Scorched Hearts (Dragons of Ember Brooke Book 1)

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Scorched Hearts (Dragons of Ember Brooke Book 1) Page 4

by Victoria Zak

Every summer her family vacationed in Florida at her parent’s beach house. Fourth of July festivities always ended with a huge family get-together, Bar-B-Q and fireworks. It was a special time. Cherished memories of fishing with her father brought a smile to her face. She remembered how he’d tell her how proud he was of her and he’d listen to all her problems, even the ones involving boys.

  Since she had started working at the research institute, she’d neglected the ones who loved her the most. She’d hadn’t realized it until now. First thing when she got home, time to call her dad and ask him to take her fishing.

  After the fireworks, they made their way back to the tent. Thane insisted that Bex look for a table while he went for food. She found one and sat down to watch the band, still stunned by everything going on in her life.

  “Hey, hope you like burgers.” Thane placed a paper plate in front of her with a huge burger, side dishes, and fries.

  “I can’t believe those were real dragons. Wow, that’s a lot of food.” Bex eyed the plate.

  “I wasn’t sure what you liked, so you got a little of everything.” Thane sat across from her and waited.

  She took a forkful of coleslaw, then noticed Thane started to eat after she’d taken the first bite. What a gentleman.

  “So.” Thane wiped his mouth. “What is this work you do that keeps you so busy?”

  Bex took a sip of beer. “It’s complicated.” Explaining her research to someone outside of her field was always difficult.

  “I’m listening.” Thane folded his arms, giving her his full attention.

  “I’m a research assistant at the Supernatural Research Institute. I’ll have my PhD by the end of the year.”

  “Impressive. I can see how that would keep you busy.”

  “Yeah, if it wasn’t for my friend, Mel, pushing me to take a break, I wouldn’t be here.”

  “Well, I’m glad she did.” Thane smiled as he popped a fry in his mouth.

  She was under his spell again. Even the way he chewed was sexy. He had a five o’clock shadow that peppered his jawline, which set her core blazing. She licked her lips as she thought about how sinfully delightful those whiskers would feel rubbing against her inner thigh.

  “What’s your area of expertise?” he asked.

  Bex cleared her throat. “Dragon genetics. How our bodies respond to different stimuli. Draco- sapiens are a well-kept secret.”

  “We’re not so complicated. Dragons have existed since the creation of the world. We’ve had a lot of time to get our shit together.”

  “Perhaps some of us,” Bex said under her breath.

  “What made you want to be a dragon scientist?”

  Bex didn’t want to reveal too much. She knew how she felt every time she injected herself with the anti-shift serum, she couldn’t imagine telling another dragon about it. How would it affect him? Would he think less of her for denying who and what she really was? “There’s a lack of information out there about she-dragons. For instance, I’m the only she-dragon at the institute and the only documented studies are the ones I’ve done in the past two years. If my dissertation project is a success, I’ll be heading a new lab geared toward the wellbeing of female dragons. It’s a responsibility I take very seriously.”

  “That’s fantastic, Bex. You’ll make a great role model for our young.”

  Bex arched a brow.

  “I mean our kind’s young, of course. Anyway…” Thane shifted in his seat. “What is your dissertation on?”

  “Assessing reproductive interest and options for the female Draco-sapien.”

  Thane coughed and grabbed for his beer.

  “I’m sorry, too much information.”

  “No.” He cleared his throat. “You know, I could help you on that subject.”

  Bex slapped his arm. “Don’t make fun of me. It’s a legit concern.”

  “I’m serious.”

  “Me, too. I don’t want to hear about how good of a lover you are. That women swoon at your feet.” Yes, she did, but that was beside the point.

  “That’s not what I’m talking about. Let me show you.”

  “Thane, I don’t—”

  “Give me one dance.”

  Bex considered the offer for a moment. Why not cross the line and live a little? She was leaving at the end of the week and nothing indicated she shouldn’t trust him. He was genuinely interested and too damn irresistible.


