The Superhero's Team (The Superhero's Son Book 2)

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The Superhero's Team (The Superhero's Son Book 2) Page 7

by Lucas Flint

  But then Firespirit unleashed a wave of fire from his body, which spread out like a concussive blast. I leaped into the air, narrowly avoiding getting fried, and flew several feet away from him.

  Landing on the roof again, I was about to run at him when Firespirit rocketed through the air toward me with fire shooting from the soles of his boots. He punched me in the face, the fist burning as well as hurting, and I fell to the roof, my eyes watering from the heat.

  Before I could get back up, Firespirit slammed his foot down on me, pinning me to the ground. I gasped, because even though my suit was fireproof, the heat from Firespirit's body was incredibly intense at such a close distance.

  “Yes, boy, feel the burn,” said Firespirit, cackling with glee. He raised his hands, two fireballs appearing in them. “Let your charred corpse be a warning to anyone who dares to stand in the way of Firespirit!”

  Just before Firespirit blasted me into oblivion, I heard Incantation shout, “Not so fast!” and, all of a sudden, a blast of water came out of nowhere and struck Firespirit in the side, launching him off me and sending him flying. He crashed into the roof, rolling over and over until he hit the side of the roof, where he lay stunned.

  Shaking my head, I looked over and saw Incantation floating toward me. She held her top hat out, which appeared to be where the water blast came from. She put her hat back on just as she landed next to me.

  “Bolt, are you okay?” said Incantation, looking down at me, though without any real concern in her eyes.

  I groaned, but stood up, wincing at the heat on my chest (though it was rapidly cooling down now that Firespirit wasn't standing on me) and said, “Yeah, I'll be fine. Where were you?”

  “Figuring out which spell would work best against Firespirit,” said Incantation. “And then getting it ready. I can't use every spell automatically, you know.”

  “You mean it took you that long to figure out that water puts out fire?” I said in annoyance.

  Incantation looked like she was about to respond to that, but then I heard water dripping and looked over at Firespirit.

  The assassin was dripping wet. His hair clung to his scalp, while his clothes hung off his rather thin frame. His flames had been completely extinguished, which made him look a lot less threatening than he did before.

  “How dare you,” said Firespirit, pointing at us dramatically. “You … you put out my flame! No one puts out the Spirit of Flame's fire and gets away with it!”

  “You seem surprised that water puts out fire,” I said.

  “Shut up,” said Firespirit. “But this is nothing more than a temporary setback. Die!”

  Firespirit jerked his hands out, but no fire came out of his palms. He looked at them in disbelief, which made me wonder if he really didn't know that water put out fire.

  “No, no, no,” said Firespirit. He shook his hands like they were broken. “Come on. Work, damn it. I, the Spirit of Flame, demand that you, my hands, work.”

  Firespirit's hands must not have thought very highly of him, because they didn't even spark.

  Then Firespirit looked up at us, clinching his fists. “Well, I don't need fire to beat up a couple of teenagers anyway!”

  Firespirit ran at us, yelling and screaming. Incantation and I exchanged a quick Is this guy serious? look before I looked at Firespirit again, who was almost upon us.

  With a sigh, I pulled back one fist and punched Firespirit in the face as soon as he was within range of my fist. It wasn't enough to kill him, but it was enough to knock him flat on his back unconscious.

  Chapter Seven

  We took Firespirit down to the police, who had arrived beforehand but had been unable to enter the building to actually fight Firespirit due to his powers. We also helped the firefighters put out the flames, or really Incantation did, because she was the only one with powers that could actually help. She used her water spell to put out a good chunk of the flame, firing more water from her hat than should have been able to fit in her hat. That made me wonder where the water even came from, but I supposed it was just magic and I wasn't supposed to think about it too deeply.

  Standing off to the side with the other Young Neos, I watched as the police, firefighters, and medics helped the survivors get to safety or treated their wounds. Incantation was talking with the police officer who appeared to be in charge of the scene, but she finished speaking with him quickly enough and walked over to us with a satisfied expression on her face.

