The Reclaiming: The Keepers Saga: Volume Two

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The Reclaiming: The Keepers Saga: Volume Two Page 13

by Dillon McNaight

  Tylandrius is a very intelligent and versified man. He is very knowledgeable in the business of trade and commerce. He also is a historian and a Lore Master. He would often spend hours upon hours studying old maps and parchments from the past. Very little happened in Kranos that Tylandrius does not know about. He is in his late fifties, but shows little sign of aging. His wife Silvanis is tall like the mayor, and has long brown hair and brown eyes, matching the appearance of Tylandrius. They have a twenty-year-old daughter called Elandrina. She has long red hair that is often pulled up and arranged in an intricate weave. She has green eyes and pale skin. Every single man and boy in Riverton vied for her attention. She is known as a temptress, and often disobeys her mother and father’s wishes.

  King Daane and Ayden led the Kain’s Guard down the steep road to the entrance of the archway. Nathian and Alandra followed behind the brothers. Ethan and the two orphaned children brought up the rear of the company. Nathian seemed to be exceptionally excited to enter the city. The outer rim of the city was heavily guarded with a mix of soldiers and city policeman in the wake of the Dragonkin’s attack. Recognizing their King, the men guarding the bridge lowered their swords and allowed him to enter. As he and the company of the Guard crossed the long stone bridge, they watched as the draw bridge was lowered ahead of them. The King arrived at the gates as they opened, allowing the company to enter the city. The citizens in the city turned their attention to Daane and bowed as he passed through the red cobblestone streets towards the town hall. Tylandrius and his wife Silvanis were waiting for him. Daane stopped and dismounted his gelding and approached the mayor. He and his wife bowed as Daane spoke.

  “Tylandrius, it has been a long time my friend,” said the King, “thank you for graciously allowing my company to enter your city.”

  “The halls of Riverton are always open to King of the Kain, my Lord,” replied Tylandrius, “allow us to take council in the town hall.” The mayor escorted the brothers, Nathian, and Alandra into the hall’s center. “What news does the King of Kain bring from the capital?”

  “Grave news I am afraid,” said Daane. “The General Calthrog has completely overrun the capital, and it won’t be long before he turns his attention to the surrounding villages. I was able to escape the confines of the Mines with the help of my brother. The General has sent his two Captains to claim the surroundings villages and take our people captive. After confronting the Captain in the village of Greenglen, he unfortunately escaped, but I was able to get some information out of one of the Drykans. The Keeper Kaelithus and my son Dathian have traveled to Brethiel to speak with the Angels of the Ela to ask for their assistance in retaking the capital. I have traveled to your city here today to ask the same thing. We need to muster the entire army of the Trueborns. Hopefully, with the help of the Angels we will be able to overtake the Generals and their many armies.”

  “I have received word of the Dragonkin’s victory,” replied Tylandrius. “I hoped that it was not true, but my heart goes out to the citizens of the capital, and we are proudly at your service my Lord. As we speak, my many messengers are traveling throughout the valley to find as many of the Guard as they can.”

  Daane replied, “I thank you for your cooperation Tylandrius. We must not waste any time in preparing the Trueborn fleet, and we also need to send word to ‘Mother’ to prepare the stables, but all of this can wait until the morning. My men have traveled a great distance in little time, and they must rest for the night. Do you have sufficient dwellings to house the men of the Kain’s Guard?”

  “We have adequate space for your men my Lord,” replied Tylandrius, before noticing the Keeper. “My Lady Alandra, forgive me, for I did not notice your presence. Welcome to the city of Riverton.”

  Alandra replied, “No need to welcome me mayor. I am once again glad to visit the legendary stronghold of the south, although I do not wish to linger here long. I am anxious to return to the capital and banish the Dragonkin forever. My brethren await my return from the confines of the Mines. Kale will soon meet us in your city with the Angels of Ela, and their Golden Army.”

