Spellscribed: Ascension

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Spellscribed: Ascension Page 14

by Cruz, Kristopher

  He didn't find any. His injuries were severe, but he was unable to detect any foreign magic in his aura or his body. Experimentally, he slowly formed the symbols with his intact left hand as he channeled power from his aura into the healing spell. The spell completed successfully and the open wounds radiated golden-white light from within as his injuries healed. He had not provided enough power to set the broken bones, but the bleeding had stopped and the slash in his stomach had almost completely closed up.

  No corruption accelerated its spread through his veins, nor did his injuries suddenly blossom into a magically powered infection. What was better, the healing spell had allowed him to recover some lost blood and he didn’t feel quite so close to blacking out. Endrance was able to inspect his arm. The bone had fractured, but was not actually shattered or crushed. He carefully felt his collarbone as his familiar fought yards away to protect him.

  The collarbone was cleanly broken out of place. Endrance had studied enough of the body to know where it was supposed to be, but getting the broken pieces into the right place was going to hurt. He was fortunate it hadn’t shattered into fragments. He took a deep breath, and pushed the bones back into place.

  He realized several seconds later that he was still screaming. Upon re-examining, he could tell the bone had been set properly. He repeated the healing spell, this time drawing from the power stored in the bracer, since his familiar seemed to need his aura to fuel his powers.

  The broken and re-set bones started to heal and dulled the edge of pain cutting through his nerves. The flesh under his skin was temporarily lit with magic, making the bones of his forearm and chest stand in stark contrast to the rest of his body. His body restored itself as if every second were several weeks, perhaps even a month. Endrance was able to see clearly and the pain of his wounds faded almost entirely.

  Relieved, Endrance was able to push himself to his feet. Though his collar and arm ached, they were already able to support him properly. It would have to do for the time, since he had no idea if there were any risks with overusing the healing spell he had researched.

  Gullin! Endrance called to his familiar. I'm good, let's get the hells out of here!

  The familiar bird whirled from the last incinerated wolfman and glided over to him. It landed on his outstretched arm and chirped happily at him.

  Good. He told the mage. I was getting tired.

  Endrance extricated himself from the wreckage of the house and came to a stop as he saw the signs of war around him. Men and wolfmen lay dead in the fields, slaughtered by sword and claw. Though four wolfmen fell for each barbarian corpse that Endrance saw, the numbers of dead were staggering to him.

  I was inside that house for only a few minutes! He thought.

  This skirmish took only a minute, Endrance. Gullin replied. I did what I could, but the number of wolfmen are in the hundreds, and I could not go far from the house without risking your life again.

  Endrance shook his head and looked for his horse. Gone. He didn't see any blood or remains, so it must have escaped when the wolfmen first showed up in the house. He would have to find it later.

  The others?

  They are trying to help mount a defense, though they may be stopped at the second bowl. As I was flying over I saw they had locked the gates.

  The bowls were separate enough from each other that a series of ramps led up to the next, and could be locked off from the one below it by only a few men if needed. It meant that attackers would not be assaulting one city, but eight separate entities in order to take the castle.

  It also meant that Joven and the two Draugnoa wouldn't be able to come to his aid.

  We'll figure a way out then! Endrance replied.

  Two more wolfmen charged towards them out of the darkness, but this time the mage was prepared for them. He deftly formed the quick motions of the spell and thrust his hand out towards them.

  "Ignatius!" Endrance cried out, the final word of power giving life to his spell. Flame washed out from his outstretched hand, colliding with the oncoming wolfmen and sweeping beyond them. It was not nearly as hot as the tail sweep he had seen Gullin perform, but it had considerably more force mixed in with the fire. Two horribly burned bodies landed on the ground several yards away. Even if it hadn't been enough to end the energy driving the wolfmen, it had been enough to cook muscle and snap tendon, making them incapable of continuing either way.

  Let's go! He goaded, turning and running in the direction of the gates. His familiar needed no prompting, taking wing and ascending quickly into the sky.

  Endrance knew he was in trouble when he got within eyesight of the gates leading up to the second bowl. Not only were the gates sealed, every defender that could be fit onto the walls around the gate was up to their waist in feral wolfmen. As he watched, they released several cauldrons of hot oil onto the throngs of furry bodies trying to claw their way through the gates. Something must have ignited the oil for as he watched, the area outside the gate turned into a waterfall of fire as the burning oils ran in runnels down the ramp, making the approach a burning river that would be lethal to fjord, undead or not.

