The Killing Game ed-2

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The Killing Game ed-2 Page 30

by Iris Johansen

  She felt as if she had been kicked in the stomach. "Jane." She had left Jane alone.

  "How far are we—"

  "Shit." Joe pressed the accelerator. "Take it easy. We’re only a block from the house."

  They tore through the gates and she jumped out of the car and ran into the house. "Eve." Joe was running after her.

  Jane was safe. Jane had two guards to protect her, and Sarah and Monty. But Dom had gotten to the porch of Joe’s cottage at the lake. She took the stairs two at a time.

  She flung open Jane’s door.

  The bed was rumpled, the covers thrown back.

  Jane was not in the bed.

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  "Let’s try Sarah," Joe said behind her.

  Sarah sat up groggily when they barged in her room. "What is it?”

  “Jane. We can’t find—" Eve sat on the bed in relief. "Thank God." Jane was curled up beside Monty on a blanket on the floor beside Sarah’s bed. "She came in a couple of hours ago," Sarah said. "She said she had a bad dream about Monty and asked if she could stay. It’s okay, isn’t it?"

  Eve nodded, trying to quiet her pounding heart. "It’s fine. I was just scared. Sorry I woke you."

  "No problem."

  Eve and Joe walked out. "God, I was afraid," she said.

  "Me too." Joe put his arm around her. "Come on, let’s go make some coffee. I could use a caffeine jolt."

  came into the kitchen almost an hour later. "Okay. What’s happening?" She yawned. "I tried to go back to sleep but couldn’t because I got to thinking."

  "We didn’t want to bother you." Joe poured her a cup of coffee. "Well, you didn’t bother Jane and Monty. They’re sleeping." She sipped her coffee. "The sleep of the innocent. It’s a wonderful thing. Now, why were you scared about Jane?"

  Sarah had finished her second cup of coffee by the time they’d filled her in. She leaned back in her chair. "So it’s almost over."

  "It’s not over until he’s dead or behind bars," Eve said.

  "But you have a face and a name now. If he slips through the FBI’s hands, put him on America’s Most Wanted or some show like that. Someone’s always finding murderers."

  "You make it sound very simple," Joe said dryly.

  "I have a very simple nature." Sarah smiled. "It comes from living with dogs. Everything’s black and white, and you reach your goal by using the most direct path possible. That’s why I work rescue instead of being a cop like you, Joe. I couldn’t stand—"

  The phone rang. Eve picked up the wall extension.

  "Get out of there," Spiro said. "Tell Joe to get you and Jane away from there.”

  “Why? Dom?"

  "No, there’s no sign of Dom. But the Phoenix PD should be on your doorstep any minute."

  "Why? Was I recognized at the wreck site?"

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  "They got an anonymous tip about where you could be found. Now, guess who would call that in?"


  "Right. He evidently wants to blast you out of your fortress.”

  “And he’s doing it." She tried to think. "But if they put me in jail, he wouldn’t be able to—"

  "Jane won’t be in jail. She’ll go right back into Atlanta welfare custody." If Jane was returned to welfare they’d be back to square one. "How much time do we have?"

  "Zilch. Get out of there now."

  She hung up. "Phoenix PD is on their way here. They got a tip about Jane and me." She turned to Sarah. "You and Monty get out of here. Call Logan and tell him what’s happened."

  Sarah headed for the door. "I’m on my way."

  Eve nodded. "I’ll go get Jane. Throw some things into a suitcase, Joe."

  made it only as far as the front gates. As the gates swung open, they saw the blinking lights of patrol cars just turning the corner onto the street. Joe swore under his breath.

  "Get out," Eve snapped at him. "What?"

  "Get out and hide in the bushes. It’s Jane and me they want.”

  “And I’m supposed to leave you?"

  "I’ll be in jail. You’re the one who’ll have to keep an eye on Jane." Joe muttered another curse but dove out the door and into the bushes beside the driveway. Eve slid behind the wheel and drove through the gates.

