Soothe Me, Daddy

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Soothe Me, Daddy Page 4

by Elouise East

  “Nah, I’m not good with rhythm. And he’s coming back anyway.”

  “Isie! Come on. Dance with me.” Henley pulled on Isaac’s hand, trying to drag him to the dance floor.

  “You don’t want me out there. I’d ruin your…whatever you’ve got going on.” Isaac spread his free hand, warding Henley off.

  “But you’re so good to me. You look after me all the time. Please, Isie?” Henley pouted, eyelashes batting at him.

  “No,” Isaac said firmly.

  Henley sniffed and let go of his hand. “You’re such a mean D…person.”

  Isaac quirked his mouth up at the change of wording. He would have loved to know what word Henley was going to use, but seeing his wide eyes and gaping mouth, Henley was shocked by what he’d nearly said.

  His expression of horror slowly faded until Henley quietly said, “I think I need some water.”

  Standing, Isaac manoeuvred Henley into the seat he’d just vacated. “I’ll get some. Stay there.” He glanced at Frankie. “Talk to him. See if you can get some of the…whatever from him.” Isaac smirked and elbowed his way through to the bar.

  He wanted to know what Henley had been about to say, though, he had a feeling he knew what it was. Everything in Henley screamed boy, and everything in Isaac screamed for him to look after Henley. Thinking over Henley’s behaviour during the last four weeks, Isaac could see he shone whenever Isaac gave him something to do or showered praised on him. Henley tried his hardest to do whatever Isaac wanted to the best of his ability.

  Isaac wanted to take things further with Henley, but there needed to be a heavy conversation before anything happened between them. It was something he would discuss with Henley when he was sober.

  When Isaac dropped Henley back at his house around one in the morning, he was second-guessing leaving him alone. He helped Henley into his house and ordered him to lock the door behind him, waiting on the step until he heard the click before returning to his car. He sat there for a few moments, weighing up his options until he saw the light upstairs switch on. Trusting his instincts, which said Henley was not drunk enough to do anything stupid, he drove off, reminding himself to ring Henley in the late morning to check on him.


  “But Isaac—”

  “But nothing, Henley. Do as you’re told.”

  Isaac watched as Henley pouted before pivoting on his feet and marching to the other side of the room where he dropped into a chair and opened his lunch bag. Henley had been a whiny brat for the last two days, and enough was enough. Isaac hoped that eating his lunch would reduce some of the emotions bleeding into his work. Henley didn’t show it while staff was in the room, but as soon as it was empty, he went on and on about Saturday night and how there should be more days like that.

  After explaining for the fourth time that people didn’t have enough time to go out every week because of family commitments, Henley had begun pouting and whining about it.

  When it continued even after his lunch, Isaac took a chance. “Sit down!” he ordered, pointing to the chair Henley had used previously.

  Stunned into place for a second, Henley glanced at Isaac and shuffled over to take a seat.

  Checking no one else had entered the room, Isaac spoke, “Right. I am going to give you an option now, and you need to think hard about it before you give me your answer.” He paused until Henley nodded. “Choice one. Keep whining about everything, and I will continue to ignore it, which will get you more annoyed as the week goes on and may earn you a spanking. Choice two. Stop whining, and I will take you out for dinner on Saturday.” He held up his hand as Henley tried to interrupt. “Just dinner. There is a conversation we need to have.”

  Henley’s eyes lit up as his mouth began to curve up into a smile.

  “Your answer?”

  Closing his eyes briefly, no doubt contemplating the thought of a spanking, Henley returned his gaze to Isaac’s, his eyes glistening in the lights. “Choice two, please,” he whispered.

  Isaac nodded. “Good choice. Now, please, cheer up and stop whining.” Isaac held Henley’s gaze until he nodded.

  For the rest of the day, things went back to how there had been in previous weeks. Although Henley didn’t stop talking, that was usual for him, and Isaac admitted, only to himself, it was endearing, and he was getting used to the constant narration throughout his day.

