The Temple of Heaven

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The Temple of Heaven Page 18

by Z. Allora

  Zack grabbed Jordon’s napkin and elbowed him. “You do know you shouldn’t be drawing this in public, right?”

  Jordon stared at what he’d created. He had penned Tian Di sprawled out on a grouping of pillows. His long hair fanned out and the look on his face….

  “I didn’t realize I was drawing.” Sometimes pencils seemed to appear in his hands.

  “Well, you might want to keep your drawing fugues PG-13,” Zack said, with way too much censure for it to be a suggestion.

  The food arrived piping hot, so Jordon pulled out his chopstick fan and attached the device.

  “Ha, ha, ha. That’s too funny. You guys are cut from the same cloth,” Darius cried out.

  What? Jordon glanced around and saw Tian Di had a fork in his lo mein that rotated with a press of a button.

  They shared a grin across the table.

  Tian Di said, “A gift from my sister.”

  Jordon chuckled and tilted his head toward Zack. “Christmas two years ago from my brother.”

  ZACK AND Andrew escorted Jordon to his room, which happened to be two floors up from Tian Di’s. He was surprised when they didn’t try to lock him in. “We’ll be right next door.”

  As soon as the door shut, he texted Tian Di. Want company?

  Definitely! I have a big shower you might be interested in.

  Jordon’s cock didn’t need to be told it should harden. He tossed a clean T-shirt, underwear, socks, and his toiletries into his bag.

  He opened his door with all the stealth he could manage and booked it to the elevator.

  Jordon made it to Tian Di’s hallway, but someone paced in front of a door. Craptastic!

  Why did it have to be Indigo’s father? He was probably there for the concert, but why was he in front of someone’s door? “Um, hi, Mr. Song.”

  The man jumped and whispered, “Oh. Hello, Jordon. Is everything all right?”

  Jordon dropped his voice too. “I’m… um, yeah. When did you get in?”

  Mr. Young stepped away from the door he was standing at. “Just a little while ago. I wanted to surprise Indigo and see the band.”

  Not sure what to do, Jordon said, “Nice. I’m sure they’ll appreciate it.”

  “Well, have a good night.” Mr. Song glanced at the door one more time and took off down the hall like his ass was on fire. Using a keycard, he opened a door and slipped inside.

  What the hell?

  Tian Di’s door cracked open. “You wanna come… in?”

  Jordon grinned. “Definitely.”

  Chapter 12

  “WǑ CÀO!” Tian Di peeked from behind one of the curtained walls to view the Beijing National Stadium.

  “Fuck me is right.” Indigo stepped back from the curtain and let the panels fall closed.

  The view of the stadium made Tian Di lose his breath. It held eighty thousand people, and unlike today’s sound check, every last seat was filled.

  Tian Di put his hand over his mouth and breathed in and out slowly. When his heart had stopped trying to beat its way out of his chest, he confessed in a whisper, “I never dreamed this would happen.”

  Indigo’s confident facade cracked. “This is pretty quick for Made in China to be here. Usually there’s more of a buildup with more time to gather fans. We owe your boyfriend a debt.”

  “Jordon didn’t do anything other than show people the video Sebe had us make.” It was important to Tian Di that Indigo understood.

  “Yeah, yeah, but without him falling in lust with you strutting around the stage, that”—Indigo pointed to the curtain—“wouldn’t have happened this fast. Fact.”

  “That’s not why I’m with him.”

  Indigo snorted. “No shit. He’s adorable, sweet, and talented. And if he’s anything like his drawings, you’re lucky to have him between the sheets.”

  “Hey!” Tian Di growled.

  Indigo rested a finger against Tian Di’s mouth. “Shhh, it’s less than an hour before the show. You should be in vocal rest.”

  The asshole was right. This was the biggest show Tian Di had ever done. He had taken Indigo’s advice about protecting his voice and he hadn’t spoken above a whisper all day. For the last hour, he’d only been mouthing his words.

  He frowned as loud as he could and grimaced.

  Putting his hands out in front of him, Indigo tried to calm him down. “I meant no offense. I was pointing out Jordon’s too cute for anyone to think you’re with him as a thank-you.”

