Marcello & Grace (Royals of Valleria #2)

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Marcello & Grace (Royals of Valleria #2) Page 16

by Knightly, Marianne

  “You’ll be back too soon to miss me.”

  “And you’ll be there waiting for me.”

  “Damn right I will,” she said and he chuckled.

  “My lovely, fair Grace, cursing. I never thought I’d see the day.”

  “Well, I’m a complicated woman.”

  “You’re my complicated woman,” he said fiercely. “Don’t you forget it.” She didn’t mind the possessive tone one single bit. If anything, she was more aroused by it, as it reminded her of their time together in the rain.

  “Protect yourself. Keep yourself safe,” he said and gave her a light kiss, barely brushing her now bruised lips.

  “Only if you do the same.”

  “Always.” With another gentle kiss, he pulled away. He walked backward to the car door nearby and slid in after one last, long look.

  As the car drove away, Grace said, “Let’s get inside, where it’s safe.”

  “A brilliant idea,” Cat said, though her voice was a little rough. “I hope we hear from him soon.”

  “So do I,” Grace said as she closed the door and bolted it. “So do I.”

  Chapter 13

  Marcello had barely been able to sit still the entire flight. He had paced the long empty cabin for the whole trip but for takeoff and landing. He had not, however, spent the whole trip worrying about his mission or what it entailed. No, he had spent the whole trip worrying about Grace and Cat, and dealing with the guilt he felt for abandoning them in their time of need.

  He was still thinking about it after he landed, even as his car rushed through the streets of Valentia, Valleria’s capital city, towards the Royal Palace. Again, Marcello felt a strong urge to resign his post. Perhaps this would be his last mission. He couldn’t stand being torn between protecting his love and protecting his country. He wanted to do both, but right now that felt impossible.

  He had considered asking Cat to come back to Valentia with him, but had dismissed that thought quickly. He couldn’t leave Grace on her own, and now he wondered if he was also sacrificing his sister for the woman he loved.

  Logically, he knew that Grace wasn’t alone. The protective detail and her own staff were there to help her. To Marcello, however, it wasn’t the same. She needed a confidant and a friend, and Cat was just the person to fit that bill.

  As his driver pushed the car through the various levels of security outside the palace and made its way around the courtyard, Marcello ran his hands through his hair in frustration. He had to focus on the mission, not the people he loved in danger. If you lost focus in the intelligence game, you lost your life. Simple as that.

  The car had barely stopped when Marcello jumped from it and towards the palace doors. He took long, quick strides down the corridors, fighting the urge to run. It was several minutes later, after he’d gone down into the depths of the palace that few had seen, when he paused in front of the door to the Situation Room. Many of his missions had been planned here, including the one that helped save Rebecca barely a month ago.

  After the security scans had been completed, the doors slid open. Marcello had expected some of his intelligence and military staff to be in the room. What he had not planned upon, however, was seeing both his brother, Alex, and his father, King Gabriel, there as well.

  “Good, you’ve arrived,” Gabriel said. The non-royals in the room gave a quick bow or curtsy and returned to their tasks at hand.

  “Only just. I came here straight from the airport,” Marcello said as he watched the eyes of his family. Where Gabriel was able to keep an even expression, Alex was not. He could tell by the look in Alex’s eyes that he was planning to talk Marcello out of the mission.

  “We’ve got some details you need to see,” Alex said and gestured to one of the side rooms where they could speak in private. The main room housed one long table along with multiple screens and computers to keep track of all the missions to which military personnel were currently assigned. Though well-equipped, the room made private conversations impossible.

  “In a minute,” Marcello said, ignoring protocol in front of the others as he walked to one of the screens. They only ever concerned themselves with protocol when non-royals were present, but Marcello couldn’t be bothered. He took a long look at the layout of his destination, which he already knew by heart.

  Thick, dark woods surrounded the building where diplomacy was to take place. He could see vehicles and security positioned around the small gray structure. There would be ten of them on foot, with Marcello leading the way.

  “Marcello,” Gabriel said. With just one word from his father, Marcello turned and walked into the side room. Marcello would never dare argue with his father, at least not in front of others. In this room, however, arguing was a different story.

  “Is this where you tell me not to go on the mission?” Marcello asked. He saw his father and brother exchange glances. “I thought so.” Marcello took a seat at the square table in the room and sat back. “Well, go ahead and get it out of the way. I’ve got a lot to do before I head out in a few hours.”

  “This is suicide,” Alex said with a bite of anger. “You’re an idiot for even thinking about doing this.”

  “It’s necessary.”

  “Like hell it is. Only in your twisted mind is this necessary,” Alex said.

  Marcello stood up quickly, toppling the chair behind him. “Well my twisted mind is going to salvage Valleria’s reputation with this mission.”

  “You’re going to save your reputation.”

