NYC Vamps: Roman: Vampire Romance

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NYC Vamps: Roman: Vampire Romance Page 40

by Sky Winters

  “What did you do with the boy's family? We will find out eventually one way or the other. Soon you will be able to speak and we will know the whole story. So don't even think about lying.”

  “I already told you that I didn't do anything to the boy's family, I was just trying to help them. I could smell the fire from far away and when I saw the boy on the ground crying, I wanted to go and help him.”

  “Lies, you left them for dead didn't you?" Adair growled.

  Iona couldn't help but feel a deep attraction to the man as he paced in front of her. He had dressed into a regal looking kilt, and his long, sandy brown hair cascaded down his back and floated behind him as he paced quickly.

  “I'm telling you the truth, and you're going to find that out for yourself."

  Iona looked up at him, her eyes flashing with annoyance. “I know you have no reason to believe this, but the fact is that you are wrong about my intentions. Eventually the boy will tell you this himself, so why don't you just save us both the trouble and let me go? What's the point of wasting two guards on an innocent, nude woman?”

  Adair scowled, suddenly realizing that his two guards wouldn't do any good if she chose to shape shift into her wolf form. He was going to have to keep an eye on her himself, he was the only person powerful enough to stop her if she decided to turn on them.

  “You're right, I have no reason to believe you.”

  He summoned the guards into the room and dismissed them.

  “She's going to be staying with me until this whole mess is cleared up. I would like to keep an eye on this myself. Thank you very much for your help so far.”

  She looked at him in disbelief. He really wasn't going to back down about this. She wondered what his clan would do to her for believing that she killed an innocent family. The family been part of their clan? She couldn't be sure, but she just knew that she was going to suffer for being in the wrong place at the wrong time. Maybe she should have just stayed home annoying her brothers. But no, she had longed for freedom and adventure, and had done exactly what she had been forbidden to do. Now she was paying for it. Still, she couldn't help but feel she would rather be prisoner of the Dragon clan than the only daughter of self-important wolves.

  “I'm going to untie you and take you to my own personal tent,” he said. “I doubt any of the men here would be able to handle you. I saw the way they were looking at you, the dumb lads would be just as soon to bed you as to kill you."

  She rolled her eyes and looked over her shoulder as she untied her. She let her roughly by the hands, which were still bound, and into his personal quarters. Her hypersensitive senses picked up on many smiles, and she was intrigued by them all. He was a man who smelled of the forest, and of many types of trees and smoke. Suddenly, she wondered if dragons could breathe fire, as the whole area smelled very charred. The idea intrigued her, she couldn't help but ask.

  “Do dragons breathe fire?" Iona asked, looking around at his personal belongings

  “We can bring you all types of dark and dreary death, lass,” he said. “I wouldn't exactly recommend testing that out though.”

  She gazed at him quietly, but didn't speak. He felt himself getting nervous under her scrutiny, and realized that he couldn't seem to distract himself from her perfect skin and flawless body. Her unwavering gaze just seemed to make him feel more drawn to her, and he avoided her eyes, looking around his abode for something that she could wear. Eventually, he found a dress that his mother had made but had never gotten a chance to wear. He wanted to go out and find something from one of the women in his clan, but something stopped him. He tossed the dress over to her and turned toward the doorway of his tent.

  “Put on that, won't you? We don't want you dying of a cold before we execute you now do we?"

  “I think I would rather die of a cold than be killed at the hands of any man,” Iona said stubbornly. “Besides, how do you expect me to put this on with my hands tied up?"

  Adair sighed in annoyance and had no choice but to go toward the woman and untie her. His breath caught in his throat at her nearness, and he tried to think of anything but how good it would feel to bed her right then and there. He swallowed hard the thought, and soon the sound of her breathing was driving him crazy. He had to leave. He untied her quickly, trying not to reveal his hands shaking in anticipation of something that would never happen. He waited patiently, trying hard not to watch her as she dressed, but not being able to help it.

  The dress was loose on her muscular body, and hung over her shoulders, the neck line low and revealing the ample beginnings of her breasts. Still, it was better than her nakedness, and once she was finished dressing, he tied her hands together against the frame of his tent. He would have to keep a close eye on her, especially in the event that she might shift back into her wolf form and kill all of his men. It wouldn't surprise him if she did so, after seeing what she was capable of. Imagine what she might do with a grudge. Although she was beautiful, she was also lethal.

  “I'm going to have to keep a close eye on you," he said. It was to his advantage that she didn't know he was the only person in the clan who could shape shift into a dragon. All the other people lacked that ability, which was why he was the ultimate protector. However, she knew nothing of their hierarchy, and that she had been watching. He seems to do that though, normally he could sense another shifter from a mile away. No, this girl had just been the wrong place at just the right time to unleash her evil instincts.

  “I may be powerful, but I would never hurt anybody. At least not on purpose."

  “What, so you hurt the boy and killed his parents by accident? Started at fire out of nowhere?”

  “If dragons can breathe fire, how do you know it wasn't one of them who ruined the house? Why are you so insistent on blaming me?"