  Tian Di needed to let it go. Now was not the appropriate time to strangle a bandmate. Time to change the subject, he mouthed, “I remember watching the opening ceremonies for the Olympics in Beijing with my sister. I never even hoped to sing in the Bird’s Nest.”

  “Well, you are, to eighty thousand people. Tonight!” Indigo might have been trying to be endearing, but he failed in a spectacular fashion.

  And the nerves threatening to kill him where he stood returned. Tian Di huffed out a silent “Thanks.”

  Indigo smacked him on the back. “You’ll be fine. But we’ve got to figure out a way to ease Styx and Jin into this.”

  They jogged down the stairs to the dressing room. Tian Di zigzagged around the racks of clothing, equipment, wires, groups of people gossiping or gushing, and roadies hurrying around.

  Indigo held open the dressing room door, forcing Tian Di to face the guys first.

  “So?” Styx tapped out a beat on his thigh that probably left bruises.

  Tian Di glanced at Indigo, hoping for rescue.

  Indigo shrugged. “In truth, it looked like nothing special. Basically the same as sound check… only more seats are filled.”

  “I heard it was a sold-out show,” Jin groused. “During sound check my hands shook to the point I would have lost the guitar if it wasn’t strapped on me.”

  “Well, Jin, thankfully you’re into guitar bondage.” Indigo waved off Styx’s would-be retort. “Hey, didn’t you like driving past the signage with Made in China billed with the Dark Angels? The Dark fucking Angels… tell me your parents didn’t flip, Styx.”

  Tian Di would never admit it aloud, but it might be a good strategy on Indigo’s part to relax Jin by pointing out the benefits of this gig, even with the stress.

  Jin glanced over at Styx.

  Styx had a ghost of a smile on his face. “Yeah, they were heading to the town’s center with that picture to show everyone.”

  Li cleared his throat. “Though there’s a lot of people, almost every ticket holder is here to see the Dark Angels, not Made in China.”

  Indigo pouted. “Killjoy. I don’t know about you guys, but that reality doesn’t steal the magic of this for me.”

  Li continued, “I’m trying to point out there’s no pressure, because we’re a bonus. The crowd expects us to suck, and if we don’t, they’ll think we’re even better than we are.”

  Tian Di smiled and mouthed, “This is more success than I’d ever imagined. By the way, I texted my sister a pic of the marquee. Her response back was a simple squeal. We can do this…. Shall we head upstairs?”

  The members of Made in China followed Tian Di. They stood at the curtains, listening to the audience scream.

  “Dark Angels! Dark Angels!” The audience chanted.

  Indigo rolled his eyes and put his hands on his hips. “Still isn’t stealing my happy. We are going to own that stage—Dad, what are you doing backstage?”

  The band’s attention turned to the man who appeared to be an older version of Indigo. The man shared the same height, build, and fluid movements with his son, he just had shorter dark brown hair.

  “I wanted to wish Made in China a good show.” Mr. Song Young shook Styx’s, Jin’s, and Tian Di’s hands. “I’m Indi’s father. Very nice to meet each of you.”

  “What are you doing here?” Li gave him a quick hug. “Indi said we wouldn’t see you until after the concert.”

  “Eh, I couldn’t wait.” Mr. Young shrugged. “How are you boys doing? This is by far
the biggest show you’ve ever done, so any mistakes will be multiplied.” Did Song Young think that was a helpful reminder?

  Jin groaned. “I’m going to be sick.”

  Tian Di tried to give the music production god a smile that said, I’m ready, though he probably failed.

  Styx’s drumsticks faltered, and then he stopped tapping his sticks all together. He moved closer to Jin. “It’s going to be all right. Besides, you didn’t eat lunch.”

  A wide-eyed stare passed between them, and then Jin said, “And it’s a good thing.”

  “Less to throw up,” Tian Di whispered to Jin.

  Jin gave him a small grin and readjusted his guitar strap.

  Indigo folded his arms over his chest and glared at his dad.

  Li answered, “We’re fine.”

  Song Young shook his head. “No, if you are, you’re insane. It’s a sold-out show. This is one of the biggest venues on the tour.”

  Styx gaped at him with bug eyes.

  Jin whimpered and grabbed Styx’s arm.

