Hayden_Four Sons Series

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Hayden_Four Sons Series Page 3

by J. D. Hollyfield

  I turn back, finding her green eyes filled with mischief. She’s a lot different from the last time I saw her. Her smile wasn’t there before as it is now, lighting up her face. It almost allows me to forget the fucked-up new life I’m stuck in. “Would you like to find out just how great I am, Miss…?”

  Her sudden blush is cute. “It’s Fairchild, but you can just call me Katie.”

  I can’t help but join her in smiling. There’s something about her that makes me forget—makes me want to be someone better. “All right then. Would you like to experience the greatness of Hayden Pearson, Katie?” I say her name low, with intent. Her rosy cheeks indicate she knows exactly what I’m getting at.

  She turns so she’s sitting on her side and rests her head on the chair. “You know, Hayden Pearson, I’m gonna be real honest with you. I have a feeling you’re not as big, bad, and wild as they say you are.”

  “I thought they said I was great.”

  “Well, yes. At being big, bad, and wild. I just thought to leave that part out to be polite. But for some reason, I feel like that’s just a cover. I think behind those blue eyes, you really are just great.”

  She stuns me silent. I fail at a quick, witty comeback. I have no reply to keep her riding my game. Instead of thanking her for saying something kind—a kindness that hasn’t been shown to me for quite some time—I throw my back onto the chair and fixate my eyes on the pool again. “Yeah…well, beware, my bark truly is as big as my bite.”

  Instead of scaring her off, she laughs. The sound filters through the backyard, almost giving life back into the place. “Well, before you bite me, which I’m not saying no to, I wanted to say thank you. For being there for me. I wouldn’t have made it through those hours without you.” She reaches for my hand and squeezes. It startles me at first, the affection—something I’m not used to—then I turn to her, and her kind eyes stare back at me.

  I’ve been with countless women. Even at such a young age. But none of them have turned my skin as hot as she’s doing right now. The more fucked up thing is: I’m not even thinking about fucking her. I’m thinking about what she would do if I grabbed her, pulled her onto my lap, and held her against me.

  “There you go again.”

  “Go where?” I ask.

  “In your head. Wanna talk about it?”

  I immediately shut down. My eyes are back on the pool as if it’s my safety zone.

  “That’s fine. How about I just do what someone did for me once? It was a real life saver.”

  “Oh? And what was that?” I reply, a little less friendly.

  She lifts our still connected hands. “This.” She drops our hands, cuddles into the seat, and joins me in staring at the pool.

  I shake off the memory, though it feels more like a dream since it was so long ago. A time when I wasn’t so cold and rigid toward life. But so much has happened since that day at the pool. I’m not the same. I’m sure she’s not either. I look at the time and realize I’ve been sitting here for almost forty-five minutes. I get up and leave the diner. I rip off my suit coat and toss it into the dumpster before getting into my car and racing back toward downtown Tampa.

  Chapter Three


  “Uncle Trevor!” I scream, knowing he hates it when I make jokes about his age. He’s technically old enough to be my dad, but my dad sure doesn’t look as fine and fit as he does. I jump at him, forcing him to fumble with his phone and catch me.

  “Jesus, woman,” he scoffs, pretending he’s not happy to see me. He tries to resist, but then gives in and hugs me tightly.

  “This is a nice surprise! I was expecting Luce and my favorite goddaughter.”

  Lucy may own Trevor’s heart, but their daughter, Eva, is the boss of her daddy.

  About a year and a half ago, Lucy almost died. It was the scariest moment of my life. Even more so, Trevor’s. He didn’t waste another second. Vowing to always protect her, he put the biggest ring on her finger and married her. I would have put up a bigger stink that he didn’t wait for us to plan the coolest wedding known to man, but I was just thankful I was there to witness such an amazing moment.

  Shortly after came the announcement about Eva, and nine months later, she gave birth to the sweetest, most adorable little girl, which they named her after Lucy’s Gran.