  The headlights of the police car almost blinded her as it blocked her path.

  "Well, this is a fine mess you’ve gotten us into," Logan said. "And that prison garb isn’t at all becoming."

  "You shouldn’t have come here." Eve leaned forward to look at him through the glass. "And it’s my mess, not yours."

  "Not correct. Are they treating you okay?"

  "As well as they treat any other felon. I’ve been in here only twenty-four hours, and that’s enough to make me never want to even jaywalk. But there is a lot of time for thinking." Her folded hands clenched together in front of her. "I think that may be what Grunard wanted. He The Killing Game – Eve Duncan 02

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  wanted to show me that even if he was on the run, he could still reach out and touch me. He wanted me to feel helpless and wonder what was happening to Jane. It worked. I nearly went crazy last night. Did Sarah call you?"

  He nodded. "She gave me orders to make myself useful and bail you out.”

  “It’s kidnapping, Logan. No one’s going to bail me out."

  "It might be possible. Extenuating circumstances. Barbara Eisley isn’t being vindictive, and you’re usually not a very dangerous character." He paused. "But it would be better if you told them where Quinn is. They want to question him about his involvement with you."

  "I don’t know where he is."

  "And you wouldn’t tell if you did." He stood up. "So I guess I’ll see if I can find any judges in this town or in Atlanta I can influence."

  "Logan, where’s Jane?"

  "She’s being held in the local Family Services center. She’s being returned to Atlanta as soon as a caseworker comes to pick her up. Spiro told me to tell you that he’s got people watching her."

  "That won’t be enough.”

  “Grunard is on the run."

  "He won’t run far. It’s getting too near the end of his game. If he ran away completely, it would mean he lost. He’ll never admit that." She paused. "If he can’t get to me, he’ll kill Jane. It’s the logical move for him. He wants both of us, but he’ll take Jane because it will hurt me."

  "Are you sure he knows it will hurt you?"

  "Oh, yes." She smiled without mirth. "The bastard even warned me never to let Dom see us together."

  "Nice." His gaze narrowed on her face. "I’m tempted to let you stay in here for a while. At least you’re safe."

  "And Jane becomes the target.”

  “I can surround her with protection."

  "She was surrounded with protection in the welfare house and Dom could have gotten to her there." Her voice vibrated with desperation. "If you can get me out of here, do it, Logan. I don’t know how fast he’ll move."

  He shook his head. "I don’t like—"

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  He muttered a curse and rose abruptly to his feet. "I’ll see what I can do. It may not be today. It could be another twenty-four hours."

  She stood up, and the guard moved forward to take her back to her cell. "Hurry."

  Another twenty-four hours.

  The words replayed in her mind as she walked down the long corridor to her cell. The idea of any delay scared her to death. How long would Grunard wait?

  It could be all right. Joe would be watching over Jane. He would take care of her. And Grunard would be watching Joe. He would know that Joe was guarding Jane.

  Which meant Grunard would try to take out Joe first.

  Sheer terror went through her at the thought.

  I’ll try not to take chances if I can help it. I
’ve never wanted to live more than I do at this moment.

  But she’d sent him to take a terrible chance. She’d made Joe a target. Panic seared through her as the door of her cell clanged shut behind her. She was trapped there, helpless to do anything.

  Calm down. She closed her eyes and drew a deep breath. Panicking would be playing right into Grunard’s hands. He was probably sitting somewhere now, picturing her in her cell, feeding on her fear and frustration.

  Don’t give him what he wants. He wants panic. Give him coolness. He wants mindless emotion.

  Give him logic.

  Twenty-four hours.

  Spend that time thinking about Grunard, going over every minute, every conversation of the last weeks. See if she could find a lead to him, a weakness that could be exploited. Pretend he was one of her skulls that had to be measured and then reconstructed. Use her mind, talents, and instinct.