  “That’s part of it, yes, but you’re an idiot if you think that’s all it is. Haven’t I proven that I put Valleria first, time and time again?” He was doing just that, wasn’t he, by pushing Grace and Cat aside for his country. Marcello pushed away thoughts of the woman he loved and the sister he adored.

  “Boys,” Gabriel said and they both paused. Glaring at each other, Marcello and Alex took a few moments before breaking eye contact and turning to their father. “Marcello, my son, Alex is right about some of it.”

  Before Marcello could protest, Gabriel held up a hand. “This would be an exceedingly dangerous mission.”

  “I’ve been through worse.”

  “I know you have.” Gabriel didn’t think he could ever forget the moments he’d heard his son had been shot or injured. Never had his blood run so cold and hot at the same time. “My son, I applaud your dedication to Valleria, but there are other ways to achieve the same goals.”

  “I know,” Marcello said and both his brother and father raised their brows in surprise. “I know there are other ways, but this will be quicker and get us back on surer footing sooner.”

  “World politics change faster than the day turns, Marcello,” Alex said. His anger was gone and his voice was almost pleading. Almost. “You don’t need to do this.”

  “Yes, I do.” Marcello ran a hand through his hair and sighed, taking a seat again. “Sit down, will you?”

  After they sat, Marcello continued. “Look, if you think I want to go on this mission, you’re crazy, but this is my job.”

  “You have the entire Vallerian Armed Forces at your disposal. Are you telling me not one of them could do this?”

  “They could absolutely go on the mission, but they do not know the players involved as I do. I’m being set up to take a fall.”

  “What?” Alex bellowed. “You know you’re in for an ambush and you’re going to still fucking go? How the hell do you know that?”

  “I got a call from Danica, who’s with Estoria’s intelligence agency. She let me know.”

  “How do you know she isn’t part of it?” Gabriel asked with narrowed eyes.

  “I don’t, but my instincts say she isn’t involved and I’m going to trust them. They haven’t led me astray yet when it comes to a mission.” His instincts had also led him to Grace, hadn’t they? They certainly weren’t wrong then, either. If only he could have stayed to help her and Cat.

  “What are you not telling us?” Gabriel asked, his
eyes catching the look of despair that had flashed briefly on Marcello’s face. “You’re holding something back.”

  “It’s nothing to do with the mission.”

  “Tell me, my son. Something is troubling you.”

  With a sigh, he told them about the threat at Grace’s house, and the measures he had taken to protect them both with neither knowing. “I’ve sent some of our Royal Protection Service to help out. They should arrive in early morning and can oversee things. Nothing against the British guards, but I’d feel better knowing our people were protecting them as well.”

  “Why didn’t Cat tell me? She never keeps this kind of stuff from me,” Alex said, wondering at his twin sister’s behavior as he messaged her on his phone.

  “Well, that may be my fault. I asked her not to say anything so I could tell you first.”

  “She wants to know if you told us the whole story, Marcello,” Alex said, reading back his sister’s quick reply. “What whole story?”

  “I’m going to kill her,” Marcello murmured and put his plan for revenge in motion by taking out his own phone and messaging their mother, Genevieve.

  “Are you messaging Cat?” Alex asked.

  “No, Mama,” he said as he finished.

  “What didn’t you tell us?” Gabriel asked. Though he loved the interaction between his children, right now he could only be worried about them.

  “All right. It’s Grace, Cat’s friend. I’m sort of in love with her, that’s all. And she’s also coming to visit us soon.”

  A half-smile crossed Gabriel’s face. “Oh? Well. How soon is soon?”

  “A few days, maybe sooner.”

  “Well, I can see how worrying over the woman you ‘sort of’ love and your sister can make planning a mission difficult,” Alex said, with his own understanding smile. “That’s all the more reason for you not to go.”

  “I have to go,” Marcello burst forth. “I know you don’t understand, but this is something I feel I have to do.”

  “Then you must do it,” Gabriel said after a charged moment, and hoped he wouldn’t regret the words later. “We will stand behind you and help in any way we can.”

  Marcello turned to Alex who very clearly wanted to disagree but would not go against their father’s wishes, not for this. Alex nodded stiffly.

  When Alex’s phone beeped a moment later, he glanced down to read a message and his face quirked with a half-smile. “Why is Cat going to kill you? And why is she ranting about some man she’s not interested in marrying?”

  “Just having some fun with her.”

  “Is that what you messaged Mama?”

  “Part of it. I’ll fill you in on the details later. Come on,” he said as he led the way back to the main room. “We’ve got a mission to plan.”


  Hours later, Alex strode down the hallway with his personal Royal Protection agents trailing him. He was furious. If he glanced in a mirror right now, he thought he might see actual steam rising from his head, he was so angry.

