The Healing Touch - Anniversary Edition (A Manwhore Series Book 3)

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The Healing Touch - Anniversary Edition (A Manwhore Series Book 3) Page 23

by Apryl Baker

  “Because no one’s ever loved me like you do, Dimitri Kincaid.” She leaned up and kissed him. “No one.”

  He smiled his shy smile she loved. “I’ve never loved anyone the way I do you, future Mrs. Kincaid. I’m going to do everything I can to make sure you remember that every day for the rest of eternity.”

  He kissed her again, and they settled down, their hearts at peace, and drifted off to sleep, safe in each other’s arms.

  Chapter Twenty-One

  One Year Later

  Dimitri flexed his fingers and leaned back in the office chair. The first draft of the first book in his new series was done. Kade and Angel’s story. Lily had already written her and Nikoli’s story. Dimitri read it and he wasn’t ashamed to admit he’d bawled like a baby reading about her on the bathroom floor, hurting so much she couldn’t breathe. His sister-in-law had a way with words that put his own to shame.

  But Kade and Angel? That story was up for grabs. He’d sat and talked to them both in depth about the idea of a new security romance series, and they’d been hesitant when he said he wanted to use their story as the first book. Dimitri, being his charming self, eventually persuaded them to his way of thinking. It would be his first contemporary series. He typically wrote paranormal romance. Lily agreed to read it and give him her two cents. She was an assistant to a very well-known literary agent, and she was learning a lot from the woman.

  He’d let Kade and Angel read the book once he’d revised it and had it edited. It wasn’t ready to show to anyone but Lily, who was going to act as his beta reader for this series.

  But it felt damn good to finally finish a book. Since the spinal cord trauma and the difficulty with his legs, he’d focused on nothing but physical therapy and trying to overcome his depression. Becca helped with that more than anyone else. She’d encouraged him to start writing again shortly after the Charleston signing.

  At first, it had been hard, but he kept coming back to the fact his brother forgot he was married. Given why he’d forgotten, Dimitri understood, but still, the idea kept wiggling around in his head and wouldn’t leave him alone. Those ideas were the best ones because they demanded to be written or they’d haunt you day and night.

  Writing a non-paranormal book was also strange. He kept finding himself trying to sneak in little paranormal bits and pieces and had to rewrite those parts almost daily. But it was worth the aggravation. He had a feeling this was the best book he’d written to date. He’d let Becca read it. She always told him the God’s honest truth, even when it wasn’t pretty.

  Speaking of…


  Not a peep. He stood and stretched, his legs twinging with a deep pain that was slowly getting better. Even after months of physical therapy, he was starting to accept that fact that he’d never be one hundred percent, but he’d get as damn close as he could.

  He found her out in the garden mulching her rose bushes for the winter. She was wearing a long-sleeved chocolate blouse, and her jeans were her gardening jeans —old and full of holes. Ollie was stretched out beside her, content to snore away while she worked.

  God, she was beautiful. Her blonde hair sparkled in the late afternoon sun, and the earbuds she had in kept her from realizing he was behind her. She trusted Ollie would keep her safe even if someone got past all the security measures he’d put in place.

  He pushed off the doorframe and walked over to them. She saw his shoes first and looked up at him. The smile he loved more than his own life graced her lips.

  “Hey.” She pulled out one earbud. “You done for the day?”

  “Just finished the first draft. Think you can read it for me?”

  “Sure, but only if you don’t yell at me like the last time I tried to tell you the book wasn’t ready.”

  He winced. She had told him that, but he’d released it anyway. Some fans were forgiving. Others, not so much.

  This book would bring him back out on top. It was a gut feeling.


  “Angel called while you were working. She and Kade are coming over for dinner. They even offered to pick up dinner.”

  “Please tell me he’s not trying to bring more Thai food. He knows I can’t resist that shit, and I suffer horribly.”

  “I swear I made him promise no Thai food.”

  See, his woman loved him.

  “He said something about Indian…”

  No, she was an evil witch who wanted more bathroom memes to blackmail him with.

