Axel: The Son's Of The Apocalypse MC

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Axel: The Son's Of The Apocalypse MC Page 11

by Roxanne Greening

  Now with the back of my head in the right position I slam my head back with as much force as I could muster. Acting fast I raise my elbow and slam it onto his throat.

  His body stumbles back under the force and he falls to his knees holding his throat. Grabbing the door handle I pull the door and rush out into the hall and right into Jesse almost knocking him to the floor.

  " Tessa everything ok?" Jesse asked in a little higher pitched voice than normal. I decided to keep this to myself. It's bad enough Axel asked Jesse to come get me. If this gets out, I will have no privacy.

  Nodding, I grab his arm and start walking towards the exit. Personally, I couldn't get out of there fast enough. Jesse has other ideas it seems. He digs his feet into the floor and becomes unmovable. I shoot him the look. The look all women have.

  Jesse breaks "Please, please don't tell him about the locker room incident." He pleads. When I don't respond right away, he quickly spits out " If he found out about your lack of clothes he will kill me. Please, Tessa don't tell him. I'll be better I promise."

  I felt relief that he was referring to that not the other. "I already got you for that." I say quickly while giving him a tug. He's like a fucking boulder and won't budge, not even a little.

  "I promise Jesse I won't tell him if you won't." I say gently. Jesse is my friend. I really liked having him around. He looks so relieved as he finally starts walking again thank fuck.

  Not wasting any more time. I rush out of the school and head for my car. Jesse watches me unlock the door and slip in. His hand wraps around the top of the door, holding it in place. "I'll follow you." He says as he closes the door.

  Locking the door, I start the car. Backing out of the parking spot I all but floor it in my rush to get away from the school. It wasn't until I heard Jesse’s bike that I realized I wasn't waiting for him.

  Hell, after he closed the door, I completely forgot he was going to follow me. My brain said get the fuck out of dodge so I did just that. Stopping at the red light. Jesse takes the opportunity to pull up next to my driver’s window and gives it a tap.

  I put a hopefully innocent smile on my face and quickly comply. "I said I would follow you." he's quick to point out. "I forgot. I know, I know, it was just minutes ago, but when this baby purrs all thoughts leave your mind. I'm really sorry Jesse. I won't tell Axel if you don't." My voice sounds almost too innocent and I cringe inwardly.

  Jesse just stares at me for a minute. Before giving me a nod and a smile. " OK Tessa we can keep this between us. But please behave. My life depends on it, literally." His exasperated tone makes my smile go from faked innocence to a real slightly bigger smile.

  The light changed and I take off at a much more sedate pace. Earning me a thumbs up from Jesse. I have no idea what has caused Axel to have made such a rash decision. So, rash that it had Jesse storming into the locker room.

  I'm almost afraid to find out. In all this crazy, I completely forgot about Ella. I'm such a horrible friend. I reach into my back pocket and slip my phone out. I quickly call Jesse. I watch in the mirror as Jesse gives me the signal to pull over. I'm quick to respond. Jesse pulls up to the driver’s window again.

  "Tessa?" The question is out before I fully getting the window down. " I forgot about Ella. Jesse, we just left her." I feel panic take over. Jesse quickly places his hand on my shoulder and gives it a squeeze.

  " Ella is fine. I promise she's headed home as well. You'll see her as soon as we get there ok?" He says in a reassuring voice. I take a deep breath and let it out. Giving him a nod I pull back out and he's right there on my tail.

  The rest of the drive was quiet and gave me plenty of time to think. And with the thinking came the anger. By the time, we got to the house I was ready to commit murder. The soon to be victim was Axel.

  That was until I got out of the car and was greeted by Amber. Nasty fucking Amber. My desire to commit murder doubled and Axel took the back seat.

  First, I needed to find a way to kill this nasty whore without contracting anything or multiple any things. That thought made me giggle. Poor Amber had this confused look on her face. Guess my giggles got to her.

  Poor Jesse looked like he was remembering breakfast and was having a hard time keeping a straight face. I need some entertainment. And Amber’s here. She's perfect for said entertainment.

  I give her a wide berth as I make my way to the door. I need to think of some torturous, I mean fun things to do with Amber. I feel a little giddy as I make my way upstairs. I had some planning to do, and I needed My general. Ella.

