Bone Thief jd-1

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Bone Thief jd-1 Page 11

by Thomas O`Callaghan

  “OK. Have it your way. But in the meantime, let’s not let our feelings get in the way of our investigation. Can we agree on that?”


  Chapter 34

  The arches above the white door were more suited to a London town house than as the facade of an Irish college professor’s residence.

  The woman, framed in the illumination of the living room’s torchere, was a diaphanous presence, with light hair and aquamarine eyes. She offered the Lieutenant her long artistic hand. “Eileen Tiernan,” she murmured.

  “I followed your husband’s suggestion and invited Sergeant Margaret Aligante as my guest.” Margaret’s eyes were locked on Driscoll’s as the pair were led inside the house.

  “Are you the police?” a young child gushed, bursting into the room. “Will you take Timothy to jail?”

  “This is Ryan,” Mrs. Tiernan explained. “And Timothy is Ryan’s brother. Timothy steals Ryan’s toys.”

  Leprechaunlike, a second child’s head popped out from behind a door frame, eyes wide open, staring at the intruders.

  “And that’s Timothy,” said Mrs. Tiernan.

  “You’re goin’ to jail. You’re goin’ to jail,” Ryan singsonged.

  Timothy’s head vanished.

  “Hope you didn’t run into any traffic,” Seamus Tiernan declared as he entered the room, a Japanese chopping knife in hand.

  “There’s our man, Lieutenant. He’s even got the murder weapon in hand,” said Margaret with a grin.

  “I confess, I showed those carrots no mercy. Perhaps a round of Jameson’s before my arrest?”

  “We mustn’t deny the culprit his last request.”

  Tiernan dispensed the drinks.

  Without warning, a winged thing swooped down, swallowed a beakful of Driscoll’s whiskey, and perched itself atop a curtain rod, eyeing the guests.

  “My bird loves to party,” a newcomer said as she traipsed down the staircase. Entering the room, she beckoned the creature to sit on her shoulder. “Meet Chester. He’s a red-billed toucan from eastern Colombia. And you must be Lieutenant Driscoll.”

  “I am.”

  Driscoll studied the young woman. She was wearing iridescent mascara, a sienna blush emphasizing her cheekbones, and burnt orange pigment on her lips. She sported a diminutive skirt that framed slender legs. Driscoll figured her for fourteen or fifteen. She certainly was sure of herself, and had a curious curl to her smile that said, “I’m here. I warrant attention.” Despite himself, Driscoll was amused. He wondered what Margaret’s impression was.

  “Has anyone proofed Chester?” he asked.

  The bird croaked at the sound of his name and launched an attack on Margaret’s drink.

  First mine, then Margaret’s, Driscoll pondered. Was that some sort of sign? He was certain Margaret would think so.

  “He’s just warming up for his grand finale,” his keeper boasted.

  “Is he a song-and-dance man?” Margaret asked. “He looks a little like Jimmy Durante with that beak.”

  “Well, Chester here’ll let you judge for yourself. And now, without further ado, may I present, direct from South America, for your entertainment pleasure, Chester, as W.C. Fields in zero gravity.”

  On cue, the bird fluttered cockeyed wings, let out a belch, and pirouetted in midair like a drunken sailor, finishing with a spiraling nosedive headlong into the shag carpet.

  “Cut him off,” hollered Driscoll.

  The girl picked up the inebriated bird and cradled him in her pocket.

  “I’m Moira,” she announced. “Named after an Irish princess who fought valiantly against the Vikings. But, alas, I have been reduced by Mother to the menial task of research assistant, helping her write her great American detective novel about a psychopath who preys on nubile suburban teens.”

  “You’re a writer?” Margaret said, turning to Mrs. Tiernan.

  “Trying to be.”

  “Don’t be deceived by the appearance of harmony that permeates this household, Lieutenant Driscoll. Demons fester in our midst,” Moira cautioned.

  “Moira!” her mother scolded.

  “My whispery mother dreams the darndest things. Acts of carnage haunt her daydreams. She’s a natural-born killer in a housewife’s dress.”