  When he dropped Henley back home that afternoon, he practically danced to his door, turning to wave over his shoulder before shutting himself inside. Isaac shook his head, the movement being used more and more often in relation to Henley. He hoped Henley could last another four days, but if he was honest with himself, he was just as eager to get to Saturday as Henley probably was. It had been a while since he’d had a date and one where he’d have to do a lot of explaining, laying it all on the line.

  He hoped with everything in him that Henley liked the same things he did, and that Henley wanted more than a fling.


  Chapter 5


  He couldn’t believe Isaac was taking him on a date. Or at least he would be if Henley could keep his mouth shut for the rest of the week. Henley honestly had no idea whether he would be able to, but because Isaac had asked him to, he would try.

  By the time Friday came around, Henley was about to self-combust. He had so many questions about what was going to happen on Saturday, he was more fidgety than usual. He was driving himself to the store that day, in a company car he’d picked up the day before. It was a bit nerve-wracking meeting Isaac there instead of having the safety net of Isaac being with him, but he supposed he’d have to get used to it with only three weeks of his training left.

  As he pulled into the store and parked his car, Henley scanned around but couldn’t see Isaac. It meant he’d have to get into the building by himself. Inhaling deeply, knowing Isaac wanted him to do this, Henley put the sign on his dashboard and climbed out the car, locking it behind him. Hooking his bag over his shoulder, he strode to the staff entrance.

  With his pulse pounding a thumping rhythm, he spoke to the receptionist and gained entry, following her directions to the room where, blessedly, Isaac waited. When he entered, Isaac beamed at him.

  “I knew you’d be fine,” Isaac muttered before waving him over. “Come on, we have our work cut out for us today.”

  Henley groaned, dropping his head back and squeezing his eyes shut. “Okay.” He put his bag with Isaac’s, listening to his instructions. His voice was amazing, not gravelly but deep, like plucking a low note on a guitar, and it vibrated up his spine.

  “Do you know what needs to be done before this can all happen?”

  Isaac’s voice cut into his musings, and Henley realised he hadn’t heard everything Isaac had said. He rolled his lips inwards, trying to remember what the last thing was Isaac said as he raked his necklace along the chain from one side to the other.

  “You didn’t hear me, did you?” Isaac narrowed his gaze, pinning Henley with his grey eyes.

  Henley licked his lips but knew he couldn’t lie to him. He shook his head before lowering it. He hated disappointing Isaac. He didn’t mean to be all over the place. It was no excuse, but Rebecca had been on the phone the previous night in tears because of some guy, so he’d headed over there to keep her company. They’d talked until the early hours of the morning, so he wasn’t completely with it anyway.

  “What do we do after checking all the stock is here?”

  “If the items do not have names on them, we put them in size order in individual boxes.” Henley smiled.

  Isaac nodded. “Well done. Let’s get to it.”

  They worked silently for a change, the tiredness bleeding through Henley into his work.

  “God, I’m so tired. Can this be the end of the day already? I want it to be Saturday.” Henley sat in a chair and hunched over, resting his head on his crossed arms.

  “Come on. A little tiredness never killed anyone. You should go to bed earlier
.” Isaac continued sorting the final few boxes.

  “I would’ve done that, but Becca needed me. We ended up talking for longer than planned. Everything takes so much effort,” he whined, rising to his feet. Staring at the box in front of him, he half-heartedly opened it and pulled items out, trudging over to each box he had to put them into before slogging back.

  “I’ll be back in a few minutes.” Isaac strode out of the room, leaving Henley to continue working.

  He grumbled the whole time Isaac was gone.

  “Why can’t it be Saturday already?” Henley leaned his arms on the box and dropped his head.

  “Why can’t you stop whining. I warned you.”

  Henley swung around, his gaze locking onto Isaac, who walked towards him, holding two cups of steaming liquid. He watched as Isaac placed them on a table away from the boxes, then stalked back to the door, putting something on the front and shutting and locking it.