  Chapter 43


  Ella always had brilliant ideas I swear. She suggested we take a little swim. Slip into our tiny, tiny bikinis. Give the men some eye candy. Piss off Amber. While we plot our way into ruining her night.

  The last had my hands rubbing together in glee. Personally, I wanted nothing to do with the eye candy part of her plan. But the idea of getting at Amber. Well, it overshadowed all else.

  I swear she could suggest we strip naked and sit on Jesses lap and I would be on board if it meant getting to her. Okay, I wouldn't go that far, but close. Poor Jesse would die of shock. If I say sit in his lap. I also had the distinct feeling Axel may kill him.

  I didn't want that. Jesse has grown on me. Stripping off the last of my clothes. I shimmy into my pink and gray striped bikini. Not so tiny anyway. Pulling my hair back into a messy bun. I walk out of the bathroom into Axel’s room.

  Slipping through his doors I head into the hallway and run right into Amber, ugh. "That's where that whooshing noise was coming from." I mutter just loud enough for her to hear me.

  "What are you doing in Axel’s room?" Her high pitch screech pierces my ear drums and a shudder goes through me. "Our room. Not Axels. Axels and mine. Per his order." I can't stop smiling as the words leave my lips.

  "No. He's mine that's our room." Her voice rises with each word. My eyes are drawn to her foot as she stomps it like a child. "Ok, if you think so." I concede raising my hands in surrender. " Let's not upset the crazy person." I say to no one in particular.

  "He's mine bitch. Do you understand me. Stay away from my Axel" she has this look on her face. One of absolute concentration. That, quite frankly makes her look constipated. So, I tell her. " You look constipated are you Ok Amber?" I put in as much concern as I can muster for her and honestly, it's not much.

  I watch as anger colors her face. " Listen bitch he's mine Ok. You know how many times we fucked in that very room hmm? On the bed, dresser, the walls, the back of the door, even the bathroom, the shower..." I put my hand up in the middle of this tirade.

  "Stop I get it you've spread your legs, contaminated every surface, I'll be sure to hire a service to come disinfect and order a new bed. I've got to know though. When you spread your thighs. Does anything slip in. You know what I mean right? Like when you sit on the toilet does it slip inside? Or a chair does that get violated when you sit on it? I know you get around and from what I hear coming from you it's pretty loose. Can you hear the whooshing sounds?"

  I suck in a much-needed breath. Amber looks completely at a loss right now. She forges forward, pretending I didn't interrupt her.

  " You know how many times I've sucked his dick? How many times he's licked my pussy? He loved every second of it. He's my man he loves me."

  She sounds so confident like it would make me give up or some shit. "I know he's no saint. I'm not blind. Don't worry, we'll have the thorough exam done for any leftover Ambers. Okay, thanks for the help. I'll make sure he's clean." I smile

  Sidestepping her I attempt to make my way downstairs. I feel a hand grab my arm and tug me back. I look at the offending hand.

  Did she just fucking touch me? I know for a fact she knows better than this. With my other arm, I punch her in the face. Her head snaps back with enough force that she fell back onto her ass.

  “Ah,” she cries out in pain. Holding her face in her hands she starts crying. Big fat tears streak down he
r face.

  “Don’t fucking touch me.” shouting. I’m fucking shouting. That’s how pissed I am. I’m sick of this shit.

  “Get the fuck over it Amber. It’s over. Whatever you had is over. So, I suggest you leave me the fuck alone. Go find some other guy to piss on.” I say while glaring at her.

  “No. I told you he’s mine. You can’t have him.” she glares back.

  “Amber, Amber, Amber.” I tsk. “He doesn’t like being sucked in. I was told it’s like a vacuum. Maximum suckage.” I can’t help it. Goading her is fun. And I needed this.

  “I don’t know what you're talking about. He loves me.” she says smugly.

  “I wouldn’t be smug about this Amber. Really, I wouldn’t.” I say sadly.

  “Axel’s going to be so mad at you.” she sing songs. Really, she’s fucking sings that shit.

  I let out a sigh. “Why?” I don’t know why I encourage this shit. Well, I did say I needed an outlet.

  “You touched me. You hurt me. He’s going to be very unhappy about this.” she says smugly.