  “Please excuse my daughter. She’s actually fourteen, but I’m afraid she’s never left her terrible twos.”

  “Chapter eighteen, page 192,” Moira singsonged. “Mother likes to test her dialogue on unsuspecting guests.”

  “The Vikings didn’t stand a chance,” muttered Margaret.

  “And you are?” Moira asked.

  “Sergeant Margaret Marie Aligante,” Driscoll answered.

  “Such a long name,” said Moira with a shrug.

  “Sergeant Aligante, it is certainly a pleasure to have you grace our home,” said Mrs. Tiernan.

  “Please, call me Margaret.”

  “You’ve managed to thrill my mother, Sergeant Margaret Marie Aligante.”

  “Pay no attention to Moira. She delights in the resonance of her own voice,” said Seamus Tiernan.

  “Sergeant Margaret Marie Aligante, will you consider sponsoring me?”

  “Your bird’s the one who needs a sponsor. I suggest you try AA,” Margaret replied, taking an instant dislike to the girl.

  “I’m not talking about Chester, I’m talking about me,” said Moira, sharply. “I’d like to become a police investigator.”

  “John Jay College of Criminal Justice may have what you’re looking for,” said Driscoll.

  “College is for bookworms and preppies. I wanna be around cops. I need to feel the beat of police work.”

  “I know you officers have entered the electronic age. Unleash her on a computer, Lieutenant, and she’ll have it doing cartwheels,” her mother said.

  “What do you know about the Pentium Pro XPS 200?” Driscoll asked Moira.

  “Could teach it a trick or two.”

  “Can you now?” said Driscoll, suddenly seeing Nicole’s smile in the girl’s face.

  The Lieutenant was drawn to the girl. The more he gazed at her, the more he saw Nicole, who was about Moira’s age when she died. It pained him to look at the girl. So many memories flooded to consciousness. He wished he could slip off somewhere, someplace where he could be alone to resolve his anguish in private. At the moment, he felt like he was on a stage with a packed house staring him in the face.

  “Lieutenant? Lieutenant, are you OK?”

  “Yes, Moira. I’m fine,” he managed.

  “If you’ll let me, I can provide a program that can safeguard your entire system from any kind of virus. It’s a virtual vaccine for infected computers.”

  “We’d have to clear it with the Captain for security’s sake,” said Driscoll.

  “Of course!” Moira raced out of the room. “Just give me a minute to get the CD.”

  “Higgins is not gonna like this,” Margaret warned, lips to her glass, eyes peeking over its brim.

  “Not to worry, whiz kids like Moira could probably teach Higgins a thing or two,” Driscoll whispered. “And besides, what harm could she do? It’s not like we’re actually assigning her to the case. At best, we’ll get a few lessons on how to use the computer to our advantage.”

  “What’s next? Recruitment straight out of nursery?”

  The remark made Driscoll grin.

  Moira returned with the virus-seeking CD and slipped it into Driscoll’s pocket. “Like a wonder drug,” she said with a wink.

  Mr. Tiernan then motioned for his guests to take their seats around a beautifully set table.

  “The Erin Society was started by Sean McManus, an Irish coal miner from Pennsylvania, in 1952,” Seamus Tiernan told Driscoll after hors d’oeuvres. “The New York chapter was established in the town of Hankins, in Sullivan County. There, McManus founded a seminary for the training of Druidic priests. But they have since gone underground.”

  “Why?” asked Driscoll.

sp; “Theological differences.”

  “You said you had visited them. Did you attend their services?”

  “If you ask me, the ASPCA should have gotten a call.” Moira’s voice echoed from the kitchen, where she had been beckoned to help her mother with the main course.

  “How’s that?” Driscoll called out.

  “They built a wicker man, then filled it with live roosters and set it ablaze at dawn in honor of the rising sun. Weren’t they sweethearts?”

  “Moira tells it like it is,” said Seamus Tiernan. “I took her on a trip upstate when she was eight.”

  “Next time, we go to Disney World,” Moria hollered.

  “I thought you told me you hadn’t visited the site since ’88,” said Driscoll.