  “Shush.” Isaac’s dark gaze rooted Henley to the spot as he wandered back towards him. “What did I say to you the other day?”

  Henley remained silent because he honestly couldn’t remember anything at that moment.

  “I said if you kept whining, you would earn yourself a spanking.” Isaac pointed to the floor in front of him. “Come here.”

  The command in his voice made Henley want to crawl, but he didn’t think that was what Isaac wanted, so he sauntered over, trying to hide his reaction. There was no reason to because Isaac could see through him, he was sure.

  “Trousers down and bend over the table.”

  Henley glanced at the table in the centre of the room and back at Isaac, his mouth suddenly dry at the idea of being spanked.


  Henley’s gaze flicked from the door to the table before he inhaled and moved his hands to his button. Staring at the table as he pulled them down, along with his boxers, he rested his elbows and linked his fingers, his necklace clanking to the surface. The table chilled his lower stomach, where it met the bare skin. Henley felt goosebumps rise along his ass cheeks as he waited.

  “We’re going for ten. Red for stop, yellow for slow down. Agreed?”

  “Yes.” Henley felt Isaac’s hand smooth over his skin before leaving. Not even a second later, it was back, the sharp slap sending waves of heat out from where Isaac’s palm had landed. He bit his lip, waiting for the next blow.

  Isaac spanked his other cheek this time, and Henley whimpered. The gentle jangle of his bracelets and the scrape of his necklace across the surface of the table were loud in the quiet.

  “No noises. Remember where we are.”

  Where they were? He had no idea. Keep quiet? He wasn’t sure about that either.

  Each smack radiated heat through his body, and the table scraped forward across the floor, the noise piercing.

  A knock on the door sounded.

  “Yes?” Isaac called.

  “Do you have everything you need?” a voice replied.

  “Yes, thank you. We’re rearranging a few things.”

  If Henley hadn’t been trying to muffle his moans, he would’ve laughed.

  “Okay. Let me know if you need anything.”

  “Will do, thanks.” Both were silent for a few beats before Isaac continued talking but to Henley this time. “Two more.”

  The smacks came fast and hard, and Henley knew he’d be feeling them for days. He squirmed as his cock rubbed against the table with the movement of Isaac’s hands across his sensitive skin.

  “Hmm. Maybe that sting will remind you to listen to me when I tell you to do or not do something. What do you think?” Isaac punctuated his words with a squeeze, sending fire through Henley’s ass once more.

  “Yes.” Henley gasped for breath, trying to keep his voice down.

  “Yes, what?”

  Henley licked his lips. “Yes, sir.”

  “Good. Right. Let’s get you up and suitable for company. We have work to do.”

  Isaac slid an arm under Henley’s chest and helped him to stand, each movement sending needle-like stings through his ass. When he was upright, Isaac reached down and pulled up his boxers, being careful of his behind and his cock, and repeated with his trousers, gently tucking his cock away before zipping them up. When he’d finished, Isaac stood in front of Henley, holding him by the waist.

  “Good boy.” He cupped Henley’s jaw, rubbing his thumb across his cheek. “You did well.”

  Henley inhaled deeply and smiled. “Thank you,” he whispered.

  The rest of the day passed without a whimper of pain or tiredness. It was as if the spanking had revived Henley. As Isaac and he parted ways at the end of the day, Isaac squeezed his shoulder and smiled at him, reminding him to put some lotion on his ass before he slept. He looked so proud. It was that picture that kept Henley blissfully happy for the journey home and the rest of the evening, despite it being a short one because he crashed when he finally got home.

  Friday night traffic was no joke.

  Apart from removing his jewellery, a quick cool shower and applying the lotion, Henley did nothing more than drop to his bed and sleep.


  A sting, starting from his ass and venturing wider through his body, woke him, and he blearily glanced at the clock. Seeing it was eleven in the morning was a shock Henley was not prepared for. He only ever slept that late when he was drunk.

