Fire's Devotion

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Fire's Devotion Page 4

by Daisy Dunn

  Once they reached the front door, he tried to open it. “The deadbolt’s locked. Do you have a key with you?”

  “It’s in my front pocket.” She began to nibble his earlobe and nuzzle his neck.

  Setting her down, he leaned her body against his and fished into her fitted jeans for the key. “Here it is.” He unlocked the door and carried her into her home. “Where can I take you?”

  “Down the hall and to the right is my bedroom. Take me there.”

  He followed her directions, and once inside her room, he placed her gently on her bed. “Is there anything else I can do for you?”

  “Make love to me, Ethan.” She pulled off her top and started unbuttoning her jeans and then turned her gaze toward him. “Don’t you want to make love to me?”

  “More than anything, but something isn’t right. I don’t want to take advantage of you in this, ah, state you’re in.”

  “Ethan, you’re not going to be taking advantage of me. On the contrary, it will be the other way around. I need you now, and I can’t wait much longer.” She sat on the edge of her bed and reached into the waistband of his jeans, pulling him closer to her so he stood between her open legs. She unzipped his jeans and pushed them down his legs. His cock stood at full attention, and she realized he hadn’t worn underwear. She gazed at his thick shaft and glistening head and needed more than anything to taste him, bring his essence into her body.

  “No, Flame…” He started to protest, but his words trailed off when she snaked her tongue out of her mouth and laved the end of his cock with it. His hands fisted in her hair, and she could tell he struggled with indecision.

  With a gentle hand, she cupped his tight balls while swiftly taking his cock deep into her mouth. He tasted sweet, his aroma unique and highly addictive. She could never tire of him in any way. His hands relaxed in her hair as she guided him in and out of her mouth while sweeping the underside of his shaft with her forceful tongue.

  When he groaned, she moved faster and sucked harder on his cock. Suddenly, he took a step back, severing their connection. For a brief moment, sadness crept inside of her until she watched him pull his T-shirt over his head, kick his pants aside, and remove his shoes and socks. He helped Flame off the bed and began to do the same to her until they faced each other, naked and in need.

  With one step separating the two, he closed the gap, wrapping his arms around her lower back and her shoulders and pulling her tight. His lips hovered over hers as their eyes met. She stood on her tiptoes and pressed her full, hungry lips against his. He answered her hunger with obvious need of his own.

  He urged her back onto the bed and climbed beside her, never once breaking their first tempestuous kiss. The connection between them felt right, and Flame gave herself completely to him, body and soul. He placed his knee in between her thighs and parted her legs. Pulling away from her lips, his body followed his knee, as he wedged himself in front of her pussy. Poised at her juicy core, Ethan began to kiss his way down her body until he arrived at her firm, rounded breasts. One hand toyed with one of her nipples while she watched him dip his head and flick his tongue over the full length of her other hardened nipple.

  With her back arched, he seemed to read her desire as he drew her pink nub into his mouth and suckled on it. Waves of pleasure rose and fell throughout her body as he continued to work his magic on her breast.

  Feeling his hard cock tapping on her pussy, Flame tried to reach between his legs to guide him inside. However, she couldn’t quite grab his shaft with Ethan’s hulking, muscular frame blocking her way. Desperation started to turn her ravenous for his intrusion as she thrust her snatch upward, trying to ease his thick head inside. She could feel him sliding against her wet lips and swollen clit, which made her even more determined to make love to him. “Please, Ethan,” she begged, “put your cock inside of me.”

  Ethan released her breasts and leaned back on his knees. With his rod in hand, he continued to run his head up and down her lips. “My God, you’re so wet.” He then placed his cock at her core and, with one hard, fast thrust, entered her.

  “Oh, Ethan,” she screamed at the pure rapture he brought to her pussy. His body came crashing down over her, and he caught himself with his arms planted on either side of his shoulders. He began to pump in and out, each time a little harder.

