Sunshine & Rain

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Sunshine & Rain Page 8

by Dawn Desiree

  She walked into the dressing room and did as she was told. The mirror inside the dressing room showed her that the dress was a perfect fit. Just like I thought. Rain didn’t know what she liked better: the way the dress perfectly fit her curves, or the fact that she was wearing designer couture for once in her life.

  Rain could remember numerous times begging her father for all the latest names. He would always cry and complain about how there was never any money left over after paying all the bills. It was funny to her, because he still managed to find a way to buy an eight-ball after paying all the bills.

  The broads would hate on her if she walked down the street in her old hood with this bad muthafucka on. Nevertheless, she didn’t have time to think about the old hood. She was moving up in the world, and this Versace dress proved it. Rain walked out of the dressing room strutting as if she were walking a Baby Phat runway.

  Cathy put one hand on her hip and gave three zigzag snaps with the other one. “Now that’s what I’m talking about!” she affirmed.

  Even Sunshine admired Rain’s new look She had to admit, the competition looked good!

  Cathy glanced at her watch and realized that they had spent more time inside this one little store than she had intended, and they still had to buy some shoes. That could take the rest of the day.

  “Come on, Beyonce and Kelly, we’ve got one more spot to hit.” She pointed at Rain’s worn sneakers that didn’t complement her new dress at all. The sight was breaking one of Cathy’s major fashion commandments.

  “It’s crime number four in my book to look first-class from your head to your knees and get down to your feet and look like you forgot that you were on high status. No disrespect.”

  Rain and Sunshine shared a laugh.

  Cathy rushed the girls along the busy streets of motorists and pedestrians to their final destination. She didn’t want to be late for their dinner reservation, or the meeting that she was going to have with some of her boys.

  Cathy figured that Royals would be a great way to take care of business dealing with home and work. She had called both Caesar and Irvin personally the night before and asked them to meet her at the restaurant to discuss some important business with them and the rest of the crew. Given that Royals had two lounge areas, she made a reservation for one table on each level. That way, Sunshine and Rain wouldn’t bump heads with her entourage.

  Siheed, the owner of Royals, was one of Cathy’s major customers. The New Yorker had balls of steel. He owned a big part of many cities, while pushing that ’caine throughout its zones like thunder, all thanks to Cathy. Shit, if Cathy wanted to shut the whole bitch down for the night, Royals would be all hers, and she wouldn’t have to pay a dollar. Siheed was her man, and they looked out for each other.

  After running a couple more blocks, they arrived at The Shops, a fancy mini-mall with giant prices. The mall was damn near exquisite with all of its exotic statues that stood tall and proud from within, as soft waterfalls flowed throughout each one. The names were all classy and unfamiliar, unlike other malls they were used to in Iverson or Forestville. The patrons were mostly upper-class families and out-of-town tourists who busied themselves by splurging the restless wealth that sat in their fat pockets.

  The food corner left a teasing aroma in the pit of their bellies as Cathy whisked them away in a hurry. Rain was disappointed that they couldn’t indulge in the flavors for a minute.

  The Shops had a variety of interesting stores that Rain wanted to check out, but there was no time for that, because Cathy had a one-track mind. Once they reached their target, they shot in and out of the store so fast that Rain wondered for a moment if they had even purchased anything. Once she told Cathy her shoe size, the rest was history.

  Rain didn’t bother to ask any questions until they were safely back inside the truck. “Do I even get to see the shoes that I’ll be wearing now, or are we still on that high-speed chase?” she finally asked. She was excited to see the final hook-up that Cathy had for her.

  “Oh my gosh! I’m sorry, Rain. Here you go.” Cathy handed Rain the bag with her new shoes inside.

  Judging from Cathy’s own unique style, Rain already knew that her shoes were the bomb. When she slipped on the sky blue, open-toed leather pumps, Rain felt like an urban Cinderella. She couldn’t wait to get out of the truck so she could get the full effect of her brand new attire.

