Claiming the Evil Dead

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Claiming the Evil Dead Page 13

by Mary Abshire

  The man with the smile started to approach me. I glimpsed at Drake and found him standing. Before my would-be admirer reached me, I turned and headed for the stairs.

  I ascended the steps at a quickened rate, fueled with adrenaline. Drake knew where Alexander would be. We could catch the bastard before more lives were lost. Hopefully.

  My heart was pumping fast when I reached the exit, excited by the opportunity to capture Alexander. A gentle wind brushed over my warm flesh, cooling me a degree as I stepped out onto the sidewalk. Not wasting any time, I turned and headed for the intersection.

  The solid hand crosswalk signal indicated I had to wait for the light to change. Few cars passed and I was tempted to jaywalk after the last vehicle drove by. A light brush of air tickled my arms. I glanced over my shoulder, hoping to find Drake. He wasn’t in sight, but he had to be close. I looked back at the hand signal and it had changed to allow me to cross the street.

  "Leaving without me?"

  I spun around. "Not possible. You have the keys." His quick appearance didn’t startle me.

  Drake stepped from the curb. I followed.

  "Do you believe he's there?" I asked.

  "Veronica would not lie to me. She knows I would come after her."

  "How does she know him? Is she friends with him?" I asked as we walked side by side.

  "They are not friends by any definition. They tolerate each other."

  His answer provided me with a little more comfort. If she was telling the truth, then this was the big break we needed. I didn't want it to go to waste.

  The beat of my heart quickened as we crossed the flat lot where he'd parked. I couldn't wait to catch Alexander.

  "Jessie." Drake gripped my arm and brought me to a halt. Light from the parking lot reflected in his eyes. Bright orange orbs glowed at me. "I am going in with you. We will bring him out together."

  I didn't argue. It would've been pointless. Alone or together, it didn't matter to me how we captured Alex. I just wanted him captured.

  I gave him my most devilish smile. "Let's get him."

  Chapter Fourteen

  Drake whizzed through traffic at a speed that had me bracing one hand on the dash and the other on my seat. My eyes grew wide as he came up fast on the vehicle in front of us, and then swerved away, missing the other car by mere inches. Yes, I was seat belted. Yes, I was aware of the airbag in front and on the side of me. Did those facts provide me with any additional comfort? Absolutely not.

  "What's the plan?" I asked, trying to calm my nerves. "Since we're both going inside."

  He kept his eyes on the road. "I want you to wait near the door while I find him."

  "And how are you going to talk him into walking out with you?" I couldn't picture Alexander going anywhere with Drake, at least not willingly.

  He braked, and my body jerked forward. After the car next to us sped by, Drake accelerated into the other lane.

  "I can be very persuasive and patient." He glanced at me with the corner of his lips quirked. "When I bring him out, I want you to follow us."

  "Okay." I inhaled a deep breath. I was ready to do anything to get Alexander.

  Drake zoomed into a small, flat lot behind a bank. It didn't take him long to find a vacant parking spot.

  "If he's already inside, he'll sense you," I said as he withdrew the key from the ignition.

  "He will think it is Veronica. Vampires can't sense differences among other vampires unless one has a distinctive scent. But if he sees me, he will probably run."

  I added the tidbit to the Vampires 101 log in my head.

  My heart picked up extra beats as we left the car and strode, cutting across the lot. If we captured Alexander tonight, I'd get the rest of my wages and could return home a happy woman, happier knowing such an evil soul was rotting in Hell.

  "What do you plan to use to sever his head?" We rounded a corner, then proceeded down a narrow alley along the side of the bank. The area reeked of noxious smoke. Cigarette Alley, I mentally dubbed it.

  "I have a knife in my pocket."

  "Is it a switchblade?" I felt stupid for asking. But what kind of switchblade could sever a head?

  "No. Bigger."

  My gaze roamed over the back of his dark pants in search of the blade. I couldn't see anything sticking out. The search for the weapon quickly ended as I focused more on his rear. It looked very squeezable. Uh-huh. Too bad I didn't have x-ray vision.

  At the end of the alley, we landed on the sidewalk in front of a building. Drake continued to the street, then paused between two parked vehicles. Cars passed, preventing us from crossing, so we waited.

