Phoenix (The Broken Book 5)

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Phoenix (The Broken Book 5) Page 14

by Serena Simpson

  There was no fear just wild lust coupled with a softness in her heart. She was never letting him go. When his reddish-orange gaze looked at her, she spread her legs wider inviting him home.

  He settled between her legs rubbing his hard cock over her before he poised himself and thrust in. She choked on the pleasure, too many emotions assailing her at once. In the end, she focused on the rightness of the moment.

  Phoenix was everything she ever wanted. As he surged deep within her, she felt her body respond. The walls of her pussy tightened around him holding him fighting every effort he gave to withdraw and inviting him back in eagerly. Her hips surged up to meet him, keeping up with the punishing pace that brought a new round of pleasure.

  Her hands touched and caressed every part of him that she could reach. She was determined to burn her name into his very cells until all he could think about her, or smell was the scent of her love.

  He was driving her crazy. How would she ever be able to think straight, or walk straight? Her legs tightened around him as her body demanded the ultimate satisfaction. It was diving towards it while she clung to him wanting to make this moment in time last forever.

  “Love.” The word was ripped from her lips. What was she asking? What did she need?

  “Hold on, babe, almost there.” He moved faster, pounding into her as she gave cries of passion and need. There was a demand for the ultimate satisfaction. He had to answer her call, to give her what she needed.

  He twisted just enough to change his angle the next time he pounded into her body. Rylee lit up like the stars shining in the night sky. Phoenix struck his teeth biting into the flesh of her neck. The screamed that emerged was filled with so much passion that she was sure the walls shook.

  She felt the connection. It was what she had been missing, it slid into place from her to Phoenix. She could feel him, feel his pleasure as well as his love and devotion. He told her he loved her, she heard him, even saw it with her eyes. To feel his love took it to a whole new level.

  Phoenix loved her, and she loved him. Together they swam in the pool of pleasure that could have only been created between the two of them.

  Chapter Twenty-two

  “Amani, Sela what are you girls up to?” Rylee asked. They jumped acting guilty, she knew she interrupted something the two of them were plotting.

  “Nothing,” they both said giving her innocent looks.

  “Un huh go wash your hand it’s almost time for lunch.” She sat down when the girls went into the kitchen.

  Last night, she spent some time with Sela sitting in this very spot.

  “How did you come to be with the hunters?” Sela was quiet so long Rylee didn’t think she would answer.

  “I was forced to leave my home.”


  “My sister wanted to be queen. My mother came to me. She said I had two options I could leave or meet my sister on the battlefield.”

  “Line of succession doesn’t go to the oldest?”

  “No, it goes to the most cunning.”

  “It’s to the death.”


  “I understand; you walked away to live.” It made sense. Her sister couldn’t have been younger.

  “If it made sense, then why would you think I walked away to live?” Sela stood leaned over to hug her before going into the house.

  Rylee sat there mouth open. She remembered how she met the young female. Her power blanketed the house keeping the created boxed until she removed it. She created a shield large enough and strong enough to move a snake from the earth to space without the snake dying from lack of oxygen or in the cold vacuum of space.

  Sela didn’t leave to protect her life; she left so she wouldn’t have to kill her sister.

  Rylee stood up laughing. That’s what happens when you fall in love, you have a mate, you can start a fire faster than you ever thought, and you get an adoptive daughter who may be the deadliest female on the planet.

  She had only officially been mated to Phoenix for two weeks, but life had been interesting. Troy was now a regular. He was also complaining about how he had to hire someone to replace her, but he expected her to train him. Gia was also a regular at their house. She decided that she loved all of Rylee’s ‘sisters’ and decided to adopt them too. Gia was also right; she wasn’t human.

  The more time she spent with her family and friends, she realized that aliens were like people. Some were worth your time and effort, and some weren’t. It was too funny to her how that was universal.

  “I’m starving what’s for lunch,” she asked walking into the kitchen.

  “Hamburgers and French fries,” one of the kids yelled from the dining room.

  “Sounds good,” she answered before she went to the sink to wash her hands. “I’ll help with dinner tonight.”

  “Tonight, we make the side dishes,” Piper told her. “They guys are in the mood to grill.”

  “Sounds like a party.”

  “I know; I can’t wait,” Brandi told her.

  Rylee helped them take the food into the dining room. She ate, but mostly she sat back and allowed the confusion that was their family sink into her bones. The kids laughed and talked and yelled and were shushed. They fell silent and then it started all over again.

  The adults watched them and smiled. Hands were held under the table, and swift kisses were passed between mates while children groaned and made comments about rooms.

  Not too long ago she was in a one-bedroom apartment with nothing but Netflix as her friend. Now she was loved, cherished, and respected.

  “Hey, I never told you what happened to me when we were at the zoo.”

  Every eye turned to look at her. The expressions ranged from the incredible to the ‘what you mean there was more?’

  She laughed at them before she calmed down. “I met this man.”

  Phoenix growled, which made her smile wider.

  “He was fine. He had to be an alien. He said, and I quote ‘Most people forget that the two become one.’ Any idea’s what that means?”

