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Soothe Me, Daddy

Page 13

by Elouise East

  Hands and lips left him bereft, and he whimpered, pressing back for more, but when he heard the click of a cap, he settled, knowing Isaac would be back. A hand slid across his ass, spreading him again, and Henley stuck his ass out further. The cool gel made him jump when it was applied to his hole, but he soon didn’t care. With Isaac’s finger probing and finding entry, Henley was up in the clouds.

  He lost all sense of time, only coming back to himself when he heard the rip of a wrapper and the click of the tube once more. The press of Isaac’s cock against his hole had Henley gasping and pressing back. He wanted more. He wanted it all.

  Words tumbled out of him. He had no idea what he was saying, but Isaac’s hands rubbed up and down his back in a soothing gesture. Henley fell to his forearms, changing the position and allowing Isaac to slip further inside him. Henley wanted more. Pressing with his hands, he moved back, allowing Isaac to slide completely in.

  “Fuck, Henley.”

  “Please!” Henley tried to move, but he was pinned between Isaac and the sofa. “Please, Daddy! Move, please!”

  “I’ll take care of you, sweetheart. Don’t you worry, boy.” Isaac withdrew and slammed back in, the screech of the sofa moving on the wooden floor echoing loudly. Neither cared because Isaac continued to thrust his hips in a quick, deep rhythm, holding tight to Henley’s hips.

  Henley received plenty of friction to his cock, and he was on the verge of coming, trying to pull back because his Daddy hadn’t permitted him to come.

  “Daddy! Please!”

  Isaac reached under Henley’s chest and pulled him upright, the change in position a relief on his cock but an explosion on his prostate. Henley reached his hands back, touching whatever skin he could reach of Isaac as he continued to pound into him, tweaking his nipples at the same time.

  “Oh, fuck! Daddy! I’m going to come! Please!”

  Isaac growled as he swore, and his cock emptied into Henley, his rhythm stuttering. “Come, Henley.”

  As soon as the words were spoken, Henley obeyed. No hands required. He rested his head back on Isaac’s shoulder as the spasms flowed through him, and his cock released. Isaac caught him when his knees finally gave out, swinging him up into his arms and carrying him out of the room.

  Henley wrapped his arms around Isaac’s neck and rested his head on his shoulder again, content to be carried anywhere Isaac deemed necessary. Which happened to be the shower.

  Isaac slid Henley down, keeping tight hold until he was certain Henley’s legs would keep him upright, then reached to switch the shower on. Isaac kept his arms around Henley, smoothing his hands over his sweat-soaked skin, until the shower was ready, and helped Henley in, following straight after.

  “I’m going to be asleep after this,” Henley groused.

  “Fine by me.” Isaac yawned.

  Henley snorted and burrowed further into Isaac’s chest.

  “We can sort everything out tomorrow.” Isaac paused. “Although I will need to clean up the sofa. Either that or get it replaced.”

  Henley sniggered. “Sorry, Daddy.”

  “Don’t need to be sorry, sweetheart. However, we can’t go buying a new sofa every time that happens. It might be worthwhile getting a leather one or something.”

  Henley dropped his head back, staring up at his Daddy. “You’re amazing,” he sighed. Never had he felt more relaxed and content as he did at that moment.

  Once they were in bed, the stain mopped up as best as they could, Henley snuggled into his favourite position.

  “I love your family. They seemed to fit perfectly with mine, too. I never expected that.”

  “Why not?” Isaac slid his fingertips up and down his arm.

  “Because we’re so different. But maybe there’s something to this nature versus nurture debate everyone talks about.”

  “As far as I’m concerned, our families got on. That’s a win. End of.” Isaac laughed.

  “Yeah, I suppose there are plenty of people out there who hate their partner’s family.” Henley thought about everyone who turned up to help. He had been surprised to see the people from work—both departments. Henley hadn’t expected them to work together. What with everything Isaac said about them not mixing well. “I think we should reconsider that dual night out, you know. Both departments worked well together today.”

  “Hmm.” Isaac’s tone was non-committal.

