The Perfect Game: A Complete Sports Romance Series (3-Book Box Set)

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The Perfect Game: A Complete Sports Romance Series (3-Book Box Set) Page 1

by Samantha Christy

  The Perfect Game:

  The Complete Series

  samantha christy

  Saint Augustine, FL 32092

  Copyright © 2018 by Samantha Christy

  All rights reserved, including the rights to reproduce this book or any portions thereof in any form whatsoever.

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents are either the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, business establishments, events or locales is entirely coincidental.

  Cover designed by Letitia Hasser | RBA Designs

  For all the travel ball moms who tirelessly and thanklessly devote their time to their kids. Maybe this will give you something to read during practice!

  Box sets by Samantha Christy

  The Mitchell Sisters

  The Stone Brothers

  The Perfect Game Series

  A Samantha Christy Box Set (3 standalones)


  Catching Caden

  Benching Brady

  Stealing Sawyer

  About the author

  Catching Caden

  Chapter One



  I know that sound. I can feel it in my hands. My body. I don’t even have to look up to see the ball flying out into the stands. I don’t have to look up, because by the time I hit first base, the crowd is telling me everything I need to know. They are telling me I just hit my twenty-sixth home run of the season.

  Back in Little League, my coach would make us do a hundred push-ups if we watched the ball instead of running our asses off. I guess that just stuck with me. And now I know that sometimes it’s mere inches that make the difference between a home run and an out. Inches between glory and defeat.

  As I round second base, I allow myself to glance over beyond left field. It’s where I always hit my home runs. My eyes rake over the crowd, looking for the cheering fan who caught the ball. I hope it’s a kid. Whenever I know a kid has caught my ball, I send an usher over to get it so I can sign it for him.

  It takes a few seconds for me to realize something isn’t right. A crowd is gathering. And there is a conspicuous lack of an excited fan holding up my ball in celebration. I look up at the JumboTron to get a closer look at the situation as people rush over to the area. Fans are hovering over some seats, frantically waving park officials towards them.

  Shit. My ball must have hit someone. I hope it wasn’t a kid.

  After I touch home plate and tip my helmet to the rest of the cheering stadium, I go in the dugout and pick up the phone to call the team offices.

  “Find out who it hit,” I say to whoever answered the phone, shaking my head in disgust knowing how much damage can be done by a hard baseball traveling at over 100 mph.

  I hang up and sit on the bench, conflicting feelings of happiness and guilt coursing through me.

  Sawyer puts a supportive hand on my shoulder before he picks up his bat and makes his way out onto the field. “Remember the guy I hit last year?” he asks. “Big goose egg on his forehead. He said it was the best thing that ever happened to him because he got to meet me. Don’t worry about it, Kessler. I’m sure it’ll be okay.”

  I nod my head. “Yeah, thanks. Good luck out there.”

  In the next inning, when I put on my catcher’s gear and head behind the plate, I look up into the left-field stands to see the commotion has cleared. Brady, who’s out on the mound, raises his eyebrows at me. I know what he’s asking. He wants to know if I’m focused. I am. I absolutely am.

  I’m lucky. I’m able to compartmentalize when I play ball. No matter what goes on in my life, when I’m out on the field, I’m Caden Kessler, major league ball player, #8 on the New York Nighthawks. I’m not the kid whose mom died his freshman year of college. I’m not the guy who once knocked up a girl only to have her miscarry a week later. I’m not even the man whose sister vanished without a trace his first year in the majors.

  I’m all those things, yes. But not when I’m on the field. Not when I’m swinging the bat. And definitely not when I’m catching behind the plate. Out here I’m a robot. A well-oiled machine that I’ve fine-tuned ever since I was five years old and played in my first T-ball game. Even back then, I knew playing ball was what I was born to do. And nothing was going to stand in my way.

  I give Brady a nod as the batter enters the box. Then I do my job. I do it for the remaining seven innings without giving much more thought to who I hit with my ball and what might have happened as a result.

  After the game, however, while my teammates celebrate the win, I track down Melanie. Melanie is like our team’s ‘Girl Friday.’ She knows everything about everything and is a woman who knows how to get things done.

  She sees me coming and laughs. “Caden Kessler. Somehow I knew I’d be seeing you tonight.” She wrinkles her nose in mock disgust. “I was hoping it would be after you’d showered, however.”

  I look down at my dirty uniform and shrug an apology. “Who’d I hit, Melanie?”

  She cocks her head and smiles. “Only you Caden,” she says. “Anyone else who’d just had a game like you had would have me running their numbers to see how much their stats improved.”

  “Please tell me I didn’t hit a kid,” I say, worried.

  She searches through the folder she’s holding. “I don’t think so,” she says. “Name’s Murphy something-or-other.” She pulls out a piece of paper. “Yeah. Murphy Cavenaugh. Doesn’t sound like a kid’s name to me. More like a retired dairy farmer or something.”

  “He hurt?”

  “Taken away by ambulance,” she says with a sigh.

  “Shit. Does it say where he was taken?” I ask.

