The Temple of Heaven

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The Temple of Heaven Page 9

by Z. Allora

  Fucknuggets! “Well, Sakura Rose is nothing without me.”

  Jordon’s lame joke only got him an intensified stare and the pleasure of seeing Tian Di’s cheeks tint the most charming shade of pink.

  “Thank you for telling me.” Tian Di’s voice wrapped around Jordon, making him feel safe and needy.

  Catching himself, Jordon stopped from leaning any closer to Tian Di. “No one else knows except the publisher and two of my closest friends.”

  “Not even your brothers?” Tian Di’s words pushed spearmint-scented air across Jordon’s lips.

  “No, I—not yet.”

  Tian Di’s gaze dropped. “Why did you tell me?”

  Where was this compulsion to share things with Tian Di coming from? “I don’t know. I just wanted you to know.”

  “I’m glad you did. I need to thank you. Sakura Rose’s series has sustained me.”


  Tian Di shook his head. “Maybe that isn’t the right word. Um, the way you—Sakura Rose—portrays love, relationships, and um, sex… it is wonderful.”

  Jordon face grew hot. “Thanks. I try.”

  “You succeed.” Tian Di’s voice softened as he continued, “And the fact that you’re wearing a Made in China T-shirt… this is beyond a dream come true for me.”

  “I love… the band.” Jordon’s mouth almost spoke for his heart ahead of his brain. Granted, anything above his flushed cheeks wasn’t receiving any blood flow. “When I heard your voice….”

  Tian Di shifted closer. “What?”

  “I was in my car, listening to a music podcast. They played a poor-quality copy of ‘Evolution,’ and… man. That song changed my world.” He left out how infatuated he’d gotten with Tian Di.

  “You really like our music?” There was no coy fishing for compliments in Tian Di’s tone, just raw vulnerability.

  “Hearing you made me believe life could be okay.” Jordon had been driving back from a hookup gone to hell. Another guy being shitty, reinforcing why Jordon rarely bothered to make the effort.

  “Sometimes my English isn’t as good as it should be. What do you mean?” Tian Di was a mere couple inches from Jordon.

  How did he convey the depths Tian Di touched in him? “It’s like you understand everything about me.”

  “Could you explain this more?” Tian Di tucked some of Jordon’s hair behind his ear.

  Tian Di grazed his finger along the shell of Jordon’s ear. Holy fuck! Tian Di’s touch made Jordon crave him even more. The raw need slamming into him was astounding, and more than a little terrifying.

  “You unraveled my confusion, loneliness, and my desire for love.” Jordon’s voice cracked with need. “You sing my pain and show me the other side is possible. You give me hope and the determination to keep trying.”

  “We always have to keep believing.” Tian Di spoke barely above a whisper.

  Jordon’s heart screamed yes and romance lived. “It’s hard sometimes because not many people believe in trying.”

  Tears sparkled in Tian Di’s eyes. “That means a lot to me. Thank you. I want you to know your work calls to me in the same way. I feel like one of your characters simply dying to have someone to love, to know them, and through your drawings you give me that. I mean, them. You allow me to believe, even though I’ve never had that kind of love, that someday I could. Reading your stories allows me to sing with hope.”

  Jordon didn’t know what to say. He licked his lips and stared at Tian Di.

  Tian Di locked gazes with him.

  Silent communication of camaraderie passed between them.

  Insane, that was what this was—two like souls seeking and hoping to find their other half. As crazy as it seemed, Jordon couldn’t deny an overwhelming connection tied them together.

  Jordon didn’t spend a lot of time with other people. He and Tian Di were cut from the same canvas like a diptych. Two parts of a painting, separated not just by a frame and a hinge, but half a world, though now they were reunited. He couldn’t shake the feeling of two halves coming together to be whole.

  Tian Di tucked another wayward piece of hair behind Jordon’s ear.

  The familiarity, which bore a rightness impossible to understand and too powerful to ignore, cascaded between them. Jordon yearned for the promise of perfection.

  Tian Di glided his tongue over his full, perfectly shaped lips, making them glisten. “May I kiss you?”

  “Yes,” Jordon gasped. Was there any other answer?

  They were going to kiss. Excitement and nerves battled within him. Should Jordon lean in? Maybe he shouldn’t move.

