Autumn Awakens

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Autumn Awakens Page 23

by M. J. Padgett

  “Can I help you with something?” I asked from the doorway.

  The man’s head shot up, and the woman gasped with her hands clutched tightly to her chest.

  “Parker,” Julianna said as she emerged from one of the aisles. “These are my parents, Carlos and Nina. They just returned from an information gathering mission. Sorry if we surprised you.”

  I felt my heart rate slow, and my anxiety dip. “No, it’s fine. I’m just on high alert, I guess. It’s really nice to meet you, Mr. and Mrs....” I had no idea what Julianna’s parents’ last name was.

  “Ortega,” Carlos offered, then stood and stretched his hand out to me. “It’s so nice to meet Jeanine’s son. I hear your mother is improving each hour. The Bensons are good friends of ours, were even before we knew the truth about this place.”

  A gnawing sensation gripped my stomach. Since Marcus was injured and Thaddeus had turned traitor, I hadn’t thought of my mother’s condition. My mind simply could not keep up with each detail, and I feared it might shut down. Still, Carlos said she was improving so I could be grateful for that.

  “That’s good,” I said.

  “Did you need something, Parker?” Julianna asked. Her inquisitive eyes scanned me, picking up whatever body language I projected as worrisome.

  “I’m looking for Ophelia and my brothers. Any ideas?”

  “Oh, I think I saw Ophelia heading to her room earlier. Everyone is trying to rest, I think, but I can’t. I’m helping my parents research the dragons since the Grimm brothers are a bit busy.”

  “I see. Well, maybe I’ll just check on them, and I can help, too?” I offered but was nearly knocked over before I finished my thought. Someone ran right into me, and I stumbled forward. Julianna rushed to help me.

  “Gerald?” I heard Carlos over the scuffing of a chair. I righted myself with Julianna’s help and turned to find Gerald panic-stricken. His face glistened with sweat, and his hands shook as he observed me carefully. Those eyes, kind and large like a deer, scanned every inch of me as if he’d never seen me before in his life.

  “Gerald, what is it?” Carlos asked again.

  Gerald shook his head and raised his hands to his cropped hair. His dark skin began to pale. He dropped his hands, eyes wide and confused. In an instant, his skin was dark again. His erratic breathing was out of place for a brave Marine, and the others grew concerned. I, however, was more interested in the faint spots that continually appeared and disappeared on his skin.

  “Gerald, I’m not sure how I should say this, but—”

  “I remember,” he said, interrupting me. “You are my son, are you not?”

  Oh crap... Not how I wanted to do this.

  “Gerald, I think you’re a bit tired and upset. Perhaps you need a rest?” Nina offered, but Gerald stood solid.

  “Tell me, Parker. Are you my son?” he insisted.

  I inhaled sharply. “Yes.”

  Chapter Seventeen

  “Well, that was unexpected,” Carlos said. “Why don’t we give them some time to talk?”

  “Of course,” Nina said. “Julianna, sweet pea, let’s move to the hall to work. I’ll make us some hot cocoa.”

  Julianna and Nina helped Carlos gather the books and disappeared from the room. Gerald’s unwavering stare was mildly intimidating though I knew he was a nice guy. His stiff, awkward pose worried me. Had he suffered a nervous breakdown? I wouldn’t have blamed him a bit if he had.

  “Maybe we can move to the fireplace and just talk?” I suggested.

  He cleared his throat, a deep, guttural rumble that somewhat mimicked a growl. “I think that’s a good idea.” He made the first move, inching his way toward our moment of truth. Would we bond or would we forever be ships passing in the night? I had not yet reclaimed my memories, so I had no clue how overwhelmed he might feel. Once he was settled in a cozy recliner, I sat across from him and stared into the roaring fire. There always seemed to be roaring fires in the castle.

  Gerald cleared his throat again, then said, “Your mother is improving every day. I think she would like to see you.”

  “She’s awake?”

  “No, I meant a visit from you might boost her spirits if she can hear you. Her burns have improved significantly. Heidi thinks she can use more healing spells tomorrow,” Gerald said.