  Tian Di enclosed his arms around himself and wished he could hug Jordon right now. Fear slithered through him.

  Song patted Styx on the shoulder. “You should be terrified.”

  “Nice pep talk, Dad. Time to alter your boy-band chat, though.” Indigo rolled his eyes and patted his father on the back. “Guys, where he’s going with this vomit-inducing speech is to embrace your fear. Make the terror work for you. I’m scared shitless, but it won’t rule me. I’m going to dance fire over my keyboard, and fuck anyone who doesn’t like our music. Hmmm, that doesn’t translate well in Mandarin… but you get the idea, right?”

  Tian Di got it, and his band needed the concept. “Yes. We’ve worked for this, and it’s ours.”

  Li’s uncle slipped out of the shadows to say, “Made in China will be epic. Have a memorable show, guys. See you after the performance.”

  Song stared after him as Tai-hua left backstage.

  “Dad. Dad? Dad!” Indigo waved a hand in front of his father’s face.

  “Sorry, yes?” Song hauled his eyes away from the path Tai-hua took.

  “Dad, I checked the tea. They did get Longjing processed in Hangzhou, and we had blue teacups with koi on them.”

  Smiling, Song said, “Good.”

  Styx scrunched his face and turned toward Indigo. “I still don’t understand why you added those bizarre things in our contract, Indi.”

  Indigo grinned. “If those small details are honored, then other more important things like how our instruments are set up, or how the lighting is controlled, will happen as they should.”

  Styx murmured something to Jin, and soon both of them were chuckling.

  “Dark Angels. Dark Angels. Dark Angels.”

  Indigo smacked everyone on the back. “We’re going to show these impatient bastards why they’ll be lining up for us next year… or the year after, right?”

  “Right!” Made in China shouted as a group.

  Where was Jordon?

  “Dark Angels. Dark Angels. Dark Angels.”

  Two minutes until go time, and unsurprisingly, the crowd continued chanting for the Dark Angels.

  Tian Di started to pace. He had to go out there and try to convince them to give Made in China a chance over their boos and disappointment.

  Indigo wrung his hands and repeated, “This is perfectly normal. It doesn’t matter. Don’t let it get into your head.”

  Jin paced and Styx air drummed.

  Angel Luv appeared and slapped Song Young on the back. “I got this.”


  Dusty rushed out to the top of the stairs. “What is that asshole doing now?”

  Angel flung open the curtains.

  The crowd erupted in chaos the moment Angel’s foot hit the stage.

  Indigo snorted and pointed to the stage monitor. “Doing what he does best.”

  Dusty stood next to Tian Di and glared at the monitor.

  Angel snatched a mic and asked, “Lights?”

  When he was drenched in a spotlight the entire crowd seemed to lose their minds. The decibel increased tenfold, and everything from bras to flowers flew onto the stage. “Pretty Ones. My Pretties….”

  Tian Di studied how he aroused, and calmed, the crowd with nothing but attitude and a few words.

  Hands in front of him, Angel requested silence, and got quiet with a few exceptions of “I love you, Angel!” being shouted.

  Tian Di needed to learn this kind of crowd magic.

  “Made in China… is the Dark Angels’ gift to you.”

  More bellowing echoed through the arena.

  Dusty huffed out his breath, folded his arms, and admitted, “They do love the idiot. I’ll give him that.”

  Tian Di mused, “Love? More like worship.”

  “My Pretty Ones, the Dark Angels really want to share Made in China’s music with you. You up for that, Pretty Ones?”

  Angel got on top of the crazy, slowed the direction, and steered the audience’s attention to where he wanted their focus. “Oh, I know many of you are up! Right!”

  Tian Di turned to find Jordon half-hidden by a clothing rack. Just seeing Jordon made everything all right. He hurried over to him and whispered, “Come to wish me luck?”

  Jordon wrapped an arm around his waist and gave him a quick hug. “You don’t need luck. You, and Made in China, are incredible.”

  “I missed you today.” Tian Di hoped Jordon heard him.

  Jordon pressed into him. “Me too. I spent the day with Zack, and drawing you.”

  The feeling of affectionate arousal replaced the doubt and worry. Tian Di grinned and whispered, “Am I clothed?”

