Claiming the Evil Dead

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Claiming the Evil Dead Page 8

by Mary Abshire

  "He followed you. He planned on following you outside the club."

  "That little shit!"

  Drake revved the engine—not once but three times. His malevolent eyes and locked jaw had me wondering what wicked thoughts were going through his mind. Shifting into gear, he sped off, tires squealing on the pavement. I sat back in my seat, overjoyed to be away from that club. I hoped I would never have to visit that place again.

  Twenty minutes later, Drake pulled into the parking lot next to the Hard Rock Café. The club I needed to visit was two blocks away. After circling the club twice to find a parking place, this was the best available.

  "I'll try and find a spot closer," he said.

  I scanned the area. The buildings weren't boarded up or spray painted. People strolling by were dressed in casual attire and appeared relaxed. The neighborhood appeared safe, unlike the last one we'd visited.

  I stepped out of the car. Before I shut the door, I leaned down and stuck my head back inside.

  "What if he goes to one of the clubs we already visited tonight?" I hoped we didn't have to go back to the ones we already checked out—especially the last one.

  Drake leaned my way. "He won't. He's already there…wherever there is. He picks one club and stays with it for the night. He rarely misses a night out."

  Perfect. I backed my head out and shut the door.

  I walked down the sidewalk and a soft breeze brushing over my skin. According to Drake, the club was a church, but when we passed by it earlier, I thought it resembled more of a castle than a church.

  I strolled past the first block, then the large, stone structure appeared. The European stone façade and arched windows impressed me and I widened my eyes. The sign on the corner read Excalibur. What kind of church would have that kind of sign? I stood by my opinion of the building resembling a castle. Eager to find out if the inside was as amazing as the outside, I crossed the busy street and headed for the entrance.

  The bouncers at the door checked my ID and let me in after a gentle and swift pat down. After the last two clubs, I expected something friskier. Maybe I'd moved a step up in the club world.

  Past a second set of doors, I entered a club completely different from the others. Bright neon lights, loud, thumping music, and an invigorating atmosphere greeted me. My eyes enlarged at the winding staircases and multi-levels. A rush of adrenaline shot through me, and my pulse quickened. I couldn't wait to get a drink and walk around. Stepping aside, I quickly sent a text message to Drake.

  After wedging my way through the crowd, I waited at the bar to order my drink. A rush of heat brushed over me, prompting my temperature to rise. Perhaps it was the crowd of warm bodies. Perhaps it was the energy packed in one tight space. Maybe it was a mixture of both. One thing was for certain, the electronic dance music energized all with its fast, steady beat. Those waiting in line rocked their heads, tapped their feet, or patted their hands on their thighs. I did the latter to blend in.

  When my turn arrived, I ordered my usual in a pair so I wouldn't have to come back and wait again. The bartender gave me two shots of regular vodka. I gulped them both in less than thirty seconds. Given the lack of potency and my high metabolism, I'd have a buzz for maybe five minutes.

  Relaxed and mind at ease, I ascended the winding staircase.

  A subtle vibration in my bones caught my attention halfway up the stairs. I discounted the feeling, thinking it was the music, until I reached the third level of the club, and a flame ignited in the pit of my belly. As my temperature rose, I knew it wasn't the alcohol affecting me. The sensations were different…unusual.

  Ignoring my odd senses, I ambled around the third level, finding nothing more than colorful walls, modern art décor, rainbow lighting, and a few tables scattered along the railing. I found an open spot along the rail and looked down at the other floors. On the main level, bodies crowded the dance floor, jumping, bouncing off each other, and swaying their arms in the air. If Alex was around, it would be the perfect place to blend in and follow him.

  After a few songs and not a trace of Alexander's presence, I sent Drake a text message then strolled down to the next level.

  The second level resembled the third level with the same layout, same artsy designs, bright color scheme, and security guards at the stairs. I roamed the floor, wishing for a cold chill. To my dismay, the opposite happened. The heat burning in the pit of my belly boiled and spread throughout my body. Confused and thinking I should leave before breaking out in a sweat, I rounded the floor at a quickened pace. I was about to head downstairs when I overheard a group talking about going down to the basement. Well, I couldn't leave without checking that area. I finished my tour of the second level, then descended to the main floor.

