by Coulter, Ann
English-language requirement, 44
enterprise zones, 63
environment, the, 195–212
environmentalists, 195, 203, 210–12
Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), 196, 212
Eritrea, Eritreans, 98, 127
Ertman, Jennifer, 175–77
Ertman, Randy, 176–77
Espejo, Maria Andrea, 124
Espinoza, Policarpio, 124
Espinoza, Ricardo, 124
Espinoza Canela, Adan, 124
Establishment Clause, 140
Ethiopia, 93, 98, 233–34
Euceda, Olbin, 145
Europe, European, 40, 167, 191, 239, 254
Continental, 144
immigrants from, 25–27, 54–55, 70, 76, 105–6
E-Verify, 273, 276
Facebook, 121, 209, 242, 249
Fajardo-Santos, Manuel, 188
family reunification immigration policies, 14–15, 17, 35, 77, 233, 248, 255
Far Left, the, 20
farmworker amnesty, 45, 234–37, 247–48
Farmworker Justice Fund, 247
Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), 18, 88, 106, 119, 246
Feinstein, Dianne, 259
Ferguson, Colin, 92–93
Ferguson, MO, 2, 161, 231
Financial Post, 238
Finland, Finns, 25, 53, 84, 181, 241
Finton, Michael, 97
firefighters, 197
First World, the, 64, 143, 204
Fischer, David Hackett, 143
Flake, Jeff, 43, 46
Flores, Margarito, 118
Flores, Pedro, 118
Florida, 6, 43, 54, 69, 106, 152, 272, 275
Florida Immigrant Advocacy Center, 252
Fong, Hiram, 77
Forbes, 118
Forbes, Kathryn, 131
Ford Foundation, 57
Forest Service, 196–200
Fort Hood attack, 61, 91
Fort Knox, 103
Founding Fathers (“Founders”), the, 52, 54
Fourteenth Amendment, 35–38
Fox News Sunday, 43, 61–62, 277
Francke, Rend Rahim, 40
Franklin, Benjamin, 182, 240
fraternities, 2, 131–33, 136, 144, 152, 158, 160, 163, 165, 170
Fresno, CA, 129–36, 138–41
Fresno Bee, 202
Fujimori, Alberto, 53, 58
Fuller, Melville, 39–40
Fung, Margaret, 89
Galindo, Krystal, 186
Gallagher, Lucy, 203
Gallo, Lorena, 183
Gallup, 263–65
“Gang of Eight,” 8
Garcia, Isidro, 187
Garcia, Milton Mateo, 145–46
Garcia de Romo, Isabel, 27
Gates, Bill, 238, 240–42
Gavrielides, Nicolas, 89
Gelbaum, David, 211
“George McGovern’s revenge,” 20
Germany, Germans, 16–17, 52–53, 55, 68, 70, 84, 106, 122, 171, 181, 207, 221, 234–37, 239, 254–55
Ghana, Ghanaians, 86
Gilani, Daood Sayed, 96–97
Ginsburg, Ruth Bader, 169, 180
Giuliani, Rudy, 270–71
Glaser, Will, 239
Glass, Noah, 239
Glen Ridge, NJ, 131–33, 137–38
Glover, John, 55
Goldey-Beacom College, 164
Gomez-Puetate, Diego, 164
Gonzales, Ramona, 135
Google, 215, 221, 237–39
GOP, 6, 23, 43, 223, 258, 261–62, 266–67, 275–77. See also Republican Party, Republicans
Government Accountability Office (GAO), 94, 101–3, 110, 125–27, 196–98
Graham, Lindsey, 43
Grant, Cary, 60
Grant, Ulysses S., 52
Grantmakers Concerned with Immigrants and Refugees, 247
Great Wall of China, 9, 273
Greece, 241
Green Bay, WI, 134
Greensboro, NC, 66
Greenwich, CT, 226
Gregory, David, 60
Grijalva, Raul, 196
Gross, Matthew, 93
Gruber, Jonathan, 78
Guatemala, Guatemalans, 116, 149, 186, 189
Guerra-Garcia, Aroldo, 186
Guinea, 193, 250–51
Guyana, 105
Guzman, Joaquin “El Chapo,” 119
Guzman Lopez, Adolfo, 109
Hague, the, 180
Haiti, Haitian, 6, 21, 57, 91, 93, 105, 190–91
Haq, Ikram, 81
Harris, Cynthia, 228
Harris County, TX, 127
“Harrison Bergeron” (Vonnegut), 61
Harris-Perry, Melissa, 144
Hartley, David, 121
Harvard, 40, 52–54, 59, 64, 78
Harwood, Richard, 257
Hasan, Nidal Malik, 61, 91
Hastings, Reed, 239
Hatch, Orrin, 43, 237
