McGavin Brothers 13 - A Cowboy's Holiday

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McGavin Brothers 13 - A Cowboy's Holiday Page 13

by Vicki Lewis Thompson

Before getting out the beer, Pete checked to see when the wash would be done. Still twenty-eight minutes left. His phone lay on the kitchen table where he’d left it, so he set the timer.

  Even factoring in the obvious advantage of going without clothes while sitting by the fire with Taryn, he chafed at the lack of mobility. Maneuvering while wrapped in Taryn’s blanket was tricky.

  He’d tripped a couple of times, and when he was fetching their beer he caught the blanket in the refrigerator door. Slicing up some cheese while trying to hold the blanket in place was a non-starter, too. He finally draped it over a kitchen chair so he wouldn’t do damage to himself.

  Chilly proposition, though, being naked in this weather. The house was heated and insulated, but blizzard-driven cold air had a way of seeping in anyway. His nipples tightened and his boys weren’t happy, either.

  Slinging the blanket over his shoulders like an oversized beach towel, he carried the beer and munchies into the living room. Tending the fire would have to be done au natural, too, or he’d likely catch the blanket on fire. Leaving it on the couch, he redistributed the charred pieces and added another log from the supply in a wrought iron holder near the fireplace. That done, he wrapped up again and sat down.

  The blanket was even softer than the one he’d help Taryn put on the honeymoon bed. He might have to look into getting one. Knowing this belonged to Taryn and that she’d snuggled naked in it made the experience even more arousing. The blanket was generously sized and could easily accommodate two.

  That little streak of hers was a promising beginning to the evening. She clearly hadn’t expected him to catch her. Yet she’d dared to do it when there was always a chance he would.

  Thanks to good timing, he’d captured an unforgettable image of Taryn throwing caution to the winds. When he replayed the scene, his cock twitched. Maybe, just maybe, she was willing to live in the moment and let tomorrow take care of itself.

  “The fire’s looking good.” She walked in wearing green plaid flannel pajamas and green velvet slippers. Not naked, but certainly not dressed, either. “Must be dicey working with hot coals when you’re wearing a blanket.”

  “Which is why I didn’t do it that way.”

  Her eyebrows lifted. “Now there’s a visual.”

  “Yeah, you’d better take charge of the fire. One glimpse of my manly physique and you might go crazy.”

  “Do you get that a lot?” She settled down next to him on the couch, leaving about a foot between them.

  “No, but I keep hoping.” Holding the blanket in place, he handed her a beer and picked up the other one for himself.

  She took a sip of her beer and turned to him, amusement and something more potent lighting up her dark eyes. “What sort of reaction are you looking for?”

  “Oh, the usual. Gasping, swooning, that kind of thing.”

  She responded with a teasing smile. “If that’s the criteria, I guess you didn’t go crazy when you saw me naked.”

  “Oh, I went crazy.” His attention drifted to her smiling mouth, so full, so tempting…

  “Not that I could tell. When I came back with the blanket you were perfectly calm.”

  “That was an act. I was doing my best to convince you I’m super cool.” His gaze lifted, locked with hers. “Still am.”

  “Trying to convince me you’re cool or going crazy?”


  Her throat moved in a slow swallow. “That doesn’t sound like an easy combination.”

  “It isn’t. I may have to choose one or the other.”

  Her lips parted as she dragged in a breath. “Which one?”

  He set his beer on the coffee table. The blanket slipped off his shoulder and he let it fall. “Being cool is a lost cause when I’m wearing a blanket.”

  “But without it you’ll get cold.”

  “Not if you come a little closer.”

  Slowly she put her beer on the coffee table and toed off her slippers. Then she got up, moved in front of him and climbed onto his lap. “Is that close enough?”

  His heartbeat thundered in his ears. “Yes, ma’am. That’ll…that’ll do.” Sliding his trembling fingers through her silky hair, he cupped the back of her head and applied gentle pressure until her breath tickled face. “That’ll do just fine.”

