Red Hot and BOOM! A Sizzling Hot Collection of Stories from the Red Hot Authors

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Red Hot and BOOM! A Sizzling Hot Collection of Stories from the Red Hot Authors Page 29

by Randi Alexander

  Lacy didn’t wait for Jake to answer. She answered for him, “He’s not feeling well. It’s just you and me tonight, Jenny.”

  The idea of being in a room with him and Jenny was not a good one. Lacy couldn’t sit with him for the next few hours and smell him without going out of her mind, and having Jenny there to keep her from doing anything about it would be the epitome of torture.

  Jake looked away from Jenny and back to Lacy. He asked her to join him in his room one last time, wordlessly with his eyes. And when she looked away, he knew he was going home alone.

  “I do not understand women,” Jake mumbled with an exhausted sigh as he walked off.


  Days flew by and before she knew it, things actually started to come together. Trinity, Marnie and Cody returned and Lacy conferred with them. It shocked Lacy to find out that Cody hadn’t broken the news to Marnie about being the company’s representative in the bachelorette auction. “Do you really think that’s a good idea?” she asked.

  “It will be okay.” Cody smiled. Today, she wore a big floppy hat which cast a shadow on her face. On anyone else it would have looked ridiculous, but Cody carried it off like she was at a polo match in England, stomping divots with an earl. “I have an ace up my sleeve.”

  “What do you mean?” Lacy couldn’t help but ask.

  “Since I’m not ready to change teams, just yet, I won’t play the lesbian card and bid on Marnie myself. I asked David to do it.”

  Trinity snorted, said nothing and walked off.

  They were sitting on the patio, having a cool drink. Lacy was worn out and just had to take a breather. She’d been relieved to see these three come through the door. Since meeting them a few months ago, their friendship had blossomed. “What’s wrong with her?” Lacy asked.

  Cody’s eyes followed Trinity as she hugged herself and walked out across the rose garden. “Today’s a hard day for her. It’s a sad anniversary, a few years ago she experienced a tragic loss.”

  Cody didn’t say anything else and Lacy dropped the subject, but she couldn’t help feeling sorry for Trinity. Lacy wasn’t very close to her family, not anymore. They hadn’t forgiven her for breaking it off with Stephen. Oh well, if that was the way they wanted it, she couldn’t help it. Someday, she’d have a new family of her own—maybe. The most horrible thing she could think about was being forever alone. More than anything, Lacy dreaded loneliness.

  “How will Marnie react when she finds out David is going to bid on her?”

  “She’ll be scared, mortified and thrilled to death,” Cody said dryly.

  “Ah, been there, done that.” Lacy could relate.

  They both heard a noise and looked up. Rick was standing at the door, half in/half out. “Lacy, I need you.”

  “Coming, boss.” She raised an eyebrow at Cody, but she left. God, she hoped they didn’t have another crisis to deal with.

  Cody sat alone, sipping a drink. Because she couldn’t stand not to, she took out her phone and checked her Facebook account. As always, there was a message from Hunter. With trembling hands, she opened it.

  Hunter: How’s Sage?

  God, just seeing his name and profile picture made her tremble.

  Sage. Sage. Cody had grown to hate the name of Sage Donovan, the name she’d chosen to create a fake Facebook page. Hiding, she was always hiding. The only place she felt comfortable was in the dark, staring out at the vast blanket of stars. No one judged her there, she could stare at the vast beauty of space and know there was more to life than the cruelties she’d experienced on this Earth. Yet, her reality gave Cody no right to hurt someone else.

  Sage: I’m perfect, how are you?

  Perfect? No greater lie had ever been told.

  “Dr. Napier?” Cody jumped. She looked up to see one of the women from the resort office. “Call me, Cody, please. I leave the sheepskin at the office.”

  “I’m Denise, I just need your signature on this form.”

  Cody signed the credit card slip. “No problem, sorry I missed it.”

  A door shut behind them. Lacy walked back out. “Has anyone seen Jake?”

  Several people answered in the negative. One of the grounds crew walking by told her he’d gone into Shreveport for some supplies they had to have. “Damn, damn, damn,” Lacy said, holding her head.

