Hellbound Second Advent

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Hellbound Second Advent Page 27

by Decoyar Brown

  “You should worry about yourself, tovarisch.” Nathan held a giant firearm in his hands. It had the base of a grenade launcher and the tip and trigger assembly of an assault rifle.

  When Claudius regained his vision, he slowly picked himself up.

  Then he heard Michael asked, “Hey, mate? Are you feeling a bit dizzy?”

  Michael was standing next to Talia, and they were both in their antibiosis armor.

  Claudius said, “You and Talia are responsible for that centipede demon that pulled Zack underground.”

  “You guessed right,” Michael said. “Now, be a good lad and come fight by your friends’ side. I can look past your foolish mistake and beg your adopted father for forgiveness. He won’t mind letting you back into the Order.”

  Claudius staggered from exhaustion while he walked. He looked at Michael, smiled, and said, “Not a chance.” Claudius pointed behind them.

  “Look out!” Nathan yelled.

  There was a rustle behind Michael and Talia. They turned to look but the statue’s hand sent them flying a football field away before they could defend themselves.

  Claudius jumped back a few feet to avoid getting smashed by the creature’s giant limp. It took all his energy to avoid the blow. He fell to his knees. He had been fighting for days without food or water, and he knew he couldn’t keep it up much longer.

  The creature started moving toward Claudius, but he managed to stay calm. It stooped down and looked directly at him. A beam of green light shined from the large gem on its forehead, revealing a hologram of a man. The man looked to be in his early fifties and had a medium build. His gray hair was slicked back. He was dressed in a black robe and a priest’s collar. “Greetings, son of Gevurah. I was formally known as Father Davis. But on this day, I am your Lord and Savior.”

  “Father Davis? Weren’t you the one who attacked my father and shackled him in your chamber? Why are you here helping me now?”

  “The disagreement I had with your father was simply a misunderstanding. Our disagreement was significantly for this purpose—it was for the Savior to be born. Without your father’s help, the Savior would not have existed. His angelic power is fueling this machine.”

  Claudius staggered toward the statue. “Well, unlike my father, I can overlook your past disagreements. Today, I am glad for your assistance.”

  The head of the statue split in half, and the hologram disappeared. Father Davis walked forward and uttered, “With that said, son of Gevurah, here is a ounce of your father’s power.” The statue’s right hand moved slowly toward Claudius and hover a few inches above him. A blue lightning struck Claudius, and he roared in agony. As he levitated, the sky darkened, and power surged through his body. After a few seconds, the tremor was over.

  Claudius fell to the ground. His strength slowly returned to him. He got up and dusted himself off, and the statue moved its hand away.

  Nathan, Michael, and Talia noticed that the glove had completely covered his arm and half of his torso with a magnificent gold, red and black metal.

  “I believe your father had an infinite amount of power,” Father Davis said. “It was as if his power was too great for this world … even for him. I have a feeling the Creator will find it in his heart to forgive him and restore him to his full potential.” Father Davis retreated back inside his robot, and the face closed. The statue stood up and walked back toward the tower to finish its feat.

  Claudius marveled at the power he felt within. He raised the armored hand and admired it. “So, this is the power of an angel?”

  “Not bad, mate,” Michael said while he slowly walked ahead of Talia and Nathan. “Now let us see if this new power you’ve found can change your fate. You must admit that I did overpower your uncle—and he was a full-fledged angel. You think less than a quarter of your father’s power is gonna change anything?”

  Claudius raised his left hand, and a beautiful blue flame blazed out of his palm. The inferno caused the dirt to burn in the atmosphere. Nathan and the others shielded their faces from the light, and the demons backed away in fear.

  A Fritz Claw said, “It can’t be. That flame burns brighter than the fire Hellius from Sheol. There is no way that can be the Gusto Light of the Holy One. The light from the Angel of Yahweh, it just can’t be.”

  “I don’t care about his crazy light shows.” Talia brushed against Michael’s shoulder as she walked past him. “Claudius is the same punk I used to babysit when his daddy needed to take care of personal matters for the Order. Nothing can change him. He’s still a punk.” She dashed forward to attack Claudius.

