Faith Unseen

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Faith Unseen Page 5

by Norwell, Leona

  “Thank you for being willing to listen to me.” Faith said as he ended his prayer “You had every right to tell me to not bother you again.”

  “I would never do that but you did catch me off guard. I was going to approach you again in a couple of days but you beat me to it.”

  “I was accepting responsibility for my actions and I needed to ask for your forgiveness. I knew I behaved like an idiot today, it wasn’t something that made me proud. Leah told you about me not wanting to go to dinner and why didn’t she? And she told you to suggest something else?”

  “Yes, she did. How did you know that?”

  Faith held up her coffee. “Let me guess, her other suggestions were a concert or another walk?”

  “Did she tell you that she told me?”

  “No, she just casually mentioned to me that I should have suggested coffee or a concert or another walk instead of dinner.”

  “She’s good.”

  “She’s matchmaking.”


  “Want to run away now?”

  “No” he answered “why and how?”

  “You’ll have to ask her. I blocked out her explanation when she started in on me after that dinner at my parents.”

  “No way. I’d just met you.”

  “Ask her not me. Until a few hours ago, I would have never even considered it. I’m basically a loner and very shy and handicapped.”

  “Leah is not a handicap.” He joked

  “Funny.” She groaned at him “But seriously, if…”

  “Don’t.” he growled at her “Adjustments have to be made in any relationship. Your being blind is not a stopping point for me, if it is for you then we need to make that a topic of discussion really soon.”

  “I do have concerns but whether or not we need to discuss them now if we are in the beginnings of maybe a possible relationship, I don’t know.”

  “You just confused me. What did you say?”

  “If the Lord doesn’t lead us into a relationship that is more than friendship, then you don’t need to know my concerns.”

  “I disagree but let’s hold off on that discussion for another day. I don’t mean to rush you, but I need to get to the church for a meeting.”

  Faith reached to tell the time on her watch. “Oh no! I’ve taken up your whole day today. I didn’t even realize, time passed so quickly.”

  “Wait a minute, hold on.” He stopped her “Today was very important to me. Don’t think that you have taken up my whole day, we needed to talk. Do you understand?”

  “Yes, but I still apologize.

  “No, you won’t.” he said taking her hand to lead her from the coffee shop

  “I already did.” She laughed “You are hard-headed.”

  “So they tell me.” he groused “And so are you.”

  “So they tell me.” she agreed. Nathan laughed again and helped her into the car. He dropped her off at her home and headed for his meeting.

  Faith walked down the stairs to her office. She had lots of praying and thinking to do. Could I ever be a helpmate to him? Lord, I need a clear picture in this situation. I don’t see myself as an asset to any man and especially not to a pastor. I will trust in your leading. In Jesus’ Name. Amen.

  “Did you stop being hard headed long enough to explain things to Nathan?” Leah asked at dinner that night.

  “Yes, he knows the whole story. But the point was to do those things anonymously. He just had to be stubborn and keep digging until I confessed. If he had just accepted it, then I could have continued; now I can’t do anything else.”

  “Why not? Who cares if he knows you helped out?”

  “The point of my ministry is to help in the background; not to be noticed.”

  “He won’t tell anyone.”

  “I know that, but he’ll still know.”

  “You are giving me a headache. Anyway, as long as you two are speaking that’s all I care about. I didn’t like being in the middle.

  Faith smiled and answered “Everything is fine.”

  “Why are you smiling like that?” Leah inquired

  “We had a nice time.”

  “You did?” Leah exclaimed.

  “Yes, he is easier to be around than I would have imagined. I even got past being so nervous with him.”

  “And?” Leah questioned knowingly

  “And what?” came the sheepish quiet reply

  “You are hard headed!! Are you going to be more than friends?”

  “If the Lord leads in that direction, we will be. We are going to be doing a lot of praying about it.”

  “As I am helping you get ready on your wedding day, I get to say “I told you so” and believe me I’ll be very happy about it.”

  “Wait a minute, Leah. You are way ahead of us. We are thinking about it and praying about it.”

  “And I will too, but my point is that a few weeks or even this morning you would have never even considered the possibility. Right?”

  “Do I have to answer that question?” Faith asked as the phone started to ring

  “Not anymore.” Leah said getting up to answer the phone “Hello”

  “Leah or Faith?”

  “Now wouldn’t you like to know? I could be Faith and then you would tell me everything I needed to know about this afternoon or I could be Leah and be kept in the dark.”

  “Hi Leah”

  “Hi Nathan. You needed to talk to me about something?”

  Nathan laughed. “I probably could but…”

  “Yes, the shelves for your house are almost ready. Jeremy and I can plan a time to come install them.”

  “That’s nice, make sure you bring your sister along with you.”

  “But Faith doesn’t usually come with me when I am working, it will probably be just me and Jeremy.”

  “Nice try. Can I talk to Faith?” he asked hopefully

  “When I find out what I need to know?”