  The few times Jordon had followed someone into a back room or gotten into someone’s car, the agenda was to get off as quickly as possible. Kissing wasn’t usually on the menu.

  Tian Di’s romantic question of “May I kiss you?” echoed the Sakura Rose scene hanging on the wall. Jordon had captured the two men right before a lip-lock, a moment filled with nervous tension and incredible desire battling to push the protagonists to act.

  The same force impacted Jordon.

  God, were Tian Di’s lips as soft as they looked?

  Jordon tilted his head to the side, drowning in Tian Di’s brown eyes rimmed in bronze. The flecks of gold made their depths appear endless. He inhaled Tian Di’s spearmint breath, parting his lips and hoping to find out what Tian Di’s mouth was like on his.

  Tian Di bowed his head and leaned closer to Jordon.

  Oh, yeah, this kissing thing would be happening.

  Closing his eyes, Jordon savored the anticipation.

  Tian Di traced his tongue across Jordon’s mouth, sending desire spiraling low into Jordon’s belly, forcing a pathetic moan to escape.

  The gentle touch of Tian Di’s fingertips on Jordon’s palm invited him to lace their hands together. The gesture filled the empty parts of Jordon, making him long for more.

  Tian Di squeezed his hand and pressed against him.

  Their breath mingled and the connection gave Jordon confidence. He brushed his lips against Tian Di’s mouth.

  “Oh!” escaped with the sweetest gasp from Tian Di.

  Jordon slid his mouth across Tian Di’s again with even better results.

  “So perfect,” Tian Di whispered before he captured his mouth and kissed him back, sweeping his tongue into Jordon’s mouth.

  A kaleidoscope of color burst around him. This wasn’t Jordon’s first kiss, but it was, hands-down, by far the best. Any of his fans would be proud to claim it. Without a doubt this kiss was exactly like the ones he drew for his characters.

  There were no demands or taking, only the simple gift of giving. The exchange became drenched in affection, respect, with enough heat to make Jordon want to beg for more. The kiss was everything and yet not enough.

  Stroking Tian Di’s face allowed Jordon to feel the barest hint of stubble against his palm, reminding him this wasn’t a picture for drawing, but reality.

  Tian Di tenderly cupped Jordon’s face and continued the slide of his mouth against Jordon’s.

  The tender touch made Jordon’s heart expand past capacity, ignoring his brain’s cautionary message of “too soon, too soon.” He was falling heart-first into Tian Di.

  On and on the kiss went. It wasn’t nearly enough, but Jordon couldn’t tear his lips away from the sweetness to do more.

  Tian Di whimpered. No, that had been Jordon making sounds. But he didn’t know how to stop his moans, and he didn’t want to if quieting meant ending the kiss.

  They shuffled over to the futon, and Tian Di stumbled against it. He grabbed Jordon to steady them.

  Jordon remained attached to Tian Di’s mouth as they fell onto the futon in a tangle of limbs.

  Kissing Tian Di forever was a great plan. However, when Tian Di’s hands landed on Jordon’s ass, while the kiss sparked a continuous explosion of color behind Jordon’s eyelids, there were other options to be explored.

  Tian Di guided Jordon’s hips, making them sli
de against him. Oh, the friction forced Jordon to writhe over him. None of the numerous dreams he’d had about Tian Di could compete with the reality.

  The hands on Jordon’s butt tightened, pulling him in and making him grind down harder. The urgency began to spiral out of control. The kiss had gone wild.


  Armageddon! Jordon jumped halfway across the room.

  The door remained shut, but Jordon stared at the wooden barrier, waiting for the hordes to pile in.

  Clang! Clang! Thump.

  “Styx on drums. They’re in the practice room across the hall.” Tian Di lay on the futon, hair disheveled, mouth kiss-swollen, and eyes begging Jordon to return.

  A Dark Angels’ song slipped under the door.

  “I guess we should—this would have been a stupid idea to—” Jordon wiped his hands on his pants as crushing disappointment took up residence in his heart.

  Tian Di stood and straightened his jacket with swift but elegant moves. “I have a feeling your brothers would be furious.”

  “Yeah, and I don’t want to do anything that would affect your big break.”

  “It’s very sweet you’re worried about me. Thank you.” Tian Di combed his fingers through Jordon’s hair, sending mixed signals.