  “Well, it looks like our mission was a success,” said Incantation. “According to Officer Jones, only five people of the five hundred in attendance died, although a lot of people are suffering from burns and other wounds. But most of the people are expected to recover, so it all worked out in the end.”

  “Whew,” said Technical, wiping sweat from her brow. “That's good to hear. It was scary in there when Firespirit was throwing fireballs like that. He didn't even seem to have a target. He was just throwing fireballs at anyone or anything in his way.”

  “Yeah,” I said, nodding. “What did the police say they were going to do with him?”

  “Officer Jones told me that they were going to transport Firespirit to Ultimate Max, where they will interrogate him to find out why he attacked the Sagan rally,” said Incantation.

  “I know why he attacked the rally,” I said, suddenly remembering what Firespirit had told me during our fight. “He said that he was trying to assassinate Sagan on someone's orders.”

  “Did he say who hired him?” said Incantation.

  I shook my head. “No. He didn't want to tell me. But I wonder who would want to assassinate Senator Sagan.”

  I looked at the others when I said that, but none of them looked as puzzled as I felt. They looked angry, actually, like they knew who had hired Firespirit to kill Sagan and why.

  “I think it's pretty obvious who did it,” said Incantation. “Think about it. Who would benefit most from Sagan's death?”

  “Um …” I scratched the back of my head as I thought about this. “I'm not sure.”

  “Plutarch,” said Incantation, looking at me in annoyance. “Remember, Sagan is running against Plutarch in the presidential election. If Sagan died, then there would be no one else to run against Plutarch, at least no one else who could beat him.”

  “Yeah,” said Hopper, nodding. “Makes sense. Plutarch is a monster and a jerk. I could see him doing something like that.”

  “I don't know,” I said. “We don't really have any evidence to prove that Plutarch is behind the assassination attempt, do we? It's possible, obviously, but—”

  “It's more than possible,” said Technical. She was looking at a screen on her arm, which seemed to show a website. “According to Neo Ranks, Firespirit was one of the Vile Four, along with Steel Skin, Nail Gun, and Plutarch himself.”

  “So are you saying that Plutarch hired his old friend to kill Sagan?” I said. “How? I thought that the Vile Four were all in prison.”

  “Not anymore, apparently,” said Technical. “According to the news section on New Ranks, The remaining members of the Vile Four were released from Ultimate Max last month, apparently having been bailed out by Plutarch. That's how Firespirit got out.”

  “Looks like that old bastard is trying to get his old friends to help him,” said Incantation, shaking her head. “Plutarch must have offered Firespirit a job because Firespirit was one of his old minions.”

  “Didn't Plutarch put the Vile Four behind bars himself, though?” I said. “That's why Steel Skin was trying to kill him a week ago. Why would Firespirit accept a job from Plutarch, if that's the case? And why would Plutarch bail him out in the first place?”

  “I don't know, maybe he needed the money or something,” said Incantation. “All I know is that real villains never change their stripes, especially ones like Plutarch.”

  I was about to say that I didn't think that that was exactly an airtight case against Plutarch when Ghost suddenly whipped his head to the left and gaspe
d. “Oh my god … it's him.”

  Thinking it was another supervillain or that maybe Firespirit had somehow escaped police custody and was coming after us again, I looked over in the same direction as Ghost, readying my super strength for another fight.

  But it turned out that there were only two ordinary people approaching us. One of them was a tall, statuesque thirty-something woman in a black dress, with large gold earrings hanging off her ears. She had a very serious expression on her face and walked like she was a soldier in an army.

  Next to the woman was probably the oldest man I had ever seen in my life, who looked so old that I could probably tip him over just by blowing lightly on him. He was very short and stout, with crazy white hair sticking out in all directions. He wore thin glasses on his face that magnified his eyes and also wore a cheap black suit. He walked rather slowly, but based on the way the woman walked next to him, I guessed that he was someone important.