  "Where is it?" I surveyed the shops across the street. Cafes and bars lined up along the sidewalk. The area looked clean and safe. My gaze zoned in on the Subway restaurant and I considered grabbing a bite to eat after we finished our task.

  "A couple doors down." He pointed to our right. "We can cross here."

  After the last car went by, I followed Drake across the street. He was right about it being a few doors down from Subway. Located inside a three–story brick building, the Beaumont resembled a neighborhood tavern rather than a nightclub. We came to a stop behind a group of young people waiting to get inside.

  I scanned the neighborhood. The mixture of businesses, homes, and the fact Lincoln Park was nearby seemed like a good place to live. Family friendly even. "This place looks different from the other areas."

  He leaned close to my ear. "Two of the missing kids within the last year were from this area."

  Anger flowed through me while my heart mourned. I despised evil creatures and wanted them all sent to their proper homes. At the same time, I was sad for all the victims, especially kids who never got a chance at life.

  "Coming?" Drake asked.

  I spun around and found him standing near the entrance with his arm outstretched toward me. Rock music seeped out from the half open tavern's door.

  "Coming." I hurried to meet him.

  Inside, hordes of bodies crowded the small room. The fire marshal wouldn't be happy. Two steps past the entrance, a hard chill slammed into me and I shivered.

  "He's here." I wrapped my hands around my arms and fought to keep my teeth from chattering.

  Drake twisted to face me. "Stay here."

  I nodded as he left me. With barely enough room to breathe, I was more than willing to comply with his demand.

  I stayed close to the door but out of the way of passing traffic. The loud rock music with the clamoring voices was softer to my ears compared to deafening club music. The small tavern reminded me of many bars at home in Indy—one level, huge, with walls covered in neon and mirrored signs. Customers unable to find a seat stood in clusters socializing. The bar itself was hidden among the mass of bodies standing in front of it. I couldn't even see the bartenders through the crowd.

  As cold as an icicle, I shivered from the chills flowing through me in waves. I slid my hands up and down my arms, but the effort offered no warmth. Goose pimples covered my flesh. Then, a knot in my stomach tightened as if Hell was ready to welcome the next evil soul.

  I tilted my head up and scanned for a blond-haired vampire. He was here, somewhere amongst the packed sardines. Laughter rose over the music. Clinging glasses rang in my ears. My gaze bounced from one head to the next. Brown hair, dark hair, sandy blond hair, curly hair, thinning hair, no hair, and then…long blond hair.

  It reminded me of a part in a movie when everything suddenly slowed down and became silent. People stood motionless, and their voices muted. Within the silence, I heard myself breathing, the beat of my heart, and the thud of heavy footsteps pressing into the hardwood floor.

  In slow motion, Alexander emerged from a cluster of frozen bodies. His long and stringy hair flowed over his shoulders. At first glance, he reminded me of one of the bad guys in Die Hard. Although, "evil incarnate" described him best.

  "He's leaving, Drake." My tongue and lips moved, but I didn't hear my voice.
br />   The minute I said Drake's name, Alexander turned his head. He pierced me with glowing green eyes and curled lip of revulsion. We had a stare down as he headed for the exit. His footsteps thumped on the floor. I watched in amazement, as if he were a big star. We'd finally found him. He turned his head when reached the door, then he walked out.

  A glass shattering jolted me. The volume of laughter and chattering voices cranked up while bodies moved around me. Life returned to normal.

  I stared at the door in shock. I let him leave. Fuck!

  I squeezed between bodies as I rushed toward the exit. I had no idea where Drake had gone and didn't want to waste any time trying to find him. Following Alexander took priority.

  I exited the tavern and came to a stop on the sidewalk. Life outside seemed normal. Nothing appeared out of place. No one seemed in a hurry. The blond-haired vampire was out of sight, but I still felt his presence. My heart pounded. I had to find him. I had to!

  I followed the flow of energy and jogged down the sidewalk. I passed by Subway, then stopped at the end of the block. The street appeared clear of traffic, so I crossed the road onto Armitage. He still wasn't in sight. I followed the wave of energy drawing me to him. With each step, I focused on the magnetic lure, the force, the essence of life and death—his soul. I couldn't lose him.