  Royals was loaded with paid niggas and females to match. The mood was instantly set to chill mode, once you walked into the candlelit background. Deep red leather seating surrounded the scene, accompanied by cherry wood tables decorated with lamps. The scent inside the restaurant reeked of hard-earned money, with a hint of the root of all evil: cold cash.

  Rain was beside herself with enthusiasm. She didn’t know how to act. She had never been around so many ballers before, and she was trying to figure out what somebody like Cathy would know about a place like this.

  Her previous theory about Cathy was coming to life as she looked around at all the paid hustlers and hustlettes in her presence. Rain tried to remain cool, as if she wasn’t fazed by this new world of treasures that Cathy had introduced her to, while Sunshine took it all in naturally, like it was nothing.

  The wait for a table would have been forever, judging by the over-crowded lobby, but Cathy and her guests were immediately escorted into a cozy booth right next to the stage where a live jazz band performed.

  “Will anyone else be joining you, Ms. Stone?” the hostess asked politely.

  “No, Serena. It’s just me and my two girls tonight.”

  Damn, Cathy even knows the staff by name, Rain observed. She also noticed that none of the staff wore those big ol’ billboard signs they call name tags, with their full name blasting across them like in the fast food diners she was used to. Even the dress attire of the servers was professional and elegant. You could mistake them for customers if you didn’t pay close attention to the big, black loafers they all wore, which was a sure sign that they were employed.

  Serena placed three menus on the table and said she’d be back shortly to take their orders.

  Cathy stood up immediately after the server left. “I’ll be right back, ladies. Sunshine, order me my regular.” Cathy stepped off so quick that Rain didn’t even see which way she went.

  “What was that all about?” she asked, looking at Sunshine for answers.

  “Your guess is as good as mine,” Sunshine answered and immediately changed the subject, not caring to get into Cathy’s personal business with a newcomer.

  “The band sounds real nice, right?” Sunshine asked.

  “Yeah, I guess if you like to listen to music with no words in it.”

  Rain was a little disturbed with how Sunshine blew her inquiries off with no interest, but she didn’t let up. Rain smiled and playfully tapped elbows with Sunshine. She leaned in close to Sunshine’s ear so that she could be heard over the music.

  “So, do you think Cathy has a hot date that she’s secretly dining with on the second level?”

  Sunshine glared at Rain for a moment, wondering why she was so curious about Cathy anyway. Rain stared back into Sunshine’s eyes mischievously, wearing a world-size smile that could con Jesus. Assuming that Rain’s curiosity was harmless, Sunshine decided to fill her in.

  Sunshine scooted closer to Rain. She rested her face on her shoulder just above her ear. She whispered like a best friend who was about to expose her deepest, darkest secret.

  “Well,” Sunshine began, “every time we come here for dinner, which is usually once a month, Cathy creeps off to the second level. I believe she does have somebody hiding up there.”

  Rain began rubbing her hands together naughtily while Sunshine spoke. “Now we’re getting somewhere,” Rain said with satisfaction after Sunshine was done. “Come on. Let’s go find her and see what kind of baller she’s into!” Rain shouted with enthusiasm.

  Sunshine looked at Rain with interest. “Are you serious?” she asked.

/>   Before Rain could answer her, Serena returned with her pen and pad, ready to take their orders. Rain realized that she hadn’t even bothered to look over the menu yet.

  “You go ahead and order first,” she told Sunshine.

  Sunshine hadn’t peeked inside the menu either; however, she was already familiar, and she knew exactly what she wanted.

  “I’ll have two sweet iced teas to drink. For an appetizer, we will have your jumbo shrimp cocktail with warm butter and lemon. For our entrees, we’ll have two grilled salmon Caesar salads,” Sunshine said.

  “Make that three salads, and a Coke with a little bit of ice,” Rain added.

  Serena wrote with the same speed that Sunshine and Rain spoke. It was apparent to Rain that Serena had been in the business for probably her whole life.

  “Oh, and don’t forget to bring some—”

  “Extra dinner rolls.” Serena finished Sunshine’s sentence for her.

  How cute, Rain thought.