  “You can install the shelves anytime.”

  “That’s great, but try again.”

  “Praying about it and waiting on the Lord to lead us or not.”

  “At least your stories match.”

  “Thank you Miss Matchmaker, I think we can take it from here.”

  “But I really enjoyed being stuck in the middle.” She grumbled

  “And I appreciate it. Now what is she doing?”

  “Sitting here looking embarrassed and ready claim I’m not her loving sister.”

  “Before I encourage her in that, can you give her the phone so I can talk to her?”

  “Bye Nathan” Leah sing-songed at him

  “Bye Leah” He sing-songed at her. Nathan was chuckling to himself as he heard grumbling on the other end of the call. “Hello Nathan.”

  “Hi. This is Faith this time right?”

  “Yes, I will do her in later this evening.”

  “I’d help you but it might look bad in the headlines of the local newspaper. “Pastor suspect in Murder Investigation”. I believe I might not have a job then.”

  “And the headline “Twin Murder Suspect” looks better?” she questioned laughing

  “Then I guess she stays well.”

  “I’m afraid so. Are you prepared for the teasing that is sure to follow?”

  “I can take it. Can you?” he asked seriously

  “Yes. I can’t see her, but I can tell she is gloating.”

  “I got that impression myself. Anyway, what kind of ice cream do you and Leah like?”

  “Okay, I wasn’t expecting that question.”

  “Keeps you on your toes. Are you doing anything tonight?”

  “Chocolate chip and no we are not doing anything tonight. Would you like to come over?”

  “Thank you, I’d really like that. See you soon.” He chuckled

  “See you soon.” She chuckled at him as she hung up

  “Three times in one day?” Leah asked


  “He is coming to see
you three times in one day.”

  “Leah, you have to promise that this day and all that happened today stays between the three of us. No telling our family, No One!”

  “I promise.” She pledged “It will kill me, but I promise.”

  “I would really appreciate it and so would Nathan’s reputation.”

  “I wouldn’t do anything to hurt either of you. I’m happy for you.”

  “Thank you. Now, do I need to change clothes and comb my hair?”

  “Do you want too?”

  “Yes.” Faith said heading for her room.

  Nathan parked his car and took a deep breath. Lord, I need your guidance. Help us to talk about necessary things and about our faith in you. Prepare our words. Amen. He grabbed the sack with the ice cream and went to ring the doorbell. Leah answered the door a few seconds later. “Pastor Lindstrom, what a nice surprise? Come in.”

  “Thank you Leah.” He said as he entered and she shut the door “Laying it on a bit thick on aren’t we?”

  “Yes, she is.” Faith said from the couch in the living room “I’d get used to it if I were you.”

  “I have a brother and he would be doing the same thing. I can take whatever she dishes out. And speaking of that…” he said handing Leah the ice cream and then turned and went to sit beside Faith. “Hi. You look nice.”

  “Thank you. How was your meeting?”

  “Blessedly short.” He said quietly then leaned closer “I wasn’t exactly paying attention to them prattle on about color of the library walls.”

  “What color are the walls going to be?” she joked

  “I have no idea. I wasn’t paying attention.”

  “Why not?” she asked seriously “What was distracting you?”

  “You were.” He whispered

  “What? Why? Wait a minute, hold on…”

  “Calm down. I wasn’t exactly interested in the subject matter so I let my mind wander. We had an unfinished discussion this afternoon and I was thinking about that.”

  “We have a potential postponed discussion. It shouldn’t have been distracting you.”

  “It may be postponed for a short time period but it isn’t potential. We are going to discuss these concerns.”

  “So tell me about your family?” she sidetracked him

  “Leah?” he yelled into the kitchen “Does she always try to sidetrack you if she doesn’t want to discuss something?”

  “Yes, she does.” Leah said bringing them the dishes of ice cream and turning to return to the kitchen. “I have to make a phone call for work. I’ll be back shortly.”

  “You don’t have to leave.” Faith said

  “I really do have to call on my Christmas project. I’ll be right back.”

  “Okay. What are your concerns?” He asked as Leah left the room

  “Nathan, they have to do with a future that may never happen with us. Why do you want to know?”

  “Because if it is a stopping point for you then let’s stop it now not later. I don’t want to go along getting to know you with a personal relationship in mind and you not be thinking the same way. Please let’s talk about them.”

  “Well, my concern is a little presumptuous.”

  “Okay as in if we get married what then?”

  Faith nodded

  “Okay, I’ll assume for your scenario we are getting married. Now tell me.”

  “The easy one is, as a pastor’s wife, I’d probably need to stand with you at the end of the service and greet people. How would I know who they were as they came up to me? And the hard one is, how would I ever be a helpmate to you? Wouldn’t you be doing all the helping and I be doing all the accepting of help?”

  “I’m not going to rush to answer those until I have thought them through thoroughly. Is that okay with you?”

  “Yes but if we don’t progress to that type of relationship then they don’t need to be answered at all.”