  “I’ll go by to see her when we finish talking,” I said.

  “How did you discover that I am your father?”

  “Fiona only figured it out recently. I was there when she put it together, so... She didn’t mean to keep it from anyone. Things just happened so fast—”

  “No, no. I’m not angry. Parker, if I had known the things that would happen to you... I shouldn’t have gone and left your mother. It was my duty to the kingdom of Ekirie to explore, a job assigned by the king himself. It was only supposed to be three months, then I would return in time for your birth.”

  I leaned forward, resting my elbows on my knees. “What happened?”

  “It was as Fiona had suspected. A giant sea creature attacked the ship, but I managed to swim to safety with a handful of other men. The Kraken was fierce. Its tentacles spread onto land nearly a quarter mile, swiping everything in their path into the sea. We ran and eventually ended up here, in Schwarzwald, after many days or weeks of travel by foot. I cannot remember exactly. I only know King Heinrich was still married to Queen Tatjana at the time, and she was pregnant with Snow White.”

  “How did you lose your memory?” I asked.

  “I do not know. That’s all I remembered, and even those memories are a blur. I only know that I feel like a worthless father. I abandoned you and your mother,” he said, resting his head in his hands with a deep sigh.

  “You didn’t mean to do that,” I said.

  His head popped back up. “Yet I did. Your aunts were wise and managed to reunite our family in small ways, but I am not sure I will ever forgive myself for...” He paused. His mouth opened and closed a few times, then he grumbled. “For forgetting.”

  Part of me wanted to be mad at him. I wanted to take every slight and moment of pain I had ever experienced and lay it squarely on his shoulders, but the truth was, it wasn’t his fault. The circumstances surrounding our situation were beyond our control. I spent a lot of years looking back and hating my life, but there was no time for that way of thinking anymore.

  “Maybe we just move forward from here? I have forgotten a lot, too,” I said. I offered him my hand, which he took in a firm shake. “First things first. What’s your name?”

  “Gerald—oh, you meant... I’m beginning to understand why everyone gets so confused around here. It’s strange to have two sets of memories in the same mind. It’s Einar. Einar Viktorsson.”

  “Viktorsson? I thought my last name was Dressaur?”

  Gerald nodded. “Yes, so I heard. Normally, the son would take the father’s first name as his last. You would have been Tristan Einarsson. I do not know why that is not so. Jeanine—I mean, Thirteen, her mother’s name before marriage was Dressaur. Perhaps the name was given to you for your protection when you were sent away?”

  “Mmm,” I hummed. “That seems reasonable.”

  Gerald immediately changed the subject. “I have heard you are the youngest to ever make detective in your city. That’s quite an accomplishment.”

  “I am. Chris is the second youngest. I guess law enforcement and that sort of thing runs in the blood. You were a Marine, right?” I asked.

  “Once a Marine, always a Marine,” he teased.

  I chuckled, relaxing a little. “Can I ask you something?”

  “Sure. I’ll do my best to answer,” Gerald said.

  “What are we? The leopard thing, I saw your skin changing like you were about to shift. You know, the spots and everything?”

  He leaned back in his chair and thought for a moment, his hands placed palm-down on his thighs. It was impossible to read him well. He hid his emotions, except for the dramatic entrance he made when he realiz
ed he was my father.

  “The Jόlakötturinn? Our kind originated in Iceland and migrated like most did back then. Our family settled in Norway, where I met your mother. Most of our tribe are vicious soldiers, but our line and a few others broke from tradition and settled a peaceful community. We shift into predatorial cats, mostly snow leopards. It seems a bit of your mother’s ability crossed with mine. As far as I know, you are the only one with fairy and Jόlakötturinn blood in your veins.”

  “My siblings always thought I was like a griffin or something, but none of the pictures matched. Jemma says I’m a chimera?”

  “Basically. You’re two creatures in one, but since I believe you are the only one of your kind, I guess that means you get to name your own species,” Gerald said with a chuckle.

  “I have to think about that for a while. I’m still trying to wrap my mind around dragons and those disgusting monsters from Weisserwald,” I said.