  He sat upright, wincing when he put his weight on the one place he couldn’t avoid easily. Isaac had been correct. He would remember the reason for the stinging in the future. He would never whine again…maybe. Henley smirked as he stood. He might do so just to get a similar result.

  But now he had to get himself ready. He had no idea what he was going to wear to dinner that night. He didn’t even know where they were going. Should he go flashy? Or demure? Or plain? Maybe he needed to message Isaac to find out where they were going.

  Good morning! Where are we going tonight? I need to plan my accessories, lol x

  He replaced his phone on the bedside table and sashayed to the bathroom, brushed his teeth before heading back. Checking his phone quickly, he saw no reply, so he decided to search through his wardrobe and see what options he had.

  After several go throughs and still no reply from Isaac, he called his sister.

  “I need your help,” he said in lieu of a greeting.

  “What’cha need?” Ariel asked.

  “You, here, now. I have a dinner date tonight and have no idea what to wear.”

  Clapping sounds came through the line, and he grinned. “Yay! Alright, we’ll be over in a few. Bye!”

  We. That meant Arianne was coming, too. Bonus. He could persuade her to do his makeup.

  His phone beeped, and he snatched it up from where he’d just put it back.

  It’s a surprise, but I know how you like to dress appropriately, so I will tell you that you will need to look smart, but not over the top. Hope that helps. I’ll be there to pick you up at six.

  Henley grinned at the response. So like Isaac.

  I’ll be ready x

  He heard the front door open and his sisters’ voices floating up the stairs as they climbed, chatting constantly.

  “Hey, girls. Thanks so much for this.” Henley was suddenly extremely glad he’d put boxers on before he’d called them, they didn’t need to see his ass moonlighting as a rescue beacon.

  “You know we love to help choose outfits. So, where are you going, and who is it with?” Arianne said, lying on her side on Henley’s bed.

  Henley proceeded to tell them all about Isaac, minus the spanking, and what he’d said in the message as they worked through his wardrobe choices.

  “How about your skinny leather trousers with a white shirt, cinched with a large black belt. The shirt sleeves could be rolled up your forearms so your bangles will show. Then you can add some darker shading to your face and eyes to make you more mysterious looking.” Ariel waved her hands across her face as if
to demonstrate mystery, but it just set them off laughing.

  Once they recovered, Henley agreed. “That sounds good. We’ll do it. He’s picking me up at six, so I need to be buffed and ready before that.”

  “You have us to help. You’ll be fine. First thing, though. Go get in the shower and get shined up. We can see what we have to work with.” Arianne stood, heading to his dresser.

  After scrubbing himself raw, Henley dried off and pulled on some clean boxers. He returned to his bedroom to find the girls arguing over two white shirts.

  “It needs to be looser to get the right image!” Ariel insisted, waving one shirt.

  Arianne shook her head. “No, tighter will show off his body to the best advantage.”

  “For twins, you certainly don’t have the same opinions. Doesn’t the world think twins are the same in every way?” He chuckled. “All I need to do is show them you two, and everyone’s beliefs would be thrown upside down.”

  “Shut up!”

  “Hey, that’s no way to talk to your brother!” he joked. He pulled on some pyjama bottoms and walked back out of the room, yelling over his shoulder, “If either of you wants lunch, I would come and tell me what you want. I’m calling an order in now.”

  As he knew they would, they were by his side within seconds. He placed the order with the local deli who delivered. While they waited, he made some tea and coffee. His sisters—all four of them—lived on coffee and couldn’t stand tea while he was the other way round.

  Lunch was spent catching up on his sisters’ lives, who lived quite separately. They shared the same house, but that was as far as it went. Arianne worked in a beauty salon, doing makeup and nails, whereas Ariel worked as a receptionist for a large manufacturing company. Arianne liked to go clubbing with her friends, whereas Ariel preferred the cinema or staying home with hers. Even when they were little, their dads would receive comments about why they were not dressed in the same clothes because it was “so cute,” but they had insisted on the girls having their own identity, one separate from their twin.


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