  “At least let’s ask the execs if they’re interested. If they say no, fine. But we won’t know until we ask.”

  “Alright, alright. We’ll see what they say. But if they say no, you need to leave it alone,” commanded Isaac.

  “Yes, Daddy. I promise.”


  Several weeks later, Henley looked around the bar, seeing the execs and customer service department mingling quite nicely together. He gave himself a mental pat on the back.

  “You look far too smug,” Isaac said, sliding his hand around Henley’s shoulders and handing him a drink.

  “I think I did good, don’t you?” Henley ducked his head but peered up at Isaac through his eyelashes.

  “You’re a brat.”

  “I am not!”

  “Yes, you are. You suckered me in by being sweet and obedient, and after moving in, you began pouting and doing things you knew you shouldn’t.” Isaac raised his eyebrows as he stared back at Henley.

  “I was too close to the edge! I couldn’t hold it in! If I had so much as tried to put my trousers on, I would’ve come anyway. I thought it better to make sure my trousers stayed clean.”

  “Exactly. A brat.” Isaac sipped his drink. “Which is why you’re now wearing that.” He nodded his head towards Henley’s groin.

  Henley had not been happy when Isaac’s punishment had been a cock cage. He’d never worn one before, and he certainly wasn’t planning on wearing one again. Which meant the punishment had worked as a deterrent. Isaac would be so pleased. Henley snorted.


  “I was thinking about how you’d be happy because the cage has worked as a punishment. I hate wearing it.”

  “Good. Maybe you will listen next time when I say…” Isaac leaned in, his mouth resting by Henley’s ear as he growled, “your cock and orgasms belong to me.”

  Henley shivered as pleasure streamed through him, unable to go anywhere. He closed his eyes, cleared his throat and breathed deeply before refocusing on Isaac.

  “They do seem to be getting along, though.”

  “It’s because of you,” Isaac stated bluntly.

  Henley turned to him, brows lowered. “Me?”

  Isaac nodded, gaze on their friends.

  “What did I do?”

  Isaac turned his body to face Henley and cupped his jaw. “You’re the glue that brings us together. Without you, this merging would not have happened. You bridged two departments and refused to sever ties—which is a good thing, by the way—therefore, bringing both together. No one else has done that. If anyone left customer service for execs, they cut away from their previous colleagues.” Isaac pressed a chaste kiss to Henley's lips. “I’m so damn proud of you.”

  Henley loved hearing praise from his Daddy, but this was extra-special. His eyes flooded with tears, which soon rolled down his cheeks to be captured by Isaac’s mouth and thumbs. His throat was too thick to say a word, so he clawed his arms around Isaac’s body and held him tightly while he cried. It was a happy cry, so when someone came over to ask if he was okay, Isaac sent them away with a nod.

  Hands and soothing words brought him back to himself however long later. Henley lifted his head, and a napkin was pressed in his hand, which he used to wipe his face. He couldn’t see the state of Isaac’s shirt, but he assumed it was tear and snot stained. Nice badge there.

  “You okay, Henley?” Anne called from across the table, her forehead creased in concern.

  “Yes. I’m fine.” He indicated his face. “Happy tears.” He chuckled.

  Anne smiled. “Glad to hear it.”

  Isaac tucked Henley against him once more, passed him his drink, crossed his legs and started a conversation with Anne. As Henley looked around, he thought about bringing his sisters, and maybe Isaac’s sisters, in on these nights out, too. What a hoot that would be. He could imagine the chaos. Although, Ariel and Arianne had been seeing Anne’s sons for the last couple of weeks, so he never knew if those guys would be tagging along as well. At the rate they were going, they’d need to book the whole bar themselves. Now, that’s an idea. He smiled into his drink.

  “I can hear the cogs working in your brain. What are you up to now?” Isaac groused into his ear.

  “Nothing,” Henley replied as innocently as he could. They both knew better, but Henley couldn’t resist denying it.

  “As I said. Brat.”

  Henley snorted and burst into laughter when Anne joined him, Isaac following not long after.