  “What’s the matter, Lacy?” Denise came and put her arm around Lacy.

  “The board has called a meeting for next week, Monday the 7th at ten am. They requested that both Jake and I show up.” Lacy gripped her stomach, she felt sick.

  “Well, that doesn’t mean anything,” Denise spoke, seeking to comfort her friend. “Depending on how all of this turns out, they could be passing out bonuses.”

  “Yea, I just bet we’ll get a bonus.” Was this all worth it? God, she didn’t know. “Oh well, I’ve got a ton of work to do. Jake’s not answering his cell. If any of you see him, would you ask him to call me?”

  All of the employees within hearing distance answered in the affirmative. Lacy went back in with a pale, drawn face.

  “That girl needs to get laid in the worst way,” Denise muttered as she stood by Cody’s table.

  “What’s going on with her and Jake?”

  Denise briefly let Cody in on the series of events. “They’ve had more ups and downs than a rollercoaster ride. Lacy was hurt by an idiot ex and has self-confidence issues while Jake seems to feel he has something to prove to everybody.”

  Trinity had overheard most of the conversation. She joined them. “Honey, somebody needs to tell that man he has nothing to prove to anybody.”

  “So, why haven’t they gotten together?” Cody asked persistently.

  “Every time they try, something seems to happen to derail the process. If Lacy doesn’t find release soon, she’s going to explode and it’s not going to be the good kind either.”

  “What can we do to help?” Trinity always wanted to have a plan.

  “I don’t know.” Denise looked worried. “All they’ve done is prepare for this damn auction. Anytime they’ve got to spend together has been full of work and worry.”

  “Hmmmm,” Cody mused out loud. “It’s a shame they can’t reap what they sow, so to speak.”

  “What?” Denise said with a frown.

  “You mean why can’t they be part of the auction?” Trinity could see where Cody was going with this.

  “Yea, exactly.” Cody leaned forward. “Does the resort have a bachelorette?”

  “Kay Simmons, the manager of the spa. She bought the most amazing blue dress for the evening. Rick is going to bid on her, of course, but she’s hoping to attract a few men she’s had her eye on, raise more money for charity, you know.”

  “Very admirable,” Cody said dryly. “Get rid of her.”

  “What?” Denise and Trinity asked at the same time.

  “This whole thing is Lacy’s baby. She won’t let it fail. Have Kay back out at the last minute and there’s no one else to take her place—but Lacy.”

  “But, will that help? How can we ensure that Jake is the lucky bidder?” Trinity was stuttering in her confused excitement.”

  “Just leave that to me and Denise,” Cody put her arm around her new friend. “I have a feeling she can be as sneaky as I can be.”


  The day before the big event, Lacy opened the grounds for people to get organized. Vendors were everywhere, setting up their booths and decorative white tents. Chef John was overseeing some of the food preparation, but others had brought massive barbecue pits and smokers, many of them on big trailers. To say things were hectic, would be putting it mildly.

  “Lacy! Lacy!” Denise called out as she came running up to Lacy. “I have bad news.”

  Oh great, already there had been issues with vendors getting along, the chamber of commerce representative had complained that the lumber mills banner was too big and Lacy had spent the better part of an hour dousing that particular fire. There had been a
million other questions she’d had to answer and problems she’d been called upon to solve, not to mention the dark cloud hanging over her and Jake’s head about the board meeting. She’d only been able to speak to him about it for a minute, but he’d told her Rick had already called him and they’d worry about the meeting after the 4th.

  “Please tell me the entire resort is on fire,” Lacy said through clenched teeth. “Because that would be easier to deal with than this damn event. Oh, why did I have to go and listen to Jake and change grumpy ol’ Barnes’ party? I just knew this was going to be more work than I could handle. Why didn’t you smack me and tell me I’d bitten off more than I could chew?”

  “Oh, hush up now, Lacy,” Denise said with a stern look. “If anyone can pull this all together, it’s you. And we both know you let Jake talk you into this because he’s so damn hot and you wanted to impress him.”