  Thane smiled as they stood and made their way to the dance floor, joining the other couples in a two-step. Not knowing one thing about the dance, Bex followed his lead, hoping not to trip over her own two feet. There was a rhythm here, she just had to find it.

  Thane draped his arm around her shoulders and his whiskers brushed against her ear. “Relax,” he whispered.

  She inhaled a shaky breath and looked up into his eyes. There was a calmness and a familiar feeling about him like she’d known him all her life. It had to be their dragon connection.

  A few times around the dance floor together and she had the steps down. He spun her around in front of him like he was showing her off, then let her go. Bex bent her finger in a come-here gesture while she shimmied and shook her shoulders. He hit her with a smoldering gaze as he grabbed her around the waist and pulled her against his body. She threw her head back, laughing.

  The band switched to a slow, sexy tempo. He pulled her closer and she tensed, feeling the attraction between them. Trying to fight off her body’s betrayal, she wedged her hands between their bodies, placing her palms on his chest, but it didn’t work. Before she had a chance to think about what she was doing, she slid her hands upward, feeling every ripple of muscle. Her thumbs rubbed over his nipples, and a low growl escaped his lips. Their bodies melted in mutual passion.

  “How long do I have you for?”

  “Don’t all fairy tales end at midnight?” she asked.

  Thane grinned. “I hope not. I meant when are you going back to the real world.”

  “Saturday,” Bex exhaled in despair at the thought of leaving Ember Brooke.

  “So, I have five days to convince you to stay?”

  “Thane, I can’t.” She stepped out from his embrace, but he pulled her back in.

  “Then I’m going to make the next five days unforgettable. I want to cook dinner for you tomorrow night, my place.”

  Bex considered it, debating whether she should accept his offer or hop in her car and drive away while her heart was still whole. If she stayed, she knew she’d end up breaking both of their hearts.

  “I promise to be a gentleman.” He rested his forehead against hers.

  “What if I don’t want you to be?”

  Softly, he claimed her lips. Their tongues danced together leaving her breathless. She felt weightless, like she was swinging higher and higher. Her stomach flipped when she finally touched the ground again as Thane broke the kiss and said, “I’ll see you at eight.”


  Finally, the countdown began…One hour until Bex arrived. Thane had rushed through the day anticipating what would happen tonight. He’d spent the morning in the air, providing two hang gliding tours which lasted longer than expected, but it was a good distraction. Then he’d taken Stone’s advice and cleaned house. He wanted everything to be perfect for his mate, and even went as far as to make sure fresh flowers were set throughout the house.

  Now, showered and dressed in a white button down shirt and jeans, Thane was in the kitchen chopping and marinating the vegetables and meat while listening to The Rolling Stones. Nothing made him happier than to cook for his mate. Every piece of food he’d picked was tailored to Bex. He’d called Dorothea while at the grocery store, rapid firing questions about what she-dragons needed to eat to prepare for pregnancy and what foods to stay away from. Of course, she laughed him off and told him to slow down. He couldn’t go wrong with meat and potatoes. So, he’d selected filet mignon with lobster, potatoes, salad, and something special for dessert.

Damn if dragon pride wasn’t a bitch.

  Five days wasn’t long enough, but he’d court her like a queen and make her want to stay. He understood her independence and wanting to finish her research, but unfortunately, once mated, everything else would take a backseat. Dragon law and mating rituals were considered serious. He’d known a few dragons where their mates had rejected them. It was a painful process to witness. Knowing how driven Bex was, he had to court her properly and not scare her away.

  She was as fragile as fresh snow. One wrong move and he sensed she’d send him packing which was the total opposite of what her body was signaling. Last night he’d felt the desire purring from her dragon, needing his touch. He knew she felt it, too, but it wasn’t a done deal. The continued resistance felt odd to him. Surely she knew what was expected of her. Shouldn’t she want to be mated?