  They both heard the doorbell ring. Dimitri had speakers mounted out here so if they were in the garden, they’d hear someone at the door.

  “I think I’m going to get the Ring doorbell so I can tell fuckers to get gone when I’m about to pull you up and kiss you senseless.”

  She only smiled and stood. Oliver jumped up and looked around. When Dimitri reached for her, the dog growled.

  The fuck?

  His own damn dog growled at him?

  The fuck?

  “Easy, boy.” Becca stroked his head, and the dog wrapped himself around her legs. The kitten they’d gotten ran out from under the bushes and did the same thing. Milo. Becca teased him they needed to get a little bulldog and call him Otis. What she didn’t know was that was exactly what he’d arranged for her birthday next week.

  “What the hell is his problem?”

  “He’s a little more protective of me now.”

  “From me?” He gaped at her.

  “Well, from everyone. Dogs tend to do that with women in my condition.”

  “Condition? What condition? Are you sick? Do I need to take you to the ER?”

  “No, Dimitri. I’m just pregnant.”

  His mouth fell open. He blinked several times, and she patted his cheek and walked by him and into the house.


  He stood there a full minute before the shock wore off. He let out a roar and ran after her. She had just let Kade and Angel in. His sister-in-law was in her eighth month of pregnancy. She was glowing.

  Both Kade and Angel were ecstatic. She’d been terrified until she passed her twentieth week. After her first pregnancy, he couldn’t blame her, though.

  Sweet Mary, mother of Jesus.


  Oh, God, Becca could miscarry…

  Fuck, no. That wasn’t happening. He’d tell his kid to stay put, and by God, he would.


  “What’s your problem, motherfucker?” Kade slapped him on the back.

  “Do you always have to greet each other with that word?” Angel admonished. The longer she was pregnant, the more motherly she became, right down to railing about their foul mouths.

  They were their father’s sons, though, and that mouth would never change.

  “Don’t mind him. He’s still in shock.” Becca sniffed in the takeout bag she’d taken from Kade.

  “Shock?” Kade looked instantly concerned. “What happened? Do I need to do something?”

  Dimitri shook his head, opened his mouth, but no words came out. He struggled to get air into his lungs.


  He stabbed a finger at Becca, and Kade looked from him to her, not understanding.

  “Becca?” Angel questioned.

  “I told him I was pregnant, and he’s been struck dumb since.”

  “You’re pregnant?” Angel squealed and reached for her. Becca laughed as she attempted to hug her around her belly.


  “With Sara’s parents,” Kade finished before the words left Becca’s mouth.

  Dimitri blinked, seeing his brother’s worry. The Kincaids had been through hell this last year, but they’d weathered the storm, regained a precious treasure they thought was lost forever, added Sara and Delia to the family, and now his woman was pregnant.


  “Sit down!” he bellowed, taking the food out of her hands.

  “I’m not an invalid, Dimitri. I’m just pregnant.”

bsp; “Sit.” He gave his best no-nonsense look.

  She stuck her tongue out at him.

  “I swear, she gives me sass all damn day.”

  “Congrats, sestra.” Kade hugged her. “I’m so happy for you.”

  “Thank you.” She sniffed the bags again. “Is that Indian?”

  “It is. I even brought Squirts over here a sandwich from his favorite deli. I can be nice sometimes.”

  “What’s on it?” Dimitri asked suspiciously.

  “Nothing that will cause a bathroom run,” Angel promised. “Why don’t you sit down, Dimitri? You look ready to pass out.”

  “No.” He pointed at Becca. “Why are you still standing?”

  “Because I want to, Neanderthal!” Her blue eyes flashed nothing but sass. She was going to pay for that later…


  He needed to do some research. Some of the things they enjoyed couldn’t be at all good for a baby. He’d hate to give the little guy a complex seeing his daddy’s cock shoved up against his face on the daily.


  Kade caught him when his knees gave out.

  His brother didn’t say a word, just gripped him tightly and led him to the kitchen where he sat him in a chair.