  As Alandra spoke, the daughter of the mayor Elandrina approached her father from behind. She gazed over the King and the Kain’s Guard with little emotion on her face. She briefly glanced at Nathian as he discretely smiled back. The daughter of the mayor quickly turned her glance back to the King.

  “I trust that the Keeper will hold true to his word,” said the King, “and that the Golden Army will come to our aid. In the slim chance that they do not accept the journey, however, we ourselves must still prepare to march to battle.” Daane turned to face the Guard and said, “Brave men of the Guard, you are hereby relieved of your duty for the evening. Eat well and take rest, for tomorrow we begin the mustering of the Kain’s army.” Daane turned back to the mayor and said, “Please allow me to meet you in your chambers Tylandrius, for we have much further to discuss.” Daane then turned to Silvanis and asked for her pardon as he and Tylandrius walked off towards the mayor’s chambers for further council. Silvanis turned to the Keeper of the Bow to escort her to her chambers to bathe and relax.

  As the Guard dissembled, Nathian remained within the halls of the town hall. After she returned, Elandrina walked off towards her chambers. Before she vanished out of sight, she turned to Nathian and discretely signaled for him to follow. Nathian wasted no time in quietly following the girl to her dwellings. Elandrina entered her room as Nathian followed her from behind, closing the door behind him and locking it. As Elandrina turned around, Nathian grabbed her forcefully and engaged her lips with his. After the long-awaited kiss, Elandrina pulled away from Nathian as she smiled.

  Her smile quickly turned to a frown as she said, “It has been nearly two months since you have come to see me. I have almost forgotten the taste of your lips, Guardsman.”

  “Forgive me my Lady,” replied Nathian, “for I have been tied up. First came my business in the south, and then came the falling of the capital… I have been a little preoccupied.”

  Elandrina turned around to face Nathian as her frown thawed back to a smile. She walked over to the Lieutenant and took his hands, “I am not good without you, I need you here in my arms… even if it is in secret.”

  “But why must it be?” asked Nathian. “Why can’t your father know about our love? I have no shame in you, so you should have no shame in me.”

  “It is not a matter of shame, my love,” said the girl, “my father just wishes that I marry a man from Riverton, a man of noble blood. I will soon reveal you to him, I promise, I just need you to wait for when the time is right. Can you do that for me?”

  Elandrina ran her fingers down Nathian’s cheek as the Lieutenant became instantly submissive. Forgetting his pervious thought, Nathian took the young girl and laid her on the bed. He wasted no time in removing her garments as he removed his own. As they moved onto the bed, Nathian threw the covers over them as they became overwhelmed in passion.

  Nathian met the young daughter of the mayor a year ago as he was traveling through Riverton. The mayor was very protective of his only daughter, and allowed no suitor to woo her without his approval. Elandrina grew bitter towards her father, and used the Lieutenant as an outlet for her disobedience. She didn’t plan on falling for Nathian, but after his many unannounced visits to her chambers, she couldn’t help but to fall in a forbidden love with the Lieutenant.

  After the two forbidden lovers consummated their love, Elandrina sat up in bed with sheets covering her body. She looked off into the distance with a solemn look. Nathian sat up and gently caressed her back.

  “What is wrong?” asked Nathian.

  Elandrina said nothing at first as her eyes slowly started to fill with tears. Then turning around, the girl said, “Why do you have to leave? You always have to leave.”

  “This time is different,” said Nathian as he attempted to console her, “I have to help take back the capital. All of our lives and freedom depend on it.”

; “I know that, but why do YOU have to go?” asked Elandrina as she continued to fight back tears.

  Nathian took a moment and gazed into the girl’s eyes before saying, “It is my duty to defend our people, just as it is for all the men of the Kain’s Guard… you know.” Nathian then took his hands and held the young girl’s face, and said, “I promise you that I will return for you, and when I do, I will formally ask your father for his daughter’s hand in marriage.”

  Elandrina’s face turned from tears of worry, to tears of joy as she said, “Marriage? Are you asking for me to marry you? I don’t know what to say…”

  “…Say yes,” interrupted Nathian, “say that I may take your hand after the capital of Kain is reclaimed, and the Dragonkin are forever banned from the northern territory.” He moved his hands from her face to her hands as he clasped them tightly.