  Thane shook free from his thoughts and focused on tonight. He’d turn on the Don Juan, and she’d never want to leave his bed. Fuck yeah. He grabbed the platter with two steaks on it and walked out back on his deck where the grill was fired up. The whole back of his house overlooked the mountains. It was peaceful, not a neighbor in sight. When he designed the house, he planned it so the morning sunshine lit up the back of his house, giving him a sunroom for the cold winters. He could just picture Bex relaxing on the couch, rubbing her pregnant belly, and reading a book on baby names. Yeah, this whole mating thing had him thinking like a chick. What next, knitting baby booties?

  Fuck. He slapped the steaks on the grill and watched the flames flicker with fury. He had it bad, but what the fuck did he care? He wanted Bex in his life and he wanted kids to pass down his legacy to. Bex was smart, beautiful, and he knew she’d be a good mom…and holy hell, she looked stunning in that little black dress and strappy heels. He watched Bex through the wall of glass windows as she waved at him from inside the house.

  She opened the door to the deck and stepped out. “Hey, the front door was open so I came in.”

  He took in every inch of her, starting at the short sleeve, black lace top of her dress. The low-cut neckline hugged her tits perfectly. Shit. He balled his hands resisting the urge to touch her as his attention was drawn to a sexy, flare hem that stopped mid-thigh.


  He cleared his throat. “I’m sorry. You took my breath away. You look beautiful.”

  She tucked her hair behind her ear and averted her gaze. “Thank you.”

  “Turn around. I want to see more.”

  She did, and his cock jerked as he trailed his gaze down her exposed back all the way to her fleshy, toned calves. He stifled a growl as his dragon let it be known he approved.

  “Well, I’m glad you approve.” She smiled, further fraying the thread he loosely held onto.

  “Good God, you have no clue how beautiful you are.” He leaned in and kissed her cheek. “I’m glad you’re here.” Thane tore himself away from her before his steaks went up in flames.

  “You know, flattery will get you far,” she teased.

  “I’ll make note of that.” Thane plated the steaks. “Would you like some wine?”

  “I’d love a glass.”

  Thane opened the door for her and watched her walk into the house. As she passed by him, her sweet jasmine scent hit him square in the chest. How was he going to keep his shit together, or better yet, keep his dragon under control? Oh, the bastard was making it perfectly clear that he wanted to come out and play.

  Thane set the plate down on the counter and picked up two bottles of wine. “Red or white?”

  “Red.” Bex walked up to breakfast bar where Thane was pouring the wine. “Your house is gorgeous.”

  “I’ll take you on a tour after we eat.” He handed her the red, then started to arrange the food on the plates.

  “Can I help you with something?”

  You can, but then our food would get cold. “No, you’re my guest. Make yourself at home.”

  “Okay.” He watched her walk into the living room, admiring the décor.

  “You see that wall of stone over there?”


  “It’s actually part of the mountain.”

  “Seriously?” She looked at him, surprised, as she walked toward the wall. She rubbed her hand across the stone.

  “Yep, I loved this mountain so much I had part of the house carved out of the it.”

  “Wow, I’ve never seen anything quite like it.”

  “It’s serpentine. Some people get it confused with jade.” He walked up behind her and stuffed his hands in his jean pockets to avoid touching her.

  “And the fireplace is a nice touch.”

  “It comes in handy,” he observed.

  He caught her off guard as she turned around, bumping into him. Red wine splashed onto his white shirt. “I’m so sorry.” Horrified, she ran to the kitchen and returned with a handful of paper towels. She dabbed his shirt. “I’m such a klutz.”

  “It’s just a shirt.” He looked down at her blotting his shirt and smelled her hair.

  “You should take it off and get it in the wash so it doesn’t stain it permanently.” She looked up at him and bit her bottom lip.

  He tilted her chin up. Softly, he brushed his lips against hers and was enraptured when she opened for him, allowing him to deepen the kiss. He cupped the back of her neck and pulled her closer. His body boiled when she snaked her arms around his neck. The urge to take her now, to claim her, was getting harder and harder to ignore. But timing was everything. He broke the kiss. “I wanted to do that as soon as you walked through my door.”

  Bex stepped back, rubbing the back of her neck. “You should take care of your shirt.”