  “We’re getting married. No more putting it off. My kid is not going to come into this world without his parents being married. Mama and Babby would never let us hear the end of it.”

  “I’m not marrying you because I’m pregnant or because your family thinks children out of wedlock is wrong. I’m not Catholic, Kade.”

  Fuck, he’d fucked it up. He saw it on her face.

  “Hey, baby, let’s give them a minute.” Kade steered his wife out of the kitchen.

  “That came out wrong, Rebecca. I’m sorry. No, I’m not marrying you for any of those reasons, even though they are valid ones.” He held up a hand when she went to argue. “I want to marry you today for the same reason I asked you a year ago. I love you. I can’t breathe without seeing you when I wake up and feeling myself inside you at night. I’m not whole without you, Krasivaya. I’m possessive. I’m dominant. I want my name and stamp all over you. I like my marks on your body the same way I like that engagement ring on your finger. I want my wedding ring to rest there. I want everyone to know you belong to me and only me. I want them to understand how much I love you and the depths I would go to make you happy and safe.”

  He stood and went to her, placing his hand on her stomach. It had never really been flat, so he hadn’t noticed the slight rounding of it. He loved that she wasn’t flat as a board. He loved her curves.

  “I want you because you’re my heart, my breath, my life. My soul, Rebecca Joyce Rhodes. You are the soul that gives me a reason for being. That’s why I want to marry you.”

  Tears streamed down her face, and she brushed them away. She knew he’d had a reaction to her news, and she knew he’d go all alpha male on her, but hearing him now, hearing her best friend she fell in love with, she forgot his earlier comments.

  He was her soul too.

  “Please, Becca, marry me.”

  “I can’t do a big Catholic wedding, Dimitri. The crowds…I can’t.”

  He hugged her to him.

  “Then we won’t have a big Catholic wedding. We’ll go to Vegas and get married late at night at an all-night chapel. No crowds. Just you and me.”

  “Uh, I think your family might have something to say about that,” Kade interrupted. “Mama would cry for years if you got married without her being there.”

  “She’s still mad that we didn’t renew our vows.” Angel came in and started taking out plates. “Sorry for cutting your moment short, but this little girl is demanding food.”

  Dimitri grinned wide. Their family never had girls, and now Angel was about to give birth to the first daughter, niece, and granddaughter.

  “How’s my little Ariel doing?”

  “She’s a future soccer player. I swear she kicks like a pro athlete. Especially when she’s hungry.”

  “Feed my daughter, woman.” Kade lightly slapped her on the ass, and Angel rolled her eyes, but she did start dishing out food.

  “Maybe there’s a way for your parents and grandmother to see the wedding.” It was a thought that occurred and took root. One she felt she could handle. Being around Dimitri’s family didn’t cause her panic attacks. It was just crowds of strangers.

  “How?” Dimitri perked up and started helping Angel dish out the food. The two of them ate more than the entire Kincaid clan. She wasn’t shocked at the amount of food on Angel’s plate, but she sure was at the heaping plate Dimitri shoved her way.

  “Feed my kid, woman.” Dimitri mimicked Kade’s earlier command, a hard look in his eyes. This pregnancy was going to bring out the overprotective asshole she loved to rile up.

  “What’s this idea?” Angel shoved a forkful of rice in her mouth and moaned. “So good!”

  They took a seat at the eat-in kitchen table and bench.

  “Well, what if we have Mason stream it live so they can watch? Maybe my brother can watch too, if the prison will allow it.”

  She knew Dimitri was uncomfortable with Jackson being in prison, but it was part of who she was, and he was dealing. Not well, but he was.

  “We could all go, Mason could stream, and you’d be surrounded by family, on camera and in person.” Angel nodded. “Sounds like a plan to me.”

  “Well…” Dimitri shot a look at Angel’s bulging stomach.

  “What?” she asked suspiciously.

  “Mama called me the other night.”