  Lacy opened her mouth to defend herself, but nothing came out. Denise was right. Having Jake there in Rick’s office that day had bolstered her confidence to new heights, and come hell or high water, she was going to put this damn party together and she knew she was doing it precisely to impress Jake and show him her worth.

  If only he could’ve been there the last few days to help, but he’d been working hard on the course during the hot Louisiana July days. During the nights he’d been schmoozing vendors for Lacy. Oh, how she longed to spend more time with him. She’d selfishly grabbed every moment she could, but it hadn’t been enough. They’d never gotten to have that official talk about what had happened that night on his boat, or where they stood. There was just too much going on.

  Lacy looked like she was about to spit fire, so Denise spoke as quickly as she could. “Kay’s sick, she can’t do the auction tomorrow.”


  Lacy’s scream drew looks. Everyone around them stopped and stared for a second.

  “I’m sorry, Lacy. I saw her before she went home last night and she wasn’t looking so good. She came in to work today, but she went home right away. She told me she hadn’t been feeling well for a few days.”

  “She has to be here, Denise.” Lacy frantically searched her purse for her cell. “She can’t be sick. Oh my God. Oh my God. Are you kidding me right now?”

  Inside Denise felt a twinge of guilt for what she and Cody were doing to their already frantic friend, but she soldiered on. “She’s not going to answer, Lacy, so don’t waste your time calling. You’re just going to have to do it.”


  This time Lacy’s scream didn’t draw looks, apparently everyone around had gotten used to her frenzied voice.

  “Yes, you. There isn’t anyone else who’s as eligible as you.”

  “I can’t put myself up for auction.”

  “I hate to tell you this, hon, but you have no other options at this point. Kay was one of the only single gals who works here. I’m sure there are a few waitresses in the restaurant who are single, but those girls are just that. Girls. I don’t think it’d look all that good if Willow Cove’s offering for the auction was a girl barely out of high school. Folks round here wouldn’t take too kindly to that, I don’t think.”

  If Lacy knew the truth, she’d have killed Denise right on the spot.

  It hadn’t taken Denise and Cody long to come up with the plan. In fact, they’d hatched it the moment Lacy had left them after asking Cody and Denise where Jake had gone to. They’d make it seem like Kay got sick at the last minute so Lacy would have to take her place. Now all they had to do was make sure Jake bid on her. If Jake and Lacy couldn’t find the time to figure out what had happened between them, their friends would find the time for them.

  Lacy took Denise by the elbow and pulled her to the side. “You must know someone who can fill in for Kay. I can’t put myself up for auction, I have to run the event.”

  “You’ve been here long enough to know that the events practically run themselves, Lacy. All you ever have to do is put them together. Sure, the staff needs some oversight, but it’s nothing Jenny can’t handle. All you’ve gotta do is make sure everyone is in the right place when the party starts. By the time the auction rolls around, you’ll be free for the night. Put yourself on the block, Lacy, I bet there’s a whole slew of members here who’d love to bid on you. It’s a free dinner and date and who knows, you might meet someone you like. Besides, if Willow Cove doesn’t have someone to auction off, Rick is gonna call you into his office Monday morning and I doubt it will be a fun conversation. Don’t give the board any more ammunition than they already have.”

  A rock and a hard place would have been nice right now, because Lacy thought it would have offered more room for her to breathe than she had at the moment. Denise was right, parading out one of the young girls who worked in the restaurant would not be in the best of taste. Rick would not be happy about that at all. Her back was firmly to the wall.

  “Damn it,” Lacy huffed.

  Inside Denise smiled, but on the outside she kept her brow furrowed. “I’m sorry, hon. I wish there was something I could do.”

  “Bake my cake for me,” Lacy fired back. “I’m not going to have time.”

  “You forget. I’ve had your chocolate ganache cake, and nobody makes it as good as you do. It’s so delicious it’s almost sinful. I’ve had to go to confession after I’ve eaten it. There is no way I’m going to even attempt to do what you can do.”

  Lacy covered her face with her hands. What else could go wrong? God, she needed to relax. She needed an orgasm. Heck, who was she kidding?