  It sounded as if she was beginning to suspect that there were fewer dragons there than he was letting on. He would have to be more careful about what he told her. She found out the secret, everybody would be in danger. The moment she was vulnerable or out of sight, she would be able to strike. Fortunately, he still held the advantage, and he was used to staying up late at night. He could have another one of the men staying in the tent with them when he slept and rouse him should anything happen.

  “I never said that dragons could breathe fire," he said, although they could. “But you should beware, we are even more powerful than we might seem.”

  “So there's little bite to your bark," she said with a challenging smile. He could feel himself being drawn closer to her, lured in like a simple man to her attractiveness and confidence, but the idea of being swayed by her charm infuriated him. He would not allow himself to forget the evils that she had unleashed on that innocent boy and his family.

  “All I can really say honestly is that if you are not telling the truth, and you are responsible for the death of that boy's parents, you will suffer. And you will suffer by my hands," he said, looking at her evenly. He sat down on his bad and leaned back against the frame, folding his hands behind his head and staring at her. He watched her until she fell asleep, twisted and uncomfortable on the floor. She whimpered like a scared pup, and his heart felt a twinge of remorse and concern. If she was innocent, he wasn't treating her very well. He would have to account for that in the morning. In the meantime, he didn't care how well she slept.

  And that's exactly what he told himself as he took the blanket off his bed and covered her gently with it.

  Chapter 4

  Iona awoke the next morning to the smell of food beside her face. The ground had been uncomfortable, but nothing she wouldn't have been able to handle if she shifted into her wolf form. As she sat up she drew her eyebrows in confusion. A heavy chain was dragging behind her as she sat up. A large collar had been placed around her neck, anchored to a large boulder that hadn't been there the night before.

  “It's in case you turn on us and decide to shift into a wolf,” Adair said to her. “Now eat.”

  “How's the bo
y?” she asked, genuinely concerned for his well-being. “Were your healers able to do any good for him?”

  Adair opened and closed his mouth, unsure as how to respond.

  “He is well, but he is asking for his parents.”

  He said this pointedly, as if trying to elicit some form of guilt from her. She leaned over her plate and grabbed a piece of bread with her teeth, tearing off a chunk expertly without using her hands. Adair shifted uncomfortably, but continued watching her.

  “You do know I had nothing to do with that, right? I mentioned that once or twice but you didn't quite seem to hear me.”

  “I know nothing,” Adair said. “And I will know nothing until the boy is ready to talk about what happened that day.”

  Iona sighed loudly and took another bite of her bread.

  “Think I could have some water?” she asked. He gestured toward the bowl on the floor beside her. She rolled her eyes. “You want me to shift?”

  “How else will I know if the restraints will hold?” he asked pointedly.

  “Right, yes, of course,” she said with a sigh. “You know it will ruin this dress though. It seemed significant to you so you might want to take it first. What was it, an old lover's?” she asked, unable to hide an irrational twinge of jealousy.

  “No,” he said firmly, and she felt sorry for asking. It was obviously a sore subject for him, and he turned around quickly to hide his face. “I suppose you should just remove it then. I will untie your hands just for now. Take the dress off and hand it to me slowly.”

  She knew that he would be able to bite her in half no matter what she did to try and escape, and so she did as she was told. He watched her undress steadily, and she suddenly felt very embarrassed to show her body to him. It was different when she shifted, because she didn't really have control over what might happen to her wardrobe. However, there was something more intimate about the act of undressing in front of somebody in her human form. It made her want to hide, and she began to resent him for watching her.

  “I hope you like what you see," she said sarcastically as she slipped her arms through the sleeves of the dress and let it drop to the ground. He pursed his lips but said nothing, and she felt a little thrill. Obviously he did. Of course he wouldn't say anything like that to her, and she was glad for his silence. She decided to shift into her wolf form as quickly as possible. She would be more comfortable that way, and could sleep on the floor without any problem.

  Iona closed her eyes and felt the change began to take form within her. Adair watched with wide eyes as a glow began to emanate from within her, before the entire room was bathed in light. When the light lowered, standing before her was a majestic white wolf. The wolf stared steadily, and he had the strangest feeling that there was nothing aggressive about this wolf. She was tame, and not interested in picking trivial or petty fights. Maybe he had been wrong about her all along. It was a lot easier to sense the truth from animals that it was from people, and because of his Dragon shifter blood, he had a feeling that she was more herself in this form then she was in human form.

  The collar around her neck was a little bit loose, and he approached cautiously to tighten it. She watched him warily, but didn't move, and allowed to graze her soft mane with his strong hands after he completed tightening the collar. She was the most beautiful creature he had ever seen, both in human and in animal form. This train of thought was troubling him, and he knew he had to take a break. Otherwise, she might get into his head. He decided that it would be a good time to have the men watch her, so that he could go investigate the area where the fire was and make sure that it was true that the boy's parents were truly dead.