  I didn't know who he was, however, so I looked at the others and said, “Who is that guy?”

  Ghost looked at me in annoyance. “What? You mean you don't recognize Senator Barnabas Sagan himself?”

  I shook my head. “No. I've seen a few pictures of him before, but I'm not that familiar with how he looks.”

  “Well, that's him,” said Ghost. He looked at Sagan again, except this time with a dreamy expression on his face. “He's the man who will save our nation.”

  I looked at Sagan and the woman walking by his side as they approached us. Sagan looked nowhere near as imposing or strong as Plutarch, yet I saw a firmness in his eyes that told me that he had the determination to keep fighting no matter what.

  Even so, I didn't see any particular reason to treat him special, which made the others' reactions all the stranger. Incantation and Technical were making last minute adjustments to their hair and costumes, while Hopper and Ghost looked like they were ready to fall down on their knees and start worshiping the guy. It was actually kind of creepy, so creepy that I took a small step away from them, just in case they totally lost it.

  “Hello there,” said Sagan, waving at us with a kindly smile on his face. He had a northeastern accent, maybe from Vermont or something. “You are the Young Neos, correct?”

  Incantation looked like she had lost the ability to breathe she was so excited, but she managed a small nod and said, “Yes, sir,” in a strangled voice that made me worry for her health.

  “Yes, I thought I recognized you,” said Sagan, stopping in front of us. He then looked at each one of us in turn. “Incantation, Technical, Ghost, Hopper, and … hmm, I don't recognize you.”

  Sagan was looking at me when he said that. I noticed that his assistant was also looking at me with a cold stare, like she was daring me to touch Sagan without her permission and give her an excuse to beat me.

  Nonetheless, I said in a friendly voice, “I'm Bolt. I'm not actually a member of the Young Neos, at least not yet. I was just helping them beat Firespirit.”

  “Bolt?” said Sagan. He stroked his chin, like I had just said something very interesting. “You mean the son of Genius? The one who defeated Master Chaos?”

  “You know me?” I said in surprise.

  “Why, of course,” said Sagan. “I'm always keeping up with the next generation of neoheroes, the ones who will defend our country and help us make America a better place for everyone when they grow up.”

  I glanced at Incantation, who looked like she was about to die of happiness. So did the others, for that matter, including Ghost, who was probably going to become an actual ghost if his happiness at Sagan's praise was as real as it seemed.

  “I just wanted to thank you all for quickly defeating Firespirit and keeping the deaths of my supporters to a minimum,” said Sagan. He shuddered. “If you had not arrived in time, why, I am certain that today would have become one of the bloodiest days in American history.”

  “I-It was nothing, Senator Sagan,” said Incantation with a stutter. “We do this sort of thing every day.”

  “I know, but I must still thank you all anyway,” said Sagan. “I cannot give you any gifts, but you have convinced me that the safety of our country is in good hands if you five represent the next generation of neoheroes.”

  Sagan sounded like he really meant that. He looked at each one of us in the eyes when he spoke and I saw nothing but sincerity in his own eyes. I was starting to understand why the Young Neos liked him.

  “You're welcome, Senator,” I said. “By the way, are you a neohero yourself?”

  Sagan chuckled a grandfatherly chuckle. “Oh, no, I have no powers of my own, though I have family that does. And my assistant, June, here happens to be a telepath.”

  Sagan gestured at the tall woman standing next to him, the one I had noticed before. She didn't say anything. She just nodded at us, which made her seem uptight to me, but I said nothing about it.

  “Why do you have a telepath as your assistant?” I asked.

  “Because June is a hard-working and loyal woman who has been by my side from the very beginning of my campaign when I started last year,” Sagan replied. “Her telepathy also helps keep me safe. More than once, June has detected the thoughts of a nearby assassin planning to kill or harm me to take me out of the race. I owe her my life many times over.”