  “Talia, no!” Michael screamed.

  The she-knight created a thirty-foot anaconda with the thickness of a two hundred-pound punching bag. The reptile hissed as it glided toward Claudius.

  When the giant snake leaped at Claudius, he raised his left hand—and the radiant light emerged from it. The snake squealed in pain as it burst into a million pieces.

  Consumed with rage, Talia charged toward Claudius. She jumped in the air, roared, and channeled a beam of light in her hands to shoot the son of the Demon Slayer.

  When she was in reach, Claudius took a few steps and grabbed her throat with his armored hand. She gasped, punched, and kicked at Claudius, but he didn’t loosen his grip. “I forgive you for attacking my girlfriend.” He slapped her chest and released the blue flame with his left hand. Talia screamed in agony as the bright flame surrounded her body. The son of the Demon Slayer threw her to the ground.

  Her armor disappeared, leaving her unconscious in her official uniform. Claudius took her weapon off her wrist and crushed it. The weapon short-circuited, and he threw it to the ground and stepped on it.

  The Fritz Claw said, “Foolish human. The light from the Angel of Yahweh is said to be a purifying light—the very fire that appeared before Moses on holy grounds. Any evil it touches, it will cleanse away. She was reckless enough to attack him on her own. She deserved her fate.”

  Claudius grabbed Talia by her ankle and tossed her over to Nathan. “She will be all right. I removed the demon’s will from her heart and purified her soul. I don’t think she can be a host for the antibiosis ever again.”

  Michael walked forward and clapped his hands. “Bravo. It seems my best friend has received a gift from his father. Who knew that Gevurah had this angelic relic within him? I must say your father is a sensational individual.”

  “Michael, it’s not too late for you. You are a good friend of mine, and I wish not to challenge you. Please, stand down.”

  A vibration came from underground, and a giant spider came out with Zack on its back. He seemed to be uninjured and was still wearing his armor. The spider splatted on the ground like ink. Zack looked over at Talia and realized that her powers could not be borrowed any longer.

  “That would be wise, Michael,” Zack said. “There are only three of you guys left. The statue is on our side and the Kabalist knights are here defeating all the demons. You are outnumbered.”

  Nathan laughed. “Outnumbered? Are you serious? I can duplicate myself—and you think we’re outnumbered? Come on. Be reasonable.”

  “We will learn from Talia’s mistake,” Michael said. “Don’t believe we will be as easy because you deactivated one weapon.”

  Michael duplicated himself twice, and the two clones walked toward Claudius. Both clones had features of Nathan and Zack’s armor.

  “You think I am threatened that you copied my armor’s abilities? I can do the same,” Zack said. He ripped his cape away and threw it to the wind. His gauntlet grew larger, his helmet grew two small horns, and Zack dashed away with great speed. In a flash, he appeared before the Fritz Claw, he punched the demon in the chest and ripped a hole in it. He released a beam of light that exited out the demon’s back. The creature jerked in pain before life left its body.

  “You know what, Claudius.” Zack said. “I’ve never given you a gift before.”

  Zack tossed the demon toward Claudius’ fee
t, folded his arms, and nodded at him.

  Claudius nodded back at him and stooped down. He rested the glove of Xerox over the Fritz Claw and absorbed its power. A shimmer of electric energy traveled up his armored arm, and he stood up. He smiled at Michael and cracked his knuckles.

  In an instant, Claudius socked Michael in the face, sending him two hundred feet away before he teleported back to where he was standing.

  Michael rolled, bounced, and landed on his back.

  Claudius raised his right hand, and lightning sparkled from it. He was confident that he couldn’t lose against Michael.

  Gedulah thought that Michael was practically invincible, but Claudius wanted to prove him wrong.

  “How long have we known each other, Michael?” Claudius walked over to him.

  Michael deactivated his helmet after he stood to his feet. “As far as I can remember... since I was a boy. Why do you ask?”

