Red Hot and BOOM! A Sizzling Hot Collection of Stories from the Red Hot Authors

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Red Hot and BOOM! A Sizzling Hot Collection of Stories from the Red Hot Authors Page 44

by Randi Alexander

  “I do not think it would be possible for that to happen.”

  “Let’s hope not. Kiss me, I gotta go.” Mikael did and then watched as Terri opened the door and left his room. He had very mixed feelings about her departure. On the one hand, she was right. They needed to slow things down in the sex department. Never before had he felt this kind of pull toward a woman and he didn’t want to complicate things by adding sex to the mix. He walked back and plopped on the now very-rumpled bed, palming his erection through his shorts. On the other hand, he’d never found this combination of things he liked in one woman and wanted to pursue things with her as soon as possible. So sort of two sides of the same damn coin.

  Mikael blew out a loud breath. For tonight, anyway, he was alone. Hopefully not for long.

  Chapter Four

  His phone pinged with a text message from Terri as he was finishing breakfast from room service.

  Heard from Storm management again. Goalie signed for Rochester-want to know if I’d play in ECHL-one step below. Not too far away, but not as good a league.

  He sighed. It had been obvious Terri was excited about the prospect of playing for the Storm’s minor league team, but he could certainly understand not being as thrilled about instead being part of their minor-minor league team.

  That sucks. Still going to rookie camp?

  Mikael took a sip of orange juice and then sat back, lost in thought. Could he help her at all? He supposed he could speak with the management in Minnesota, but would Terri want him to? Maybe she’d feel like he was advocating for her because she couldn’t do it on her own merits. Plus, selfishly, he didn’t want her to go that far away. From what he knew, Minnesota’s minor league team was somewhere in Iowa. I shouldn’t get in the way of her being able to play, though. Another text came in.

  Yeah, they invited me. And you never know what could happen.

  True. Players got injured all the time.

  Where is the other team they asked you about?

  He truly felt bad for Terri, who had a lot of talent. It seemed like the sex of the goaltender shouldn’t matter much if that person could play the game. Having females as forwards or defensemen could be bad, simply because the men who played professional hockey tended to be big, strong guys. Mikael wasn’t the hugest or the hardest-hitting player in the league by a long shot; his specialty was speed and passing, but he’d still crush a woman of Terri’s size if he checked her.

  Elmira. It’s about two hours or so south and a little east of Buffalo. Not too bad.

  Rising, Mikael debated whether or not to offer to talk to the executives in Minnesota. He didn’t know her well enough to be able to gauge how she would react to such a suggestion.

  Maybe wait a bit and see if any other offers come in. Go to the Storm camp too. Then you can make a decision.

  Now that he considered it more, going that route made the most sense to him. If her options were limited, maybe she wouldn’t get mad if he spoke to the management in Minnesota. Since he was damn sure he’d still be seeing Terri through the summer and hopefully beyond, they had some time before he brought up the subject.

  His phone rang with the call from the relocation specialist the Storm had hired for him. He told her what he wanted and she promised to get back to him that day or the next. The idea of moving out of this hotel room was certainly appealing, but it would take time to close on something. Pulling out Karen’s card, he dialed the number on the back.

  “Buffalo Storm, this is Karen.”

  “Hello, Karen. It’s Mikael Maata.”

  “Mikael! How are you? Great tournament. You did well.”

  He acknowledged her praise with a noncommittal sound, since professional athletes didn’t tend to think they’d been successful unless they won it all, but Karen seemed like the type to find the good in any situation. And to not be surprised by the hyper competitiveness of the players around her.

  “The relocation person called and will have some places for me to look at soon.”

  “That’s a good start. I’m sure it will be a load off your mind.”

  “Yes. My condo in Minnesota needs to be sold too.”

  “Someone from there should be contacting you about that. They can get the place ready for sale, do any tours or open houses necessary; you shouldn’t have to be involved at all except to pack anything you’ll need here, and even that you don’t have to do, but many want to. We’ll hire a truck, of course, to bring everything to Buffalo. Then the last step is to say yes or no to any offers that come in and to make your decision about something locally.”