  Elandrina’s eyes started to swell as she stared into the Lieutenant’s eyes. After a brief pause, the girl replied, “YES! Of course I will marry you! I love you!”

  Nathian said nothing as he took his hand behind Elandrina’s neck and pulled her head to his lips. Neither one of them have ever felt such happiness, despite the inevitable conflict that was to soon take place in the north.

  Back in the city’s center, Ethan lead the horse baring the two orphaned children through the streets, looking for a temporary home for them. Door after door denied his request. He looked back to the two young children as they fought to stay awake. The little girl’s grip on her dolls loosened as one of them fell to the ground. Ethan stopped and turned back to grab the doll from the mud in the streets. As he looked up to hand the doll to the girl, she started to slide of the horse’s back. Ethan quickly caught young Talliel in his arms.

  She opened her eyes and looked at the teen, she said, “Have mother and father returned?”

  Not knowing what to say, Ethan replied with, “No, little girl, they are not here yet, but I’m sure that they will return soon. For now, we need to find a place for you and your brother to stay the night.

  “Can I please get down? I’m tired and hungry,” said Branne.

  Ethan helped the young boy off the horse and placed him next to his sister. He turned to his pack and found some dried jerky and gave it to them. They quickly accepted it and practically inhaled the dried meat, for they have not eaten in several days. Ethan grew increasingly worried, as all previous homes denied taking them in. He watched as they desperately ate the small amount of provisions. As Ethan searched for the right words to say, he heard a voice from behind him.

  “Are these children yours young Kain?”

  Ethan turned around to see Silvanis, Lady of Riverton.

  “My Lady, forgive me, for I didn’t hear you approach,” said Ethan as he bowed.

  “It is okay,” replied Silvanis. “Please, there is no need to bow to the likes of me, for I am no more than a fellow Kain, like you.”

  “These are not my children my Lady,” said the teen, “I found them orphaned along the road to your great city. I couldn’t just leave them alone to be captured, or worse. I had to take them in hopes that there is a place in the city that could take care of them, though I have not been so lucky.”

  The Lady of the City could see the exhaustion in the young teen’s face, as well as the children’s. She knelt down and looked into the Ethan’s eyes as she said, “Do not worry, young soldier, I will take the children for the night, and I vow to look after them personally until we can find a suitable home for them. What are their names?”

  Taken aback, Ethan struggled to remember their names before saying, “Um… this is… um, Branne, and this is Talliel.”

  Silvanis then stood up and stretched out her hands to the children, “Come young Branne and Talliel, take my hands. You will stay with me tonight, my name is Silvanis.”

  The two children looked to Ethan for permission, as he said, “It’s ok, she is a friend of your parents. She will take good care of you until they return.”

  The two children then smiled and turned to the Lady of the city, and each took a hand. Silvanis looked at Ethan and smiled as she led the children towards the town hall and her personal quarters as she asked them about their journey to Riverton.

  Ethan watched as the Lady and the children disappeared into the city center. He then took the horse by the reins, stroking her face, and said, “I don’t even know your name.”

  The nameless mare looked back at Ethan with affection.

  “For now, I will call you Talliel, for you are as compassionate and innocent as the young girl.”

  Ethan then turned and led his newly named companion Talliel to the temporary dwellings Tylandrius set aside for the Kain’s Guard. After Ethan tied Talliel to the t-post outside of the Inn, he walked in. He found out from the Innkeeper where his room was, and started walking towards it. He couldn’t sleep that night as he thought of the two orphans he rescued, and the inevitable battle that lay ahead. He also thought of his own mother and father. Exhaustion finally took over him as he fell into a deep sleep, leaving all worries behind.