  Not knowing what to say, Jordon went with “You’re welcome.”

  “I’m not used to someone thinking about me first.” Tian Di toyed with the shell of Jordon’s ear. “I guess we’d only have been setting ourselves on the path of trouble.”

  “Trouble’s bad.” Jordon wanted to twirl Tian’s Di’s midnight strands through his fingers. If Tian Di could run his fingers through Jordon’s hair, it was only fair Jordon got the opportunity too.

  He skimmed his hands over Tian Di’s embroidered silk jacket, inching along until he finally tangled his fingers into Tian Di’s curtain of hair. For the love of Buddha, how many times had he watched Made in China’s Youku videos, wishing desperately to twine his fingers in Tian Di’s hair. He sifted his fingers through the soft length.

  Tian Di closed his eyes and leaned into Jordon’s stroking hand. “That feels sensuous. Almost as good as kissing you.”

  “You liked kissing me?” Dumb question, but the words came out of Jordon’s mouth anyway.

  “Loved it. You’re a very good kisser.” Tian Di ran his index finger over Jordon’s bottom lip.

  Some mischievous imp invaded Jordon, and he licked Tian Di’s finger.

  “Mmmm, Jordon.” Tian Di’s voice dropped to the husky range of sexy.

  “You like that?” Jordon teased his tongue against Tian Di’s finger. He sucked the tip into his mouth and then released the finger with a kiss. He’d always wanted to do that.

  Tian Di stepped closer and grazed his erection across Jordon’s. “Yes.”

  If wishing could manifest action, Tian Di’s pants would vanish. Instead, Jordon did something he’d only dreamed about doing, he pushed Tian Di’s hair out of the way, and ran his lips along the elegant column of Tian Di’s neck.

  Shivering, Tian Di squeezed his eyes shut and held Jordon’s mouth against him. “That’s incredible. Let me feel your teeth.”

  “Okay, but I don’t want to leave a mark.”

  “You won’t. You won’t. Please.” Tian Di’s careless words were hot and breathy.

  Jordon couldn’t resist the temptation and grazed his teeth over soft skin, giving Tian Di a little bite.

  “Oh, Jordon.” Tian Di panted, tilting his head farther.

  Jordon couldn’t resist the invitation. He licked hard, used his teeth and mouth until Tian Di wrapped his arms around him and trembled.

  “Jordon. I….” All of Tian Di’s wants and got-to-haves were laid bare for Jordon. And Jordon appeared to be at the top of his list.

  He couldn’t pretend. As crazy as it was, Jordon couldn’t help himself, and confessed, “Me too.”

  Jordon landed flat against the door. He wasn’t sure who moved first, but hallelujah for the stability of the thick wood. “We’re being stupid.”

  “I should say yes and help stop this, but I don’t want to. I adore everything about you, and I want this one perfect moment just for me. Can I have that, Jordon?”

  Heat flashed through Jordon, as no amount of inexperience would allow him to misread the desire in Tian Di’s warm brown eyes. Old fears tried to creep into his head, but Tian Di’s spearmint breath calmed him, allowing Jordon to wrestle his worries back.

  There was no denying Jordon longed for everything Tian Di wanted. The single best fantasy in his world could be his, if only for a while. He didn’t have the strength to turn down the offer.

  In that second, Jordon decided several things. This was indeed a bad idea for both of them. Though it didn’t matter how little time they spent together, Jordon’s feelings were real. Tian Di could have this moment and as many moments as he wanted with Jordon. But if Jordon didn’t kiss Tian Di again right now, he would die.

  Jordon reached under Tian Di’s silk jacket, tugged him in by his belt loop to pull him closer.

  Tian Di pressed and shifted. Denim rubbed against denim, causing sparks of heat to catch between them.

  Oh, fuck yeah. Jordon’s hard-on stabbed against his zipper, wanting freedom. The voice screaming, Bad idea! Abort! Abort! had been totally overshadowed by Jordon’s I don’t fucking care erection.

  God, maybe he should have taken time to jerk off in the shower before coming to the gathering. How long had it been? Shit. Days and days. He’d gotten tangled in a project and now he’d embarrass himself in front of someone who, on a good day, could probably make him come without even touching him.

  He closed his eyes as Tian Di leaned in, but no kiss.