  Angel groaned. She’d confessed to Becca the men’s mother had walked in on her and Kade having sex. Since then, Angel was convinced the woman wasn’t her biggest fan. Hell, not even her tiniest fan.

  “You know Mama’s religious…”

  “Get to the point.” Angel put her fork down and glared.

  “Well, have you thought of renewing your vows? I know Kade said your first wedding wasn’t what you wanted…”

  “We don’t have time to do that between Kade’s business, the doctor, and therapy sessions…”

  Becca understood. Kade and Angel had a lot going on, especially with the gift they’d been given.

  “You’re coming to Vegas for our wedding, aren’t you?” Dimitri arched a brow.

  “Do I even need to acknowledge that with an answer?”

  “Then you have time. You and Kade can get married the same time Becca and I do.”

  Dimitri grinned, thinking he’d killed two birds with one stone. It would make his mama happy, and she’d stop calling him worried about her son’s and daughter’s souls.

  “Uh, did you ever once think to ask Becca how she felt about that? A woman’s wedding is special to her. Look at Lily and Nikoli’s wedding. It was gorgeous.”

  Becca had seen the pictures, but she hadn’t gone. It was too much of a crowd, and her nerves got the best of her. They’d understood, but she still felt bad about that.

  “If we’re getting married in a Vegas chapel by an Elvis wannabe, how special can it be?” Becca smiled wryly. “I can’t do a big wedding. I just can’t. There’s too many people there, and…”

  Her hands started to shake, and she took deep breaths trying to calm the panic threatening. Dimitri was right beside her in seconds. He pulled her into his side and started humming.

  “Where’s her inhaler?” Angel asked. She, Lily, and Becca had become very close this last year, and she understood her sister-in-law’s conditions better than even the men did.

  “She keeps one in the junk drawer.”

  Angel found it and handed it to Dimitri. He helped her take several puffs, and she sucked in air. She despised this. Hated that the thought of a crowd could still do this to her.

  “It’s okay, babe. You’re okay. No big wedding, I promise. We can go to the justice of the peace. I’ll call and ask him to stay late.”

  Becca knew the brothers were deeply religious even if they cussed like the de
mons from down under and didn’t throw their beliefs in everyone’s face. Not getting married by a Catholic priest would be hard for Dimitri and his whole family.

  But they’d go along with it.

  Because they accepted her and her hang-ups as she was.

  They were her family.

  They would do this for her.

  “I like the Vegas idea,” she whispered after a few minutes. “If Angel wants to get married, we can share our wedding day with her and Kade. But only if she wants this. She and Kade are married. No one should force them to do anything, including your mother.”

  Angel gave her a grateful smile.

  “Da, sestra, no one, including Mama and Babby, will force Angel to do something she doesn’t want to do. If she’s happy, that’s all that counts.”

  “Thank you, Kade.” Angel rubbed her belly and took a deep breath. “I…I think maybe if it’s okay with Becca, I’d like to do this right. I’d like to bring Ariel into the world without any stigmas on her in our church.”

  “If you feel like that, we’ll find a new church.”

  Becca watched Kade’s face morph from calm to enraged faster than even Dimitri could. He stood and glared down at his wife’s bowed head.

  “Our daughter is not a stigma. She’s going to be beautiful, kind, and if the Church decides to treat her as anything less than the perfect blessing she is, we’ll find another damn church!”

  Dimitri squeezed her tightly, his fingers biting her arm. He stayed silent as the two semi-argued.

  “No, she’s not.” Angel raised her head and looked her husband directly in the eyes. “She will never be a stigma. We’re married.”

  “We are, and we don’t need to renew our vows if you don’t want.”

  “But I do want to.” She rested her hands on her belly. “Not for your mother or your grandmother. Not because I think our priest thinks so. I want to get married because we started over, Kade. We were given a second chance, and we were given back so much. I want to celebrate all of it, our fight, our struggle, our determination, but mostly I want to celebrate you and me and our family. I love you.”

  “I love you to, moye serdste.” His entire face softened. “If you want to get married again, I’m all for it. All I want is for you to be happy.”


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