  He strode into the Royal Wing of the castle, a private section reserved for the royal family and their guests. Alex bypassed all the common areas and headed straight for his personal royal apartments.

  As he entered, his anger dimmed mildly at the sound of his fiancée - and how he loved calling her that - on the phone. Her back was turned to him while she tried to diplomatically argue with someone on the other end. Underneath the fitted suit she wore, he traced the outline of her curvy frame, and admired her long, smooth legs. Her thick, chestnut hair was free and tumbled down her back in waves. It seemed that every time he saw her was like a punch to the gut, and he fell in love all over again.

  Not wanting to disturb her, and not wanting her to see him in this state, he headed for their bedroom. A lot had changed in these royal apartments over the last month since Rebecca had moved in with him. Though the furniture was the same, everything seemed softer somehow. He found traces of her lavender scent haunting him in the oddest corners of their rooms, and even the entire Royal Wing of the castle at times. Perhaps he imagined it; it wouldn’t surprise him if that was the case. She was always foremost in his mind, and had been for many months before they had even become a pair.

  Alex quickly changed into workout gear, a sleeveless wicking shirt and shorts, before heading for his personal gym. There was a common gym all the family could use, but he wanted privacy right now.

  As he started with a run on the treadmill, each step of his foot was hard and forceful. His body was tense and his eyes were hard, and it was all because his little brother wanted to be a hero.

  Alex knew that was an unfair way to put it. He knew that Marcello had always wanted to be a soldier, to protect his family and country. Both of them, and their other siblings, had a deep love and respect for Valleria and each other.

  But did that mean Marcello had to risk his life by walking into an ambush? Did that mean Alex had to spend nights worrying and wondering what was happening to Marcello as he delved deeper and deeper into enemy territory?

  Alex knew he was concerned for Marcello as his big brother, not as the future king of Valleria. Alex had tried to be objective, but was failing miserably.

  Alex hated to fail.

  He switched from the treadmill to the punching bag. With each hit, he imagined he was punching Marcello. As children, they, particularly all the brothers, had often roughhoused and gotten into fights. Sometimes it was just what you needed. Other times, like right now, it was just an escape.

  With his hands aching and knuckles bruised, he switched to free weights. With each curl of his arm, he sorted through the mission again and again, looking for mistakes or things they may have overlooked. Anything that might get his little brother killed.

  “You are quite the sight, Prince Alexander,” Rebecca said. She was leaning against the doorjamb with her arms crossed over her chest and a smile on her face. It was a smile she reserved just for him.

  “As are you, my future wife,” he said as he finished his set and put the weight down. She walked - no, sauntered - over to him in her crisp suit and high heels. He sat back and waited for her, watching as the pin she wore, the Vallerian royal crest set in gold and jewels, caught the light as she walked.

  She moved to stand in front of him, and Alex spread his muscular, toned legs to accommodate her. Her hands delved into his hair, and her touch sent bursts of heat coursing through him. Just one look, one touch from her was enough to set him on fire.

  “You’re all sweaty,” she said.

  “And you’re not. I’ll go take a shower.”

  “In a minute. Let me do this first.” She leaned down and kissed him. He tasted strawberries and chocolate on her tongue.

  “Mmmm,” he said as he wrapped his arms around her, sweat be damned. “You taste delicious.”

  She chuckled. “I went cake tasting today.”

  “Wedding planning without me?”

  “Yes,” she said with a broad smile. “You clearly cannot be trusted to make decisions where our wedding is concerned.”

  “I make one wrong decision and I’m banned for life,” he joked, recalling the time he had apparently suggested something inappropriate for the future princess and queen. His mother had told him he was officially banned from wedding planning unless she told him otherwise. “Do I at least get to plan the wedding night?”

  “Maybe. If you behave yourself.”

  He growled. “That’s impossible around you, darling.”

  She chuckled. “I know.” She leaned in to whisper in his ear. “It’s a good thing I’ve got something positively wicked planned then, isn’t it?”

  He gripped her tighter. “You’re going to torture me for the next eleven months while I dream about what that could be?” She nodded. “Holy hell,” he muttered.

  She threw her head back and laughed, giving him the perfect opportunity to drop a few strategically placed kisses along her throat and down the V-neck of her jacket. Her laughs turned to sighs.r />
  When he reached the top of her cleavage, however, he didn’t undo the buttons as he usually would have and chose instead to rest his head against her.

  Rebecca, also noticing his uncharacteristic mood, stroked his hair. She had learned so much about Alex in the month since they had come to mean everything to each other. Since they had moved in together, she seemed to learn something new about her enigmatic fiancé every day, and every day she seemed to love him more and more, if that was possible.

  “What’s wrong, Alex?”

  He held on tighter and she pressed a kiss into his hair. “I don’t know if I should tell you,” he said.


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