  Her lips met his with an eagerness that sent throbbing heat straight to his package. Pushing the blanket off his other shoulder, she smoothed her hands over his tight muscles, caressing, kneading, stoking the fire.

  Sliding his hand under her pajama top, he touched warm satin skin. She sighed when he cupped her breast, moaned when he flexed his fingers and…his phone alarm went off.

  She eased away from the kiss. “Is that your phone?”

  “Yes.” He grasped the hem of her pajama top and pulled it over her head.

  “Should we—”

  “No.” Cradling her breasts, he brushed his thumbs over her nipples.

  Her eyes darkened as she gripped his shoulders and rose to her knees. Her voice, low and sultry, drifted on a sigh. “Okay.” Closing her eyes, she leaned into his caress, inviting him to explore.

  She tasted like…heaven. Supple and responsive, she rewarded him with whimpers and cries, digging her fingers into his shoulders as he licked and suckled. Her hips grew restless, creating sweet torture as the blanket caressed his privates. Couldn’t take much more of that. And she was so ready to be loved.

  Gathering her close, he guided her down to the plump cushions and followed her there as he nibbled his way from one quivering breast to the other. He threw off the blanket, which tumbled to the floor.

  He lay half-on and half-off the couch. Aroused with no immediate relief in sight. Didn’t matter. All that mattered was giving satisfaction to the woman lying beneath him, her hot body begging for what he could provide.

  Her pajama bottoms slipped right off. Kissing his way down to the treasure he sought, he breathed in the scent of arousal. He blew softly on her damp curls and nuzzled her passion-slick inner thighs. She trembled when he slid his hands beneath her, holding and lifting her toward his mouth.

  He touched down lightly at first. A flick of his tongue, a brush of his lips. Her breath caught. A deeper kiss. Firmer pressure with his tongue. A slow, insistent rhythm. She began to pant.

  He feasted now, reveling in her uninhibited cries as she abandoned herself to him, urging him on as he took her higher, ever higher. Her thighs shook and she arched into his caress. Almost there…

  And she came, laughing, shouting, jubilant beyond his wildest hopes for this moment. He stayed with her, easing her back to earth, bestowing kisses on her most private of places.

  Firelight danced over her flushed skin as he retraced his path and gazed into her smiling eyes.

  “Pete.” Reaching up, she pushed away a lock of hair that had fallen over his forehead. “That was…”


  “Beyond awesome.”

  “Glad you liked it.”

  “Loved it.” She stroked his cheek. “Thank you.”

  “We’re facing some limitations. I’m not in the habit of carting around—”

  “I would’ve been shocked if you were.”

  He captured her hand and placed a kiss in her palm. “Would’ve come in handy tonight, though.”

  “We’ll manage. I have some ideas, too, you know.”

  “Oh, really?” He managed to tame his cock, but that comment sabotaged his efforts. “What kind of ideas?”

  “If you don’t know, then tonight will be extremely educational for you.”

  “I’m looking forward to it.” He sent a silent apology to his bad boy as he sat back on his heels. “But my phone was signaling that the wash is done. So I—”

  “Wait a minute.” She propped herself on her elbows. “What’s your phone doing talking to my washing machine?”

  “Before I got the beer and munchies I checked to see when the wash would be done and set the timer on my phone.”

p; “Ah. You may be surprised to hear that I’d forgotten all about the laundry.”

  He smiled. “Good for my ego.”

  “You, however, are on top of this.”

  “Habit. Prioritizing the jobs that require electricity.”

  “Then let’s throw those clothes in the dryer.” She scooted off the couch.

  “I’ll help.” He stood.

  She paused, her gaze traveling slowly from head to toe. “Doing laundry may never be the same.”

  “Want me to stay here?”

  “Are you kidding? You look like the statue of David only better endowed. Keep me company.”

  He laughed. “Glad to.” He followed her into the laundry room. “Let me know if you’re getting cold and I’ll warm you up.”

  “I’m not the least bit cold. Are you?”

  “No, ma’am. We may have discovered the perfect way to wait out a blizzard.”


