Unleashed Fury (BloodRunes: Book 1)

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Unleashed Fury (BloodRunes: Book 1) Page 15

by Cole, Laura R

“It's not my place to tell you,” Mila answered with a shrug. “If ever he decides you should know, you will. Until then, just keep in mind that you have no idea what has happened in anyone's life but your own.”

  Some time later Charles returned for the boy who gave him a joyful hug upon his arrival. “Won't you stay for a while and have some tea with us?” Mila implored the two.

  After glancing at the round eyes and pouting lip that the boy gave him, Charles laughed and gave in, “Alright,” he consented, “I s’pose we could play the quidnunc a bit, but just for a minute.”

  They all settled themselves around the fireplace, and the woodsman regaled them with stories from the wilderness and tales he had been told in his travels. After a while, they heard the sound of boots being banged against each other outside the door in an effort to rid them of snow. A moment later Gryffon entered, his cheeks rosy from the cold. Layna had been happy to realize that Gryffon would be staying close by after having been kicked out of Jezebel’s manor, and though he had to be careful about his visits so as not to give away her location – how strange to be a fugitive! – he did come by as frequently as he could.

  He looked around at their little group, and smiled 'hello' to everyone, going over to shake hands with Charles. He shook snow out of his hair and removed his wet clothing, taking care to hang them where they could drip as the snow melted off them. He grabbed himself a cup of tea and took a seat on the floor, cradling his cup to warm his hands.

  “You didn't finish your story!” the little boy accused the woodsman, whose latest tale had been interrupted by Gryffon's entrance.

  “Right you are.” Charles smiled down at the boy. He took up the narration where he had left off. “So out on the edge of the North Woods I was, lookin’ out over the Ferryn Plains. I swear upon my dear old mother's grave, that what I saw was a dragon god.” He saw Layna and Gryffon's looks of disbelief and he held up a hand to them, “I ain't bein' no quipster here, it was plain as day. It spread it great ol' wings and took to the sky. Too far off to tell much about it, but no doubt in my mind that it was indeed a dragon. They used to walk among us as dragons, the gods did. There have been other strange occurrences out there as well. Like I was telling ya in the market about the magical beasties returning. Though it may sound like crazy talk, it would be wise to not dismiss it out of hand. This is a strange time we live in, I can feel it in my bones getting’ stranger as we speak.” He lifted himself up out of the chair and bent down with a grunt to pick up the boy. “Come along David, it's high time we got you home.”

  After they had said their good-byes and headed out the door, Gryffon turned to Mila. “Do you believe in all these sightings?”

  Mila simply shrugged saying, “There are many things in this world that we are unaware of.” She wouldn't say any more, no matter how they begged. Finally they gave up, and Layna and Gryffon moved upstairs to chat in Layna's room.

  “How'd court go?” Layna asked him as they settled themselves on the pillows she had put in front of her fire. Today had been the hearing where the court decided whether or not Gryffon’s debt to Jezebel had been paid off.

  “Not bad,” he answered. “Pretty much as expected. I managed to keep Fly and Axe, but she got the rest of the horses. Luckily, the Justice agreed that I had provided adequate service in repayment for the debt, so other than the horses and a few other minor possessions, I am now completely untied to the devil lady.”

  “That's very good news.”

  “For sure. You should have heard the lies that she spewed out though. It was almost funny. Her entire speech is so riddled with fabrications, it's incredible. According to her, I'm both involved in all sorts of side businesses that are making me all this money that I should be able to give her in interest for her 'kindness'; but then in the same breath, she calls me out as a lazy bum that does nothing all day. Go figure.”

  Layna shook her head in disbelief. “What a horrible person.”

  “I did manage to get your note to Katrina though, and she looked well. Obviously no one has been the wiser as to her involvement.”

  “That’s good, thank you for doing that.” Layna looked down, feeling shy. It was odd to be sitting in her bedroom talking to him. She picked at her nails uncomfortably, trying to find something else to say.

  “Well,” he said, getting up from his chair, “I guess I should be getting back.”

  “Okay,” she agreed reluctantly, rising from the bed to walk him out. She opened the door and held it open for him, and he brushed against her softly as he passed. He paused and looked back at her, and she waited in anticipation as he leaned closer. His lips brushed briefly across hers for a moment, almost a kiss, as he moved his head close and he whispered sensually in her ear.


  Layna clicked the door shut behind him, leaning her back against it as she closed her eyes in bliss. She pressed her lips together, remembering the sensation of his lips dancing across hers, and sighed.

  She missed him already.


  Jezebel was all jitters as she sat outside the Council room. Inside, they were discussing the candidates, and voting on the new members. As a candidate herself, she was not allowed to enter the discussion, but she had wanted to be present for when the decision was made.