  “You make it sound so easy.”

  “We want our players to concentrate on hockey, but be happy where they’re living.”

  “Speaking of being happy, that is why I called. Even if I find something I like soon, it will be weeks before I can move in. Would it be possible to switch to one of those long-stay hotels with a kitchen? I know I’m asking a lot—”

  Karen laughed. “Mikael, from what I’ve seen you might be the most laid-back player we have around here, except maybe Sebastian. You could make that kid happy almost no matter what you do. Anyway, that’s not a problem at all. We have a contract with a hotel just a couple of blocks from here. They have two-room suites with microwaves, a fridge, coffee maker, stuff like that. No stove that I know of, so I apologize for that, but hopefully your closing will be quick.”

  “That sounds fine, thank you.”

  “I’ll call them and get you set up, then call you back. Oh, and I almost forgot. Are you bringing a car here or should I get you a rental?”

  “I had not thought about it. What would be easiest?”

  “Whatever’s best for you, hon. We can send a hauler and have your car here in a few days or I can get you a long-term rental. If you choose the hauler, of course, I’ll arrange for a rental until your car arrives.”

  “What if I choose to do the longer rental? How would I get my car then?”

  “It’ll be brought here along with your things.”

  “Oh.” It would be nice to have a car, but he felt bad the team was doing so much.

  “Most players choose to have their cars brought in immediately, if that helps you decide.” Karen’s tone indicated she understood his hesitation, and he blew out a relieved breath.

  “That would be great if you could.”

  “Sure.” She read everything back to him and said she’d call back when he could change hotels. They hung up and he went back to his messaging app. There were two texts.

  You’re right. I have all summer. I don’t have to make a decision now. Thanks for calming me down. It’s stupid to get upset about stuff like this.

  What are your plans for today?

  Mikael rolled his eyes to himself.

  It is not stupid when you do not feel comfortable without a plan. And all I’m doing today, besides working out somewhere, no idea where yet, is move hotels.

  He looked around the room. With the little he’d brought, it wouldn’t take long to pack up. Hopefully there was a laundry service or machines somewhere in this new hotel since he was running out of clothes already.

  Want a workout partner? Then I could drive you over to the other hotel. Where is it?

  He laughed.

  I don’t know. Karen said she would call me back.

  Setting the phone on the table, he regarded the remains of his breakfast, knowing he should try to eat more if he and Terri were going to work out.

  His phone buzzed again.

  Typical man. Want to go to my gym? I have guest passes.

  That would solve one immediate problem, since Mikael had not been told he could use the Storm’s equipment and the center here left much to be desired. Surely the hotel he was going to would have a workout room, hopefully much better than the current one, but he liked to get his routine done early and have the rest of the day to rest and recover. He didn’t kill himself, but didn’t slack off either and, with the tournament, hadn’t worked out in a couple of
days, not wanting to injure himself doing too much. Mikael hadn’t been on skates since the last game of Minnesota’s playoffs before he put them on for the tournament.

  Sure, that sounds great. Then lunch. I’ve just eaten breakfast but am always starving when I finish at the gym.

  He took his bag from the luggage rack and dropped it on the bed, putting the rack back in the closet to prepare for checking out.

  Be there in about a half-hour.

  Mikael took a quick shower. He didn’t think he and Terri were at a point in their relationship where she wouldn’t mind if he hadn’t showered. And even if she didn’t care, he did.

  He stood outside a little while later, waiting for her. The bright sun had necessitated sunglasses, and it seemed as if no one had noticed him. Mikael had never been a fame-seeker, and the fact the players were left alone for the most part in Minnesota had been nice. When he’d been looking for another team to sign with, he and his agent had ruled out places like Montreal where players were under a spotlight all the time. Mikael liked to just go to the rink, do his work, and come home.