Hawaii, 77, 187–89
Hayden, Michael, 61–62
HBO, 125
Headley, David Coleman, 81, 96–97
healthcare, 3, 6, 11, 69, 112, 137, 149, 261
Heinz, Teresa, 62
Heller, Dean, 43
Helu Slim, Carlos, 213–26
Hepburn, Katharine, 60
Heritage Foundation, 47, 78
Hernandez-Dominguez, Jose Luis, 188–89
heroin, 81–82, 96, 109, 115, 118–19, 122
Hezbollah, 201
high-tech workers, 228–30, 237–41, 248, 255
Hillarycare, 11
Hispanics, Hispanic, 59, 79, 88, 149, 159, 223, 259–60, 272
amnesty and, 6, 274
as Democratic voters, 3, 7, 19, 53, 72, 181, 257–58, 263–65, 274
border security and, 8
crimes and, 101, 107, 109, 116–28, 161, 165, 172–73, 175–78, 182–83, 187–92
environment and, 205–9
leaders of, 6, 267
unmarried birth rates among, 4
U.S. demographics and, 27, 65–72, 181, 208–9, 226, 261
Hitler, Adolf, 122, 182, 278
Hmong, the
beliefs and customs of, 92, 134–41
crime and, 28, 92, 133–41
immigration to the United States, 137
welfare and, 63
Hodges, Betsy, 85
Hoeven, John, 43
Hoffman, Philip Seymour, 118
Hog Canyon, 197
Holiday Inn, 60
Hollywood High School, 68
Honduras, Hondurans, 15–16, 61, 116, 145–46, 188
H-1B visas, 228–30, 232, 237–42, 275
Hoover, Herbert, 52–53
Houston, TX, 175, 178–79
Houston Chronicle, 178, 203, 208
Huckabee, Mike, 270
Huffington, Arianna, 118
Huffington, Michael, 259
Huffington Post, 208
human trafficking, 28, 85–86, 111, 167
Huntington, Samuel, 53–54, 59
Hussein, Saddam, 58
Hyatt, Dave, 239
Iceland, 241
Idaho, 69, 164
illegal aliens, 32. See also illegal immigrants
actual number of, 71–75, 195
amnesty for, 1, 4–5, 7–8, 10–11, 32, 41–49
border fires and, 197–99
border security and, 10–11, 68, 197
census count of, 69–75, 127, 208
children of, 35–39, 71
Chris Christie’s position on services for, 273
crime, crime rates and, 69, 88, 100–2, 104, 110–13, 123–24, 127, 145–46, 149–50, 153–54, 156, 164, 175, 178–79, 182–92, 246
deportations of, 3
Israel’s response to their own, 115–16, 120, 125
Jeb Bush’s position on services for, 272–73
jobs and, 23–24, 32, 223–25, 234
kept as slaves,
language used to describe, 32–34
“living in the shadows,” 5
Mitt Romney’s position on services for, 275–77
national parks and, 198–210
Rand Paul’s position on services for, 273–74
Rick Perry’s position on services for, 273
Rick Santorum’s position on services for, 274–75
welfare and, 69
illegal immigrants. See also illegal aliens
amnesty for, 45, 269
AP style and, 32–33
census count of, 71–75
children of, 71
crime, crime rates and, 99–102, 104, 110–13, 148, 153, 155, 165–66, 172, 180, 186–92, 261
language used to describe, 33–34
Mexicans as largest group of, 181
welfare and, 15, 24, 38–39, 45, 261, 269, 271
illegal immigration. See also immigration; mass immigration
Americans’ opposition to, 265
AP style and, 32–33
as boon to Democrats, 20, 36
border security and, 68
Carlos Slim’s support of, 213–14, 218–20, 222–23
Chris Christie’s position on, 273
Jeb Bush’s position on, 272–73
legislation regarding, 10
Mitt Romney’s position on, 275–77
New York Times’ position on, 214, 218, 220–22
Pete Wilson’s opposition to, 258–60, 262
Rand Paul’s position on, 273–74
rate of, 10
Rick Perry’s position on, 273
Rick Santorum’s position on, 274
Sierra Club support of, 210–12
Illinois, 6, 43, 69, 154, 187–88
Immigrant Legal Resource Center, 247