  Once Serena the wonderful hostess was gone, Rain grabbed Sunshine by the arm. “Come on. Are you with me or not? I know you’re just as anxious as I am to see the type of dude a classy chick like Cathy would be sporting—or should I say concealing?”

  Sunshine giggled at Rain’s spunky determination. “Are you serious, Rain?” she asked.

  Rain thought for a moment. “No, not really, but it will give us a chance to check out some of these dudes up in here.”

  Sunshine shook her head like an old lady in dismay. “You’re on your own. I’ll stay here and watch our purses,” Sunshine said.

  Rain stood up. “You mean your purse. I’m going to need something to put my phone numbers in.”

  On her way to the ladies’ room to fix herself up, Rain bumped into Terrance.

  “Damn, shorty! Watch where you—Rain, is that you?” Terrance asked in bewilderment.

  Rain lifted her head up after picking her new bag up off the floor. Rain could feel her blood blowing bubbles in her heart. She always got like that around Terrance.

  “Terrance, what’s up, boo?” She gave him a sexy hug, making sure her big ol’ titties were all over him. She even slid her hand gently across his enlarged print to arouse him and make him hunger for her.

  “I see you’re doing fine,” she answered for him as she squeezed his pool stick and juggled his balls.

  “Yo, you look good as hell! You bangin’ the shit out of that dress,” Terrance said. He reached for her nipples that were doing a terrible job of hiding underneath her dress.

  “You’re probably up here with some bogus-ass nickel-and-dime-pushing nigga,” Terrance said.

  Rain sucked her teeth. “Oh, don’t fake like you big timing. And why you worried about who I’m with anyway? You jealous?”

  “Damn right I’m jealous if you sucked his dick better than you sucked mine,” Terrance answered.

  Rain put her finger up to her mouth and teasingly licked the tip of it, just like she did his dick in his car on their last date.

  She placed her wet fingers on his lips and said, “I don’t think that no man’s penis can taste as good as yours, and I don’t even want to find out.”

  Terrance was tempted to slip Rain into the men’s room, but he looked at his watch and realized that he was late for his engagement.

  Terrance squeezed Rain on her ass. “Keep that tongue wet, baby girl.” He walked off without another word.

  Rain was left standing there, being watched by a snooping waiter. The underpaid maitre d’ must have heard everything that she said to Terrance. He was licking his own lips and staring at Rain so hard that she just knew he could see the tampon she was wearing.

  “In your dreams, waiter boy.” Rain walked away and into the ladies’ room, not giving the waiter a second thought.

  What’s up with everybody in this joint? she wondered. Everybody keeps rolling out on me like they got same top-secret shit going on. First Ms. Cathy rolls out without an explanation, and now Terrance done got ghost on me.

  As she squatted over the toilet to let out her golden shower, she wondered if Terrance was meeting a girl. Maybe he was there to see Cathy.

  Nah, Ms. Cathy ain’t going like that. Terrance ain’t even on her level. He must be here to meet that dirty bitch Simone.

  “I know he ain’t disrespecting me like that,” she said out loud. At that moment, while she was in the bathroom stall, wiping her pussy and talking to herself out loud, she realized that she was in love. Rain swiftly changed her soaked tampon, washed her hands, and hurried out of the restroom so she could find out what was going on up in that place.

  During the short amount of time that Rain spent in the bathroom, Royals had accumulated even more consumers. Desperate men posted up near the restroom, just so they could watch the honeys swarm out. Rain couldn’t even get out the door good before one guy aggressively grabbed her arm and turned on his weak-ass game.

  “Hey, cutie. Heaven must be awfully lonely up there, losing such a lovely angel.”

  Rain was not impressed. Is he trying to tell me I’m sexy, or that I should be dead and gone?

  Rain responded to the pest sarcastically, “And the hustlers must feel awfully broke without their favorite pipehead straggling down the street geekin’.” Rain threw his puny hand off hers with disgust and walked away. The biggest bamas always had the biggest hearts. What in the hell would make his pathetic ass think that he could get with a phat to def, gorgeous, fine, sexy ass like herself? Rain shook her head at the nonsense and went in search of Terrance and Simone.