  “Who? One of your many admirers? You know they only hang around to, well, hang around. Maybe play a little hide the python in the cave. It sure sounds like a cave.”

  “Shut up. Just shut up Tessa.” she screams at me.

  She reaches for my leg. I’m completely distracted. Her hand wraps around it and she pulls. This is embarrassing I screech as my feet are swept out from under me. I hit the floor hard. Almost going down the stairs.

  Pain shoots through my body. Then anger courses through me. Before I know what’s happening, I’m on her. One hand wrapped up in her hair, holding her in place. The other repeatedly punching her in the face.

  I hear a crunch as her nose breaks. Amber’s screaming out in pain. I’m screaming too. I’m belting out a war cry as I proceeded to beat whatever she has left in that air head of hers out.

  We’ve drawn a crowd. A large crowd. Hands reach around me. Arms secure around my waist from behind. I’m being lifted off her. I cry like a banshee. I want more. I want to kill this bitch.

  The person holding me backs up. Dragging me with them. I’m fighting this. I refuse to go down easily. I’m fucking sick of her nasty ass. I should have been able to smell her. There’s a rot there. A rot that comes from below. The smell of uncleaned whoha.

  Someone's talking to me. Lips pressed up to my ear. I feel their breath slowly drift in causing a momentary lapse in my anger. Tingles slide over my skin.

  “Tessa. Baby stop.” Axel’s voice drifts into my blood thirsty mind. I sag in his arms all the fight taken out of me.

  “Good girl.” he replies and rewards me with a kiss on the shell of my ear. More tingles. This time a little heat mixes with them.

  “What the fuck is going on here.” he demands. Sweet Axel has slipped away and in his place scary Axel. Oops.

  Amber is curled up in a ball on the floor. Shuddering and crying. Blood is everywhere. I feel a twinge of regret.

  “Nothing. Everything is good here.” I reply with an air of innocence I don’t have.

  He just stares at me. His look said it all really? Have you looked around? This doesn’t look like nothing. His eyebrow is raised and he focused on me intently.

  “Just us girls settling some shit.” Those words just pop out of my mouth.

  “Get this shit cleaned up.” he says to no one in particular. Then he’s stalking me. I gulp a little and take a step back.

  He’s fast. He has my arm before I can take another step. With a gentle tug from him I start moving. In a few steps were in the bedroom. He’s looking down at me with so much heat in his eyes.

  I thought for sure he was going to yell at me. I was putting steel into my spine when he kissed me. Kissed me hard. I fall back against the door.

  Both my arms wrap around his neck and pull him closer. He lets out a groan and settles closer. Deepening the kiss, I let my hands slide down his chest. My fingertips grip the bottom of his shirt. I pull his shirt back up with my hands.

  Removing his lips from mine long enough to rip his shirt the rest of the way off. He grabs my bikini top and it follows the same path his did. Mine didn’t fare so well, though. I think I heard some ripping.

  Not that I give a shit. I grab his face and press my lips back to his with a moan. More I needed more. My hands attack his pants with a fever I didn’t know I possessed. The button unsnaps. The zipper goes down smoothly.

  You could hear it in the quiet room as it slid down the sound echoed off the walls. The hands he had pressed to my breast quickly follow my example. He all but rips the bikini bottoms off me.

  They slide down my legs and I kick them away. I’ve never been so glad to be barefoot in my life.

  “So, fucking hot.” he groans against my lips. “You’re so fucking hot. Watching you beat the shit out of her has my dick so fucking hard.” his lips move over mine. His hand slips between my legs caressing me.

  I was dripping. That’s how wet I was. “Baby.” groans. “I need you. Let me have you please.” he begs. I need him to. This fire burning in my core is out of control.

  In response, I slip my hand onto his dick. Commando oh how I love that fact right now. I grip him in a firm yet soft grip. Marveling at how silky smooth it was. When it was like a steel pip underneath.

  The tip of one of his fingers circle my opening. The anticipation is killing me. Finally, he slips his finger all the way in. The stretching was accompanied by slight pain. The pain turns to pleasure almost immediately.

  “So, fucking wet.” he moans out. Me I’m screaming in ecstasy as he moves his finger in and out of my pussy.