  Bodies crowded the bar and dance floor, so I walked closer to the walls. I made it halfway around the room when I found steps leading to the basement. Curious to see what was below, I descended the stairs.

  By the time I'd reached the last step, the music from above had lessened considerably. I couldn't believe my eyes as I entered the basement. It was the length of Drake's condo, open and spacious, with a larger bar in the center of the longest wall. Resembling an oversized coffee shop, it had plush sofas and chairs for socializing. Of all the clubs I had been to, this by far was my favorite.

  Knowing I would have to leave soon, I headed to the bar for one last drink. Men and women stood in clusters, talking. I weaved my way around them until I reached the end of the bar. I sat on a round stool and waited for one of the bartenders to look my way. One more drink, and then I'd leave.

  "Well, well, well. If it isn't the devil in disguise," a masculine voice said from my right.

  I swiveled on my stool. "Excuse me?"

  A tall man with caramel-colored eyes and short, light-brown hair stood near me. Though he had a somewhat big nose that—if I guessed—had probably been broken one too many times, he held a strong and commanding look. A smile inched across my face.

  "Can I offer you a drink?" He removed money from his pocket. A hint of dynamism laced his deep voice.

  My gaze lingered on his large chest and bulging muscles, clearly displayed beneath his tight, black T-shirt. The man was huge. Heat from the core of my belly flamed with the intensity of a grease fire. My temperature kicked up several degrees, and my body felt an electrical charge. I couldn't wipe the grin off my face if I tried.

  "Sure. I'll take a drink, if you're offering." My heart thudded. How could I refuse such an alluring man—er, offer?

  He wedged his large body between the neighboring stool and me. Arm extended over the counter with a bill tucked between his fingers, he called out, "Bartender."

  "Yes?" the young bartender asked.

  "Two shots, your strongest," my hot friend ordered.

  My eyes enlarged at seeing a tattoo on his arm. A gray and black snake coiled around his muscle and extended along the inside of his arm. Past his mid-forearm, the mouth of the snake stretched open, and sharp white fangs dripped from the upper gum. A thin, red tongue stretched out of the mouth to the center of his wrist.

  "My name is Jeremy." He scooted one of the shot glasses my way.

  "I'm Jessie." Keeping my eyes on him, I gulped the shot. Jeremy did the same.

  He set his glass on the counter. "Jessie…you smell…" He paused, inhaling. "Delightful." He looked bewildered, but with a pleasant grin.

  I chuckled. Well, at least it was better than saying I had BO. For a second, I wondered what his definition of delightful was. Then my thoughts floated out to sea from the liquor and I no longer cared how delightful I smelled.

  "I haven't seen you here before."

  My lips pulled into a new playful smile. "I'm visiting with a friend."

  "Where's your friend?"

  "Waiting for me outside." I gazed into his radiant eyes and I didn't want to look away.

  "Then you don't mind if I keep you company." He flirted.

  "I'd prefer it." I flirted too.

sp; Jeremy turned to the bartender. When their eyes met, he held up two fingers. The bartender quickly filled Jeremy's order. Again, Jeremy nudged one of the shot glasses my way.

  I held the shot glass between my fingers and marveled at the clear fluid. The smooth, watery substance was incredibly deceiving. I held off gulping down the intoxicating liquid. Jeremy didn't wait. He gulped it down and twirled his glass across the counter.

  "So tell me, Jessie"—he subtly placed his hand over mine—"what's a blue-eyed beauty like you doing in a place like this? Who are you looking for?"

  As his thumb caressed my hand, an intense wave of heat spread from my wrist up my arm. The fire inside me blazed, starting in my groin and creeping up within me. Hoping to ease the heat, I downed the clear liquor fast, tilting my head back slightly.

  "How do you know I'm looking for someone?" I set the glass on the counter.

  He leaned closer to me. "I followed you from upstairs. You were scanning the crowd as if you were searching for someone."