  She tells me the name of the hospital and I smile. “Good. My brother-in-law works at that one. Can you get me some stuff to take over right away? A jersey. A ball. Some pictures. Tickets to another game, maybe?”

  She glances at her watch. “Now?”

  I look down at my uniform again. “Well, not right now, but as soon as I get cleaned up. Once he gets cleared to leave the hospital, I might never be able to find him.”

  “You don’t have to do that, you know,” she says. “There are warning signs all over the park to watch for flying balls. It’s not like you can get sued or anything.”

  I give Melanie a distasteful look. “I don’t care what the damn signs say. My ball hit someone and he could be badly injured.”

  She studies me. “How is it that some nice girl hasn’t snagged you yet?”

  I laugh. “Because nobody gets past my three-strikes rule.”

  “Three-strikes rule?” she asks curiously.

  “Yeah. You know, three strikes and you’re out. I never go out with a girl more than three times.”


  I shake my head. “Not since I’ve been a Hawk. You never can tell who to trust.”

  Concern brings out the wrinkles in Melanie’s forehead. “Someone must have really done a number on you.”

  “I’m just being careful. That’s all.”

  “Careful with what, Caden?” she asks in a motherly tone. “Your johnson or your heart?”

  I shrug. “I’ve got everything I need, Melanie,” I say, looking at our surroundings.

  “How old are you? You can’t be a day over twenty-four.”

  “I’m twenty-five.”

  She nods. “You’ve got time. It’s good you’re not in a hurry to fall in love. Those who go seeking it, rarely find it anyway.”

?” I say, cringing at the word. “Love is overrated. Besides, I’ve got all the love I need. I love my sister. My nieces. My friends. And baseball—I love baseball. What more could I need?”

  She looks down at her wedding ring and then smiles as if she has a secret I’m not privy to. Then she turns me around and gives me a shove in the direction of the clubhouse. “Come find me after you’ve cleaned up. I’ll send you to the hospital with a care package.”

  Chapter Two


  Pain. I can’t think about anything else but how horrible I feel. My head is throbbing. Everything hurts. And I can’t see very well out of my left eye. I feel like I’ve been hit by a truck, not a tiny baseball.

  Tony has been by my side since I was brought to the hospital. He and Kirsten, one of my roommates, rode in the ambulance with me. They are the ones who dragged me to the game. Said it was all part of the celebration they had planned for me landing my first big modeling job.

  As my pain meds start to kick in, I begin wondering why they chose to take me there. I don’t even like baseball. Kirsten—she’s the baseball fan. She and Tony. Why didn’t they take me to SoHo or something?

  Oh, my God! My job! My hand comes up to touch my tender face that feels about twice its normal size. I look around the room and then at Tony. “I need a mirror,” I say.

  He winces and shakes his head. “Babe, you don’t want to see it. It’ll only upset you.”

  Tears escape my eyes, burning the left side of my face where I got stitches. I guess the numbing medication is wearing off. “Is it that bad?” I ask.

  Tony stares at me for a second and then looks away. He doesn’t have to answer me, I can tell by the look on his face that it’s bad.

  There’s a knock on the door and then the door opens. “Miss Cavenaugh,” says a tall man in a white lab coat. “I’m Dr. Benson. I have the results of your CT scan. Shall I go over them with you now?” He looks from me to Tony with raised eyebrows.

  “Yes. It’s okay, he’s my boyfriend.”

  “Alright then,” Dr. Benson says, walking around my bed. “You have a zygomaxillary fracture. That’s a fancy way of saying you broke your cheekbone.”

  I sigh. “It’s broken?”

  “Yes. There are two kinds of breaks. Displaced and non-displaced. With non-displaced breaks, they heal on their own. But …”

  I can hear in his voice that I don’t have that kind of fracture. “But that’s not the one I have, is it?”

  “Unfortunately, no.”

  “What does that mean?” I ask. “I can’t wear a cast on my face. How do you fix it?”


  “Surgery?” I gasp. “On my face? But I’m a model. I—I can’t … this can’t be happening.”

  I look over at Tony to see him shaking his head. He looks as upset as I am. “What does the surgery entail?” he asks the doctor. “And how long before she can go back to work?”

  Dr. Benson flashes a weak smile. “I’ll do an open reduction and internal fixation with a titanium plate and screws.”

  “Oh, my God!” My hand comes up to muffle my cry.

  “How big a scar will she have?” Tony asks, now pacing the small hospital room.

  “It looks a lot worse than it is. There’s a lot of swelling, and it will get worse for the next twenty-four hours before it starts to get better. That’s why we’ll wait at least a week to do the surgery.”

  “A week? But I’m supposed to start my job next Thursday.” I look up at the doctor, hoping this is all some sick joke. A prank. A twisted dream.

  “I’m sorry, Miss Cavenaugh, but I’m afraid if you’re a model, you won’t be able to work for some time.”

  Tony kicks the side of a chair and then curses under his breath. Then he repeats his question. “How big a scar, Dr. Benson?”