  “Somewhat… by the way, I love this androgynous look you’ve got going on. It’s working.” Jordon ran his fingers over the silk under the guise of straightening the fabric.

  He enjoyed Jordon fussing with his long bloodred silk jacket embossed with golden plum blossoms. The jacket skimmed the top of his knee-high boots. Tian Di muttered, “Indigo said because you can’t see my pants, many might mistake me for a woman.”

  Jordon’s eyes sparkled with naughtiness, igniting heat inside Tian Di as his hands traced down Tian Di’s sides. “Well, they’re in for one hell of a surprise….”

  Angel waltzed through the thank-yous from Made in China and patted Tian Di on the back.

  Tian Di mouthed, “Thanks, Angel. We really appreciate—”

  He grabbed Tian Di’s hand and touched his polish. “Hey, those are some rocking nails.”

  After Tian Di and Jordon had spent themselves loving each other, Tian Di couldn’t sleep. Jordon had taken the opportunity to paint abstract designs in primary colors on his nails, including his toenails.

  Tian Di grinned but didn’t say anything other than “Thanks.”

  Angel was astute. “Jordon, why don’t you do my nails?”

  Jordon pressed his lips together for a moment and then said, “I guess you never asked.”

  Zack appeared out of thin air, the way a skilled roadie could, and asked, “When did you have time to become a nail tech, Jordie?”

  A twitch under Jordon’s eye was the only indication of his anger. Jordon shrugged. “Yeah, nail painter to the rock stars.”

  Angel nodded. “Which is why I don’t know why you haven’t done my nails….”

  “Time to go,” Indigo announced.

  Jordon grabbed Tian Di’s hand and squeezed.

  Styx gave Jin a hug and stormed off onto the darkness of the stage.

  Jin readjusted his guitar strap. He stood in place, and then jumped in place a few times. Giving a thumbs-up, Jin bounced out clutching his guitar.

  Indigo got close to Li and said something.

  Li yanked Indigo’s hair. “Later.” He kissed Indigo’s neck, and he swaggered out onto the stage.

  Smirking, Indigo adjusted the front of his pants, shrugged at Tian Di and Jordon, and followed.

  “I’ll see you after?” It shouldn’t have co
me out as a question, but Tian Di’s insecurity climbed back to the surface.

  “You’re damned right you will. I love you.” Jordon tugged him into a hot kiss.

  Tian Di pressed against him before stepping back. “Love you too.”

  “Kill it for me.” Jordon’s smile filled Tian Di’s soul with calm.

  “I will… and I want to see those pictures.” Tian Di noticed Zack across the stage, glaring.

  “I could use a model.” Jordon beamed and gave him a nod.

  “Anytime, but first I’m going to go do this.” Tian Di gestured toward the stage.

  Jordon laughed. “I suppose you must.”

  Tian Di allowed Jordon’s love to wrap around him and fill him with strength. He stepped out into the performing abyss.

  Wǒ cào. I got this. Just sing for Jordon.

  As the lights came on, Tian Di kept his head down but put a little swivel in his strut. He ignored that the crowd’s applause was one tenth of what Angel Luv got. Tian Di would claim it as his own and build on their good will.

  He grabbed the bejeweled mic. The band waited for Tian Di’s signal. Several whistles cut through the audience.

  Tian Di raised his head and Indigo’s keyboard gave him the notes he needed. He belted out a love song with a mix of Mandarin and English lyrics in a very deep voice.

  The crowd gasped.

  Tian Di didn’t give them any time to adjust, he used the cascading confusion to win them while their defenses were down. Once the initial puzzlement about his gender was absorbed, some of the fans sang along, but more importantly he had everyone’s attention on Made in China.

  The song ended in strong applause. Tian Di waved for their silence and took the opportunity to speak to them. “I want to thank Angel Luv for that incredible introduction. We’re extremely honored to be touring with the Dark Angels. Please show your appreciation for the Dark Angels.”

  The crowd predictability went wild.

  Tian Di indicated a song order change and ignored Indigo’s head shake.

  “We’re going to keep things going with ‘Evolution.’” He harnessed the audience’s energy and took them into the harder rocking song meant to feed the crowd’s mood and keep the elation high.


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