You Are Mine

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You Are Mine Page 27

by Janeal Falor

  “Everyone out,” she says.

  Anxious to have the man she loves free of me.

  Katherine gives my arm a squeeze. “You'll do great.”

  “And don't forget to add sparkles to her hair,” Waverly tells Zade.

  Really, something so simple seems unimportant at the moment, but he agrees.

  “Don't forget to have them announce you,” Bethany says. “We'll make sure everyone is there and things are going smoothly.” How smoothly will they go with the events that are to come? “Smile Serena. And don't scare everyone with it this time. Oh, and plan your entrance to have your dress change to this one shortly after you arrive.”

  “It will,” Zade says.

  “Thank you,” she replies and they leave.

  The room is back to being hollow, except this time Zade is here. I scrutinize my gloves, pearly to match my dress. Watching the sparkles in them is easier than looking at him. There's a warm glow to the fabric I didn't notice before. A sort of happiness not matched by my feelings.

  I clear my throat. “Would you like to sit?”

  “Would you?”

  “Don't want to crease Katherine's dress before anyone has seen it.”

  He steps closer to me. I resist the urge to step back. “Are you ready?”

  No. “I'll manage.”

  For a moment, he says nothing. He shifts like he's going to come closer, but then moves to stand by a chair, resting a hand on the back of it. “Have you thought about what I asked?”

  “I have.”


  And don't ask this of me. I want freedom and you. Not to be tarnished while you marry Waverly. At least you'll be alive and free to leave the threats on your life, which is what I owe you after costing your life in the first place. I close my eyes to keep the tears from coming. “I'll take your offer.”

  He nods.

  A knock sounds.

  “Come in,” I call.

  Waverly slides in. Of course she does. I clamp my hands together.

  “Everyone's here. Seems they're anxious to begin. Bethany wanted me to let you know. I think she's anxious, too.”

  “Thank you,” Zade says.

  “Is everything all right?” she asks. “You haven't fixed her hair yet.”

  He walks to her. “Everything will be perfect. We'll be down in a moment.”

  It hurts to see them together, but I don't want them to see how I feel.

  “Soon then.” Waverly closes the door behind her.

  Soon. They'll be together soon. Unless Zade's plan doesn't work, then he'll be dead and I'll be with Father. Even if it does, I'll be tarnished. Becoming tarnished isn't so bad, I remind myself. I keep reminding myself.

  He moves closer to me. “May I spell your hair?”

  “Yes.” Despite becoming more accustomed to magic, the thought of allowing someone to spell me still makes me uneasy. I remind myself it's Zade and it's easier to turn around so he can reach the back better. “How long will these last?”

  “About eight hours.” There's a flash out of the corner of my eye. “All done.”

  When I face him again, my breath catches. It's so hard not to lean closer to him.

  “Shall we?” Zade holds out an arm for me.

  What is he doing?

  “You put your hand here.” He points at his elbow.


  “It's the first step.”

  The first step to what? I lick my lips. Being at his side instead of behind him is appealing. I place my hand on his elbow. He grabs it with his own gloved hand and pulls it through the space between him and his arm, and rests my fingers on his arm.

  “Like that.”

  He's so, so close.

  “I see.” I look through the open door thinking of what's to come. “And there's to be a sacrifice, yes?”

  Instead of answering, he guides me through the door, maneuvers us down the stairs, and slips my hand back on his arm as we walk down the hall.

  “There will be a sacrifice.”

  The pounding of my heart intensifies. I've gone through it before. Another time will be no different. Except this is my home. My gathering. My only claim on the gathered warlocks of Chardonia. My last claim on anything. My ball will not stoop to their level.

  “What if we skipped that part?”

  Mid-stride, he stops. “The sacrifice?”

  I wiggle my toes. “Yes.”

  With a small smile, he resumes our stroll to the ballroom. “First Katherine, now this. You're not the girl I won at the tournament.”

  Is that a good thing or a bad thing? A response never forms before we arrive. The oak doors wait. Waiting for Zade to sacrifice someone and make his name as Chancellor. Then to leave me as a tarnished.