  “The scar from the surgery itself won’t be very noticeable. I’ll go in through an incision on your hairline, back by your ear. It’s probably the scar from your laceration that will cause you the most concern. But if you use sunscreen and take vitamin E, your scar should fade to a pale pink line after a few months or so. Then you will likely be able to cover it with makeup.”

  “Months?” I cry.

  “What if she doesn’t have the surgery?” Tony asks. “I mean, maybe it will just heal on its own.”

  The doctor shakes his head. “A displaced fracture means the bone fragments have shifted. With that comes the risk of impingement of the lower muscles of the eye.”

  “As in her face will droop or something?” Tony asks in horror.

  “Possibly. That and a lot of other painful things she won’t want to deal with.” Dr. Benson turns back to me. “You need the surgery, Miss Cavenaugh. There really is no other option.”

  Months. The word floats around in my head as I try to wrap my mind around it. In the matter of one day, my life has changed exponentially. It went from nothing special, to phenomenal, to a pile of crap—all within the last twelve hours. It was just this morning when I got the call that I’d been given my first big modeling job. I was going to be the fresh new face of a high-end clothing line.

  And now, this. My face is anything but fresh and new. I’ll lose my job. They won’t wait for me to heal. Nobody will hire a girl with a scar when there are so many other beautiful women with perfect complexions.

  What will I do? How will I pay the rent?

  I look up at Tony. “Do you think Joe will hire me back?”

  I quit my waitressing job the minute I found out I got the modeling gig. Actually, I didn’t really quit as much as I just didn’t show up for work today. Then I stupidly let one of my roommates answer Joe’s text with some snarky remarks about how I was going to be rich and famous, and that working at a—what was it she said—hole-in-the-wall diner, was beneath me.

  Tony raises a sorrowful eyebrow at me. He read the text.

  I blow out a long breath. Maybe my roommates will help me out for a while. Surely they will understand that I can’t work like this. Then again, most of them are living paycheck-to-paycheck just as I am.

  Who am I kidding? I wouldn’t be surprised if one of them ended up with the job I am about to lose. My roommates are all self-centered witches. They wouldn’t raise a finger to help a sister out if she were drowning.

  I only live with them because I have no choice. Coming from Iowa six months ago, I didn’t know anyone. It only made sense to connect with others who were also trying to make it in modeling. And at twenty-three, I’m the oldest of the five girls who share the small two-bedroom apartment in the Lower East Side.

  They all acted excited when I got the call this morning. But they are terrible actresses. They weren’t excited for me at all. In fact, I heard Kirsten, Tori, and Pauline talking in the bathroom. They were wondering how an ‘old lady’ like me could get a job like that. One of them, I think it was Tori, said I must have slept with someone to get it, which makes her a hypocrite seeing as she’s slept with half of New York City. Jamie was the only one who seemed genuinely happy for me. But maybe that’s because she got a great contract of her own last week.

  “Do you have any other questions for me?” Dr. Benson asks.

  “You said I can’t have the surgery until next week? Do I have to stay here until then?”

  “We need to wait for the swelling to go down before we do surgery. You’ll stay here for a night or two and then I’ll see you on an outpatient basis until the surgery. Then after the surgery, you’ll stay another couple of nights.”

  “That sounds expensive,” I say.

  He looks at my chart. “You have insurance, so it shouldn’t be too bad.”

  I’m still on my mom’s policy. She’s going to freak when she finds out about this. She’ll insist I come back to Iowa. It’s not going to happen. I refuse to go back a failure. And besides, there is nothing for me there. Not anymore.

  I decide not to tell her. I figure she won’t get the bills for a month or so. By then, maybe I can get another job.

  “I’ll check on you tomorrow,” Dr. Benson says. He starts to walk out of the room, but then turns around, looking very fatherly. “I know it seems like the end of the world now, Murphy, but it’s not. Bones will heal. Scars will fade. It’s what you take away from this experience that will help define you as a person. Don’t let it break you.”

  I nod as tears roll down my face, wishing I still had my own dad to give me words of wisdom.

  Tony checks his phone and heads toward the door. “I have some things I need to take care of. You get some sleep and I’ll catch you later, ‘kay?”

  I look at the clock on the wall above the door. It’s not even eight o’clock. But he’s been here for hours. A lot has happened and he must be exhausted. It’s not until after he leaves that I realize he didn’t kiss me goodbye. I guess he didn’t want to risk hurting me.

  I wonder if they’ll give me more pain meds so I can sleep. So I don’t have to think about what I will do when I wake up in the morning with a face as big as a watermelon. So I don’t lie here and feel so broken.

  Chapter Three


  With a bag full of Hawks stuff in one hand, I duck into the hospital cafeteria to get a quick bite to eat. I never eat before a game. I’m always too nervous. And I was so eager to get here, I plain forgot to grab some food along the way. Hospital food will have to do.

  Standing in line, there is a guy in front of me talking on his phone.

  “Just ask Kirsten,” he says. “She’ll tell you I’m not exaggerating. There is no way she’ll ever model again. She looks fucking hideous. It’s sad really. I mean the day she got the call. Her career was over before it even started. I guess I should wait a few days before I toss her to the curb.”


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