  There was a slow shake of heads.

  “It’s from our marriage vows. The two becoming one,” Serenity said.

  “I thought of that, but what does it mean?” Rylee said frustration lacing her voice. She had been thinking of this for a while.

  “We’ll figure it out,” Phoenix told her.

  They finished lunch and sent the kids outside to play. Rylee stopped Sela and Amani with a look. They giggled and ran out the kitchen door.

  “I swear the two of them have become as thick as thieves,” Brandi said laughing at their antics.

  “We’ll have to keep an eye on those two,” Quinn said giving Tia a sideways look.

  “What did I do?” Tia asked before she changed into her cat (the small one) and raced out through the cat door.

  “I swear I don’t know how shifters do it,” Serenity mumbled.

  “Shifters are real?” Rylee asked.

  They laughed at her. “Didn’t you just watch Tia shift into Tee?” Quinn laughed as she led Rylee to the sink.

  “Yeah, but I thought… on second thought forget I opened my mouth!”

  They all laughed as the males came to help with clean up.

  David came into the kitchen his dark skin was pale. “There’s a man outside, he’s threatening to hurt everyone. Sela wants to encase him in glass and watch his air run out. I don’t think she is powerful enough yet,” he whispered the last part.

  “Stay in here.” Phoenix’s long powerful legs ate up the distance to the door. It slammed behind him making Rylee jump. She ran after him.


  “My prize. It was always you. I don’t want them.” He pointed to Sela, Tia, and Amani, who were standing protectively in front of Ivory, Fie, Elfin, and Lisa. “I will kill them if necessary.”

  “There’s no need let them go.”

  “Send her with them.” The reaper pointed at Rylee, who was now standing at Phoenix’s

  “Hell no!”

  “Please Rylee, make sure they are safe.”


  “How can I fight if they are in danger?”

  “I love you.”

  “I know; I love you too. Take them in the house.”

  She nodded; he was breaking her heart.

  “Let’s go in.”

  “We can’t leave him,” Lisa cried.

  I know, but what else could she do? She ushered them inside of the house wondering if this would be the last time she saw her mate.


  “You killed my brothers.”

  “Don’t tire me out with things you already know. Six of you were valuable but not as valuable as one. You will be the crowning glory of my collection. No one will be able to match what I have collected.”

  “You came after me like I was an animal wanting the last rare species in your collection.”

  “You are an animal. The slave of the scientists who somehow gained his freedom. You were never meant to leave that planet alive. Did you think that you were created for love, laughter, life, and a mate? No, you were working stock. You were and are something to be used and abused. Now you will be mine, my slave to entertain my company.”

  Phoenix’s form changed. The fire that was a part of him came at his bidding; he used it to build a shield as he attacked the reaper. He was unwilling to fall into his hands.

  “I would rather die.” He threw a ball of fire. The reaper laughed as it hit him. It singed him but didn’t consume.

  “Again! You can’t kill me.” He laughed while he opened his chest up to take the next ball of fire Phoenix threw.

  “Then I’ll tear you apart.” Phoenix flew up in the air before dive bombing for the reaper his deadly claws elongated to tear and shred bone and muscle. The look on the reaper’s face turned to panic as he began to fumble with the long robe he was wearing. When Phoenix got close, he pulled out a shimmering red ball.

  Pain ripped through Phoenix’s body stealing his power. He fell from the sky landing in his humanoid form.

  “This is what I used to kill your brothers. You’re useless against it.”

  Phoenix was breathing hard. There was pain coursing through his body from the fall he had taken. There was also pain that felt like it was trying to pull his cells apart from what the reaper was holding in his hands.

  “Kryptonite,” Phoenix groaned looking at it.

  “What? No, it’s a part of the planet core where you come from. It’s very rare that’s why it was in my collection. The dead planet of the Firebirds.”

  Phoenix pushed himself back. Did it have a range that he could escape the effects if he was far enough away?

  “You can’t run far enough to escape. The only escape is the bag I carry it in.” He pulled out a bag; it was made of startration ruby. One of the hardest substances in the galaxy. “You’re coming with me. Obey and they live. Disobey, I will gut each one with joy.”


  Why am I in here? Am I running away? Does my life mean that much? Of course it does. That doesn’t mean I’m not willing to fight for what I believe in. Then why aren’t I? Because Phoenix asked you to be safe. That bit of truth migrated through her mind calming her while pissing her off.

  Why wasn’t anyone moving? She moved closer to Elfin as she tried to call to his mind, nothing. When she tried to touch Brandi, her hand went through her.

  “What is happening?” She asked, but no one could hear her. She could see them, but she couldn’t reach them.

  “They’re in a time stream.”

  She jumped before biting her tongue to keep her from screaming. Marc was standing behind her.

  “I thought you were in one until you spoke.”

  “A time stream?”

  “This one is moving incredibly fast and slow at opposite ends of the spectrum. If they are not released soon their bodies will tear themselves apart from the two opposing forces.”

  “Can you free them?”

