Time Owed

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Time Owed Page 3

by Debra Kayn

  She didn't belong here and because he wanted her gone, he changed his mind about leaving.

  "You can go. I'll take Katie home," Merk said.

  The skin between her brows wrinkled. "I'll wait to talk with her."

  "Do you ever do what you're told?" He knocked the cherry off his smoke and put the butt in his pocket.

  Her hands came up and wrung the steering wheel. "Only when the person who asks makes sense and the request doesn't involve pushing me to the side."

  "Is that what you think I've done?" Her attitude amused him.

  "Uh, yeah." She rolled her eyes. "My bar, my pool game, my problem. None of which involved you or your opinion."

  He looked over to the porch. "Except it's your grandpa's bar and you were in over your head with the man you snaked. You shouldn't play the game if you can't defend yourself against the other person. If you were in prison, some chick would've handed your ass to you."

  Her body stiffened and her lip curled at the insult. "Who said I can't take care of myself?"

  He turned his attention back on her. "I do."

  "Whatever." She slumped back in her seat. "I didn't come here to get a lecture from you. I brought Katie, because she needed a ride and I'll wait until she tells me herself that she's got a way home."

  Katie rushed between Merk and Desiree opening the driver's door. "Hurry, get out."

  Desiree slid off the seat and stood outside the Jeep. "What happened?"

  "Nothing. I just got excellent news. You're staying here." Katie grinned, her ponytail swinging from side to side. "I asked Cam...he's the president, and he said you can stay and have a drink with everyone. He never invites other women, so this is sort of a big deal. You have to stay or you'd hurt his feelings."

  Desiree shook her head slowly, her mouth slightly open, and glanced at Merk. "I don't think that's such a good idea. If you need a ride home, Merk said he'd—"

  "I'll be busy." Merk again changed his mind about leaving and put the pressure back on Desi to find out what she'd do.

  A part of him wanted her to get back in her Jeep and go to town before she got in too deep. His cock won. Already semi hard for her, he wanted to sling his arm around her shoulders and keep her by his side. She didn't belong here with the Moroad women and the urge to protect her hit him as strong as it had thirteen years ago.

  "See, you should stay." Katie looped her arm under Desiree's and tugged. "Come on, I'll introduce you to the guys. I think you already know most of the other girls from when you joined the self-defense classes at the community center."

  Desiree stumbled along beside Katie. "No, really. I should..."

  Merk lost the rest of what she said and walked over to the fire, keeping an eye on Desiree. His MC brothers practically pushed each other out of the way to have Katie introduce Desi. A new woman around that none of them had slept with gave the men a brand new flavor to taste at the party.

  He sat down on a log and lit another cigarette, wondering if Joe had any idea that asking Merk to work for him put Desi right in the path of a killer.

  The way she micromanaged her grandfather, Merk doubt the new job venture, if it happened, would go over well with her. If she recognized him as the man who murdered her dad before he could set his plan into motion, all hell would break loose. He'd end up in prison before he could skip town.

  He caught sight of Cam heading toward the fire and tossed his cigarette butt into the flames. At one time, he trusted Cam more than any other Moroad member.

  "You know the new girl?" Cam asked, putting more wood on the fire.

  Anytime Cam asked a question, he looked for more information than he'd receive. After all the years of knowing him, Merk still sized Cam up every time he singled him out. Both of them stood eye to eye at six foot four inches, though Cam outweighed Merk by a good twenty pounds. In a fight without guns, they were evenly matched. Though both of them had their weaknesses.

  Cam a bum left knee and an almost savage thought process toward others.

  He had a weak left hook and an addiction.

  Merk chose his words carefully. "She's Joe at Rail Point Bar's granddaughter."

  "Huh." Cam stepped back from the flames.

  Merk gazed aimlessly across the yard, keeping an eye on Desi. If Cam wanted answers, he'd have to figure them out himself. He'd told no one what went down the night he murdered Jerry Carlyle.

  "Katie asked if her friend could stay at the party. She said they're old childhood friends. Do I have any other reason to believe she'd want to come to the house for a specific reason other than because she wanted to try her hand at fucking a biker?"