  I ran across the next street. The knot in my belly tightened, telling me to keep going. I jogged along the sidewalk, passing by a long, brick building. The bank lot where Drake had parked was on the other side of the street. While I passed it and entered a less-populated area, I prayed Drake would find me.

  The street was quiet—eerily quiet—except for the loud clicks of my heels on the concrete. Businesses had closed long ago, and not a soul was around. I considered pausing to slip off my shoes, but I didn't want to waste precious seconds. I crossed another street and found not a single moving vehicle in sight. But the chill in my bones remained strong. He had to be around somewhere.

  I jogged past a cleaning establishment, confident I was on the right path. As I reached the alley behind the building, I caught a blur of movement out of the corner of my eye. Hands gripped my arm. I was yanked into the alley so hard that my arm came out of its socket. My body floated off the ground with my feet dragging over the pavement. I crashed into the brick wall of the building. My ears popped and sharp pain radiated in my head. I bounced off the wall and fell. A gasp escaped me when my head hit the concrete.

  Cold. My bones felt ice cold. Intense pain throbbed in my head and my shoulder. I couldn't move my arm. I blinked and saw bright sparkles floating in front of me. As the flickering lights faded, I saw a hazy figure looming over me. Frozen hands touched the sides of my face. My vision finally cleared and I recognized Alexander. Instantly I wanted to puke.

  "Such a waste," he said, holding my face tightly in his hands. His cruel voice added momentum to the vomit rising from my intestines.

  I opened my mouth to tell him where he could go, but before I got the chance, he violently jerked my head sideways. The vertebrae in my neck broke, snapping like a thick twig. Pain shot down my back, then instant numbness.

  He let go of my head and it thudded against the ground. Grinning, he stepped over me and walked away.

  Unable to move, I listened to his feet brushing over the pavement. The tapping sound steadily grew fainter.

  Heat swelled within me as I lay on the ground. The back of my neck burned hotter than lava. Intense heat throbbed in my head and shoulder. Slowly, the burning modified into a feverish tingle. I tested my healing process by wiggling my fingers. They moved. Holding my breath, I lifted my arm. Yep, almost all better. Little by little, I turned my head. Fire blazed in my neck. At least I could move it.

  An engine revved farther down the alley. The beat of my heart accelerated. If I didn't get up, he would get away…again. I couldn't wait for Drake. Body aching, I sat up. I winced from the extreme pain as I forced myself to stand. The heat in my body flamed, telling me I hadn't healed completely.

  I wobbled as I stood in the alley. A glance at my feet revealed my shoes were missing and I was barefoot on the dirty street. Gross.

  Lights beamed from a car in the alley. Alexander's energy lingered in the air, chilling me. I knew it had to be him in the car.

  "Hey!" I yelled at the top of my lungs.

  The car lurched forward at full speed. My heart accelerated. Okay, maybe I shouldn't have yelled.

  I stood as still as I could with my legs quivering underneath me. If I fell, he'd run over me. Although I'd heal, I didn't want to be smashed like a bug into the pavement. The car barreled closer. Adrenaline coursed through my veins like a toxic drug and fueled my rapid heartbeat. I clenched my fists and held my breath. Just a few more seconds…

  I leaped to the side, and the car rammed into a dumpster with a loud thump. Fiberglass crunched from the front end of the vehicle while glass shattered from the headlight. The dumpster slammed back to the building, bringing the car to an abrupt stop.

  Rage fueled me as I headed toward the car. Smoke drifted from the struggling engine. I didn't see any movement inside the vehicle. When I reached the window, I thrust my balled fist through it. The glass shattered into little pieces and fell. Alexander caught my wrist. Fangs fully exposed, he savagely ripped into my forearm like a shark claiming its food. Sharp pain shot up my arm, and I wailed. His pointed teeth felt like a razor-sharp knife slicing my flesh open. I reached through the window with my other hand and clawed at his eyes. The squishy centers burst open and he yelped. Blood spilled over his nose and cheeks. He let go of my arm and I stumbled back away from the car.