  “First off, I told you to stop calling me uncle. I’m not that old, dammit,” Trevor grumbles, and sets me down. He grabs for the bag strap falling off my shoulder. “Lucy’s stuck at work. She asked me to come get you so no one tries to kidnap you and keep you all for themselves. Her words.” I laugh at how on point that is. Totally something Lucy would say.

  “Well, thanks! And where is my little boo bear? She off on dates already?” I ask about their three-month-old daughter.

  Another stressful look from Trevor. “No, she’s at home with the nanny. And let’s not mention dating. I already have her registered for the convent.”

  Awww, poor Trevor. Since he had a son with his prior wife, he had no idea about the scary truth of having a girl. He swears he’s sending her to the nunnery as soon as she’s old enough, so no boy ever dares look her way. “Got it. Nun Eva. So, did you bring the Maserati or the Porsche? I was really looking forward to being picked up in the pink Maserati.” He shakes his head at the mention of Lucy’s pink car, as if he’s annoyed by her choice in color. Girl could have anything, and she picks pink. Only Lucy.

  He gestures toward the exit and leads us out of the airport. “I have the Porsche. Lucy drove the Maserati to work thinking she was the one who was going to get you.” At that, we both look at each other and laugh. Gonna have to request a raincheck on the sweet pink car ride.

  As we pull out onto the freeway, I take in my surroundings. Every time I come back to Tampa, I forget how much I miss it. The smell of the salt water in the air, the sound of the waves crashing, the sun, and yeah…the sun. Back home in Minnesota, we see sun, but it’s not as beautiful as it is here. Peaceful almost. We also don’t have beaches, hot beach dudes, or fancy summer drink menus at all our local beach shacks.

  “So, how’s work? Still makin’ the billions, makin’ it rain?” I do the “make it rain” motion, spreading all my imaginary dollar bills across the car. I actually get a chuckle out of Trevor, which deserves a pat on the back for me.

  “If that’s what you want to call it, yes. Four Fathers is doing exceptionally well. Even after all the headaches.”

  “Awww, not cool! No one gives my Uncle Trevor lip! Who’s the headache?”

  “Fucking Hayden—as always.”

  I instantly freeze at the name. Trevor catches himself. “I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have—I shouldn’t have mentioned his name.”

  “Oh, ah…nah, it’s cool. That’s all history. No harm done.” But the smile that left my face tells another story.


  “No, it’s fine. I can’t pretend he doesn’t exist.” I throw a fake smile back on my face. “But for real. I’m okay. Whatever was between us is over. I can hear his name. I can probably see him on the street and wave.” Probably the biggest lie ever. “Don’t hold back on my account. I’m here for you and Lucy. It’s gonna be great.” I know Trevor wants to say more. He’s witnessed more than a handful of mine and Hayden’s fights. The countless number of times toward the end where he was forced to watch as I cried in Lucy’s arms over my broken heart. God, how can he not want to say more?

  I lean forward and play with the radio, finding a song and turning it up, making it impossible for Trevor to mention anything else. I offer him another kind smile and bring my eyes and thoughts to the ocean.

  Fifteen months ago…

  “Okay, if I win, you go in the pool topless.”

  “What! No way. What if I win? What do you do?”

  Hayden winks at me, causing my belly to do that little dance again. “If I lose, I’ll make your wildest dreams come true and lose my boardshorts. But you have to behave. Be nice to him. He’s been wanting to
say hi all morning, and if you stare at him the way you’re staring at me now, I’m gonna have to warn you, he’s gonna want you to pet him.”

  My mouth falls open as he catches me off guard. Before I’m able to react, he tackles me and throws us both into the pool. I quickly suck in air just as we go under. Our eyes seem to open at the same time. Maybe it’s because I’m used to this—him bringing me under the water where it’s quiet, where the sounds of life and madness aren’t heard. I think he does this to feel as if he doesn’t have a billion-pound weight on his shoulders. Where there’s no one demanding things from him. Our eyes connect as they always do, and even under water, I feel the pull. Somehow, a complete stranger convinced me to turn my two-week stay into going on three months. But time’s up, and I have to go back.