  Standing naked in a laundry room transferring clothes from the washer to the dryer was a first for Taryn. Sharing the task with a muscular cowboy who was also naked was one for the record books.

  Pete took clothes out of the washer and she tossed them in the dryer. “I wouldn’t normally dry everything together, but this is an unusual circumstance.”

  “You think?” He dangled her black bra by the shoulder straps. “Sexy.”

  “Thanks.” She draped it over the drying rack.

  He held up the matching panties. “Do your undies dry fast?”

  “Probably not in this weather.” She put those on the rack next to her bra.

  “Too bad. I’d like to see them on.”

  “Another time.” Her breath caught. That had slipped out so easily.

  He gazed at her. “I look forward to it.”

  And just like that, their romp had expanded from one night of stolen bliss to additional encounters. “Anything else in the washer?”

  “I think that’s it.” He peered inside the washer. “Nothing else.”

  “Good.” She closed the door and switched on the dryer. “We can go back in—”

  “Maybe not yet.” He caught her around the waist and pulled her close. “I kind of like it here.”

  “I can tell.” His cock pressed against her belly as he splayed his fingers over her bottom, caressing and arousing her. Didn’t take much. “No soft surfaces, though.”

  “I just need a surface. Doesn’t have to be soft.” He tightened his grip and lifted her on top of the dryer.

  The clothes tumbling beneath her added a subtle, erotic vibration. “You really are crazy.”

  “Crazy like a fox. Perfect height.” He stepped in close, nudging her thighs apart. “Makes kissing you easy.” Leaning in, he slipped his hand behind her neck and settled his mouth over hers.

  Once he focused on seducing her with his tongue, she was a goner. Then he began lightly stroking her breasts, her hips and her thighs. She jettisoned her inhibitions and clutched his shoulders for balance. She was more than ready for him when he slipped two fingers into her slick channel.

  He touched her with bold confidence, as if he knew…ah…exactly how to…mm. The slow, sensuous rhythm stole her breath. Breaking away from his kiss, she dragged in air.

  “You like that?”


  “And this?” He shifted the angle, his fingertips making contact in a whole new way.

  She gasped as her world began to splinter. She couldn’t speak, couldn’t say the words—more, oh, please, more, just…

  He gave her more, ramping up the pace and increasing the pressure until her world spun out of control…until her body arched and the shock waves of her climax tore a cry of release from her throat.

  Chest heaving, she gulped for air. “So good.”

  “Thought so.” He trailed his damp fingers up her body and feathered a kiss over her mouth. “I have another idea.”

  “Better…let me…catch my breath.”

  “Absolutely.” He tucked his hands under her bottom. “Just wrap your legs around my hips and your arms around my neck.” He lifted her off the dryer. “I’ll carry you.”


  “Since the electricity’s still on—” He took her through the kitchen and kept going. “I’m in the mood for a shower.”

  Her pulse rate skyrocketed. “Need me to wash your back?”

  “Yes, ma’am, I believe I do.”

  “My shower, then.”



  “Excellent.” His long strides propelled them through the living room and down the hall. “Don’t believe I’ve ever been in your bedroom.” He stepped through the door and paused. “Hey, now. Nice big bed you have there, Miss Taryn.” He gazed at it before returning his attention to her and lifting his eyebrows.


  “Is it the same one you had when you were—”

  She shook her head. “Sold that. I bought this when I moved here.”

  “Good to know.” He skirted the bed and carried her to the bathroom, heading straight toward the large tiled shower before putting her down right outside it. The maneuver was complicated by his impressively erect cock. He was breathing hard.

  So was she. Heart thumping, she stepped in the shower, twisted the hot water knob and backed away, holding her hand under the spray to gauge when it was warm enough.

  Air moved behind her, followed by a kiss on her shoulder. Sweeping her hair back, he placed more kisses along the curve of her neck as he slid a hand under her breast, cradling it in his palm, squeezing gently.

  How quickly she caught fire when he touched her. “The water’s…getting hot.”

  His soft chuckle, low and intimate, skittered over her nerve endings. “Me, too.”