  “It will be fine.” He pats my hand and nods to the footman.

  As the footman opens the door, I can't help but feel as if I should run the other way. I don't want this. I don't want to be in any way a part of sacrificing another human. If I'm to be tarnished anyway, there's nothing preventing me from trying. What can I do to stop it?

  Chapter Thirty-Nine

  Zade walks into the room. When I don't come, he tugs me forward. My green dress flows around me, shimmering. The gathered crowd goes silent. All eyes are on us. There are so many of them. Despite helping with the guest list, there's more here than I thought there would be. Here to see how our ball turns out? To see us fail? To watch Zade die? Or simply curious? Whatever they want, they aren't going to get.

  Remembering Bethany's words, I keep a smile plastered to my face. Is there anything I can do to stop the sacrifice? Perhaps there is. I could jump in front of her. There's no altar or girl in view though.

  The stairs lead down to our left, leaving us at the top of a curving balcony. Although it's the largest room in the house, it's full. The only way we'll have space for dancing is by moving guests to other rooms we've prepared for sitting and eating, as well as the garden. The sight of so many makes my legs shake.

  “Thank you for joining us.” Zade's voice booms to the crowd below. “We hope you delight in the many surprises we have in store for you this evening.”

  Our clothes change in that instant, surely aided by Zade. The crowd gasps. A tingle of excitement zips through me. I'm ready for this. I hope.

  “As you know, balls held by a Chancellor or Grand Chancellor are always proceeded by a sacrifice. Tonight will be no different.”

  The crowd watches us intently, eager for more. Suddenly, Zade shoves me forward. I reach out and grab the railing. The faces below me become blurs. I'm the sacrifice.

  He's not tarnishing me, but sacrificing me? That's what he meant? Not to be his or my Father's? I won't belong to anyone if I'm dead. I grip the railing harder. Why is he doing this? I spin toward him.

  “Zade,” I whisper.

  “It's fine,” he whispers back. But it's not. He moves toward me, but then takes four steps down the stairs. For the first time, I'm looking down on him.

  “My sacrifice.” He waves his hand toward me.

  This can't be happening. He's not saving both of us, just himself from death. I can't believe he'd do this to me. This isn't who I thought he was. This can't be happening. I want to do something, but I'm frozen to the floor. “Zade.”

  Again, he looks directly at me and whispers, “You're fine, Serena.”

  Does that mean it will be a painless death? None of the sacrifices ever called out. They didn't seem as alert as I am either. I was willing to try and stop a sacrifice, but how can I stop my own? Is it worth it if it saves Zade?

  No. I'm willing to become a tarnished for him, but I'm not going to become a sacrifice so he can stay Chancellor. I tighten my legs. Maybe I can rush into him. It may not stop it, but it could prolong it.

  He faces the crowd, hand still extended toward me. The perfect time. My muscles tense as I get ready to pounce. But his words stop me.

  “My sacrifice. Serena, daughter of Councilman Stephen, I will her to accept
my sacrifice of ownership of her. She's as free as any warlock.”

  Golden light bursts from his hand, surrounding me with its warm glow. I stare at him, unable to believe what he just said. My breathing becomes shallow. How could I ever have doubted him? I'm not bound by any one man. My body grows light as burdens I didn't know I carried lift. I'm free as Katherine, but without the constraints. Free. Truly free.

  But how can he do that? He can't. The lightness shifts back into the burden I carry. The burden of being owned. Only now, it's worse. Knowing what I could have had, but can't.

  The murmur of voices below me must agree. Their noise grows by the moment, confusion building to anger.

  A warlock yells, “You can't do that. Women aren't able to be free. They need to be owned.”

  “He's right. You can't free her,” another calls out.

  Zade silences them by holding up his hand, the glow around me fading, but still present. “I can. Before you protest, I offer proof.”

  He holds something up. A book of some sort. Thick with pages I was required to learn. The Woman's Canon. How can that help?