  They had a good workout and a nice, healthy lunch. Then Terri came back to the room with him so he could grab his stuff and go to the new hotel. It was in a high rise and, as Mikael put a few things away, Terri flipped idly through the information binder.

  “There’s a great-looking exercise room here. You should check that out.”

  Using the place here would be convenient, but not as much fun without Terri. Sticking his head out of the bathroom door, he asked, “Already trying to get rid of me?”

  “Uh-uh. In fact,” she walked up behind him and wrapped her arms around his waist, slowly moving up his torso. “Did I mention how sexy it was to watch you do leg squats with a ridiculous amount of weight?”

  Looking into her eyes through the mirror, by the benefit of her head being propped up on his shoulder, Mikael said, “Seriously?” At that point in the workout he’d been all sweaty and gross.

  “Ohh yeah. Remember—tree trunks thighs...good.” The word came out in about six syllables and he laughed.

  “I will have to remember that.”

  “No wonder your legs are so huge. You did those squats with what, two hundred and forty pounds?”

  He turned and put his own arms around Terri. “Have you been checking me out?”

  “I’m a hockey player. I can appreciate hard work.” How she kept a straight face through that lie he’d never know.

  “Oh, so that is all it is? Professional respect?”

  “Well, that and you’re smokin’ hot.”

  “I am not,” he said with a snort.

  “Are you arguing with me? You really don’t know how good-looking you are?”

  Mikael shrugged. “I never thought that about myself.”

  “So the dozens of women you have to drag around behind you all the time didn’t clue you in?” Terri grinned, waggling her eyebrows.

  “Nope, no women. Well, one. Will I have to drag you around?”

  “Maybe.” She dropped her hands pretty close to palming his ass. Mikael’s eyes widened. “How about just to the bed for now? We need to make sure it’s of good quality.”

  He laughed, but let her pull him out of the bathroom. Sure, Mikael considered himself a gentleman, but he was also a twenty-seven-year-old man with a beautiful, apparently horny woman in a bedroom alone. I might be a gentleman, but I’m not stupid. Yeah, pretty sure she’s giving me the signs.

  Terri reversed their positions and then pushed on his chest until the backs of his legs touched the mattress. He didn’t expect the shove that came next. Due to her profession, Terri was stronger than most women, but Mikael could’ve easily held her off. No, not stupid. He fell and she climbed on top of him. Yes, this is what happens when you’re smart.

  Leaning down so a veil of Terri’s blonde hair fell on both sides of his head, she said, “Kiss me.”

  “Anytime.” He encouraged her to lie on top of him and then did as she bade, groaning as she pushed into his mouth, taking control of the kiss. Why Terri often being the sexual aggressor was so sexy, he couldn’t say, but his body tightened as the kiss continued. Mikael bent his legs, so now Terri was between his thighs and lying on his torso.

  “Trying to capture me with those powerful muscles?”

  “You will have to keep going and find out.”

  A while later, as they both lay on their backs staring up at the ceiling, Terri said, “I give the bed a B. I give you an A+.”

  “You must be a good teacher.”

  “Did I mention you’re supposed to have after-school time with the teacher?”

  He turned his head to look at her. “Do you like that kind of thing?”

  “You mean like playing the roles of teacher and student?” He nodded and she shrugged. “Every now and then it’s fun to mix things up, but I’m not into heavy scenes or anything.”

  “Oh good. I was getting worried for a minute that I might be too boring for you.”

  Terri sat up, reaching for her bra, which was half hanging off the end of the bed, and slipping it back on. “Worried like I’m going to show up in head-to-toe leather someday?”

  “Hmm. That might not be a bad thing. Motorcycle sexy.”

  “Or I could wear my pads.”

  “That would just be weird. And they smell.”

  “Good point.”

  No matter what you did, hockey equipment had one of the worst smells on the planet. Mikael was convinced of it. In the locker room he’d gotten so used to the odor he didn’t usually notice it, but in a small place like this it would probably stand out. In fact, he needed to air his own equipment out. The balcony would work well for that.