  I couldn’t hold back. My orgasm shoots through my body. I scream at the top of my lungs. So much pleasure. He doesn’t stop. Just keeps slipping his finger in and out of my pussy. My orgasm seems to last forever.

  “Oh god!” I scream in his ear. “Not god baby. But close.” he says with a slight chuckle. Leaning in he licks my neck. Giving it a slight nip. Then he’s ripping my panties from my body. The ripping couldn’t be heard over my screaming.

  Removing his fingers. I protest loudly. “SSH baby, it’s okay.” he whispers into my ear as he picks me up. My legs instinctively wrap around his waist extracting a moan from him as his dick comes in contact with my dripping pussy.

  Striding to the bed, he throws me in the middle. I let out a squeal as I bounce. The second bounce in he’s on me. Body covering mine. Lips crushed against mine.

  He slips between my legs. His cock pressed up to my pussy. Hitting my clit with its hard silkiness. Pleasurable sparks shot out of my clit and to my womb. I let out a shudder.

  Our tongues duel. Hips rocking. Amazing. It feels fucking amazing. More I need more. His fingers slide up the back of my leg. Caressing slowly. He tilts to the side slightly when he reaches my thigh. Then his fingers are pressed against my pussy.

  He forces two fingers into my body. Forcing my pussy to comply. He wasn’t giving me the option. It was fucking hot. More juices spilled out as pain and pleasure coursed through my body. My clit throbbed in time to my heart beat.

  Before I can accommodate his fingers, he’s moving them. In and out. Picking up speed as he goes. Faster and faster. He still hasn’t touched the barrier. It was almost like he was avoiding it.

  He removes his fingers and disappointment rushes through me. Maybe he’s changed his mind. Fingers are pressed against my clit again. Then I’m flying. Another orgasm rushes over me.

  My body is drawn tight. Then I’m almost boneless. “Hold on to me baby. And don’t let go.” he says as he puts my arms around his neck.

  Then thinking better of it. He grips my hands in one of his and puts them above my head. Keeping a hand wrapped around mine, he pins them to the bed.

  His other hand wraps around his cock. He gives a good tug, then lines it up against my virgin pussy. Pushing a little. His cock slips in about half an inch. He pushes a little harder and he’s in another inch.

  My hips shot
up on their own. And his cock slips in another inch. It burns as it stretches me. His hand grips my hip and forces it back to the bed. Holding it there so I can’t rock my hips into his. He proceeds to slip in a little more. Then I feel his head slip all the way in.

  Oh god. That’s just the head of his cock. He’s in like three inches already. I’m a little afraid. He may not fit.

  He pulls his hips back a little, then pushes forward again. Another inch slips in. The burning has increased and the pleasure is slowly taking a back seat. When I grabbed him earlier, I couldn’t fit my hand all the way around it.

  It feels like he’s three inches wide. Head bent he watches as his cock slowly disappears into my untried pussy. It hurts. Hissing in pain I cry out.

  His head lifts and he looks me in the eye. “I can’t take it. Please, I think you’re too big.” I cry. “You can take it baby.” he says and starts to tunnel in and out of me. I scream in pain as he rips through my body.

  Tears are streaming down my face as my pussy throbs. “I’m sorry baby.” he says as he kisses my eyelids, my cheeks, then my lips. Keeping perfectly still inside me.

  I just nod my head. Willing my body to relax. To accept him. It doesn’t take long for my pussy to release its hold a little. I felt it start to melt around him.

  His cock jumps a little inside me. Hitting something deep inside me. Oh, god that felt good. He does it again. I moan loudly. This elicits a smile from him. The throbbing pain starts to become a throb of pleasure.

  More. I needed more. I try to lift my hips. I want to rub against him. Anything to elevate this pleasure that’s running through my body.

  His lips are back on mine as he slowly pulls back. His huge cock slipping out a little. I could feel every pulse of blood, every vein in his cock. Then he’s back inside me to the hilt.

  Biting his lip as pleasure courses through my body. Causes him to jerk and pull back farther and back in faster. Soon his cock is tunneling inside my pussy. My head thrown back as I scream in bliss.

  He’s pounding my pussy so hard the bed bounces off the wall with every thrust. His rhythm is extensive. He doesn’t slow his pace. He keeps going in and out. In and out. Over and over again. Orgasm after orgasm rushes through my body.


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