  Tian Di swept his wet tongue across Jordon’s mouth.

  Two could play. Jordon opened his eyes and turned his head the other way and licked his tongue across Tian Di’s.

  Fuck! Stroking over Tian Di’s tormenting tongue sent lightning crashing back through him. Jordon’s cock throbbed as if it had been licked instead of just his mouth. He thrust his hips to get a bit more friction.

  Going to come. Need to stop. Artists. Leonardo Da Vinci was born 1452 and died 1519. Wassily Kandinsky, his dates were what? 1886? No, 1866 to um… 1944. Claude Monet lived between 1840 and 1926. The master of The Birth of Venus was Sandro Botticelli. He was born in 1445 and died in 1510. There. Okay.

  Tian Di tightened his hands around Jordon’s waist and wiggled against him.

  Fuck it all! Any patience Jordon had gained got lost again.

  Jordon tantalized Tian Di’s mouth, willing his lips to part. He was gratified with a whimper as Tian Di’s lush lips parted for him. Jordon took full advantage and drew him into a kiss.

  His mouth fit Tian Di’s like a puzzle piece snapping in place.

  Tian Di rubbed his pelvis against him restlessly. Tian Di licked, danced, and tangled his tongue in Jordon’s mouth, leaving him breathless.

  Jordon could kiss Tian Di for the rest of his life, but that might be short if he didn’t figure out how to do more. What would Tricks do? The sexually expressive main character in his Tricks and Treats series would know exactly how to act.

  Pressing his hips closer to Tian Di, Jordon squirmed.

  One of the Angels’ rock anthems seeped into the privacy, making Jordon second-guess, so he peeked at Tian Di. He found the answer to his unasked question in Tian Di’s small smile.

  Tian Di steadied Jordon’s hips, guiding him in a sliding rhythm that had Jordon almost begging to come. “If you keep that up—”

  Whispering, Tian Di asked, “What’s going to happen?”

  Delicious excitement chased through Jordon. Cupping Tian Di’s ass, he shifted closer and moved faster. “I’m going to come.”

  Rocking harder, Tian Di moaned, “Just a little more.”

  Jordon kissed him and squirmed over Tian Di’s bulge.

  Tian Di broke their kiss and hissed, “Yes.”

  No stopping the foregone conclus
ion. Jordon’s cock throbbed as waves of pleasure radiated out. The orgasm was so blissful he didn’t even care about coming in his pants. He rubbed happily against the most beautiful man he’d ever drawn.

  Jordon trembled against a writhing Tian Di and found intense satisfaction far beyond orgasm in his relaxed smile. “That was—”

  “Incredible.” Tian Di stirred in his arms to peer at him with dreamy eyes.

  Another Dark Angels song seeped into their haven.

  “Yeah.” Whew! Jordon hadn’t been the only one to lose control while still wearing his pants.

  A small smile played on Tian Di’s lips. “Can I take you to dinner?”

  Trying not to appear shocked but unable to play cool, Jordon answered immediately, “I’d love that.”

  “Tonight?” Tian Di glanced to the door.

  Jordon did a little happy dance inside at how anxious Tian Di was to spend time with him.

  Tian Di corrected, “I mean, um, tomorrow? There’s a party happening right out there, and we can’t leave for a dinner date… right?”

  A date? Woo-hooo! The desire to indulge them both and sneak out warred with Jordon’s mission to act like an adult. “Yeah, it might be seen as tacky….” But, oh, so tempting.

  They stood there smiling at each other. “We should probably clean up…. The bathroom is right outside this door.”

  Not wanting to go, Jordon reminded them both, “Oh, I didn’t sign any of your manga.”

  “Gives you a reason to come back.”

  “I’d love any reason to come… back.” Jordon loved the blush spreading across Tian Di’s cheeks. He’d discovered a new way of coloring, only way better.

  Chapter 7

  TIAN DI stared at the text he’d just typed to Jordon.

  Thanks for the wonderful night! That was an understatement. He’d never felt such a connection with someone. He added, If you are free before dinner, maybe I can show you Suzhou?

  There. That didn’t feel desperate or pushy. Offering to take a foreign visitor sightseeing wasn’t like his awkward dinner invitation.

  Jordon was already asleep. He’d get the text in the morning and wouldn’t notice the time and date stamp. Tian Di hit Send.


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