  Merk walked away from the fire, expecting Cam to follow. He hadn't planned to discuss business tonight, not until he had everything straight in his head. Desi's attendance made him impatient. He wasn't going to give his MC brothers a chance at a woman that belonged to him.

  Cam followed Merk over to the outskirts of the yard, lighting a cigarette. Merk stopped and waited until Cam's eyes came back to him. He had nothing to lose and more to gain.

  "Joe asked me to work at the bar. Seems he needs a bouncer to watch over the illegal games he has going on in the basement, and the pool games his granddaughter plays upstairs in the bar." Merk ground the heel of his boot into the soft grass.

  Cam stared down at his cigarette before meeting Merk's gaze. "Does Joe happen to know you're the man who killed his son in law?"

  Knowing Cam connected the dots failed to surprise Merk. Cam came by his information in ways Merk never found out about and stayed ahead of everyone in Moroad MC. His control over the club made him the leader for a reason.

  "Yeah, I'm sure he knows, even though right now he only knows me as Merk, not my full name."

  Cam inhaled deeply, sucking the nicotine down. "So, you can imagine my concern when a young lady shows up with Katie, having ties to one of your crimes. Who is she to you?"

  "Nobody yet," Merk said. "I've been going with Jacko to watch his back while he plays the cards."

  Cam crushed the end of his smoke against his jean-covered thigh and tossed the butt into the bushes. "Keep talking."

  Jeremy jogged across the yard to Tiffany, his on and off again girlfriend. Heaviness settled like a dead weight on Merk's chest. He missed his interactions with his nephew. Before he'd found out Jeremy was Roni's kid, things were easier between them.

  If he could get Cam on his side about the job at the bar and move forward, maybe by the time he got off probation with the club for shooting Cam ten months ago, he could repair the damage done to Jeremy. He'd hate to see his nephew follow the footsteps of his Moroad brothers and end up in prison or dead.

  "You know how it is. I walk out of prison, and doors shut. Nobody wants a felon working for them and before I know it, I'm back doing what I'm always doing, ripping cars, dealing dirty, clutching the bottle, and I land back in prison. I thought maybe I'd try my hand at working under the table for a while." Merk let his hands drop to his sides.

  "Joe's not part of our network." Cam ran his hand down his beard. "You're a career criminal. You receive a paycheck from the extortion money I get from the other gangs in prison. Why do you want to work an honest job, protecting someone with ties to an old crime? You don't think this is a setup?"

  Merk grinned at his president for the first time since Cam walked out of prison. "Call it retribution. I'm owed twelve years of my life back, and I aim to enjoy the payment."

  Cam tilted his head, his brows drawing down almost shutting Merk out of viewing Cam's darker than dead eyes. Adrenaline pumped through him. Now that he'd spoken, he needed to get his thoughts out of his head.

  "I have nothing to lose. What I learn at the bar will make me that much harder to knock down. I won't give anyone another chance at erasing part of my life," Merk said.

  Cam shook his head. "I don't like it."

  "Nothing is coming back on Moroad." Merk widened his stance. "I'm doing this alone."

  "You wear the patch, you're nev
er alone." Cam tilted his chin and looked at him. "When you shot me, you wore the patch. The club brought justice down on you. You're now on probation. I'll be watching your every step. If I see you in too deep, I'll yank you out faster than you can pull your pistol."

  He refused to budge. "I appreciate that, but I need to do this alone or freedom doesn't mean shit. You've tasted freedom. I haven't even grabbed it yet."

  Cam removed another cigarette from his pack, offered it to Merk, and lit his own. "You need any help, you let the club know."

  Merk left the smoke in his mouth. "I will."

  Cam studied him. "I could give a shit about your plans. You end up in prison again, that's your risk. I can always use you on the inside. Just remember, no man bends forward and gets ass raped for fun. Stay smart."