  Flame rocked her hips up to meet his every thrust while wrapping her legs around his narrow hips. They moved together with ease and comfort, yet still the passion burned in Flame. She could only hope Ethan felt the pull to her as much as she felt it to him. As she neared her climax, she could tell Ethan came close to his as well. Letting go, she cried out in a blinding, pulsing moment of release as her pussy began to clench around Ethan’s cock.

  Mere seconds later, Flame heard a harsh groan of what sounded like masculine satisfaction escape from Ethan’s lips as his molten cum intermingled with hers. He collapsed beside her on the bed, pulling her tight as they caught their breath.

  “You’re so fucking sexy,” Ethan said after a minute.

  “You’re pretty amazing yourself.” With the sexual heat assuaged, she snuggled closer to his chest, loving the feel of his naked body against hers. “I hope you’re not upset with me for what happened tonight.”

  “How could I possibly be upset with you? This is a night I’ll never forget. In fact, ever since I met you this morning, I haven’t been able to get you out of my mind. I wanted you, Flame. I still want you. Not just sexually, but as mine.”

  Shocked by his honest and open admission, Flame pulled Ethan tighter and placed soft kisses on his neck and chest. “I want you, too.”

  * * * *

  Driving a borrowed cruiser, Jack went home after his shift, showered, changed, and headed out to McLeod’s Pub. He walked into the bar hoping the gang would still be there. Luck appeared to be on his side as he noticed a table at the back of the room with almost all of them sitting there.

  He waved and strode over to the group. “Hey, guys, I finally made it.” He could account for everyone but Flame and Ethan. He glanced at the dance floor and saw no sign of them there either.

  “Hey, Jack,” the group of them cried out together.

  Trying not to be too obvious, he sat down and asked, “Is Ethan still here?”

  Raine responded first and said, “No. Flame and Ethan took off together not too long ago. I think they were going to her place.”

  He clenched his jaw but tried to sound as if their departure didn’t matter. “Oh, I’m glad they’re getting along so well.” With another tactic up his sleeve, he changed the topic of conversation. “Listen, I need to talk to all of you about something.”

  All eyes turned to him, appearing eager to hear what he had to say. “What is it, Jack?” Levi asked.

  “I don’t want to say too much here, as this is not the place, but when your store closes tomorrow night, can everyone meet there, you men included? I’m calling a meeting, and the topic is extremely urgent and private.”

  The group nodded in agreement. “Can you give us a hint about anything?” Raine asked.

  “Unfortunately, I don’t think it’s safe to talk about here. Okay, I’m going to head out, and I’ll see you all tomorrow night.”

  “You’re not going to stay for a bit?” Dillon asked.

  “I didn’t get much sleep tonight, and I’m ready to go to bed. I wanted to see you all together so I could set up a meeting. Men, protect these women at all costs.” He stood up, waved at the group, and headed out of the crowded bar.

  He’d just about reached his cruiser when a small hand gripped his arm. As he turned abruptly, Raine stood before him with a look of puzzlement running across her face.

  “What’s going on, Raine?”

  “I need to ask you something personal, and I didn’t want to say anything in front of the group.”

  “You know you can ask me anything. Go ahead.”

  “Are you in love with Flame?”

  Raine never misses anyth
ing. “What a strange question, considering Flame and I fight all the time.”

  “You didn’t answer my question. Do you love her?”

  “Well, you see, the situation’s complicated.”

  “Jack, don’t pussyfoot around with me. I love you like a brother, and I’m not easily fooled. Do you want to try to answer the question again?” She crossed her arms and started to tap her foot on the ground.

  “Yes, I love her. I’ve loved her from the first moment I saw her. I can’t get her out of my mind, yet every time we’re together, we fight. She absolutely hates me, and I can’t blame her. I’ve become too protective of her.”

  “I’ve suspected you had romantic feelings for her for some time. I’m going to let you in on a little secret. I know she finds you attractive, but she’s too stubborn to admit it. She took off with Ethan tonight since an obvious chemistry seemed to brew between them. If you truly love her, fight for her. Tell her how you feel, or you’re going to lose her forever. Tomorrow morning, she’s going to be at the store alone for an hour working on a window display.”

  “I thought I told you guys to never work alone in the store,” Jack lectured Raine.