Immigrants’ Rights Freedom Network, 247
Immigrants Support Network, 247
immigration. See also illegal immigration; mass immigration
Americans’ opinions on, 1–2, 69–70, 76, 102, 260, 263–66, 269–71
as boon to Democrats, 20–23, 27–28, 71, 145, 271–72
as political issue, 4, 271–72, 277–78
border security and, 8, 42
changing America’s identity, 20–29, 31, 65, 70, 75–79, 104, 247, 271–72
Ellis Island and, 56
fraud and, 233–43, 248–54
in Israel, 115–28
labor and, 24–25, 145, 206, 242–43, 267, 277–78
language in debate about, 32–35
media treatment of, 2–4, 13, 16, 31–32, 41, 48–49, 74–75, 176–77, 214, 223
national security and, 62
New York Times’ position on, 214, 221. See also New York Times
policies in Europe, 106
policies in the U.S., 10, 13–14, 16–19, 39, 70, 76–79, 81–99, 102, 145, 173, 191, 210–11, 219, 225–26, 230, 234, 242, 245–56
problems stemming from, 3–4, 19, 203, 219, 230
rates of, 1–2
Republicans and, 6, 223, 260, 263, 266–67, 272–77
Sierra Club support of, 210–12
immigration act of 1965, 17, 60, 70, 78, 95, 104, 210, 239. See also 1965 Immigration Reform Act
Immigration and Naturalization Service (INS), 11, 18, 44–46, 92–93, 125, 222, 237, 239, 247, 254
immigration reform, 2–3, 5, 8, 32, 42, 91, 148, 262, 264, 269, 273–75
income taxes, 45, 57
indentured servants, servitude, 239–42
Independent (UK), 217
India, Indians, 61, 144, 190
crime and, 28, 168, 171, 227–32, 257
immigrants from, 16, 70, 77, 227–32, 240–43
India Currents, 229
Indyweek (Durham, NC), 153
Institutional Revolutionary Party (Mexico), 23
integration, 62–63
Intel, 243
Inter-American Children’s Institute, 168
Internal Revenue Service (IRS), 44, 46
International Center for Migration, Ethnicity, and Citizenship, 249
International Center for Migration, Health, and Development, 257–58
International Court of Justice (ICJ), 179. See also World Court
International Monetary Fund, 218, 251–52
Interpol, 119
Iowa, 69
Iraq, Iraqis, 29, 40, 58, 61, 89, 106, 122, 250
Iraq War, 1–2, 33, 58, 265–66
Ireland, Irish, 17, 61, 106, 167, 181, 207–8, 244
Irwin, Yukiko, 54
Isa, Zein, 88
Islam, Talib, 97
Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS), 15, 84–85, 95, 115, 121–24
Israel, 6–7, 167
crime rates in, 126–27
immigration policy of, 115–16, 120–21, 125, 127–28
Palestinians and, 6–7, 61, 125–28, 221
prison rates in, 127
Jackson, Jesse, 64
Jackson Lee, Sheila, 120
Jamaica, Jamaican, 57, 93, 105, 116
Jamal, Omar, 87
Japan, Japanese, 25, 53–54, 77, 90
Jefferson, Thomas, 54, 252
Jeilani, Abu Kassim, 86–87
Jews, 53
in America, 15, 53, 56, 59–60, 64, 91
in Israel, 61, 127
Jim Crow, 64, 83
Jimenez, Willy Alejandro, 189
Jimenez Lugo, Edgar, 123
Jiverly Wong, 91
Jobs, Steve, 238–39
John Glover’s Marblehead Regiment, 55
Johnson, Lyndon B., 17, 257
Jones, Jamie Leigh, 163
Joshua Tree National Park, 208, 210
Journal of American Physicians and Surgeons, 38
Juarez, Conrado, 183–86
Juarez-Lopez, Jorge, 153
Juarez-Ramirez, Balvina, 183–84
Judis, John, 20
Justich, Robert, 72–74
Kalanick, Travis, 239
Kamal, Ali Hassan Abu, 93
Kansas, 69, 108, 187–88
Kelly, Heath, 91
Kennedy, Edward “Teddy” or “Ted,” 17–18, 54, 60, 70, 76, 78, 82, 95, 98, 104, 135, 172, 203, 210, 226, 274, 276
Kennedy, John F., 18, 53
Kennedy, Robert, 18, 77–78
Kennedy-McCain amnesty (2006), 274
Kentucky, 187–88, 226