  "I plan on it. I'd rather be carried out by six than judged by twelve." He supported and stood behind his president, took his advice, and even allowed Cam to frame him for a murder he never committed without ratting him out. Now he had something bigger to worry about than if Cam believed he wasn't using his head. Unlike Cam, who put the safety of his club first before his emotions, he understood the emotions behind people's actions.

  Joe's desperation to hire him came about for a reason, and he had a feeling concern over Desi forced Joe's hand. Whatever Joe planned, Merk would be ready. He'd waited a long time to reach the point where he'd finally have Desi in his life.

  Merk looked across the yard and found Desi talking with Jacko and Ring. Joe's choices would fall to his granddaughter and in return, Merk would finally get his reward.

  He left the rest of his thoughts unspoken.

  Desiree walked away from Ring and up onto the porch to the Moroad women. Merk turned back to Cam. "I took the wrap for Judge Cranley's murder. I think you can back me on this and see it's the best thing for me. You wanted me away from Christina and Jeremy. I'm gone."

  "I pulled you out of prison and got you off the hook with the false charges, even though you betrayed me by trying to convince Christina to leave me," Cam countered. "We're even."

  "Right." Merk met Cam's gaze. "You've forgotten there's another matter we haven't discussed. You still owe me."

  "Why the fuck would I?" Cam frowned.

  Merk lowered his voice. "Because I told you the truth about Jeremy being your son when I could've taken the information with me to the grave. How much was that information worth to you?"

  Cam's gaze swung to the porch, first connecting with Christina, and then finding Jeremy with Tiff. Merk walked a few paces away giving Cam time to think over what he'd said.

  While he waited, he watched Desi on the porch with Christina.

  The two women, polar opposites, stood facing each other in conversation. Besides being a beautiful woman like Desi, Christina's quieter personality and obedience toward Cam spoke of patience and dependability, while remaining vulnerable and easily influenced.

  Desi laughed, reaching out and rubbing Christina's arm. Merk swallowed hard, hit low by the husky sound floating over the music playing and the voices elevated in conversation around him by his Moroad brothers. Her strength showed in how she carried herself. Except her confidence in taking care of herself would get her in trouble when she met someone who wanted to break her. Independent and stubborn, she already tried to fuck him over at every step.

  Something in her bold strength grabbed his attention years ago and refused to leave.

  Now, she wanted nothing to do with him.

  That would soon change. Maybe not tomorrow or next month, but eventually she'd get used to seeing him around and realize he wasn't going to let her go.

  Cam strolled over to Merk. "I'll state my rules toward you as a Moroad member. Do not bring whatever you have planned for Desiree to my house or involve my woman. Keep it away from my family."

  Merk nodded. "I hear you."

  Cam stared him down. "Don't make me regret this. You go down and I'll protect every brother I can, but you'll take responsibility for what happens."

  "Understood." Merk shook Cam's hand and watched him walk across the yard and join Christina on the porch.

  Desi smiled at Cam, said a few more words to Christina, and stepped off the porch to search the yard. She spotted Katie wound around Johnson's body. Amused at the expression of surprise on Desi's face, Merk decided now would be a good time to get Desi out of here. Katie, already half snookered, wasn't in any shape to go anywhere tonight.

  Merk walked over to Johnson. "You're in charge of taking Katie home."

  "Plan to, man." Johnson dipped his head and went back to kissing Katie.

  A primal grunt came from his left before Bear slammed into Merk. He grabbed the bulk of Bear's upper body and shoved him before he lost his balance. Out of his peripheral vision, Jacko charged and tackled Bear to the ground. The blade of the knife in Jacko's hand cut through the night, and Merk lunged. Holding Jacko's wrist, he squeezed, barely saving Bear's life.

  "Jesus Christ, get him off me." Bear huffed.

  Merk strained, holding Jacko's arm. "Hey...hey, look around, Jacko. Don't fucking go there."

  Jacko's wild gaze stayed on Bear. Merk continued to fight to stop the knife from plunging in Bear. He'd gone through similar problems with Jacko before. For how crazy he acted, it only took a second for him to attack if provoked. Once pissed, Jacko flipped.