  Easing away from him, she adjusted the temperature and moved aside. “See if that works for you.”

  Walking into the spray, he tipped back his head and closed his eyes. “Mm.”

  Stunning. Water lovingly caressed his sculpted body and his proud cock. His skin gleamed in the overhead light. She couldn’t wait to get her hands on him. “Mind if I join you?”

  Opening his eyes, he turned toward her with a smile. “If you don’t, I’ll be forced to solve this problem myself.” He spread his arms wide. “I’m a desperate man.”

  “Can’t have that.” Moving into his open arms, her back to the spray, she cupped his face and pulled him down for an open-mouthed kiss.

  With a groan, he gathered her close as water pelted his face, adding moisture to their erotic kiss and turning their hot bodies into slick instruments of pleasure. Sucking on his tongue, she slipped her hand over his taut abs and wrapped her fingers around his cock.

  He trembled.

  She lifted her mouth a fraction from his. “You okay?”

  His voice was hoarse. “Never better.”

  “Oh, but you will be. Much better.” Maintaining a firm hold on her ultimate prize, she licked her way down his heaving chest and over his quivering abs until she sank to her knees on the wet tile. Then she closed her mouth over the very tip of his warm cock.

  He gasped.

  Swirling her tongue lightly over the most sensitive spot of all, she tasted the salt of his impending climax, the one he’d held back each time he’d given her one. A groan rumbled in his broad chest.

  He deserved this release, but he also deserved to have some fun before he got there. Circling the base of his shaft with her thumb and forefinger, she tightened her grip as she slowly took his full length into her mouth.

  He made a sound low in his throat, almost a growl.

  What a thrill to wrest such a primitive response from a man who always seemed in control of himself. Pulse racing, she gradually drew back, then took him in again. Warm water cascaded over her, sharpening all her senses.

  His breathing roughened. She moved slightly faster this time, then faster yet, loosening her grip, then tightening it again. His thighs shook.

he spoke, his voice tight with strain. “Taryn. Please.”

  She bore down, using her tongue, sucking hard. With a deafening roar that shook his whole body, he came. She accepted all he had to give.

  When it was over, he drew her gently to her feet. He struggled for breath as his gaze locked with hers. “Thank you.”

  She smiled. “Good?”

  “Incredible.” Water dripped from his hair and gathered on his eyelashes. “We should probably turn off the shower.”


  “Just one more kiss.” Cradling the back of her head, he angled his mouth over hers, sipping drops of water, licking them away. “Someday,” he murmured, “we’ll do this in the rain.”

  “But not naked.”

  “Don’t rule it out.” He ran his tongue over her lower lip.

  “In the winter?”

  “It won’t always be winter.” He combed her damp hair back from her face. “Before you know it, we’ll have warm summer rains.”

  Summer? Had this episode just expanded to include summer? “And guests everywhere.”

  “Not everywhere.” He smiled. “I’ll bet we could find a secluded meadow.”

  Her chest tightened. She’d signed up for a romp. What he was describing sounded suspiciously like a romance.

  She’d had one of those. It had clouded her thinking and blinded her to the problems lurking in the relationship.

  She could deal with a romp. She might be able to handle an extended fling. As for romance, she wasn’t in the market.


  Pete was not only starving, he wanted to help cook dinner. Hanging around letting someone else handle the chores didn’t sit well with him. Other than his specialty of French toast, he was no expert in the kitchen, but he was terrific at helping.

  Taryn had spaghetti noodles and a jar of sauce she’d picked up at the Eagles Nest market. Interesting that she’d done that after proclaiming that she didn’t normally keep standard dinner items on hand. Almost like she’d anticipated that they’d share another evening meal. In any case, he could help her put spaghetti together.

  Deciding his clothes were dry enough, he pulled on his briefs, his jeans and his yoked shirt. His t-shirt was still damp around the neck, but he didn’t absolutely have to put that on. Hanging out in the kitchen with Taryn should heat him up to the point he didn’t need that extra layer.


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