  The door pushed open, and a guardsman entered. “Forgive the intrusion, but we have a problem. The dragons seem to be unsettled. The sister with the fever, she has miraculously improved and seems to have regained her memories of another life,” he informed. He was relaxed, at ease with the idea of going to battle, then I realized he was of the Goldene Stadt Army by his breastplate insignia. He had yet to experience the atrocities the Salien Royal Guard had, the brave men and women still frozen in the rear of the castle.

  “Have they all regained memory?” Gerald asked. “Are we needed?”

  “Jack says all who can should—”

  Something crashed through the window—a person, more correctly, a guard. He stood, shook the glass from his uniform, and leaped back out the window to fight again. Gerald sighed heavily and pinched the bridge of his nose.

  “These constant attacks are getting old. I wish we had more time to talk, but it seems our services are required. Shall we?” he asked.

  The guard from Goldene Stadt gasped. “I’m going to go—excuse me, that was my brother, Adam.” The soldier rushed from the room.

  Somehow Gerald found the strength to chuckle through the insanity. If the dragons had somehow escaped the cells even with Heidi’s added containment spell, things would go downhill fast. I thought I could help, so I shifted and flew out the open window. All three dragons had escaped, but only Isla was losing her control. Ethan and Kirsten attempted to calm her, but their exaggerated movements and useless attempts to control their irritated sister only made the situation worse.

  I flew into Ethan’s view, and he snapped at me. I flew higher and circled back around. This time he paid closer attention.

  Sorry about that. What do I do? She’s scared and doesn’t trust anyone, not even Kirsten or me.

  I didn’t know why he was asking me. I had zero training in the art of dragon training. Luck was on my side when it turned out, Ethan was able to understand my thoughts like the wolves. I paused for a moment to take in the chaos around me. It was less severe than I had anticipated but would only grow worse if people and shifters kept joining the “fight.”

  I’m going to get everyone to retreat to safety. Just keep trying to talk to her, but don’t get too close. Give her breathing room.

  Ethan acknowledged my thoughts with a dramatic head nod. I learned through many confrontations as a detective, some people were better contained with less force. I believed Isla was one of those people, someone who would likely comply if only someone asked her nicely.

  Jack, can you hear me?

  Jack’s ears perked from across the small field on the east side of the castle.

  Yes. Any ideas?

  Can you get the packs to retreat? Call everyone off and get to safety. I think less is more with Isla, and if her siblings can get through to her, that’s better than tearing down the castle to subdue her.

  Jack’s response was a long howl that triggered a retreat. Calla followed, then Sutton. Gerald, who had shifted without my noticing, jogged along the far wall toward the fairies. He appeared exactly like a snow leopard, but larger than I expected. Once there, Gerald shifted into human form—fully clothed, I might add—and spoke with them for a short time. They nodded and retreated behind a long wall that hid them well. All that remained were the soldiers from Goldene Stadt and Schattenland. They heeded the command of their leaders and retreated into the field near the frozen Royal Guard.

  I focused on the dragon that could hear me. Okay, try to talk to her, Ethan.

  Ethan sank low to the ground, making himself much smaller than Isla. Kirsten followed suit. Isla watched them cautiously, then darted her eyes toward me, her lithe, blue body twisting into a spring-like shape. I waited for Ethan to do or say anything, but he seemed frozen under his sister’s intense stare.

  Ethan? He didn’t respond. Instead, he looked away from Isla in full submission. Alright then, I guess it’s all on me. Isla, can you hear me?

  Her large serpentine body shifted, the spring pointed at me.

  Do you remember me? Parker, your friend?

  I have no friends here! You locked me in a cage! Her thoughts were quite loud. She tightened her body further, her muscles twitching.

  We were only trying to keep others safe, Isla. No one meant you any harm. I’m sure it is difficult to regain memories of a time long past, but I swear to you, no harm will come to you here provided you don’t hurt anyone.

  She let out a quiet hiss, then a puff of smoke from her nostrils. Her eyes softened if only a little. She looked at her brother, then her sister, then back to me. Her muscles began to loosen.