  While he appreciated Jacko's skills when needed, he had no filter when it came to friends or enemies.

  "God damn it, Jacko." Merk strained to hold him back. "Look around. It's Bear. Look at him."

  Jacko's gaze whipped to Merk, to Bear, to Merk again, and then he grinned and relaxed. "Dude..."

  "Fucker," Merk muttered, letting Jacko go.

  Jacko stuck out his hand, hefted Bear to his feet, and tilted his head back and howled at the moon. Just like that, the fight was over and Moroad went back to drinking. Every single Moroad member accustomed to Jacko's split personality, Bear promptly forgave him.

  Merk stalked a straight line to Desi, who hugged her stomach. He took in her straight shoulders and stiff back, and almost missed her rubbing the chill off her bare arms.

  He allowed his mind to wander to the memory of Desi shaking and scared, hiding from her father. He hadn't stopped the fear from reaching her, but he could stop anyone from frightening her again.

  He spoke low as not to startle her. "Come on, I'll follow you back to Federal and make sure you get home safe."

  "What about Katie?" She bit down on her bottom lip. "I don't want to leave her here if there's going to be fighting and she'll be in danger. That biker was—"

  "That's Jacko. You don't have to worry about him. He's crazy, but he'd never hurt a woman."

  She pursed her lips, refusing to move. His balls tightened. Damn that sexy mouth every time her lips moved would get her in trouble.

  "Johnson's taking Katie home, and you don't need to be here any longer."

  She gazed around him and finally nodded. "I'm okay going home by myself. It's not that far to town."

  "Just get in your Jeep." He walked beside her.

  Gorgeous and stubborn, she gave attitude to push him away. Halfway to her vehicle, he said, "Sometimes accepting help is okay."

  Her step faltered, and she recovered quickly. She remained quiet until she reached her Jeep and finally turned to him. "I don't need help though. I can take care of myself."

  "I don't think you can, Desi." He stood back and watched her drive down the road, and then hopped on his motorcycle and followed her to Federal. She drove like a woman trying to escape him.

  Chapter Four

  Desiree put the Jeep in PARK, rolled up her windows, and jumped out of the jeep, locking the door behind her. She had no idea Katie wanted a ride to a Moroad Motorcycle Club party until she hit the road leading to Cam Farrell's house and it was too late to turn around.

  The last thing she'd wanted to do was join the party, but she also refused to abandon her friend. Sure, Katie hung out with bikers all the time a
nd kept her relationship with Moroad MC separate from her friendship with Desi. Katie understood she wanted nothing to do with any bikers.

  She tried to keep the bar as clean of criminal activities and questionable customers as possible. She had enough to worry about with Pop running an underground gambling circuit in the basement of a respectable business in a small town. Though her pool games brought some risk, she easily competed against tourist who came and left without causing any trouble.

  Nevertheless, she rarely turned down a game unless she got a weird feeling. She needed the benefits winning brought her. The extra cash helped pay for Pop's losses.

  Merk sat on his bike three parking spaces away. She walked over to tell him thank you for the unneeded escort.

  She gazed at the braided rope dangling from his handlebar. "As you can see, I'm home, safe and sound."


  She raised her gaze to Merk's face. "What?"


  "Stop what?"

  Merk looked up at the building. "There's no reason to throw shit at me. I've spent most of my life in prison and I won't put up with anyone, man or woman, not respecting me. Until I've done something to you, there's no reason to be afraid of me."

  "What are your crimes?" She crossed her arms.

  Merk shrugged. "Does it matter?"

  "Maybe," she said.

  "Assault, burglary, intent to deliver...the rest of them don't mean much anymore."

  "And you wear the crimes like a badge of honor." She shook her head in disgust. "I get it. Because you wear a vest and have a motorcycle club protecting you, you feel I should give you my respect and time."

  "I'm not asking for your time, yet. But, I will make you give me respect. I brought you back to your home, nothing happened, you're safe. Say thank you." He let his hands fall between his legs and tapped the gas tank with his knuckle.

  "Fine." She caught her bottom lip between her teeth and finally said, "Thank you."


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