  “I forgot the stopover with my daughter. That’s a trip I regret. It was no place for a young girl.”

  “Perhaps it’s time for another visit,” Driscoll suggested.

  The door to the kitchen swung open, and Moira appeared, holding a platter of barbecued chicken wings.

  “Don’t waste your time,” she said.

  “Why not?”

  “Guys that get off on roasting roosters don’t get off on murder.”

  A chill settled over the table.

  “She even thinks like a cop,” said her mother.

  “Care for another assistant?” Moira asked with a smile.

  “Oh, brother,” Margaret moaned.

  Chapter 35

  Driscoll was seated behind his desk, poring over the photos of the remains of the latest victim. How could one human being do this to another? he pondered. And what’s with the sanitation dump site?

  Margaret stuck her head inside the door, interrupting his contemplation. “She’s late,” she said.


  “The whiz kid.”

  “Who’s watchin’ the clock?”

  “You said five P.M. Sharp! It’s going on five-fifteen.”

  Driscoll gestured for Margaret to come in and take a seat beside his desk.

  “You don’t care for Little Miss Computer Brains, do you?”

  “She’s much too brassy for my liking. But I have a suspicion that you have somewhat of crush on the young girl.”

  “If truth be known, she makes me think of Nicole every time I see her.”

  Driscoll envisioned his daughter’s smiling face. He remembered the warmth he felt whenever Nicole took hold of his hand. One such memory came racing to consciousness. Nicole was two, going on three. He and she were together in the playroom. “Daddy c’mere,” she beckoned, her little fingers entwined around his. “You get the wellwow ones,” she instructed, holding a yellow block with the raised letter T on it. “Build dem, Daddy. Build dem.” Driscoll got down on all fours and stacked T upon S, upon E, until the tiny tower of yellow blocks was complete. Nicole erected the blue ones. When the two columns were assembled, Nicole formed a tiny O with her lips, signaling Driscoll to blow the blocks down. How she giggled and grinned when Driscoll obliged.

  “Just like you’re doing now,” said Margaret.

  “What’s that?”

  “Nicole. You’re thinking of Nicole.” Her voice was sympathetic. “Your face always has that melancholy look when you’re thinking of your daughter. Or didn’t you know that?” Margaret watched as a tiny tear formed in the corner of Driscoll’s eye. “It’s very understandable,” Margaret continued, her eyes drawn downward. “I only wish I had someone to blot out the nightmares of my past.”

  “You know I’m always here to listen.”

  “Forget I said it. I’m fine. Just a little distracted lately. That’s all.” Margaret squirmed in her seat like a schoolgirl. “Maybe it’s the case with all its blood and gore. I don’t know.”

  “Can I take a stab at it?”

  “At what?”

  “At what’s got you distracted.”

  “Fire away, Mr. Freud.”

  “I think you’re jealous.”

  “Jealous? Jealous of who?”

  “Little Miss Computer Brains.”

  “Get real.”

  “No. I think that’s it. Plain and simple. I saw the look on your face at that dinner table where Moira was fawning all over me. You’re jealous of all the attention I give her.”

  “Yeah, like I’m gonna get jealous of a fourteen-year-old girl.”

  “Her age has nothing to do with it.”

  “What then?”

  “You feel put out by my feelings for her, this transference that Moira brings out in me.”

  “You’d know more about these emotional issues than I would. I have to admit I’m in the dark when it comes to most psychological goings-on.”

  “I want you to know it doesn’t take away from the feelings that I have for you.” Oh, boy. Did he just say what he thought he said?

  “Go on.”

  Trapped. Trapped by my own doing, and it’s too late to do an about-face. “C’mon, Margaret. You know how I feel about you.”

  “I feel like I’ve just been asked to dance on a patch of thin ice. You have feelings for me?”

  “Of course I do.” He felt his face become flushed. His having feelings for Margaret had always raised guilt, but confessing to those feelings was something else. “I’m just not in a position where I can act on those feelings.”

  “But they’re there?”

  “Oh, they’re there, all right.” Driscoll’s heart began to race as a stillness overtook the small room.

  “Oh, boy. Where do we go from here?”

