he prayed that Jenny got back soon, because Lacy craning her head to stretch her neck and a flash of the bare skin of her collarbone nearly had him flying over the table to kiss the smooth pale skin.

  Get it together, Jake. She doesn’t even like you, she’s already made that crystal clear. He scolded himself. Have some god damn self-respect, don’t cum in your pants like a horny teenager.

  “That sounded promising,” Jake said with a grin and a stretch when Lacy had hung up the phone.

  “I don’t know. They said they had to think about it.”

  He’d been able to reach down under the table and readjust himself while she was on the phone and not a moment too soon. At that exact moment, one of the golf members phoned and wanted to talk to Jake about the course redesign.

  “Excuse me for a second, Miss Allen,” Jake said as he rose and walked to the window to gaze out into the darkness while he gave the man a progress report.

  Lacy watched him walk away. She was weak where this man was concerned because all she could think about was how tight his ass was and how he could no doubt work magic with those powerful hips and the thick cock that hung low between his legs. Over and over again she tortured herself with the knowledge that she could have had him, she could know by now how it felt when he filled her up. She imagined him probing her tender opening before driving into her with force. God, she wished she could get rid of Jenny. If she could, maybe they could finally talk out their misunderstanding and what had really happened on their date.

  While he talked to his friend, Jake stared over at Lacy. She had the dreamiest look on her face, like she was thinking about hearts and flowers or some romantic notion. If she only knew he was hard as a rock, his cock tucked up firm against his stomach by his belt, Lacy might have expired right there on the spot.

  Lacy glanced over at him, again. It felt like he’d been watching her, she could almost feel the graze of his eyes. But, he wasn’t. She was disappointed. Since he was looking away, she just took joy in watching him. Jake talked with his hands, painting a picture with gestures. She’d only been out on the golf course one time and that was her first day when Rick had shown her around. But the first glimpse she’d had of him, striding across the fairway in cut-off shorts and a ripped T-shirt, covered in dust, Lacy had fallen like a ton of bricks.

  “Where’d he go?” Jenny asked when she got back with a Styrofoam cup full of coffee.

  Lacy jumped, quickly picking up a page full of facts and figures. There was no use letting Jenny find out how she felt about Jake. Kay and Denise knowing was enough. “He’s over by the window talking on the phone.” She stared at the sheet, not really seeing the print, but doing anything to distract her mind from the thought of Jake slamming into her. The idea had made her clit start to ache.

  Jenny followed the finger Lacy used to point over her shoulder toward the big picture window in the room. “No, he’s not.”

  Lacy turned to see. What? He wasn’t there anymore. Somehow Jake had slipped out without Lacy noticing. “He’s probably just gone to the washroom. I’m sure he’ll be back.”

  “Well, I’m done for the night. I already missed dinner, so I’m going to head out,” Jenny said as she gathered up her purse. “I’ll see you tomorrow.”

  Lacy stood and stretched, she put her jacket on and sat down to wait for Jake to return. She waited and waited and waited, almost an hour went by and she finally got so tired she couldn’t hold her eyes open. “Asshole,” Lacy said with a huff and went to her room.


  “He just got up and left,” Lacy said.

  Denise crossed her arms over her ample chest. “And never came back?”

  “No. Not even to say goodnight.”

  When Jake had failed to reappear last night, Lacy had gone to her room and fumed in her bed for over an hour. She’d lain there, staring at the ceiling. A couple of times Lacy even considered going down to his room to confront him. But in the end, she’d simply reconciled herself to the fact he cared little enough about her to even say goodnight. After hours of tossing and turning, finally she’d drifted off to a restless sleep.

  If there’d been any shred of hope in her heart of a future for them, Jake had pretty much ruined it by leaving her last night.

  Lacy put her hands on her hip and stood on one foot, emptying a pebble out of her shoe. “You know what the worst part is?”

  “Worst part about what?” Kay asked as she strolled up to the duo.

  “Jake stood her up last night.” Denise informed her other friend.

  “He didn’t stand me up,” Lacy said, clarifying the information. “We weren’t on a date. We were working on the changes to the Fourth of July party.” She pointed at Kay. “Which reminds me, I need to talk to you about something when we get through here, Kay. Anyway, we were working away and get this, Rick insisted that Jenny work overtime to help us put together the new event.”