  “This is precisely the type of bossiness that will not work when you talk to her. You need to check the cop at the door and talk to her as a man, raw and in love. If you don’t want her alone in the store without protection, you better be there tomorrow morning at seven o’clock.”

  Jack kissed Raine’s cheek and then nodded his head. “I’ll be there, and I’ll tell her how I feel if it’s not too late already.”

  * * * *

  Flame entered Elemental Magic at a few minutes to seven in the morning with a smile stuck on her face. Her evening with Ethan had been magical. They’d made love a couple more times throughout the night without the sexual heat haunting her again. The passion between them seemed natural and easy. Ethan’s so handsome, like his brother. At least he knows how to treat a woman. She sighed as a surprising pang of guilt feasted on her conscience.

  If Jack hadn’t been such an overbearing guy, maybe I would have gone out with him instead of Ethan, but it’s too late. I feel I’m meant to be with Ethan. The guilt subsided but didn’t go completely away. She’d left Ethan in her bed, made herself a cup of coffee, and come straight to work. I hope I get to see him tonight.

  She placed her coffee on the front counter and went to work on the second window display to match the one she’d done the day before. A loud knock came from the front door, causing Flame to jump and let out a cry of astonishment. She walked over to the front door and saw Jack waving at her from the other side of the glass door.

  Unlocking the deadbolt, Flame ushered Jack into the shop and locked the door behind him. Facing her nemesis, she crossed her arms under her breasts and asked, “What the hell are you doing here at this time in the morning?”

  “I needed to speak with you…alone.”

  “How did you know I’d be here this early? No, wait, let me guess. Raine told you, didn’t she?”

  “Yes, she did.”

  “And I suppose she also told you about Ethan and me.”

  She noticed Jack’s jaw clenching and his hands balling into fists. He nodded his response.

  “Well, I hope you realize what happened with Ethan and myself is none of your business.”

  “I’m sorry to say this, but you’re wrong. Ethan and you are my business.”

  “Jack, Raine is under the notion you and I should be a couple. However, I’m going to try to tell you this as nicely as possible. I feel a connection with Ethan, not you. You’re constantly telling me what to do, where to go, who to go with, and when I should be back. Ethan is easygoing and relaxed.”

  “How can you say that about him when you don’t even know him?” Jack’s voice started to get a little louder.

  “I know him well enough. Besides, like I said earlier, my life is none of your business.” Flame’s temper boiled to the surface. She tried to be as honest as possible, but Jack had a way of making her stubborn side kick in.

  “I’ll say it again, your life is my business.” His voice grew louder and impassioned.

  Throwing her hands up in the air in exasperation, Flame asked, “Why did you come here?”

  “I wanted to tell you something.” She noticed his face grew crimson as he spat out his words.

  “What? What do you want to tell me?” she yelled back. “Is my hair too long? Did I wear the wrong outfit today? Do you hate the way I sip my coffee? What do you want to lecture me about this freaking early in the morning, Jack?”

  “I came here today to tell you I’m fucking in love with you, dammit!”

  She heard his unexpected words, but it took her a moment to register their meaning. “Jack, I…”

  With three bold steps, he closed the gap between them, wrapped his arms around her body, and ravished her lips with a fiery passion she didn’t realize he possessed. She leaned into his body while her curves fit with ease against his hard, muscular lines. His demanding kiss left her breathless, yet she yearned for more. Their tongues warred against each other, taking over the verbal fight they were having by silently sparring.

  His hands moved down her lean back and rested on her ass. He pulled her closer, and she felt his erection pushing against her pussy. She moved her hips back and forth, hoping he’d understand her burning need for him. The sexual heat hadn’t hit her yet. So far, the explosive feelings were all her natural pull to Jack, not some mystical heat.

  Jack seemed to pick up on her desire for him. He lifted her up by her ass while she wrapped her long legs around his trim waist. With giant strides, he carried her into the stockroom and placed her back down in front of a desk.