  She had been very busy lately. Between everything else, she had been scheming relentlessly with Devon to do whatever they could to discredit the other Council hopefuls. She also had spent hours poring over the book from Lord Farthen, and was already in the process of applying the knowledge that she had learned. She had confiscated one of the family's country manors for her project, and even now her own little pack of hellhounds roamed their carefully contained paddock there. The book had suggested starting with a small animal, like a squirrel, but she had decided to skip this stepping-stone and proceed straight to dogs. Dogs would be much more useful. Plus, she liked the term 'hellhound' that they were given once transformed into her own creatures. She had rescued the lot of them from a merchant in town who kept them tied out behind his shop all day. Poor things had nowhere to run, and now they have whole acres to stretch their legs. Not to mention a new purpose in life, much more important than guarding that man’s store. The purpose of serving me.

  She had been delighted by the volumes of information that the book had contained, and was even more convinced now that she would indeed become all-powerful. Just in this one little book there was more knowledge about magic than all of her teachers combined had been able to teach her. It spelled out what incantations and what tools to use in order to best cause pain as you drew out your runes upon the beasts to bend them to your will. The more pain you caused, the more blood-magic flowed from them into you.

  She greatly enjoyed working with the hellhounds. Their runes needed to be retraced regularly to ensure their continued loyalty to her, and it was a pleasure when one showed disobedience and she had to correct it. It was pure enjoyment having that kind of power flowing into her. The book also described other spells that Jezebel was dying to know more about, but frustratingly it only mentioned that they were possible, not how they were done. Many of them involved potential improvements that could be made to your creations, like adding poison in their fangs. Who would dare cross me with a pack of poisoned hounds at my beck and call? None of my suggestions on the Council would be countered then. Perhaps she would have to arrange another meeting with that Farthen fellow to try and persuade him to part with more of the valuable documents.

  After what seemed like hours of waiting, a servant came to fetch her. The decision was about to be announced, and therefore she could enter the room to hear the results. She slipped inside and looked for her father; his expression would tell her what she needed to know. He gave her a quick smile and a nod hello, and was looking very smug. Since he had switched his stance and decided to back her claim after finding out about her other supporters, his happiness could only mean that she had gained a seat. She exhaled a breath she hadn't re
alized she had been holding and gave a bright smile to everyone in the room, taking care to make eye contact with any that looked her way. The current Council members were being handed a piece of paper, and the speaker stood to announce the names of those who would be taking their places. Her smile widened as her impression was confirmed when they read her name as one of the members.

  “For those of you who were just voted to replace us as Council members,” said the speaker, “please remain to get your instructions on how to proceed. Everyone else, thank you all for coming and sharing your input. We shall be sending out invitations to the seating ceremony very shortly.” He rapped on the table dismissively and people slowly started filing out. Jezebel sat impatiently, watching as hopefuls left with forlorn looks. Lord Carlon and Lord Farthen both met her eyes to give her waves hello and quick congratulatory smiles.

  Her father made his way past her and patted her on the back. “Excellent work Jezebel, we were successful. Now we will have many more opportunities for further advancement.”

  Jezebel found it hard not to scowl at him for assuming that he was involved in any way, either in her being elected, or that she would let him benefit from her new stature. Now that she had put her foot in the door to the royal treasuries as it was, there was no reason to go back to his measly fortune. She was moving up in the world and had every intention of leaving him in her dust.

  Once the room had cleared out, except for the former Council members and the new, the speaker once again addressed them. “First of all, I would like to congratulate each of you for earning these positions. Remember, you are now the advisors to the King and have the utmost responsibility to uphold what is best for King and kingdom. That said, each of you will be given a suite here at the palace where, as my partners and I concur, you end up spending many of your waking hours and many sleepless nights as well. We recommend that you outfit it with everything you may need in case of extended stays. Staffing will be provided by the palace, so unless you have specific servants that you would prefer to bring, you may leave your manor staff in place. If you do have a special request, please talk to Elise, who is the palace overseer.” Elise gave them each a bow in turn, and then proceeded to pass out packets to each, which the speaker explained. “These contain the information you will need in your transition to full Council members. In short order we shall hold the official seating ceremony where you will be presented with the keys to these suites. As we have been aware of this change, most of us have already emptied out our suites, so although you can't officially move in until the ceremony, you are able to start sending things over immediately. Just please check with the current occupant before doing so.” He gave them all a smile. “Lastly, we recommend you all make an effort to get to know one another if you don't already, as you will be working with each other quite closely and it will be imperative for you to work as a cohesive whole. Again, congratulations, and you will receive your invitations as guests of honor to the seating ceremony presently.”

  The rest of the former Council rose as one and exited out the back door of the room. Jezebel looked around the room at the other new members. Surprisingly, none of the former Council members had been reelected. Given the generous stipend that they were given for their service and abrupt changeover, she wouldn’t doubt it if they hadn’t tried overly hard to do so. Therefore, there were six new Councilors including herself, and only one other that she recognized by face. She knew of them all by reputation, of course, having made it her business to know what was going on in an election she was so closely a part of. They were each from separate regions of the country so as to provide a fair representation of the country as a whole. She did not envy the ones who would have to make the long treks back and forth from their home manors to their palace suites, but she supposed that they had known what was to be expected of them. Besides, who wouldn't give up what they had for a chance to be on the Council? She was now one of the six people who were directly below the King, and would soon be privy to the innermost workings of the government. Her elation was threatening to bubble over, and she cheerfully invited the other Council members to her humble home so that they could all get to know one another. Each one in turn accepted the invitation, and soon they found themselves sitting comfortably in Jezebel's library where she entertained them with her ideas for the improvements that needed to be made.