  "Jessie!" Drake yelled from a distance.

  Alexander growled. Blood, his and mine, covered his face. Arms at my side, I walked backward out of the alley.

  Alexander revved the engine. Wheels squealed on the pavement. Gravel kicked up from the tires. I stepped out of the way as the car lurched forward and sped past me.


  I spun around and saw Drake running toward me. His eyes grew wide as he drew near me.

  Woozy and lightheaded, I stood in the street with bare feet. For a brief moment, I again wondered where my shoes were. Dizziness overwhelmed me. The buildings swayed, then Drake's image became distorted. Intense pain throbbed in my arm as if it had a heartbeat of its own. I looked down. A stream of blood poured onto the concrete.

  I looked up at the blur I thought was Drake. My vision started fading. Dark shadows crawled toward me.

  "Drake," I breathed out as a heavy weight pressed upon my heart. My eyes begged me to close them. "I'm sorry."

  Succumbing to the darkness, I collapsed.

  Chapter Fifteen

  My eyes felt heavier than boulders as I struggled to open them. Strength was not my ally. I eventually gave up and floated back into silent darkness. The world around me was peaceful and quiet. I inhaled a deep breath and decided to stay in this world a little longer.

  "Jessie," said a familiar voice.

  Enjoying the tranquility, I didn't stir.

  "Jessie," the man called again. His soft voice comforted me.

  "Hmm?" I moaned.

  I tried opening my eyes again, but my lids refused to lift. Giving up on vision, I attempted to move my arms. They weren't budging. All my limbs felt numb. I couldn't even wiggle my toes. Truthfully, I didn't want to move.

  A cool touch moved down my back. I felt my upper body being lifted.

  "Jessie…" That soft voice again. "Can you hear me?"

  "Mmm." I didn't have the strength to move my lips or my tongue.

  Something soft glided down my face. The delicate touch soothed me and sent delicate yet exciting chills through me. I wanted more. If only I could move.

  "Jessie, I'm going to open your mouth," said the man with the familiar voice. "I'm going to pour something into your mouth, and you need to swallow it. Do you understand?"

  Swallow. Got it. "Mmm-hmm."

  Cool fingers pried my lips apart,
then something solid pressed against my bottom lip. A thick fluid rolled onto my tongue. The liquid tasted cold and metallic. I swallowed, and the thick goo glided down my throat. The more I swallowed, the more my body perked up. I twitched my fingers and toes. To my surprise and amazement, they moved. I even moved my hand over my abdomen. When the fluid was gone, a part of me wished for more.

  I licked my lips and rolled my tongue. The icky taste of metal in my mouth encouraged me to brush my teeth, but I doubted I had enough strength to do so. Testing my mobility, I lifted my heavy arms and bent my stiff legs. The few inches of movement left me exhausted. Clean teeth would have to wait.

  "Rest, love." His lips touched my forehead.

  I opened my eyes. The room was blurry, but I recognized the surroundings. I was sitting upright on the bed, leaning against Drake's half-clothed body. A fleece blanket covered my lower extremities.

  He gently lowered me until my head rested comfortably on a pillow.

  "Stay with me, Drake," I said. I placed my hand on his chest. The thin layer of hair tickled my fingers. His bare flesh felt soothingly cool.

  "You need to rest." He glided his fingers along the side of my face.

  "I will. If you stay with me." I enticed him with a smile.

  The bed lightly shook from his movements as he slithered next to me. His arm stayed under my neck, allowing me the opportunity to curl up against him, which I did. Lying sideways, I rested my head on his shoulder, relaxed my arm over his chest, and curled my leg over his. Not long after closing my eyes, I drifted off into a peaceful sleep.


  Something tickled my arm, waking me from my slumber. The skin on my arm spastically twitched while the hairs there fluttered. I inhaled a deep breath, and the familiar scent of cedar wood mixed with rosemary filled my nose. Slowly, I opened my eyes. I saw Drake's bare chest underneath me and his fingers gliding over my arm. Was I dreaming?

  I lifted my head and rubbed my eyes. Nothing had changed. He was really underneath me.

  I glided my hand over my mouth and discovered my chin was damp.


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