  The sun had barely started to creep into Ethan’s window. As the young teen woke, he could not think of the last time that he had slept that sound. He was briefly startled as he did not immediately recognize his surroundings, and had nearly forgotten where he was. He sat up from his bed and rubbed his eyes as he prepared himself to get ready for the day ahead. He put his cotton undershirt on and walked over to a nearby pitcher of water as he poured himself a glass. The Guard all shared rooms in the city’s Inn, but Ethan was given his own room by the Lady Silvanis in reward for his kindness towards the two orphaned children. As he drank the glass of water, Ethan heard a commotion from outside his window. The teen walked over in curiosity as he opened it. He looked down at the streets below and saw several townsfolk running to the western gate to the city. He could hear one of them say, “They are here! The Angels and the Golden Army have arrived!” Ethan wasted no time as he rushed to put the rest of his garments on. He struggled to find his other boot as he hobbled around the room in search for it. Ethan has forever longed to see the fabled Angels of the Ela, as well as many of the townsfolk of Riverton. As Ethan cursed out loud at the missing boot, he finally found it under his bed. He quickly opened his door and ran down the stairs of the tall Inn and made his way to the western gate with the rest of the townsfolk.

  The streets were full of commotion as they made their way to the gates, pushing past each other to better position themselves in order to be the first to gaze upon the Angels of Ela. Ethan snuck through the crowd, and was able to reach the gate. From behind him he heard someone yell, “Make way for the King of Kain!” The crowd immediately parted as King Daane and Ayden rushed to the gates. Ayden was still wearing his night gown. As Daane made his way to the gates, he commanded the gate operators to open them and lower the draw bridge. Alandra wasn’t far behind as Daane and Ayden made their way across the bridge to meet the Angels of Ela, and to welcome them to the city. Although instructed to wait at the gate, the crowd followed behind the King onto the bridge. Ethan struggled to make his way through the crowd of excited Kain. As Daane and Ayden reached the end of the bridge, he motioned for everyone behind him to stop and become silent. Daane then turned his attention south of the bridge. As he did, he saw the arrival of the Angels off into the distance.

  Kalorah and Glammdreing walked side by side with the Captains of the legendary Golden Army behind them. To each side of the Angels walked banner men, proudly displaying the seal of the Ela. The seal of the Ela was the same seal that Glammdreing displayed on his shield, an image of Goldwing, great Griffin of their Lord Eillea. Daane looked on as the heavy load that rested on his heart started to evaporate into the air. As the Angels were within just a hundred yards of the bridge, they parted as a white horse passed through the middle. On this horse rode a young man. That young man was the Prince of Kain. Daane struggled for a second to recognize the
one atop the white horse. As his face came further into focus, Daane saw what appeared to be his son, although the figure barely resembled the inexperienced young teen. The prince looked up and locked eyes with the King as he pulled back on the reins.

  “Son?” whispered Daane out loud in disbelief.

  “Father!” yelled Dathian as he quickly dismounted the White Mare, and began to run towards Daane.

  “Is that really you?” again whispered the King as tears started to grow in his eyes.

  As Dathian reached his father, he threw his arms around him, almost knocking the stunned King over.

  “Father!” said the prince as he strengthened his embrace.

  As Daane finally realized that his son was actually in his arms, he broke down and fell to his knees. Dathian helped his father down as he loosened his grip and looked into his eyes.

  The King held back from sobbing as he said, “I… I haven’t heard word from… from anyone, I didn’t know if you were alive or… or...”

  “I am father… alive that is,” laughed the teen with a sense of pride and accomplishment. “I am more than alive… I am reborn… thanks to the Angels and Kale.”

  “I have never been so glad to see you my son,” replied the King, “or so proud of you!”

  After saying these words, Daane gathered himself to his feet. Ayden then ran over and hugged his nephew.

  “I knew you had it inside you kid,” said Ayden as he patted the top of Dathian’s head like a dog.

  “Speaking of Kale,” said Daane, “where is he, for we have much to discuss. Also, I want to personally thank him from my heart for saving and aiding my only child.”

  Dathian’s look of excitement quickly changed at the mention of the fallen Keeper.


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