  “The new Council has been elected, Master, and she is on it,” reported Jonathan, kneeling before Master.

  “Thank you, Jonathan,” the man acknowledged. “Any other news?”

  Jonathan hesitated, debating how best to relate his information. “I have found several of the symbols that you asked me to watch for,” he explained slowly, “all of which on those I have been tracking.”

  Master sat up straighter in his chair. “Several?”

  “Yes, Master, two higher nobles – one from the country and another from Avonmora. And,” he paused again, “as we already knew, Jezebel.”

  His master sat back slowly, resting his elbows on the arms of his chair and holding his hands out in front of him with just his fingertips touching. “Were any of them of notable talent?”

  “Jezebel is the most powerful, Master.”

  “Pity,” Master responded. “I'm going to let you in on a little secret. This symbol represents a specific bloodline. A bloodline that could potentially be very important for our god's return. I want you to keep a close eye on all of them, let me know immediately if any show signs of being more powerful than they seem at first glance. Check in with Jezebel as well, about her project. I need to know if there are any high talents filtering in from Treymayne. The King is gearing up for a war, so this information will be doubly important as he takes his new position. Let's have her get Devon more involved, and interrogate any suspicious people rather than just watch them.” Jonathan was taken aback by Master's sharing of such sensitive information, and pleased that he had found him worthy of hearing it.

  “Of course, Master. And what of her hellhounds?”

  “Make sure that she knows we know about them, but leave her to deal with them as she will. However, I want to know where she found the information to produce them.”

  Jonathan made his way out of the temple where Master had arranged the meeting. He weaved through the throng of people in the marketplace to his carriage. After giving the driver his orders, he sat back to ponder how best to proceed. By the time the carriage jerked to a halt he had come to a decision, and he squeezed out through the carriage door and went up to the house to have his arrival announced.

  When he was shown into the library, Jezebel was looking pleased with herself, surrounded by the five other newest Council members. Jonathan had a momentary twinge of annoyance that she would receive him with so many witnesses present, but pushed it aside and instead begged their forgiveness while he borrowed Jezebel for just a moment. He motioned for her to follow him into the sitting room, and out of the range of prying eyes and ears. Despite the look of irritation she gave him, she obliged.

  “And what do I owe this pleasure?” she asked when they were out of earshot.

  “Your man Devon,” Jonathan said, “I understand is quite adept at getting people to open up to him.”

  Jezebel smiled and let out a short laugh. “Why, yes he is. What kind of information would you like him to obtain?”

  Jonathan was pleased to note that she immediately assumed her responsibility to do whatever task he set forth for her. “Of the latest list of suspicious names you have, have Devon choose a few to interview. See what he can find out for us about the talent in Treymayne. And congratulations on winning the Council seat, by the way.” He acknowledged her accomplishment with a nod of his head and a conspiratorial smile. She accepted with a smile of her own, ignoring his slightly mocking tone.

  “Indeed,” she answered. “I will set Devon to the task as soon as my guests leave. Is there anything else, or may I return to my entertaining?” She inquired politely but with a hint of
superiority. She's letting her success go to her head already, he thought to himself. But she'll learn soon enough that while the Councilors are the advisors to the King, the King still has the final say. Their primary function becomes keeping the King informed and really they have relatively small amounts of personal power themselves to actually make decisions. Not to mention that each of them were someone else’s puppet. Which was why people like Lord Carlon were perfectly willing to support people like Jezebel to occupy the seats. Lord Carlon remained free to continue his own projects, which gained him much more than pursuing a Council seat himself would. But to people like Jezebel, the palace was the ultimate position of power, and power and status were what motivated them.

  “That is all for now,” he answered, refraining from enlightening her on her situation. “I'll be back sooner than usual as this matter is pressing, so please tell Devon that it has precedence.”

  “Fine,” Jezebel said shortly and held out a hand indicating he should depart before her. He did so, but stopped at the door.

  “Oh, and Jezebel,” she turned back towards him and arched an eyebrow. “Do make sure your little country project doesn't sink you before you've even officially been accepted. Having you get caught with them is not part of the plan.” She didn't comment, but her other eyebrow joined its companion, and Jonathan was given a sense of satisfaction at having surprised her once again. He returned to his own home, disquieting thoughts of Jezebel plaguing him.


  Layna was cleaning up the dishes from lunch, when suddenly the door to Mila's house burst open and a young girl stumbled inside. The girl collapsed, barely a foot within the door, and Layna rushed to her side, calling out for Mila. The poor thing had hardly a rag on her, and her skin was already red and raw from wind and cold blistering.

  Mila came running into the room and immediately got down to business, ordering Layna to lift the girl up onto the bed and to get her out of the wet and shredded clothes. Layna did so without question, ripping at the rags in her haste to comply. She was horrified to see the condition of the body beneath them. There were scars all over it. The white lines traversed her length, and newer red ones, still scabbed over with dried blood, criss-crossed her body.


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