  She sat down on the bunk and leaned against the wall.

  Stay away from the people I love, Dom. Think of me shivering, brooding in this cell. Enjoy it.

  Maybe, just maybe, I’ll have enough time to find a way to win your damn game.

  was released on bail at one forty-five the next afternoon. Logan met her outside the jail. "The good news is that I think all the charges will be dropped. Spiro’s been discreetly putting The Killing Game – Eve Duncan 02

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  pressure on Eisley." He paused. "But until we get you cleared, you can’t go near Jane. One of the terms of your release is that you’re not seen within fifty city blocks of her. If you violate it, you get tossed right back in the slammer."

  "I expected that. She’s all right?"

  "She’s okay. I have a man guarding the local facility." He took her arm as they started down the steps. "The caseworker from Atlanta is arriving today to take her back."


  "Sometime this evening."

  "Then they’ll probably leave tomorrow morning." His brows lifted as held open the car door.

  "You’re very calm.”

  “No, I’m not." She got into the car. "I’m scared shitless."

  "Well, you’re different from yesterday." He strode around to the driver’s seat. She took out her phone and dialed Joe’s digital number. God, his voice sounded wonderful.

  "I’m out," she said. "Thank God."

  "Things are going to be happening. Soon.”

  “If you’re out, that goes without saying.”

  “I’ll call you." She hung up.


  She nodded.

  He smiled sardonically. "But you had no idea where he is.”

  “I still don’t. I know only that he’s watching Jane." He dropped the subject. "Where do you want to go?”

  “Back to the house. I have some work to do.”


  "Telephone calls and then I need to get on the computer.”

  “You’re not planning to hire a hit man to get Grunard, I trust?”

  “It’s an appealing idea." She shook her head. "But that’s not what I had in mind.” The Killing Game – Eve Duncan 02

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  “Am I allowed to help?"

  "You bet you are."

  Sarah Patrick met Eve as she walked into the foyer. "Welcome home." She glanced at Logan.

  "You evidently did something right."

  "I didn’t dare do anything else. I’m scared of Monty." He turned to Eve. "You’ll have what you need in a couple of hours. Okay?" She nodded. "Thanks, Logan. I owe you."

  "Friends never owe friends." He smiled. "Remember that.”

  “Then is it okay if I’m grateful?"

  "Same answer." He headed for the front door.

  But she did owe him, she thought as she headed to the office. And she’d owe him even more if he came through with the information she needed.

  Sarah trailed along with her. "You look a little jumpy. Anything I can do?”

  “You can check with the welfare office and make sure Jane is all right." Sarah nodded. "I’ve been calling a couple of times a day. I tried to go see her, but they wouldn’t let me and Monty in the place."

  "Too bad. Seeing Monty would have made her feel better.”

  “That’s what I thought. Have you had lunch?"

  Eve shook her head. "But I’m not hungry. I’ve got work to do.”

  “Really?" Sarah studied her face. "You’re excited.”

  “Logan said I was very calm."

  "On the surface. Beneath you’re seething like a geyser. Want to talk about it?" Eve shook her head. "But I think I’ve found a way to get him."


  Eve pushed her chair back from the computer and covered her eyes with her shaking hand.

  I’ve got you, Dom. I’ve got you.

  Her phone rang.

  "The caseworker from Atlanta, James Parkinson, and Jane just got into a squad car with two The Killing Game – Eve Duncan 02

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  officers and are on their way to the airport," Joe said. "I’m following them.”

  “I didn’t think they’d leave tonight."

  "I didn’t either. Parkinson was in and out of that welfare house in fifteen minutes. I’ll call you when we get to the airport."

  Eve tried to think. It was logical that the caseworker wanted Jane out of Phoenix now that Eve had been released. But Jane was more vulnerable outside the home and on the road.

  A twisted mass of metal at the bottom of the ravine. That couldn’t happen twice. Besides, Joe was watching. But so was Dom.