  June didn't even look embarrassed by Sagan's praise. She just looked smug and satisfied, like she was aware of how awesome she was and was glad that Sagan was telling us about it.

  “But even though I am not a neohero myself, I will still fight for neohero rights,” said Sagan, putting a hand on his chest. “Unlike some people, I trust you neoheroes and see you as allies, rather than enemies, of the United States. Certainly there are bad people among you, like that awful Firespirit, but by and large you are our friends and I will make sure to fight for your rights no matter what.”

  It seemed to me like Sagan was really trying to sell himself to us. Then again, he was running for President and he needed every vote he could get, although it was strange because none of us were of voting age yet.

  “Thanks, Senator,” said Incantation. “We know your record and your unwavering support of our community. None of us can vote yet, but we believe in you and your vision and think you will make a great President.”

  “Thank you for the support, young lady,” said Sagan. “Now June and I must be leaving. We have to return to my hotel so I can get some rest before I speak with the press later today about this attack. Firespirit's attack took a lot out of me.”

  “Of course,” said Incantation. “We completely understand. Next time you need our help, don't be afraid to call us.”

  “I won't,” said Sagan.

  With that, Sagan and June turned around and walked away. But before they got very far, I remembered something urgent and said, “Senator, wait. I have something important to tell you.”

  Sagan and June stopped and looked over their shoulders at me in surprise.

  “Yes?” said Sagan, who sounded a little annoyed at being stopped. “What is it?”

  “Firespirit told me that he was hired by someone to kill you,” I said. “He didn't say who, but this was definitely an assassination attempt on your life.”

  Sagan paused. For a moment, he looked almost worried, but then he shook his head and said, “Thank you for letting me know, young man. I will be sure to share that information with the police later, when I speak with them about this terrible tragedy.”

  Then Sagan and June resumed walking away until they reached a limo which seemed to have been rented for Sagan. Sagan entered the limo, as did June, and then it drove away down the street into town until it turned a corner and was out of sight.

  Once they were gone, I suddenly felt a pressure on my mind lift, a mental pressure I hadn't even noticed until Sagan and June had left. It was like someone had just lifted a huge boulder off my back and it actually made me feel a little dizzy, even nauseated, though I wasn't sure where it came from.

  But before I could bri
ng this up to the others, Technical squealed. “Oh my god! We got to meet Sagan himself. In person!”

  “And he knew our names, too,” said Hopper with a sigh. “I always knew he was an awesome guy, but I didn't know he was that awesome.”

  “Meeting him was almost like a religious experience,” said Ghost. He looked up at the sky wistfully. “How can such pure people live on this sinful earth?”

  “I know,” said Incantation. “He's utterly amazing.”

  I frowned. “He seems like a nice guy, but I don't see what's so great about him. He didn't seem all that special to me.”

  “Not special?” said Ghost, looking at me like I had just suggested that we torture a puppy. “But didn't you feel the kindness that radiated from him? He's … oh god, I can't even describe him right now. He's amazing.”

  “Well, I didn't see anything that interesting about him,” I said. “But whatever. What's important is that we saved a lot of innocent lives and stopped a supervillain. Now what?”

  “Now we go back to the House,” said Incantation. She looked at Hopper. “Hopper, open a portal back. I need to report back to Thaumaturge with the results of our successful mission.”

  “Sure thing,” said Hopper.

  He raised a hand and a portal opened nearby. Because I was the nearest, I walked through it first, feeling tired but happy about how the mission went. If this was how most Young Neo missions went, well, then maybe I would join the team after all.

  At least, that was what I thought until I walked straight into Dad.

  Chapter Eight

  Dad stood in the Portal Room, standing right in front of me with his arms folded over his chest. He was in his full Genius costume, his face hidden behind the visor of his helmet, but his body language left no room for any confusion about how he felt.

  “Oh,” I said, staring up at Dad in surprise. “Dad, uh, what are you doing here?”


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