Kenya, Kenyans, 13–14, 53
Kieu, Catherine, 183
King, Steve, 271
Kirk, Mark, 43
Koch Brothers, 213, 221
Koda, Harold, 59
Kraft, Jon, 239
Kristof, Nicholas, 248–49
labor, 22, 239, 242, 258
immigrants as a source of, 16, 23–25, 54–56, 77, 79, 145, 148, 181, 212, 219, 225–26, 234, 239–41, 267, 274–75
Lamm, Richard, 210–11
Lane, Charles, 222
Lange, Karen, 85
Lao, Laotian, 57, 134, 140
Lapid, Yair, 115
La Raza, 22, 35, 57, 60, 154, 196, 246, 263. See also National Council of La Raza
Latin America, Latin Americans, 124, 144, 217
crimes and, 168–71, 181, 189–92
immigration from, 59, 63, 68, 71, 77, 116, 165, 181, 188, 208, 212, 223
politics of, 22
Latin American and Caribbean Youth Network for Sexual and Reproductive Rights (REDLAC), 189
Latinos, Latino, 117, 125, 207, 212, 259
crimes and, 165, 192, 196
leader of the, 6
Republicans and, 266
Lauren, Ralph, 59–60
Law & Order, 136, 164–65
League of United Latin American Citizens, 88
Leavenworth, KS, 108
Lebanon, Lebanese, 60, 106, 217
Lefkowitz, Bernard, 132
Left, the, 11, 17, 21–22, 31, 41, 63, 212, 222, 242, 247, 267, 271
legal immigrants, 211
born to, 37–38
citizenship of, 34
countries of origin of, 78, 181
crimes committed by, 90, 92, 101–2, 127
family reunification policies and, 233
hurt by illegal immigration, 11
remittances by, 219
welfare and, 15, 47, 70, 76, 78, 251
legalization, 6, 10–11, 42–44, 47–48, 99, 269–70. See also amnesty
Lenin, Vladimir, 24
Leonhardt, David, 109–10
Lesbian and Gay Immigration Rights Taskforce, 247
lesbians, 63, 165–66
Lewiston, ME, 87
liberals, 6–7, 63, 100, 104, 182–83, 221–22, 263
diversity and, 64–66, 83–84
lack of pride in America, 21, 256
need for new voters, 17–18, 20, 78–79
response to beheadings by Mexicans, 123–24
support for immigration, 1, 20, 22–23, 28, 35, 78–79, 138, 225, 243, 247, 261
Ling, Annie, 150
LinkedIn, 239
Logan, Lara, 170
loggers, illegal, 201–3
London, 57, 106, 151
Long Island Railroad massacre, 92
Lopez-Palominos, Florentino, 182
Los Angeles, CA, 36, 59, 65, 68, 73, 187, 206, 217, 261
most wanted criminals in, 106–7
South Central, 61
Los Angeles County, CA, 69, 111, 127, 205, 259
Los Angeles Times, 67, 93, 138–39, 158–60, 201–2, 206, 211, 229–30, 232, 234, 259
Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Service, 247
Luxembourg, Luxembourgers, 137
Magna Carta, 59
Maher, Bill, 125
“Mahmud the Red.” See Abouhalima, Mahmud
mainstream media (MSM), 1, 152, 158. See also media, the
Maliackal, Dwipin Thomas, 151–52
Malibu, CA, 226
Malveaux, Suzanne, 68
Mam, Somaly, 248–49
Manhattan, NY, 6, 25, 184, 249, 251
Mapuche Indians, 26
Margolis, Maxine, 73
Maricopa County, AZ, 127
Mariel boatlift, 21
marijuana, 84, 118–19, 199–202
Mark, Laura, 200
Marks, Dana, 254
Marquez Martinez, Francisco, 155
Martinez, Ramiro, Jr., 100
Martinez-Gomez, Ricardo, 154
Massachusetts, 7, 69, 144, 275–76
mass immigration, 48, 255, 278. See also illegal immigration; immigration
as boon to Democrats, 1, 223
as boon to the wealthy, 1, 25, 31, 223, 225–26, 270
labor and, 223, 241
lopsidedness of debate over, 75–76, 211–12, 242
media treatment of, 70, 75–76
Sierra Club support of, 210–12
societal problems caused by, 4
Matloff, Norman, 239–40
McCain, John, 43, 196, 269, 274, 276
McElhiney, Miranda, 91
McTigue, Thomas, 109
measles, 4, 138
Mecklenburg County, NC, 192