  James Parkinson.

  She called Joe back. "How do you know Parkinson is the social worker?”

  “The squad car radioed the pickup back to the precinct, and I heard it on my radio."

  "What does Parkinson look like?"

  "He’s black, heavyset, plump face. He would have had to show ID to both welfare administration and the officers in the squad car."

  "IDs are easy to get, and Grunard’s had time to plan." But she did feel a little better. "Watch closely, Joe."

  "You know I will."

  "I guess you’re glad to be going home, young lady." Officer Rivera looked back at Jane over his shoulder.

  Jane didn’t answer.

  "I have a daughter about your age. She’s on the Softball team."

  Jane gazed through the window, closing out Parkinson and the officers. She hadn’t said a word since she’d gotten into the squad car. Poor kid, Rivera thought. He looked at Parkinson. "Is she going to be okay?"

  Parkinson nodded, his white teeth flashing in his brown face as he smiled. "Just fine."

  Jane suddenly stiffened, her gaze flying to Parkinson’s face. "There, honey, don’t be scared."

  Parkinson patted her shoulder.

  Jane went rigid and then slumped to one side.

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  "What’s wrong with her?" Rivera said. "Pull over, Ken.”

  “Oh, no, don’t do that," Parkinson said softly. Then he shot Rivera in the head.


  Joe’s hands tightened on the steering wheel. Something was wrong.

  The squad car was weaving in and out of the city streets, even backtracking. What the hell!

  The squad car roared over railroad tracks, driving through the signal just as the train approached, leaving Joe stranded on the other side.

  He radioed the precinct for backup as he waited for the train to pass. "I don’t care who comes.

  Just get someone, anyone."

  He wasn’t getting through to them. He closed his eyes. "Okay, if you won’t stop the squad car, come after me. This is Joe Quinn."

  Joe gunned his car as the caboose rattled past. It took Joe ten minutes to locate the squad car again. But he lost it again in the traffic near the stadium. There it was. Two blocks ahead, turning left. He lost it again.

  It took five minutes to locate the squad car this time. It was pulled ove
r to the side of a deserted street.

  "I have her, Eve."


  "You’re lying. She’s on her way to the airport."

  "No, you’ll get a call soon. I just wanted you to know that the game is almost over. It’s time for me to claim the stakes."

  "I don’t believe you."

  "You believe me. I can hear it in your voice.”

  “Let me talk to her."

  "No, she’s not able to talk. I drugged the little angel. Just a little pinprick. A rather boring old trick but effective. It was such a wonderful disguise, but I think she recognized my voice.

  Besides, I have a distance to take her and I needed her quiet." He paused. "Shall I tell you what I’m going to do to her before I kill her, Eve?"

  "No." She closed her eyes. "Don’t hurt her."

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  "Not yet. She’s no fun at the moment. She can’t feel anything." Rage seared through her.

  "That made you angry, didn’t it? I can almost feel the waves of emotion through the phone. It’s quite wonderful, but you really shouldn’t indulge me this way."

  "You don’t want her. You want me."

  “That’s right. I want you to die first, knowing what’s in store for her. Come and get her."

  "Where are you going?"

  "A place you’ll remember. Earth to earth. Salt to salt. I thought it fitting. My most satisfying kills were done there. But don’t worry, I won’t chop you into pieces as I did them. I respect you too much."

  "Will she be there?"

  "I’m not a fool. You might arrange a trap for me."

  "I won’t come up to the tent site until I know she’s alive. Until I hear her voice.”

  “You’ll hear it. Be there at nine tomorrow night." He hung up. Christ. She had thought she was so close, and Dom had still managed to pull the rug right from under her.

  Joe called her. "He’s got her. I found both officers dead in the squad car and Jane gone."

  "I know. Dom called me.”

  “Shit. I screwed up."

  "It’s not your fault," she said dully. "He was disguised. Even Jane didn’t recognize him right away."


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