  She needed Jake.


  Lacy’s phone beeped incessantly. It was lying on the table beside her, smattered with melted chocolate and flour. Today had been a nightmare. First the problems with the vendors, then the news that Kay was sick and now as Lacy stood in the Willow Cove kitchen at just after nine in the evening, things weren’t much better. She’d gotten at least twenty text messages and email alerts about tomorrow. More questions needed to be answered, more details finalized and she was doing it after what had been at least a fifteen hour day, so far. After adding the chocolate syrup, the instant coffee and the chocolate chips, she still needed to make the icing and bake the cake.

  Where are you? The latest text to arrive said.

  It was from Jake. He’d been out promoting the event in Natchitoches and was on his way back. A sharp longing pierced her heart.

  Lacy fired off a quick text with batter caked fingers. In the kitchen. And Dinah isn’t here to help.

  Ha! Well, I guess I’d better come by then.

  God, even his text messages made her wet.

  Visions of flour fights and Jake licking chocolate icing off of her nipples had Lacy’s female parts doing cartwheels. She allowed herself a few selfish moments of indulgence while she stirred the batter, but quickly chastised herself. She’d blown it with Jake, she might as well face the truth. Chocolate nipple licking with him wasn’t in her future.

  “It smells delicious,” Jake said a few minutes later when he stepped into the kitchen.

  “Mama’s recipe,” Lacy said with a smear of flour on her cheek.

  “What are you in here baking at this hour? Are you hungry? Or is that for me?”

  “I wish it was. Don’t ask.”

  Ah, what did this mean? Jake started to analyze the question, but he couldn’t keep his mind on anything but Lacy. God, she looked sexy in her work clothes with a bowl of batter tucked under one arm, hair messy, stirring with a wooden spoon. If Jake hadn’t been so sure she wasn’t interested in him, he’d have stepped right up and licked the flour off her cheek right then and there.

  Jake’s cock began to stir in his pants. The sight of that wooden spoon was just too much, his palm itched to snatch it out of Lacy’s hand, bend her over and spank her bare ass with it.

  Get it together, Knight, he scolded himself on the inside. She’s not into you.

  “Whatcha making?”

  Lacy dipped a finger into
the batter and brought it up to Jake’s lips. “Chocolate ganache cake.”

  He grasped her wrist and held it still while he sucked on her finger. “Pure heaven,” he whispered.

  They exchanged an intense look, a look that ratcheted the heat in the kitchen up about a million degrees and Jake almost leaned in to kiss Lacy. But at the last minute, he reminded himself they were just friends now and he had to quell the desire inside. During the last few days, he’d learned even more about Lacy, about her giving nature, her grit and determination and her sweet vulnerability. And he liked it all. But right now wasn’t the best time. They had things to iron out. Even if walking away from her was the last thing he wanted, he’d respect her wishes. But for how long, he didn’t know. Jake could make no promises.

  Whatever he and Lacy had was far from over.

  The moment was perfect. Perfect that is, until the resort’s head chef John Latham came walking into the kitchen. He looked at them with suspicious eyes. “I hope you plan on cleaning that mess up afterward, Miss Allen.”

  “Of course she is,” Jake fired back. “I’ll help her myself.” If one more person raised their voice to Lacy, he was not going to be responsible for his actions.

  John hitched his pants up, they were always falling down because of his considerable stomach. “Good, because thanks to you two, I won’t be needed as much this weekend, so the food I do end up cooking has got to be perfect.”

  John was an asshole on a normal day, but because of the outside sponsors and vendors coming in and some of them bringing food to serve, John’s dishes wouldn’t be showcased this weekend as they had been in past years and it burned him. He loved the spotlight and Lacy’s updated Fourth of July event had taken that attention away from him.

  John looked over the area where Lacy was working. “I hope that’s not my good mixing bowl set you have there.”

  Lacy had spurned John’s advances from the moment they’d first met and he was always a dick to her because of it, going so far as to call her a lesbian behind her back from what one of the servers had told her.

  Lacy put on her best fake smile. “Of course not, John.”


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