  Yeah, let’s concentrate on the woman and think about stinky equipment later.

  Terri didn’t put her t-shirt back on but instead rolled onto her stomach, which gave Mikael a great view of her shorts-encased ass. His hands had wandered that way a few times, but he’d made himself slow down.

  One side of her mouth kicked up in a smirk and he asked, “What is that look for?”

  “How can I not smile? I have a mostly naked, incredibly well-built man lying next to me.”

  Mikael looked down. He was indeed shirtless, and somewhere along the way his shorts had been unzipped. “How did that happen?”

  Her smile grew wider. “No idea. Someone must not have been able to control herself.”

  If Terri kept this up it wouldn’t be long before they went all the way. While the idea was appealing in the extreme, he still didn’t want to take things too quickly. Then Mikael remembered he didn’t have any condoms with him. Not that they’d need them right now, but he should remember to get some. Actually, he should probably fly home and bring back a bunch more stuff; clothes, books, some movies, and his supply of condoms. For some reason the team kept giving them out and Mikael had quite a stash now.

  “I am thinking about going to Minnesota soon and picking up some things from my condo. I only brought enough clothes for a few days.”

  Her feet swung from side to side over her bent legs. Like him, she probably found it hard to stay still.

  “When would you leave?”

  “Possibly tomorrow if I could get a flight. I can fill up all my pieces of luggage with things and then fly back, maybe tomorrow night or the day after that.”

  “I’d mention the baggage fees, but I read about your contract. I doubt they’ll bankrupt you.” His face felt hot and he looked away. It really wasn’t fair he would make millions while she struggled simply to find a place to play the game she loved and was really good at. She reached over and took his arm. “Hey, don’t feel bad about the money. It’s just the way it is. And maybe you don’t realize or acknowledge it, but you’re really good at hockey.”

  He moved onto his side and dug his fingers into her ribs. Just that day Mikael had discovered Terri was ticklish and now took every opportunity to torment her, especially since it made her mad that he wasn’t at all tick
lish. “Just really good? I am sad now.”

  Terri squealed. “All right, all right. You’re the best hockey player I’ve ever seen.”

  “Better,” he said as he dropped onto his back once more.

  “How about the best I’ve ever seen mostly naked? The best I’ve ever wanted to spend hours kissing?”

  He raised one eyebrow. “There better not be a lot of those.” Can I be possessive enough to ask her not to have any other mostly naked hockey players around? Was what I just said enough? Sometimes women were funny about that kind of thing, and they’d only met days ago, but had spent so much time together he felt as if they’d been dating for months. “Actually, I would like to be the only hockey player you see mostly naked.”

  “What about female players? Are they allowed?”

  “Of course. They are not men.”


  Wow, that was easy.

  Terri straightened and sat on the bed. “Hey, do you want to go for a walk and see another cool place in Buffalo?”

  “That sounds like fun. Let’s go.”

  She showed him the Buffalo Riverwalk, which stretched out for quite a ways into the Buffalo River, pointing out the Peace Bridge with its colorful lighting and US and Canadian flags, Canada just across the river, and a few other sights. They held hands as they walked and Mikael took some time to reflect on the past several days. Meeting Terri and getting to know her made these days rank up with some of his best ever, like draft day when he’d gone in the middle of the first round, to his first game with the big boys, and when Minnesota had gone to the conference finals a couple of years ago.

  They reached the end of the walk, having passed several couples and families along the way. There was a larger round area with a few benches, and Terri sat, sighing and smiling as she looked around.

  “I love the water. There’s something about it that calms me.”

  “I can understand that.” He was still standing, watching her more than the view.

  “Sit. You’re making me nervous staring at me like I’m lunch.”

  Mikael chuckled, being polite enough not to point out how he had, in fact, had Terri—her beautiful breasts, anyway—as dessert after their lunch earlier. She moved closer to him and grabbed his arm, dropping it around her own shoulders.


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