  “I’ve known you for a very long time, and we’ve been able to reason and talk things out. I feel like this war has broken our friendship.”

  “You’re damn right it did,” Nathan yelled. “You are the one who—”

  “Stay out of this, Nathan.” Michael yelled.

  Zack had his hands folded; he too wanted to let the two share their feelings.

  Michael said, “Claudius, you know I’m a loyal person. The Order has done a lot of good things for me. I was an orphan. What do you want me to do? Turn my back on everything? Come on. We can’t turn back now. We only have one last key left before the gate is finally open. One more key—and we can enter the kingdom. Don’t you want to see the kingdom, Claudius?”

  “Not the way you are doing it. Forced entry? Come on, Michael. You know better than this. You and my adopted father want to see the end of the world. Nothing good will come out of it.”

  “That’s how you feel?” Nathan snickered. “Nothing good? Do you want to bet?”

  “What are you talking about?” Claudius asked.

  “We have the final key here with us.” Michael pointed at Claudius. “You.”

  “Me? A key? What do I have to do with any of this?”

  “The potency within you. You being a hybrid and all will make this all possible. A half –angel, half-demon child will make the gates of heaven open. See, Claudius? You are the bridge between the two worlds.”

  “What?” Claudius said. “That can’t be. My mother is not a demon. That’s absurd. My father told me my mother died a long time ago.”

  “No, Claudius,” Zack said. “He’s telling the truth.”

  “Zack, are you telling me you know about this? Come on. Tell me this is just a sick joke.”

  Nathan said, “I’m afraid not, Claude. You’ve met your mother before. She’s that lady who came around a few times. Do you remember that lady who you said gave you the chills?”

  “Demeekur?” Claudius burst into laughter. “She is my mother? I find that hard to believe.”

  “I’m not surprised that you’re so innocent about all this,” Nathan said. “After all, you’re not the sharpest knife in the drawer if you ask me.” Nathan chuckled after his insult.

  “Ignore him, Claudius,” Zack said. “Your father wanted to tell you, but he didn’t know the appropriate time. Your uncle was the one who convinced him not to tell you yet. I’m sure he didn’t want you to find out this way.”

  “You’re damn right. This is not the place and time for this. You guys are getting annoying. I’m a key in this war? Zack, I can’t believe you knew this—and you still brought me here. I mean, you’re supposed to be my friend.”

  “I had no idea you had a part in this. I don’t remember them saying that when I was at the Order. Honestly.”

  “Yeah, right,” Claudius said. “You just—”

  “Quit whining,” Nathan said. “You guys sound like a old married couple. Why don’t you—”

  Claudius teleported and punched Nathan so hard that his head exploded in a million pieces. He rooted his left foot and punched Nathan’s body so hard that it landed a thousand feet away.

  Chapter 29

  An Angel’s Wings

  “Gevurah,” a female voice whispered after she slapped his face lightly. “Gevurah, wake up.”

  Peter moaned and tried to open his eyes. He barely could raise his head. He was leaning against the inside of a chamber. The chamber was the size of a coffin and was dark and grimy. Peter’s hands were tied behind him, and he remembered being uncomfortable when they brought him there.

  “Who’s there?” Peter opened his eyes and looked around. His breathing was heavy and he started wheezing.

  The lady pulled him forward and he fell on her shoulder.

  She ripped away the barbwires that tied his hands behind him. “Gevurah, relax,” she whispered in his ears. She began to pat his head to comfort him. His heart rate was decreasing. His breathing was slowing down. She tried to stand him up, but he fell to his knees.

  Peter recognized her voice. That voice was the only one that could calm him down when he was in a rage or when he needed comfort. He looked up at her and whispered, “Demeekur …”

  Demeekur smiled at Peter and nodded. Her tight black leather suit showed off her curves. She had guns, grenades, and a samurai sword as if she was ready for war.

  Peter said, “I didn’t expect to see you here. What’s going on?”

  “Other than the fact that you are locked inside a coffin, Lucifer’s trying to open the gates of heaven, and our son is the final key, nothing is going—”

  “Wait a minute, did you say our son is the final key? I thought we are?”