  His sultry breath warmed me, and his scent reminded me of burning leaves in the fall. He was hot, literally. His body emitted heat as if he were an oven cranked up to broil. Wait one minute… Shit! Shit-Shit-Shit! I withdrew my hand from under his and spun around on my seat.

  "Maybe I can help you find that someone."

  "I'm sure you could, but I'll pass." I took a step down from my seat, and my legs wobbled. Everything within my sight spun so fast I thought I was on a merry-go-round.

  "Whoa." He caught my arm. "You can't leave now. This is one of my favorite songs."

  I paused, listening to the music with his extremely warm hand secured on my arm. Recognizing Trent Reznor's deep voice singing "Closer," I understood why Jeremy liked it. Okay, I admit, it was a decent song.

  Unstable on my feet and with my head spinning, I nestled back onto my seat. "A few more minutes for a good song won't hurt."

  My first run-in with another demon and I couldn't decide what to do. I knew I should stay away from him and not trust him, but I couldn't resist his allure. Why did he have to be so good-looking? Damn it, I was at odds with myself, fighting over what to do. No surprise, the better half of me wasn't winning.

  "Are you from around here, Jeremy?"

  "I am." He gazed down at my body.

  I leaned my elbow over the counter to steady myself. The two shots were wreaking havoc with my head. In a few minutes, I would be fine, and I could walk away. Until then, my second voice told me to make the best of the situation.

  "What do you do?" I asked with a lazy blink of my lashes.

  "I play hockey. I'm with the Chicago Blackhawks."

  I perked up in my seat. "Really?"

  "Do you like hockey? I can get you free tickets." He gently traced his fingers over my collarbone and then down my arm.

  "Yeah, I like hockey. Rough sport. Lots of hitting and fighting." His touch warmed my flesh and other parts of my body. I wanted more.

  A playful grin emerged. "It has its moments."

  "Do you fight much?"

  "It's part of my job. When the new season starts, I'll get you tickets. Until then…" He paused, tucking my hair behind my ear. Leaning over, he whispered, "Dump your friend and come back to my place."

  I smiled, intrigued by his offer. A big part of me—just about my entire body— salivated at the thought. Then there was the voice in my head reminding me that Jeremy was a demon, and he only had one thing on his mind.

  "Jessie?" A female called out, but I ignored her. I licked my lips while I gazed into Jeremy's delicious eyes.

  "Jessie, is that you?" The whiny female voice was closer. "Jess—"

  "What?" I snapped, turning in the direction of the voice.

  A young woman dressed in a skin–tight black dress with long dark hair and dangling earrings approached me with caution. I didn't have a clue who she was or how she knew me. Ticked off by her interruption, I shot her an irritated glare.

  "I've been looking all over for you." Obviously not put off by my unwelcoming attitude, she tugged on my arm. "You have to come with me." Her fingers dug into my arm, compelling me to go with her.

  "Your friend?" Jeremy arched a brow.

  I chuckled. "No."

  This woman was irking me royally. Who the hell was she to drag me away? I wanted to wring her neck.

  "Come on, Jessie." She tugged on my arm with more strength. Her nails dug deeper into my skin.

  The distance between Jeremy and me grew as the strange woman pulled me away from him.

  "Wait!" I growled at the woman. I twisted to look at Jeremy. "How can I reach you?"

  A sliver of clarity returned to my mind. Since he was a native resident of the city, he might be able to help me find Alexander. Maybe he had run into Alexander at some point. It couldn't hurt to find out.

  Jeremy reached into his back pocket and pulled out his wallet. After digging within it for a moment, he withdrew a small business card and handed it to me. Without looking at it, I tucked it into my bra.

  "You should have asked me to do that. I would have made it more enjoyable for both of us." He stared at me with lust-filled eyes.

  "Maybe another time," I teased.

  Catching me by surprise, Jeremy wrapped his arm around my waist and pulled me toward him. I hit his solid chest and air expelled from me. Cupping my face, he pressed his strong lips over mine and sucked me into a kiss. His hot tongue rolled along mine, stimulating every nerve in my body. My temperature rose so fast I thought I might spontaneously combust. Enjoying his deep kiss, I relaxed into his arms.