  “You do understand my position. I mean, I’m still married to Colette.”

  “How do you manage to do it?”

  “Do what?”

  “Sit with those feelings, knowing how I feel about you.”

  A sad smile formed on Driscoll’s face. He fought back the urge to hold her hand.

  A knock sounded on Driscoll’s door, interrupting their intimacy. Detective Thomlinson stuck his head inside, letting the tumult enter from the outer office of the Command Center.

  “Somebody’s birthday out there? What’s all the hubbub?” said Driscoll.

  “There’s a teenage girl outside. Says she has an appointment with you, Lieutenant. She’s dressed like a Times Square hooker! You’d better hurry. There’s no tellin’ what these johns’ll do.”

  “You really know how to pick ’em,” Margaret snickered as Driscoll darted for the door.

  A huddle had formed in the squad room, encircling the young teen, who was clad in a flesh-toned tube top and black miniskirt. Driscoll elbowed his way in. The circle dispersed.

  “Come with me!” Driscoll snapped, escorting Moira into his office and slamming the door.

  “Why are you dressed like…like-?”

  “Too flashy?”

  “See if this fits,” Margaret said, tossing Moira her jacket.

  “I’m really sorry, Lieutenant. I didn’t mean to upset you. I’ll dress more appropriately next time.”

  “Next time? There’ll be no next time.”

  “OK, I screwed up. But, can’t I just have a go with my computer before I-”

  “Ya got two minutes.”

  Moira sat down and opened her satellite-supported laptop, where her fleeting fingers danced across the keyboard. The screen sizzled with codes, numbers, logarithms, and equations. Within seconds, Moira had entered the nebulous zone of hacking.

  “Lieutenant, did you know the FBI is also investigating these crimes?”

  “They follow all serial cases,” said Margaret.

  “You tapped into the FBI’s in-house files?” said Driscoll, incredulous.

  “Impossible,” said Margaret.

  “No. Moria has accessed their private files. And, from the looks of it, they’re keeping a very close eye on our investigation.”

  “Would you like a hard copy?” Moira asked. “I gotta act quickly before they’re on to us.”

  “Go ahead.”

  “Done. We’re out.”

  “Get away clean?�
�� asked Margaret.

  “Just like a bar of Ivory.”

  “I should report you for this,” said Driscoll gravely.

  “Sometimes I get carried away,” Moira pouted. “I need a strong hand to keep me on the straight and narrow.”

  “Ain’t that the truth?” said Margaret.

  “Young lady, you really know your way around a keyboard.” Driscoll grinned and shook the girl’s hand.

  “Thank you, Lieutenant. Just so you know my heart’s in the right place, tonight’s demonstration is on the house. But next time it’s gonna cost ya.”

  “How much?”

  “Fifty dollars an hour. And I guarantee satisfaction.”

  “What’re gonna do with all the dough?”

  “Have you priced a motherboard lately?”

  “Oh, John,” Margaret groaned. “We’ve got a technogeek on our hands.”

  “On that note, I’m outa here,” said Moira. “Time for you two to hit the keys.”

  “What now?” asked Margaret.

  “Your homework. I’m sure your crew of technicians have already scoured the Internet highways and byways, but it might be a good idea to do your own search. Your instincts may lead you to something they overlooked. It can’t hurt. Remember, you guys will have to stay one step ahead of the G-men, or they’ll be the ones cracking your case. Hasta la vista!” she added as she slipped out the door.”

  “So, where do we start?” Margaret asked.

  “There’s a great big World Wide Web out there, and you and I are gonna surf it.”

  “I’m no surfer, John. I don’t even like getting my feet wet.”

  The door opened, and Moira stuck her head inside. “Don’t waste your time in the FBI files, Lieutenant. They haven’t a clue in the case.”

  The door slammed shut.

  “Out of the mouths of babes,” said Margaret.

  Driscoll cleared his throat and turned his attention to Margaret. “You OK with all that we said earlier?” he asked.

  “I’m fine. It’s nice to know we share the same feelings.”

  “You understand that I can’t act on those feelings, right?”


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