  “We were.”

  Peter stood up slowly. He felt his strength returning to him. Because he was cold he rubbed his palms on his forearms and blew hot breath on his hands. He was only wearing pants and his boots. “The last time I saw you, you blew up my apartment after I turned down your offer to join you and Gabilon. Why are you helping me?”

  “Originally, I was willing to help Gabilon, but then I found out he was using me. I even gave him our son to help us in our quest to enter the kingdom of heaven.” Celina walked toward his chamber and rubbed her hands against the metal. “I had no clue that he wanted us to power the tower with our life force. After all we’ve done for him, he would still sacrifice us? Can you believe that?”

  “Actually, I can. I can’t believe you were foolish enough to trust him. Why do you think I walked away?” Peter shook is head. “I can’t believe you would do that with our son. You gave him to Gabilon to be a pawn. How could you do that? How could you have the stomach to do that?”

  “How can I?” Demeekur looked over her shoulder at him. “Are you really asking me that question? You walked away, Gevurah. Not me. You turned away from your family. What was I supposed to do?”

  “You could’ve come with me.” Peter took a few steps toward her. “I gave you that choice. I grew tired of following his orders. By nature, it wasn’t me. I couldn’t do it anymore. My heart kept telling me to. I didn’t mean to hurt you. I’m sorry.”

  Demeekur held silence just for a moment. She was looking down with her eyes close. She looked toward him with a look showing he was forgiven. “ It’s okay. He does have a grip on us. He’s always trying to manipulate us.”

  “Well, at least you don’t have to worry about him anymore. I saw to that.”

  Demeekur giggled. “That’s what you think...” She mumbled.

  “What is that?”

  Demeekur turned around to face him. She walked toward him and said, “Do you really think it would be that easy?”

  Peter stood up and walked toward her. “What?”

  Demeekur scoffed. “I said, do you think it would be that easy?”

  “I heard you the first time. What are you not telling me?”

  “Did you see Gabilon’s remains to see if he really is dead? You of all people should know how powerful he his. After Ablis and Machnolin, Gabilon is the strongest. What makes you think the Key of Cronus would de
stroy him?” She saw a chest in the corner, stooped down to take his coat and sword from inside. “From my understanding, your creator is the only one who can destroy him.”

  Peter shook his head, swore under his breath, and walked away.

  But then, something had got Celina’s attention. She began to smile delightfully. “Oh my goodness, Gevurah.”

  “What is it?” Peter turned to face her.

  “Your back. Turn back around.”

  She walked behind him and touched the upper part of his back. She began to feel the part where the rhomboids and infraspinatus muscles meet. She began to poke his backbone. “It’s gone.”

  “What do you mean?” Peter tried to turn around, but Demeekur pushed him back around. He stepped forward and almost fell over.

  “Be still, will ya?” Celina was annoyed. “The bones that were sticking out of your back—where your wings were removed—are gone.”

  “What?” Peter threw his left hand over his back and tried to feel where she had touched. “What do you think that means?”

  “I don’t know … maybe you have your wings back.”

  “That’s impossible. Why would my wings come back? Why would the Almighty give them back to me?”

  “I don’t know. Maybe it’s because you saved the boy.”

  “Saved the boy?” Peter gazed at her in confusion. “Are you saying that my powers have returned to me because I rescued the kid?”

  “I believe so. That’s the only logical reason why an angel would get his wings back. You sacrificed yourself by coming into hell—a place where angels cannot walk—and coming back out alive.” Demeekur counted on her fingers. “You were able to rescue the boy, sacrificing his freedom for yours, even though you knew you could die. A selfless act would be a good reason to give you back your wings, don’t you think?”

  Peter walked away and looked at his hands. He was fully recovered from his wounds, he was neither hungry nor thirsty, but could not feel the power within him.

  “Honestly, that’s the first time I’ve heard of you doing something heroic. You actually put someone else’s safety before yours. I would’ve forgiven you too.”


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