  He shook his head. “I’m good, but I’m still an A.I., Ali is working on it. She is more advanced, but anything she comes up with will be too late.”

  “Keep an eye on them; I have a mate to save and a reaper to kill. I’ve had enough Marc,” she told him as she marched to the door. “I’m a reasonable person.”

  She exited the door to where the reaper was advancing on Phoenix.

  “I don’t get mad often. Love do I get mad often?” Phoenix stared at her. “I don’t, I really don’t. But now I’m pissed. I’m beyond pissed. I'm fucking angry. You messed with my family. Do you know how important family is? I bet you don’t have one. that’s why you’re shit head stupid.” She fell to her knees when she reached Phoenix.

  “I gave you a chance to live. You forfeited that chance.”

  “The same way you gave the rest of my family a chance to live? Why are they in a time stream that is pulling them apart? You never intended to leave any of us alive.”

  The ends of her hair began to burn. They moved freely like the snakes in Medusa’s hair with a mind of their own. Small balls of fire were being shot at him.

  “Your human fire can do nothing to me.”

  Her hands lit up as she caressed Phoenix. She leaned over to kiss him. Her whole body ignited. She was a walking torch. Her hand tugged at him until he stood by her. The flames that were put out began to reignite within him.

  “Did you forget about this?” The reaper threw the small red ball into the air catching it.

  “What’s that?” Rylee asked.


  “Aww.” She held his hand even tighter as she felt him pulling on her fire. It mixed with his blood becoming part of him as his fire became part of her.

  “But everyone forgets that the two become one.” Phoenix fashioned a bat out of flames swinging it at the ball the reaper held in his hand. It connected knocking it through the air.

  “That’s impossible.” The reaper backed up.

  “It is with my power or with Rylee’s. When our individual fire becomes our joint fire…”

  “When two become one.” She laughed understanding.

  “Close your eyes love you won’t want to see this.”

  Phoenix jumped on the reaper tearing him apart with his claws. The reaper reminded him he wasn’t human. Even though he wasn’t an animal, he knew there was no jail that could hold the reaper. The artifacts he accumulated were too powerful. Phoenix refused to allow him to jeopardize his family or another for something as selfish as greed.

  Chapter Twenty-three

  “That’s not fair. If she gets to go on a date, I want to go on one too.”

  “You’re too young to date,” Rylee told her, holding onto her patience by a thread.

  “Sela and I are meant to be together. We should be able to date,” Elfin backed up Sela.

  “No, you should not. Lisa is seventeen. At that age, she can date as long as Brandi and Jabari say it’s okay. They said it was. True, I don’t think Jabari should have taken apart and cleaned that alien weapon in front of her date and then demonstrated how to use it before they left.” She tried not to laugh. Thankfully, Marc caught it all, and she’d watch it later.

  “I don’t understand,” Sela whined.

  Quinn and Piper started laughing.

  “I swear,” Rylee told them, “I had no idea that kids could rile you up more than the reaper.”

  “Oh hun,” Serenity said walking into the living room. “I think children are God's cosmic joke on the universe.”

  Elfin opened his mouth.

  “She said no. That means no. Keep asking and the answer will be no when both of you are twenty-one.” They both looked at Phoenix and left the room to find the others.

  “Why do they always listen to the males?” Rylee asked as Phoenix took her hand and led her outside.

  “I’ve been thinking.”

  “About what?”

  “Your general hatred of nature.”

  “I don’t hate nature; I just want it to come with soft places to sit and no bugs.”

  “That’s what I’ve been thinking about.” He led her down a path that ended with a veranda that reminded her of something she might see on the cover of a sheik book. Instead of netting, there was fire.

  “It’s wonderful what our fire combined can do.” He led her inside. There were comfortable pillows on the floor. There was a spot where a low bed laid waiting for them to stretch out on it.

  “I got this from Troy. He assures me it was imported from Sweden.”

  “That’s alien wine.”

  “I know, you’ll love it.”

  “I can drink it?”

  “You can now.” Phoenix helped her to sit. The pillows were soft and felt like they sprang out of the ground. He poured her a glass of wine before sitting next to her.

  “I like it here.”

  “This will be our special spot.”

  She cozied up to him taking sips of the wine. “It still feels surreal that it’s all over.”

  Akron took Phoenix’s kryptonite and dropped it into a sun. “Oops.” Was all he said.

  “Give it time we seem to attract trouble.”

  “I rather spend that time loving you.”

  He took her glass away and pushed her down into the pillows. Making love to Rylee was a pleasure that nothing surpassed.

  “I love you, Rylee.” He took her mouth in a kiss. Her, I love you was whispered into his mind.

  From the desk of

  I hope you enjoyed Rylee and Phoenix’s love story! I hope you laughed and found your heart a little lighter as you went through your days.

  Lately my life has been filled with my child growing up, and college becoming a reality. In the midst of life, I realized how important it was to laugh and have fun in the small things of life. When Elfin decided to mark his territory and Phoenix started coming up with new and unusual dishes, I have to admit I laughed. It’s so much better than crying. In the end, Piper took the cake! I didn’t know she had it in her.


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