  The funny thing is Hayden Pearson is far from a stranger now. He may just be everything. He looks at me under the water as if no one can touch us. If we could stay under forever, I think he would. Lucy and Trevor both warn me not to get close to him. He’s a Pearson, and they tend not to be what a nice girl like myself is looking for. But what makes them think I’m a nice girl?

  I look into his eyes. He looks almost at peace, his young age of twenty-one showing through. I may be five years older at twenty-seven, but I have my life together as much as a fifteen-year-old does. As I always like to remind myself, age doesn’t matter. Look at Lucy and Trevor. They seem to work out.

  The look of sadness etches his face when he knows our lungs need refilled with air and our quiet moment is up. With his hands still wrapped around my waist, he pushes back up and breaks through the surface.

  “Hayden Pearson, I didn’t want to get my hair wet.”

  He swims us over to the edge of the pool, pushes my back up against the pool wall, and presses himself into me. Every time he does this, its sends me a little bit more over the edge. Lowering his head, he stops just before our lips touch.

  “And I didn’t want to fall in love with a girl from Minnesota, but shit happens. Now, kiss me and tell me you’ll stay here with me forever.”

  The fight to keep the tears at bay is almost impossible. Every time we’re alone like this, he opens my heart up more and more for him. His kind words. His gentle caresses. The times where the cold, untouchable Pearson son doesn’t exist.

  “I told you I had to go home some time. I have a job. An apartment. I can’t leave my brother forever. Come home with me. Let Trevor and the other partners run Four Fathers.”

  The strain is back in his brows. He pulls away, throwing his hands through his wild hair. “If I could do that, I would have already. Just forget I asked. It’s getting late, and I know you gotta pack. We should get out.” He begins to swim away as I call for him. My voice is filled with sadness. I would do anything to stay here with him in our little bubble we’ve created, but there’s something deep, deep down that tells me Hayden isn’t ready. He may love me, as I do him. He may feel he needs me, the solace I bring him. But I can’t be his scapegoat in life, and right now, I feel like that’s what I am to him.

  It’s only been three months, and my heart knows what it wants, but it also knows if I stay, we wouldn’t last.

  He doesn’t stop or turn around. He continues to climb out of the pool and walk away.

  I ended up staying another year.

  “We’re here.”

  I snap out of my memory to realize we’re in Lucy and Trevor’s driveway. “Oh shit, sorry. My mind was somewhere else I guess.” He nods as if he understands, and we both climb out of his car. The front door flies open, and Lucy comes running toward me.

  “My boo!” I yell, tackling her. We do our girly thang and jump up and down while squealing like little school girls. “God, girl, I’ve missed you.” I gush at how great she looks.

  “I missed you too. Man, I forgot how pasty you are,” she teases, forgetting she was just as pasty three years ago.

  “I know. That’s why I didn’t even bring a bathing suit. Need to tan e-v-e-r-y-t-h-i-n-g!” We both laugh as Trevor walks by us huffing and puffing. “What, Uncle Trev? Darlene told me tan lines are so outdated.” Lucy laughs and slaps me on the shoulder. “Shhh...no mention of Darlene. She may have fed me too many vodka lemonades last weekend and got me to skinny dip in the ocean again.”

  I laugh out loud, and Trevor grumbles louder. Trevor’s ex is a riot. I met her my first time out here, and we clicked right off the bat. I think it’s cool as shit they all get along. At first, I thought it was super awkward, but five minutes in Darlene’s presence, and it all clicked.

  “Ladies, dinner reservations are at nine at Flemings. And, Katie? This time don’t convince my wife not to wear underwear. If she tries to save the lobsters again and I have to carry her out, I’d appreciate the entire restaurant not getting a view of what’s mine. I don’t want to have to murder anyone.” With that, Trevor walks into their gigantic mansion.

  “Your husband is super-hot when he’s bossy,” I say, grabbing my bag and following her into their home.

  Lucy turns back to me, and with a smile as big as someone who just won the lottery, she says, “I know.”

  Chapter Four


  “And you’re fucking sure this time?”

  “All the dots connect. I’m sure.”

  I’m sitting at the table of my condo, staring down at the information Wyatt Brandon just gave me. And of course, my suspicions were right. “And this confirms Jameson Vincent is indeed Trevor Blackstone?”