  His lips left hers, and he stood back looking at her with longing in the depths of his sexy blue eyes. He reached for her flowing, long black skirt, hiked the material up to her mid-thighs, and then reached up under, finding the side of her thong panties. With a sharp tug, he ripped through the elastic strings and threw the tiny slip of ripped material on the floor.

  He lifted her up on the edge of the desk and unzipped his jeans. She watched him pull out his full cock into view. Magnificent. Stepping closer to Flame, he kissed her again, while the sensual draw between them continued to sizzle.

  With non-heat-induced boldness, she grabbed his rod and ran his thick head along her wet slit. Her pussy ached for him as he easily pushed past her slippery barrier and entered her opening in one long stroke. Flame tilted her head back and cried out while Jack kissed her neck. He laid her back on the desk, and she wrapped her legs around him, urging him deeper into her core.

  He began to fuck her with hard, fast thrusts that she met with equal ardor. “Oh, fuck, Flame, you’re so beautiful. I’ve wanted you for so long.” He whispered breathlessly in her ear.

  His words heightened the euphoric moment between the new lovers, and his thrusting cock pushed her over the edge of blissful oblivion. She came with a loud cry that echoed through the store. Jack growled his release and filled her pussy with his cum. They lay together in that position for what seemed like a wonderful eternity, with Ethan a distant memory.

  Chapter 5

  Todd met up with Stanley in Toronto Pearson airport, recognizing the short, stocky, bald man right away. Stanley waved his chubby hand in the air and motioned Todd over to him. He had never liked Stanley, nor did he trust him, but Todd was a professional Hunter and groomed to obey any order the syndicate gave him, no matter how distasteful.

  Together the two traveled by air across Canada to their new destination on Vancouver Island. They’d both been told they’d be staying in a rental house that had a month paid for in full by another Hunter who had disappeared. However, the keys wouldn’t be supplied.

  They rented an SUV, and upon their arrival at the rental house, they picked the lock and wandered around the home staking a claim on their bedrooms for the duration of their stay. Todd slept through the night and awoke the next morning ready to fin
d out what lay in store for them.

  Stanley stood in the kitchen and poured two cups of coffee he had just brewed. Maybe there’s hope for Stanley after all.

  “Good morning, Todd.”

  “Good morning. Are you ready to see what our orders are?” Todd asked as he sat at the helm of his laptop, sipping his glorious morning coffee.

  “Yes, go ahead.” Stanley pulled up a chair and sat down beside him.

  Todd logged on to the syndicate’s online communication center and found a recorded message from Commander Tower, their immediate boss. “I’ve sent you on a very important mission. In the past two months, we have lost contact with two syndicate men. The last reports we received from them were while they were in the town of Chemainus. We don’t know if they are dead or alive, but we will assume they’ve been murdered. Here are their particulars in case they are still alive.”

  Pausing the video on the screen, he clicked on the attachment and looked at mug shots of the two men. “Simon Jenkins and Nigel Price…I can’t say I recognize them from their pictures, but I’ve heard of them. Nigel had been especially known for being ruthless with his captives. I kind of admire the guy,” Todd said with gushing pride.

  “Nigel has been an idol of mine for years. If he indeed has been murdered, we are dealing with some pretty cunning creatures. We may need backup.”

  “This is true, but if we can take down whatever entities took the great Mr. Price down, we could be heroes with the syndicate.”

  “You make a good point. Play the rest of the video to see what he wants us to do.”

  Todd clicked on the play button and Commander Tower resumed speaking. “We believe there’s a hotbed of paranormal activity happening in that small town. As we didn’t receive a final report from either men on the actual findings, we are only left to surmise something dire is going on out there. I have attached a video and a photograph of a woman who appears to possess the power to harness the wind. Your goal is to find this woman and bring her in alive. You’ll notice a man also appears in the photograph. He might possess powers, but nothing is confirmed. We do not know the names of these people and can only guess they live in Chemainus. Find the woman and, if you can, the man as well, and bring them to us unharmed. I expect a detailed status report every day including names, addresses, phone numbers, and any other information you find out. Good luck, men, and be very careful. Do not trust anyone. Signing off.”


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