  She watched as he left the tent. After she was left alone, three men entered and sat around her. She knew she shouldn't shift back into her human form if they were around. For some reason, she was not comfortable exposing her body to them, at least not as comfortable as she was with their leader. As they spoke amongst each other and waited for him to return, she gathered that his name was Adair, and that he was the clan’s leader. The men seemed to adore him, and she felt somewhat privileged to be sharing and abode with him. Even though she thought he was arrogant, he was very handsome and well mannered. If he wasn't so against her, she might actually like him as a person. She sighed and laid her head on her paws, staring at the door, anxious for him to return.


  Adair flew toward the scene where he had found the child and the wolf. He realized on the way there that he still did not know her name. He could only think of her in terms of her physical appearance. She was unbelievably beautiful, and if she wasn't such an unusual case of potential evil, he would have liked to get to know her better. Unfortunately, he cannot trust her, and he would have to discover for himself whether or not the boy's parents had survived whatever had befallen. He kicked himself for not checking sooner, but in the heat of the moment, all he could think about was tending to the boy's wounds.

  When he reached the hut, he was disturbed to find that it had all turned to ash. On the ground there was the remains of a man, he could only assume that it was the boy's father, the same strong and proud man who had come to him years before and asked for permission to settle in the forest. Adair had admired his spunk and his tenacity, and his very pregnant wife was absolutely lovely. They were the kind of family that he had wished to have one day, but he could not envision himself having such a family with anybody in his own clan. Everybody there he knew too well, almost as if they were already family. He was never able to sexually express himself with any of the women there, it just felt too strange.

  For some reason, his mind turned to the woman in his heart. She had awakened something deep within him that had remained dormant and sleeping for many years. Although the man was dead, Adair envied him for finding a woman that made him feel that way and being able to keep her. Of course the only woman Adair had ever felt such longing for was a wolf woman who probably had killed such a kind person. Adair looked around in the ashes for the remains of a woman, but found nothing. He frowned, wondering what had become of the man's wife. Perhaps the wolf had eaten her. The thought brought Adair's blood to boiling, and he rushed back to the encampment, ready to confront the woman.

  He ordered the men out of his hut, and noticed the wolf's tail start wagging when she saw him. She glowered fiercely into her face, and her ears laid back in apprehension and confusion. The wolf got to her feet and tilted her head at him, expecting him to speak and listening closely.

  “You did it, didn't you?" he snarled at her, a small flame trickling from his nose. “I saw the father's corpse, what did you do with the boy's mother? Did you eat her? Did you gobble her up? You do realize that humans are not food right? Nobody deserves to be eaten like that, or orphaned and left alone to die! And you were even going to kill the child. I don't know what's wrong with you!”

  She tried to speak, but realized that he wouldn't be able to understand her Wolf dialect in his human form. Instead, she transformed back into human form and sat naked on the blanket that he had given to her the night before. He watched her as he paced around, fuming with rage and indignation.

  “I did not kill anybody, but I could probably help you find the boy's mother. If she disappeared, she's got to be somewhere out in the woods.”

  “I'm not taking you anywhere until the boy tells us what he saw. As far as I'm concerned, you are my enemy. You are an enemy to humanity. You are a danger to my clan. I want to execute you, but because I believe in fairness, I will wait to see what proof there is of your innocence or your guilt before I act. You don't understand just how lucky you are that I am able to keep my head right now, lass.”

  Iona watched him pacing, his handsome face contorted with rage. She tried to put herself into his shoes, and imagined that she had seen an angry man lunging toward a small and helpless child. This helped her to relax, and she bowed her head, closing her eyes and a meditative attempt to find the right words to calm the man down and soothe his anger t
oward her.

  “Maybe you could take me to the boy now or bring the boy to me," she said thoughtfully. "If he is truly able to understand what had happened to his family, and he thought that I was the one responsible, would he not cower in fear of me? If he recognizes me despite his inability to speak, but may react physically to my presence?”

  “I would never do that to the poor child," Adair snarled. “For I know you would just treat him as a snack to get the last laugh on me. You could snatch him up before I have the chance to kill you out right. No, we are going to wait into the boy can speak. If he says his mother is out there somewhere and you did not kill her and eat her, maybe then you can help us to look for her. Otherwise, I am convinced that she is rotting in your belly as we speak."

  “That is the most disgusting thing I've ever heard," Iona laughed scornfully. "I would never eat human flesh. Do you know how bad it smells?”

  Adair did know how bad human flesh smelled, in fact, and he was often surprised by it when he was in his Dragon form. He paused and stared at her for a moment, unsure of himself. Maybe she really was telling the truth. He would not touch the flesh of any creature either, he was a devout herbalist because of his ability to sympathize with the rest of the animal kingdom. Now he thought about it, when he was in his Dragon form, she had not smelled the same as other humans. Did that mean that she was less than human, or that she did not eat the flesh of others just as he would not?

  “You cannot fool me with your words, Wolf," he said, sitting heavily down on his cot. “I am weary of you, and although I would like to believe the best in every creature, I know what I have seen and it did not look favorably upon you.”

  “I know what you saw, and I also know what you think you saw," she said, sitting back against the pole that she was tethered to. The collar around her neck dangled loosely over her bare breasts, and he suddenly realized that she was no longer tied up. However, she made no move to run. He had to fight another powerful urge to touch her body, and he gestured toward the dress on the floor beside her.


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