  “I've found,” he opens the book to a page somewhere in the middle, “a woman must always submit to her Master's wishes.”

  It does say that, but it can't really free me. Can it?

  The book slaps closed. Zade motions to a servant behind him.

  The servant brings him a hefty book. Using two hands, Zade holds the book open. “While not typical, the law was used one hundred and eighty years ago. A man's wife never provided an heir. Despite wanting a new wife, he didn't feel his old one deserved to be tarnished. He used this law to free her, ultimately giving her the status of a man. The council upheld it.”

  Did they? My heart pumps again, but I refuse to let the load lift. The current council hasn't approved it.

  “You're bending things to your own ways, Envadi,” a hairy man says.

  “Come,” Zade says. “Come look for yourself. Councilmen and warlocks, come. Then let your wives and daughters and sisters and mothers see.”

  The Grand Chancellor appears at the bottom the stairs, those closest inching away from him. The murmurs from the crowd quiet. He says nothing, but climbs the stairs. Slowly, but deliberately. Once he gets to Zade, he takes the book.

  For several minutes, he does nothing but study it. His eyes move back and forth as he takes in the words. I intertwine my fingers and place them over my mouth. What is he thinking? His expression is one of concentration and gives nothing away. Will he stop us from using the law in my favor?

  Finally, he snaps the book shut and shoves it at Zade. His gaze bores into me, black with anger. The air grows cold. He hates me and I'm going to die because of that hate. I'm sure he'll kill Zade as well for trying this. There will be no need for a vigilante group. His nose flares, then the expression wipes from his face and he faces the crowd.

  “It is as he says. She's free.”

  He saunters down the stairs. Zade looks at me, a huge grin on his face. I'm free. Free as a man. Free!

  The crowd's murmuring returns.

  Zade quiets them with his words. “This is only the beginning of the delights we have planned for you this night. Please enjoy them.”

  He raises his hands above him and strikes them together. Black light surges from them, shooting across the room, plunging us into darkness.

  A woman screams, but I'm not frightened. I wait anxiously for the next step. My whole body feels light and free. No Master. No punishments.

  In the darkness, a single spark flickers. Then another. And another. White at first, then the sparks growing in colors and brightness. They multiply quickly at my eye level, but above the guests. Soon there are enough to fill the room. It's as bright as a summer day. Bright as I feel inside.

  Flowers appear in vases scattered through the room in full bloom. A scent comes to me. I know others are smelling whatever brings them the most happiness. Another spell I'm finding I enjoy. To me, the faint citrus scent smells suspiciously of Zade, but I don't let the thought dampen my spirits.

  Music fills the air, slow at first, but steadily building into a familiar dance. The sound comes from all around.

  Zade walks up a few stairs and says loud enough others can hear, but quiet enough I feel he's talking directly to me.

  “You're a free woman now. Would you give me the honor of being the first to dance with you?”

  I don't know what freedom will bring, but spending a dance in his arms sounds like a good start. “Of course.”

  He takes my hand and wraps it around his elbow like before. We make our way down the stairs. People part around us. A few couples head for the doors, but most are unable to look away from us.

  Once we're in the middle of the room, I place my hand on his shoulder while he puts his on the bottom of my shoulder blade. Our free hands clasp together. We step with the beat. People have yet to mingle in other rooms, leaving very little room to dance. My awareness of them fades.

  The music floods through me. Zade leads me through the steps. We work together. Moving and flowing. Light as cotton floating through air.

  The only time I take my eyes from his is when required by the dance. I spin and twirl, his hands catching my waist. It feels good. Right and sure. My dress and his cravat flash to a new color. My joy bubbles up. I smile at him and move with the music.

  As the song comes to an end, instead of standing and waiting for my curtsy, he does something new. He holds my hand and supports my waist then dips me backward. I slowly stretch up, wanting to keep moving toward him until our lips meet.

  A new song begins. I shake my head to clear it.

  “Another?” he asks.

  Everyone is still staring at us. I'd rather dance again than deal with them and the ramifications of what he's done. What I now am. “Please.”