  “Maybe yes, maybe no. That is part of what I have to think about. Now eat your ice cream, it is melting.”

  Faith laughed softly. “This is your sinister plot to get me to eat in front of you isn’t it?”

  “Partially.” He said laughing wickedly then sobered “I forgot about that actually. I just wanted to come over and see you. So I came up with ice cream as an excuse and an easy way to have fun.”

  “Well, if I end up a mess, don’t say I didn’t warn you.”

  “We need to practice being comfortable in those circumstances too. So, do I kick you or just kindly tell you that you are a mess?”

  “I’ll pass on the kicking.”

  “So, I have a mother and a father, two older sisters and an older brother.”

  “You are the baby of the family too?”

  “You too?”

  “By nineteen minutes.” She answered then asked “Where does your family live?”

  Nathan answered her and they went back and forth asking and answering questions. Leah joined them and the three of them had a lively discussion.

  “Would you help me organize a movie night and pie social at church?” he asked Faith later that evening as Leah went to answer the phone.

  “Are you sure you want my help?” she asked incredulously as she pointed to herself

  “Why are you surprised?”

  “Never mind. Sure, I’ll help you. When do you want to have this social?”

  Nathan told her his plan for a movie night two weeks from then on a Friday night. “Is that enough time to plan?”

  “Yes. I’ll take care of it. I have person on my staff that is good with designing flyers; I’ll email her tomorrow and get her started.”

  “Thank you. Now back to my question, why were you surprised I asked you?”

  “You are welcome.”


  “I was just caught off guard by the question.”

  “Are you sure?” he asked seriously

  “Yes, I’m positive.”

  “Okay, I need to head home. I had a great day today, spending time with you.” He said squeezing her hand. “I’ll talk to you tomorrow.”

  “Probably. I’m sure I’ll have questions to ask you.”

  “That’s fine but that wasn’t what I meant.”

  “Oh” she blushed “I’ll talk to you tomorrow.”

  Nathan squeezed her hand gently again and told her good night on his way out the door. He was smiling at her reaction to calling her tomorrow as he got in his car and drove away. Thank you, Lord, for making her more comfortable with me.

  Early the next morning, Faith emailed her staff member to get started on a flyer for the pie social. Her next order of business was to contact the hostess committee at church and ask for their assistance in the set up and organization of the event. She was finished with her pre-planning by mid-morning and sent Nathan an email with her plans. She was expecting an email response from him with his okay to the plans but instead her phone rang about five minutes after she sent the email.


  “It’s Nathan.”

  “Hi. I just sent you an email.”

  “I got it. You are one very impressive lady.”

  “No, it wasn’t a big deal.”

  “Faith” he grumbled into the phone “Take the compliment.”

  “Thank you Nathan.”

  “That’s better. How are you today?”

  “Well, except for some man grumbling at me over the phone, I’m good. How are you?”

  Nathan laughed and answered that except for having to grumble at someone over the phone, he was fine. Faith laughed with him and they had a pleasant conversation. He made it suggestions on Faith’s plan and she incorporated the changes into her plans.

  “Will you go with me on an excursion on Saturday?”

  “An excursion? What exactly does that mean?”

  “You’ll have to trust me, so will you go?”

  “Yes” she answered

  “Wear walking shoes and bring a jacket. It will be cool.”r />
  Faith agreed and they hung up.

  “New email” Faith heard as she worked at her computer that afternoon. She opened the program and had an email from the person designing the flyer. Faith read the email and then forwarded it on to Nathan for him to review the flyer. His response came a few minutes later with his only change being the title of the movie. Faith played the go between on the flyer for the next hour until Nathan agreed with the flyer and told them he would get it ready to hand out in church the next Sunday.

  Faith went back to work when her program alerted her to another new email. “Open email” she instructed and was pleased to hear from Nathan again.

  “Will you go for a walk with me?”

  “Sure. When?”

  “I’m on my way” was the next response she received.

  “Leah!” she exclaimed into the intercom system

  “What’s wrong?”

  “What do I look like today?”

  “Excuse me?”

  “Nathan is on his way over, what do I look like today?”

  “You look fine.” She said laughing “Jeans and a shirt. Go comb your hair and you’ll be fine.”

  “Thanks” she said breathlessly as she turned to go upstairs. Outside in the shop, Leah was laughing as she went back to work on her projects. She may drive me crazy but this is fun to watch. My levelheaded, never going to date, sister is falling hard and fast.

  Leah was finishing up for the day and walking to the mailbox as Nathan parked his car in front of her house. “Well, well Pastor Lindstrom, what can I do for you?” she asked with a chuckle as he exited the car and walked up to her

  “You are enjoying this way too much for my peace of mind.”

  “Count on it my friend.”

  “Oh man.” He groaned

  “Come in” she said as they walked to the front door. “Faith, Nathan’s here” she called as they entered.

  “Hi” Faith said as she slowly descended the stairs


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