  “Hey, what the heck is going on out here—oh, holy crap,” Jordan said, a bit late to the action.

  Isla sprang back into a coiled position, ready to pounce. She turned her sights to Jordan, who had run out of the castle and into the open field. He stood frozen, his jaw hanging slightly as his stare cemented on the dragon. Isla waited for him to make the next move.

  “Um... I’m just gonna...” Jordan began to walk away, but something in his posture annoyed Isla, or perhaps threatened her. She sprang forward with enough force to topple a skyscraper.

  “Jordan!” I screamed almost certain Isla was about to eat my brother.

  Petra ran from the protection of the wall and put herself between Jordan and Isla, her hands raised in defiance. Her light sprang forth, blinding Isla momentarily. The mighty lizard growled and spit a stream of fire toward the teenagers, but Petra was able to divert it. Isla’s fire persisted, and Petra quickly grew weak.

  Kirsten and Ethan panicked, and their pack mentality overrode every other instinct. Kirsten darted overhead where Nikola immediately pinned her against a high wall with her magic. Ethan flew around the castle and overhead, avoiding Alorna’s waiting hands. Everyone else remained where they were, likely unsure what to do.

  Ethan! I tried to gain his attention, but it was lost. He spat fire down. Jordan darted away but screamed out. He fell to the ground and rolled, extinguishing the flames that had ignited his jacket. I took to the air and darted toward Ethan while Isla bore down on Petra who was growing weaker by the second. Her glowing faded in and out, and each time it faded out, the fire grew closer to her.

  Kirsten broke from Nikola’s hold and flew high, encircling the castle. I saw Chris standing ready to fire just in case. Kirsten swooped down, her long, skinny talons barely missing Chris. He ducked, then darted toward cover.

  Ethan spat again, but Jordan dodged the fire. The other witches began to emerge from the castle, deciding it was time to step back in the fight. I’d been wrong. Isla might have been willing to go quietly before, but now that she had been tested, she wanted blood.

  The witches needn’t have bothered. Petra had reached her limit. She screamed, her high-pitched voice breaking through the sounds of flames and dragon roars. Her light grew incredibly bright, then suddenly Isla was shot backward like a bullet from a gun. The dragon took several trees down as she bulldozed through the forest, landing roughly a quarter-mile away. Petra lifted her gaze to Ethan, ma
de a quick motion with her hands, and sent him sailing off with his sister. Then Kirsten, who was distracted with figuring out how to get Chris out of the castle, suddenly disappeared above the clouds, then came crashing down only feet from her siblings. The three dragons shifted, unconscious, in the forest surrounding the field.

  “Petra!” Jordan said, catching her before she fell to the ground. “What were you thinking? It could have killed you!”

  Petra managed to stand on her own two feet again, though she swayed. “Are you really that clueless, Jordan?” she asked, breathless.

  “Huh?” Jordan asked while others rushed to check on the dragons.

  “You are the sweetest guy, but sometimes you’re a doofus. I like you, Jordan, and if you’d just ask me already, I’d go out with you. Not that there’s really anywhere we could go on a date here.”

  “You... Huh?” From where I stood, I couldn’t see, but I felt sure Petra rolled her eyes. I knew Ophelia would have. “You like me? I thought you liked Ethan?” Jordan asked, pointing to the pile of dragons.

  “I like Ethan as a friend. I like you as more than a friend. What’s not to like?” She stood on her tiptoes and placed a sweet kiss on his cheek. He blushed deeply, and I decided it was time to do something other than watch my little brother’s awkward interaction with a girl.

  I shifted and jogged over to the group. Ethan stirred while his sisters remained unconscious. He sat and looked around, seeming stunned.

  “What the... Aw, we did it again, didn’t we?” he asked, indicating he’d lost some memory of the events, likely beginning when Jordan entered the equation. If we planned to help the dragons, we’d have to learn what caused them to break from their conscious minds. Was Rose controlling them somehow, or something else?

  “You did. What’s the last thing you remember?” Gerald asked from beside me. Kirsten stirred, then sprang straight up, staring into Gerald’s eyes. It was freaky.


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