  Kay interrupted. “Girl. I have no idea what you’re talking about. Slow down. What new event?”

  Lacy gathered herself together, as much as she hated to admit it, she was still upset about being ditched by Jake. “I said it wrong. It’s not a new event, it’s the new and improved Fourth of July bash. Long story short, there’ve been some changes to the party this weekend. We’re going to do a dessert/bachelorette auction. And I want you to be Willow Cove’s bachelorette.”

  Kay was stunned. “Me?”

  “Unless you’re not interested.”

  “I’m interested.” Kay smiled. “There are lots of eligible bachelors around here, but Lacy honey, I can barely boil water without burning it. How in the heck am I gonna bake something?”

  “Lacy’s a whiz in the kitchen,” Denise added. “I’m sure she’d love to whip something up for you.”

  Great, as if she didn’t have enough to do already, now Lacy had to make a dessert on top of that. “If you agree to be our bachelorette, then I guess I can bake you a chocolate ganache cake.”

  “Will there be cute guys at the auction?” Kay wanted to know.

  “Kayyyy,” Lacy groaned. “I’m already under enough pressure, don’t do this to me please. You know the local townspeople and members better than I do. I can’t make any guarantees!”

  “All right, I’m in. Now get back to your story.” She leaned toward them. “And speaking of stories, remind me to tell you my latest cum-worthy tale later.”

  “Sounds good. As for Jake...well, we were working away, making progress. Jenny was just there, she wasn’t really contributing much, all she did was sit and giggle every time Jake said something. It was really pretty annoying. So, Jake asks her to go get him a cup of coffee.”

  “And of course, she went like a good little girl,” Denise said with an evil smirk.

  “Exactly. And while she was gone, Jake got a phone call. The next thing I knew, he’d walked off and just never came back. What the hell?”

  Kay and Denise exchanged a look. They’d heard this type of story before, about how the date goes good, then things go bad between the pair. Guys could be thoughtless jerks at times. So, it didn’t much surprise them to hear that Jake had walked out on her without so much as a goodbye.

  “What an asshole,” Denise said with a sour face.

  Kay added her two cents. “Guys can be such insensitive dicks. You know what you should do? Invite him to dinner tonight and don’t even bother to show up.”

  A heavy breath escaped Lacy�
�s lips. “I don’t have to invite him. We’re meeting again tonight to work on the party some more. I don’t really have a choice but to work with him. Jake has connections around here that I don’t have and I need as many favors as possible if I plan on pulling this party off. I’d love to tell him what I think about what he did last night, but I need him too much right now to piss him off any more than he already is at me.”

  Sure she needed his help, but what Lacy really wanted to tell Jake, was how badly she wanted him and not just for his connections.

  Chapter Eight

  Even though Lacy would have chosen otherwise, she was forced to listen to Kay’s latest story. She and Denise came around at lunch and they ate at Lacy’s desk. Lacy didn’t turn them away, she needed cheering up. There were some good things going on, the girls from The Right One’s Dating Service were coming back and would be at the resort through the 4th, so Lacy had hit them up to be a sponsor. Cody had agreed and even promised that Marnie would allow herself to be auctioned off. On the negative side, Barnes had stormed back through with more threats, this time accompanied by a lawyer. He had something to say to everyone, Rick included. Only Jake had come out of it unscathed and that was only because he wasn’t around.

  “Cheer me up,” she told the girls. “I need it.”

  “Tell Lacy what happened to you at the movie theater.” Denise urged Kay as she cut up her fried chicken into bite size pieces.

  “I swear, for the rest of my life, every time I look at a picture of Godzilla my nipples will get hard.”

  Kay stopped to take a bite and the other two waited patiently.

  “There’s this guy Sean that I’ve been out with a few times. It’s kinda casual, no commitments, and we both know it. Well, Sean is a big superhero fan, and I mean big. He insisted we both wear matching Spiderman T-shirts to that film and to this one we wore shirts that said, g-o-t and z-i-l-l-a, ‘Got Zilla?’” Kay found this funny, but Lacy and Denise, not so much. Kay sobered and continued, “Sean is a big breast man. I mean he loves my tits, can’t keep his hands or mouth off of them.” She leaned in, making her voice almost a whisper. “And, I don’t know about you girls, but I love to have my nipples sucked and rubbed. I can just sit and be in an almost constant state of orgasm, if someone will just play with my tits.”


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