  Eighteen Months Later


  He lifted the beer bottle to his mouth, gaze on Henley as he raced around the garden with his sisters. With how they acted when they were together, anyone would have thought they were kids if their actual height and age were taken out of the equation. Arial and Arianne chased after Henley with water guns, spraying far and wide, but luckily far enough away from the food for it not to matter. Several guests might not like it, but they were welcome to move away from the shenanigans.

  As far as he was concerned, the joy on their faces was more than enough to counter anything else.


  He turned to Pops, who was beckoning him over with his head. Isaac stood and ambled over to the older man.

  “You okay, Pops?” He crouched down beside his chair, resting his hand on the much frailer arm. A stroke, eight months ago, had taken Pops down for a short while. Everyone had been shocked that the strong, confident, and yes, grumpy man had been knocked down by the silent attack. Luckily, Becca had been there and dealt with it quickly, although she was understandably shaken by it.

  “Yes, son. Taking it easy, you know how it goes.” Pops smiled, the left side of his face remaining expressionless. “Can you help Lewis, please. He says he’s fine, but you know what he’s like.”

  “Of course, I can, Pops. You stay here and keep an eye on my beer, alright?” Isaac winked at him and stood, stepping over to the barbecue where Lewis was wielding the tongs. “Hey, Dad. Why don’t you go sit in the shade with your other half and give me a whirl on this beauty?”

  Lewis nodded and drifted over to his husband. When Lewis had told him about and shown him the barbecue, Isaac had been impressed by the size the James family had. Lewis had explained that with five kids and several friends over, they had needed it. Isaac had scoffed at the time, but when everyone had arrived today, he’d understood what Lewis had meant.

  The number of people in attendance was astounding, and the reason was nothing more than they had been invited to a barbecue. Simply good food and good company. There was no celebration or anything.

  Well, until later, anyway. Isaac smirked and peered at the food over the hot coals. He had a few minutes before things needed to be done, so his gaze wandered around the vast garden, finding his gorgeous boyfriend.

  Today, Henley had gone all out with his outfit. With it being a sunny day, he was wearing a white tank covered with rainbow sequins in random patterns, purple skinny jeans with a black stud belt and silver ballet flats. The outfit was completed with his usual bangles, chain, earrings, rings and the rainbow keyring attached to his belt hoops. All in all, he was mesmerising, and that had nothing to do with the continual flicker of light coming from the reflection on his sequins.

  Isaac shook his head and shouted to let guests know the food was ready. Once everyone had something and had found somewhere to sit, Isaac grabbed his own and found a place next to a slightly wet Henley.

  “Hey,” Henley said, eyes lighting up at seeing Isaac, something he would never get tired of witnessing. Henley leaned to the side for a kiss, which Isaac would never refuse. He tasted of beer, cheese and ketchup.

  They leisurely kissed, sipping at each other’s lips as Isaac held Henley’s chin in place until catcalls and whistles broke them apart with a laugh.

  Isaac wrapped his arm around Henley’s shoulder, feeling more content than he had in an awfully long time. A few butterflies took flight in his stomach as he thought forward to his surprise for Henley. Nobody knew about it. Absolutely nobody. Isaac had hoped he’d read their situation correctly; otherwise, he was in for a disheartening evening. He needed to keep it together for another hour.

  They mingled after the food, Becca taking over the grill. Isaac had been to Henley’s parents’ place so many times over the last year or so that he knew everyone now. But Henley enjoyed speaking to all the people visiting them. When Isaac had asked several months ago why Henley needed to speak to everyone every time he saw them, Henley replied, “You never know when it will be the last time you’ll see that person, so what does it matter if I spend five seconds saying hello if it brightens their day a little.” Isaac hadn’t been complaining, simply curious, but Henley’s explanation had stayed with him. It was so true, and such a simple thing that could mean a lot to someone else.

  Henley had a heart of gold, and everyone knew it. Unfortunately, it also meant he could be taken advantage of. Several months after he started working alone as an exec, Henley had come home looking worn out after several days away. He and Leon had been opening a store in Scotland, and as soon as he’d walked through their front door, Isaac knew something was wrong.