  * * *

  Cathy was irritated. She had made it clear that everyone was to be on time for this month’s meeting. The only person allowed to get away with being late was her, ’cause she ran the shit. Even still, not even she would allow herself to show up late for this particular meeting. Important business needed to be discussed because a major move was about to be made, and she needed all her soldiers to be on point. It was critical that everyone involved showed preciseness so that nothing would fuck up or nobody would get fucked up. Even the little things mattered, like being on time for discussion.

  Cathy was furious when Tee came pimping to the table twenty minutes late, as if this were his show. She didn’t know this new cat, Tee, all that well, and she didn’t like him already. Her time was precious, and she would be sure to let him know, along with everyone else, that if he couldn’t be prompt about his shit, then she didn’t need his ass.

  Drinks and appetizers had already been served when Tee finally arrived. Cathy decided to take the opportunity to make an example of him so everyone would not forget who was in charge of their cash flow.

  Tee pulled up the only available chair surrounding the large round table. Cathy had to be smooth about this one. She didn’t want to humiliate the youngin’ too much, because he might get petty and retaliate in some vicious way that could harm her. She knew a lot of ganstas from D.C. who reacted without thinking. They would put a bullet in their own man if they thought he was trying to front on them. Instead of simply approaching his comrade like a real man would, they’d shoot him in the back like a cold killer, with no remorse toward their friendship or their family. Sad. Cathy had certainly seen some foul shit in the city.

  Cathy figured she had two options. She could send his last-minute ass on his merry way before he even got the chance to get comfortable in the leather seat, or she could flunk him for a little while, keep him close to her, but far from her business; that is, until he could build a better rep with her. Either way she looked at it, his pockets would be fucked up while he earned her trust. Of course, he had the option of going to work for somebody else, but everybody at this table knew that everybody in these streets was getting their shit from Cathy. She had the golden butter that made them heads steal from their own family, so regardless of how he got it, he would still be selling her shit and still secretly working for her.

  Cathy waited patiently while Tee pulled up his too-big Azzure jeans that were hanging way past his
butt cheeks, so that he could sit down properly. Why a simpleton would pay over a hundred dollars for a pair of jeans and let them sag off his butt was beyond Cathy.

  Once he was finally situated and had eventually pulled his body closer to the table, the first thing he did was reach for one of the chilled bottles of Moet that had already been popped.

  Caesar cut his eyes over at Cathy. Cathy could read his mind loud and clear: What’s up with this muthafucker? He’s late and disrespectful.

  At first Cathy was willing to let this cat be down, but on second thought, she decided that she couldn’t even take this scrub anymore. She would have to throw his ass back to the mean streets, which would only allow him to hustle nickels and dimes. Evidently, he was not ready for the big time.

  Tee took a sip of his Mo, then finally decided to speak. “What’s up, homies?”

  By this time, Gucci, Caesar, and Irvin were looking from Cathy to Tee, and from Tee back to Cathy. Everyone seemed to be aware of Tee’s behavior except for Tee, but nobody said a thing to him. Not even Irvin, who was the reason why Cathy had let Tee come on board in the first place.

  Cathy looked deep into Tee’s eyes for any sign of awareness. He didn’t have a clue.

  “Is that Nectar Imperial any good?” Cathy asked.

  He looked confused. “The what?” Terrance asked, unaware of what he was drinking.

  “The Moet you’re sipping on. Is it good?” Cathy repeated.

  Tee was hip now. “Oh, yeah. This shit here is what’s up.”

  “Good. I’m glad you like it,” Cathy said sarcastically. “Now take it with you.”

  Tee looked a little bit mystified, so Cathy broke it down for him. “Listen, small time, I don’t need you, so you can pull your pants back down, take your drink, and get up from my table, you dig?”

  Now Tee was feeling her. “Oh, it’s like that?” He looked over at Irvin for some assistance.

  Irvin finally spoke. “I’ll holla at you later, dog.”

  Tee grabbed his drink and bounced without another word. He never looked back as he disappeared into the crowd.


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