  Slowly, he unbuttoned his shirt, untucking it from his jeans. “I’ll be right back.”

  Thane threw his shirt in the washer and braced his hands on the edge. He gripped the metal until it creaked, warning him he was about to break the washer. He wasn’t going to last long. Whether she knew it or not, her dragon was calling out, and his dragon relentlessly begged to answer. Her arousal and heated skin lit up all his dragon sensors. His plan was to take it slow. He didn’t want to send out the wrong impression by inviting her over to dinner and expecting something in return. But damn, she was irresistible.

  Fuck. He grabbed a clean t-shirt folded on top of the dryer and tugged it on. He ran his fingers through his hair, doing a quick freshening up before he returned to Bex.

  To his surprise, Bex had set the table.

  “It was the least I could do. I hope you don’t mind.”

  “Not at all.” He pulled her chair out and she sat down, tucking her dress under her.

  He sat across from her. “I hope you like steak and lobster.”

  “Love a good steak. You did good. I’m very impressed.”

  Thane couldn’t help the silly grin spreading across his face. He’d pleased his mate.

  He watched her cut into the meat and bring a forkful to her mouth. He waited patiently for her response.

  “Wow.” She chewed it delicately, then took a sip of wine, “This is the best steak I’ve ever had.”

  “I’m glad you like it.” Thane picked up his fork and dug in.

  “So, tell me why you chose this mountain?” Bex asked.

  Thane took a sip of wine. “Besides the view, I wanted the perfect place to start a family. You can’t get much better than Ember Brooke.”

  “It’s a beautiful place.”

  “Yes, it was worth the virgin I had to sacrifice.”

  Bex choked. “What?”

  Thane laughed. “I’m joking. This mountain has been in my family for generations. If fact, after the great Drakon war, my father fled from Scotland and settled here in Ember Brooke.”

  “You have some real history here, huh?”

  “Sure do. My father was the notorious James the Black Douglas. A mighty Scottish warrior who fought for Dragonkine freedom.”

  “That’s fascinating.”

  “What about your
family?” He noticed Bex shifting in her chair, apparently uncomfortable with the question.

  “My parents are good people. My father is a lawyer and my mother is an elementary school teacher.”

  “So, no wild teenage years, huh?”

  Bex giggled. “I was a good kid.”

  Thane smiled. “I can see that.”

  The conversation flowed effortlessly through the rest of dinner. He’d talked about himself nonchalantly, how he’d made a hefty profit mining and selling a portion of serpentine from the mountain. He noticed how she crossed and uncrossed her legs a few times as she explained in more detail about her research. It amazed him how smart she was.

  Thane had hoped talking about family would bring up the whole mating conversation. But the she-dragon stayed far away form that topic.

  Something felt off. He couldn’t put his claw on it. Yes, he’d never been mated before and didn’t know what to expect, but he couldn’t shake that something wasn’t right. An unsure feeling lingering inside, worrying him that she didn’t realize him as her mate? Even though all the signs were there, the flirting, her scent, the sexual desire they danced around. He should just man up, clear the air, and be done with it. Hit her with the truth; Hey, you’re mated to me for the rest of our lives. Can you pass the salt?

  Perhaps all the sexual tension between them was the reason his boxer briefs were in a wad. Whatever it was, he only had four days left to convince her to stay.

  “Thane, everything tasted amazing.” She dabbed the corners of her mouth on her napkin. “If you keep feeding me like this, I’ll be bringing back a few extra vacation pounds as souvenirs.”

  “I know a way we can burn off those extra pounds.” He winked.

  Bex playfully rolled her eyes. “How about I help you clean up?”

  “Aww, I love it when you talk dirty to me.”

  Bex sauntered over to him and seductively picked up his plate. “Baked on grease…scrubbing pads…load the dishwasher.” She smiled down at him.

  He stood up, knocking his chair to the ground. Bex giggled and took off toward the kitchen. He didn’t allow her to get far as he caught her around the waist and pulled her against him. He nuzzled her neck, breathing her in. God, the things he wanted to do to her.


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