  He twirls me and beckons me back to him. This time, I try not to lose myself, but to watch the crowd around me. I can't let myself get caught up in him. Even more important now that I'm free. And he's free for Waverly. Some of my lightness slinks away.

  A couple begins dancing. They spin past. Councilman Daniel and Annabelle. Another joins. And another. Soon, the floor is full of dancing couples and not staring people.

  When the song ends, he brings my gloved hand to his lips and gives it a kiss. Warmth tickles the back of my hand. “Hosting duties call.”

  I sigh and follow him to the side of the room where those not dancing wait. We spend the next hour mingling. Or rather, he mingles. Lots of warlocks and even more women want to talk to him, but none want to even stand by me. Is this change going to help save his life or make them more intent on killing him? I thought they'd want to kill him more for it, but as eager as everyone is to talk to him, I'm not sure.

  Either way, he's safe enough with so many enthused admirers. I drift away from him, moving in and out of rooms and the garden. The flowers are in full bloom and the temperature is cool, but not crisp, despite being fall. Bethany, Cynthia, and Waverly's ideas really mesh well together. Though people don't want to even look at me, they appear to be having a good time, smiling, dancing, eating, talking.

  A warlock next to me laughs as his companion's hair changes color. This time they both drink from their glasses making both their hair change colors. Then they too make their way over to Zade. Someone squeals as one of the floating lights plummets toward them, but the sound quickly turns to glee as the spark transforms into a gold piece.

  Nothing is like the only other ball I attended. The more time passes, and the more spells and surprises come, the happier everyone seems to be. I can barely see Zade with the crowd surrounding him. What would they think if they knew it was put together by a servant and two other women? At least the innovative ideas seem to help Zade.

  At one point I see Bethany and mother. Bethany's hair no longer has the sparkles. Father must have unspelled them. At least she's still wearing her dress Katherine spent so much time on. I start toward them. Before I've taken
a couple steps, Father spots me and rushes them to the other side of the room. Will I ever be allowed to see my sisters again? Will Father punish them in some way over my freedom? The thought makes me ill. Cynthia doesn't even know what happened. Will she think I abandoned her? Suddenly, being free doesn't seem as great.

  I pass by Annabelle and Waverly at different times. They seem to be having more luck, chatting with lots of people. No doubt their spelled ball gowns are the attraction. Hopefully, the dresses will gain interest in Katherine designing more instead of casting a negative light on it like I'm doing. I hope she doesn't regret making it for me.

  Others are wearing dresses Katherine clearly had a hand in making. A few are even spelled in some small way. Wonder how they talked their husbands into that. They also seem to gain much attention. It may be enough to offset the damage I've done.

  A servant passes by with a tray of glasses, more drinks to change hair color or a potion that leaves you with a high pitched voice for several minutes? Maybe something else entirely. There are more potions and spells than I could have ever guessed. I wonder if Katherine has had a chance to try them. Plus, she may not know that I'm free. And even if she does, it'd be nice to know what she thinks of it. I might as well take her some treats.

  I stop by the refreshment room. The food is so unfamiliar, I don't know what it is. I recognize some fish and a bowl of strawberries, but mostly I'm left to guess. Nothing looks appetizing in my current mood, but I grab things for Katherine. Hopefully a few of them are spelled in a way that she'll enjoy.

  Despite the spell to keep the perfect temperature, I'm hot and thirsty. Maybe the spell isn't working or I'm nervous. Either way, I grab a drink for myself and an extra for Katherine. It sparkles on my tongue, somehow feeling like the sparkles on my dress. I make a mental note to ask Zade how he did that later. If he's still alive. I glance at him. He's laughing with a group of warlocks. He'll be fine.

  Where will I live? I don't know. Not here. And I can't be a burden to Katherine. How will I make money and support myself? I don't know, but I can't stay. Maybe I should pack when I finish with Katherine, or sneak into mother and Cynthia's room. I really want to talk to Cynthia about what's happened. Father probably set a spell to stop her from leaving and people from coming.


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