  "Come on!" the bitch demanded, yanking me away from Jeremy and ending our kiss.

  I gasped for air and nearly twisted my ankle from her forceful jerk. Regaining my balance, I followed her in protest, cursing up a storm. I threatened her with violence, hoping she would stop. Did she? No. She never flinched and never responded. She ignored every threat and dragged me along as if I were a pet on a leash.

  With a tight grip on my arm, she led me upstairs. I glanced over my shoulder, wondering if Jeremy would follow. God, I hoped not. This was too embarrassing. Staggering through the crowd on the main level, I demanded to know from the bitch where we were going. Still, she didn't respond. Once we were past the front door, I realized where she was taking me.

  Chapter Nine

  "Thank you, Julie," Drake said, using his charming voice. Her glassy eyes and direct attention toward her clued me in to what he'd done. I stomped my heel and crossed my arms while I waited for him to finish his glamour act. He touched her shoulder. "Well done."

  "You're welcome." She smiled, then headed back into the club with her wide hips swaying.

  "What is wrong with you?" He closed the distance between us.


  I lowered my head to avoid his frost-laden eyes and hoped he couldn't sense how I was feeling, which was very hot and bothered. The remnants of Jeremy's succulent kiss lingered and I had to rub my tingly tongue along the roof of my mouth, trying to ease the pleasurable itch. It didn't help much.

  "Your face is flushed, and your heart is racing."

  Shit, he was sensing my emotions. I needed to get away from Drake, clear my head, and get back to the task at hand. So I acted on my first option, spun, and walked down the sidewalk with long strides. "You didn't have to send some bimbo to get me," I said.

  "You failed to send me a message. You were late." His deep voice led me to believe he was mad. Or was it fear in his tone? Had Drake worried for my safety?

  "I was talking to someone." I withdrew the card stashed inside my bra and handed it to him. "He might be able to help us."

  Drake snatched the card from my hand faster than an alligator attacking its prey. He tossed the little one-by-three card into the air and it flew past me.

  "Hey!" I watched the card flutter to the ground. After it landed in the street near the edge of the curb, I retrieved it.

  "We don't need help."

  Drake grabbed my arm and started
walking. His tight grip piqued me. I was half-tempted to tell him to stick his money where the sun didn't shine and I'd go back home. What if we did need help finding Alexander? I wouldn't pass on an opportunity, especially since he was a local. Biting down on my lip, I kept my mouth shut while I hid the card, crushing it in my hand.

  My heels were clicking on the sidewalk as I kept up with Drake's fast pace. As we approached an alley, four men similar to Drake's size stepped out from behind the building. As we came to a quick halt, I recognized one of them. Jeremy stepped forward while the other three large men fanned out from him, blocking our way. Jeremy's gaze bounced between me and Drake.

  Swallowing hard, I tried to douse the flame firing up in my belly.

  "If I would have known you were in company with the dead, I would have offered more than a kiss," Jeremy said. His lip curled in disgust as he glared at Drake.

  My heart pounded as Drake and Jeremy vigilantly eyed each other. The malicious glare in Drake's eyes worried me. I feared one little move would instigate lethal trouble.

  Thinking fast, I lifted my hand. "Jeremy, meet Drake—my friend. Drake, meet Jeremy." I managed to speak in a calm voice even though my heart vibrated in my throat.

  "Your friend?" Jeremy inquired with abhorrence thick in his tone. He stood in a militant stance with his legs spread and arms crossed, displaying his impressive muscles. When his gaze drifted to where Drake's hand gripped my arm, Jeremy clenched his jaw.

  I faced Drake. "He can help us," I pleaded, hoping he'd listen to me.

  My gaze jumped back and forth between the two men, waiting to see who would make the next move. In comparison, Jeremy looked bigger and stronger—a few inches taller with a broader frame and bulging muscles. Yet, if a fight ensued, I'd bet on Drake as the winner. Vampire strength outmatched any demon's muscle.

  "We do not need your help," Drake said, voice deep.

  "All I want is a date with Jessie," Jeremy calmly stated, unfolding his arms.


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