  Wyatt nods, but looks unsure. Goddammit. “Is it or not?”

  “The paper trail of funds all lead back to Mr. Blackstone. This guy, your Jameson Vincent, he’s like a ghost, if that’s his real name, but he isn’t in the records. If I had to make a professional guess, I don’t think that’s your guy, but they are connected in some way.”

  A professional guess? A professional guess!

  “I’ve spent the last four months searching for the truth and you’re coming at me with a guess?” Slamming my fists down, I shove my chair back, walk over to the wall-to-wall window overlooking the city, and thrust my hand through my hair.


  “It’s Mr. Pearson to you. I pay you enough money, you will respect who I am.”

  “Yes, of course, Mr. Pearson. We’ve gone over these many times. And each time, I come back with the same information. Trevor Blackstone has been sending money to an account with the name Jameson Vincent. The only puzzle piece was how he was connected to Jameson Vincent. The locations Jameson has been spotted don’t match up with Trevor’s business trips. I am confident they are not one person. But the money trail leads me to conclude they know one another.”

  I grip my hair so tight, it’s gonna cause a headache. What the fuck were you up to, Mom? A question I won’t ever get answered. I thought I had him. I was going to finally ruin his life the way he ruined our family.

  “Get out.”

  “What about my mone—”

  “GET OUT!” I yell, watching from the reflection of the dark night as Mr. Brandon jumps from his seat, grabs his coat, and scurries out my door.

  “FUCK!” I scream. This wasn’t supposed to be the outcome. Everything I’ve done. It was supposed to lead up to him being gone and finally out of my brothers’ lives. I won’t let losing everything—losing her—be for nothing.

  Three months ago…

  “Hayden, you have to let this go. This is not healthy.”

  I take a swig from the bottle of my eighteen-year Macallan aged scotch. Dear old dad’s favorite. “You know what’s not healthy? My girlfriend not taking my side. Taking his side.” Another swig. I stumble, almost falling into the pool. Katie screams in fear, but I catch myself and toss myself into the lawn chair.

  “You have to stop. I can’t stick around and watch you obsess over this ridiculous theory any longer.” My arm is up, and the bottle of scotch is flying through the air, shattering against the stone wall. Too close to her. She screams again, the sound mingling with
her cries.

  I cringe thinking I could have almost hurt her, but my anger doesn’t subside. “I’m not fucking wrong. That motherfucker is lying. Everyone thinks he’s a fucking saint. He’s not. He’s a fucking scam artist out for our money, and he’s Nixon’s father. I know it. I can prove it.”

  I don’t need her to say it to know how disappointed she is in me. It’s written all over her face. She’s done with me. I can feel it. Her hands fly up in the air, getting just as worked up as I am.

  “Give me a break, Hay. He has his own fortune, why would he need yours? And why would him being Nixon’s father be so bad? Trevor is a great man. He has done nothing but care for Nixon. Shown him love, support—”

  “STOP! Fucking stop! Shut the fuck up.” My voice startles her, but why does she not understand? The only person I love in this goddamn fucking world and she doubts me.

  I’m up and storming toward her. I would never hurt her, but she doesn’t seem to know that. She flinches when I get close, and it guts me even more.

  “You need to see someone, Hay. You’re obsessed. Is this because Nixon gets to feel what it’s like to have a dad? A father figure who loves him?”

  “Shut up.”

  “Are you angry because your father never showed you that kind of love?”

  “Shut the fuck up, Katie.”

  “No! Look what you’ve become because of this! You’re so angry. The drinking. And now? What are you going to do? Hit me? I’m done, Hay. God, I stayed. I stayed for you. I left everything because you swore you loved me. But this…” She raises her hands to the house. Eric’s house. “You’re choosing to continue to live in this hell. Look around you. Everyone else has moved on from the past. Your brothers have moved on. But you? You’re still stuck in a world where Eric Pearson rules you. He was an awful dad, I get it, but you need to move on. Why do you still have this house? Huh? It brings you nothing but misery. Bad memory after bad memory.”


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