  When Isaac finally pried every piece of information from Henley that he could, he was furious. Leon hadn’t lifted a finger to do anything the whole time they were there. He had left it all on Henley, and if there were complaints, Leon pointed to Henley as being incompetent. Isaac had immediately called Mr Sanders and explained the situation, demanding Leon’s immediate dismissal.

  Henley had been dealing with harassment for months and hadn’t told Isaac, thinking he wouldn’t be believed. Leon was particularly good at misdirecting people. Isaac had seen several things on their nights out—mainly Leon’s disrespect for the LGBTQ+ community—and had challenged it. But once he’d turned that onto Henley, all bets were off.

  That same night, Isaac had pampered and taken care of Henley enough to make up for feeling like a failure. Isaac should’ve seen what was happening but hadn’t. Two days later, he’d finally reconciled everything in his head, and Henley had been punished for keeping it a secret. Henley had been doing so well with communicating between them, but this was too much. Months of secrets agonised Isaac, and he couldn’t deal with Henley doing that again. So, he’d punished Henley as he had done at the beginning of their relationship, but poor Henley hadn’t been allowed to come for three days—a lifetime in Henley’s world.

  Isaac returned to the present when the bell sounded. As was routine at these get-togethers now, when the bell rang, everyone had to make a circle—or as best a circle as they could depending on how many were there—and tell everyone something good that happened to them since they had last visited. At first, Isaac had been unsure what to say, because his happiness was so wrapped up in Henley, but with Henley’s help, he’d been able to see outside the box.

  This time, though, things would be different.

  Becca and Ariel helped Pops down the steps to a chair placed in the circle next to Lewis. They both sat on their ‘thrones’ as the guests gathered around them.

  Lewis began, “This is what family is all about. It doesn’t have to be about blood. You can choose your family. Everyone here has been chosen by someone to be part of our family. And we love you all.”

  Everyone cheered. Lewis indicated for Arianne to go first as she stood to his left. After that, each person had their turn, some stumbling with things to say, some glowing with happiness, some unsure, but each managed to say something.

  By the time it came around to Henley’s turn, Isaac had begun t
o sweat. Typically, Lewis had started at the opposite side of the circle to what they were on, so he’d had to wait for almost everyone else before it got to him.

  “I made my first piece of clothing over the last couple of weeks. And I’m happy with how it turned out. I have decided to make a few more pieces before seeing if this is something I want to take further.”

  Everyone clapped, and Isaac kissed the side of his head. With Henley’s flair for design, Isaac had suggested he make some of his own items when he’d once pouted about something not fitting right. Henley had brushed it off until one day they’d revisited the conversation, and Henley had agreed to give it a go. Eventually, Henley was going to get some advice about where to market it because, although they worked in the clothing sector, uniforms were slightly different from more unique and one-off items.

  Then it was Isaac’s turn. Heart pounding, he said, “Everyone knows I struggled with what to say when I first started doing these. It’s difficult to remember the things that went well and so easy to focus on the bad things. But with Henley by my side, that scale is tipping in the other direction, finally.” He inhaled and stepped forward, turning to face Henley, whose eyebrows rose. “Henley is the light in my darkness. Every day, he encourages me to be a better person as I do for him. And because of that…” Isaac lowered to one knee, fumbling to remove the box from his pocket as a gasp went around the circle. “I would like to ask Henley to marry me.” Isaac opened the purple velvet box as Henley’s hands covered his mouth, and his eyes widened. “Will you marry me, sweetheart?”

  Henley nodded over and over, tears sliding down his face. He dropped to his knees in front of Isaac, gaze on the ring. Isaac had commissioned a ring that was pure Henley: a white gold band, representing Isaac, being grey and all, and slithers of coloured gems all around the band, to represent Henley and all his many wonderful attributes. When Isaac had seen the result, he’d been so overwhelmed that he’d cried.

  Now, he pulled the ring from its box, dropped the box to the floor and grasped Henley’s hand. Finding his ring finger, Isaac slid the band to the base before pressing a kiss to it amidst cheering and whistling from the guests.


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