  The mage sighed, trying to figure out what he was going to do. At present, he didn’t have any idea what he could do to get into the higher level bowls unless he could figure out how to fly.

  Gullin? Endrance asked. I don’t suppose you could carry me long enough to get over the walls, would you?

  It is currently impossible. His familiar replied. I am neither strong enough or with sufficient wingspan to be able to accomplish such a feat.

  Endrance looked about. On the ground near the approach ramp was a small, half open building that was used as a rest stop for travelers moving up the mountain. There was one of them near every ramp leading up to the next bowl of the city; though as the bowls ascended, the rest stops got larger and more comfortable. It was mostly for the young or elderly who hadn’t the stamina to climb every bowl without needing to rest. The higher the altitude was, the harder time some had with the ascent. These rest stops were almost always unoccupied in the last few decades, as the barbarians had been adapting to living in the thin air for centuries.

  Endrance slipped into the shelter, and tried to make himself as small and insignificant as possible. He didn’t want to be discovered by any passing wolfmen while he figured out how to get out of danger.

  He flicked his hands in a quick swirling motion, and drew a miniscule portion of his aura into his spell. “Inumbrae.” he whispered, touching his hand to the ground. Tangible darkness rushed out from under his palm, filling the interior of the shelter with supernatural blackness.

  Thus protected from spying eyes, Endrance closed his eyes to think while his familiar soared high above him, keeping an eye on the situation.

  So now I can just sit here and wait until a wolfman remembers it can smell me. Endrance thought aloud for Gullin to hear. Or I can figure out a way to get over the wall. Or secure the first bowl from the wolfmen.

  I believe that you are missing another option. Gullin advised. You could also find a place to hide until the barbarians reclaim this portion of the city. The general should be here soon. His forces should be large enough to sweep in the rear of the forces here and secure the city.

  I understand that is an option, and probably the only sane option available to me right now. Endrance replied. But I can't just let the wolfmen have their way with the people of this bowl.

  Endrance concentrated on his resources available. He had been healed of most of his injuries; the bite across his forearm and his collar would be sore for a while, but they were no longer broken. His aura was over three quarters full, having only been expended on a pair of spells and fueling his familiar’s powers. He also had the bracer, which had more power in it than Endrance was able to determine easily. Since the night he bound the demoness, he'd been steadily refilling the gem, passing every spare ounce of power from his aura into the gem before he went to sleep. He'd always wake up with most of his power
recovered and the bracer was near to half full, as far as he could tell.

  There are two places you could try to go for shelter. Gullin said, still trying to convince him to hide until help could come. There is the cave where you found the summoning circle, or-

  The reservoir! Endrance thought. That's it!

  Gullin was silent for several seconds. That is not what I was going to suggest, Endrance. Gullin finally stated. Though the reservoir is also devoid of wolfmen presence, you would be exposed and visible to anyone in the area.

  But the tomb of Rothel is beneath it. Endrance replied.

  Outside of the darkness, Endrance heard the sound of heavy footsteps rushing towards the rest structure. He clamped a hand over his mouth and held his breath fearfully. The wolfman's steps led it straight to the structure, where it hesitated at the threshold of darkness.

  Endrance! There are four more wolfmen approaching that one! I'm going to take them out before they call for more.

  No! Endrance replied mentally. Just wait. They haven't found me yet.

  The wolfman was joined by his four brethren and they moved around the structure inquisitively. Endrance could hear them sniffing around, but none were making progress towards him. As he sat huddled in a corner behind a bench, he started to realize that he could do more than just hear the wolfmen.

  Perhaps it was the necromantic taint driving the wolfmen, or it was the lack of his ability to see, but Endrance could feel their presence, almost the same way that someone could track a person who walked behind them for a moment. It was a nagging sensation in his mind.

  As he sensed the advance of the wolfmen, he almost smacked himself in the forehead, holding off the action if only because such a self-chastising action would have drawn their attention to him. He had other options at his disposal. He had gained knowledge beyond what just a mage could do.

  Internally, he drew upon one of the entities whose imprint remained in his mind. Slowly, he drew the two antler-handled daggers that Joven made from the leather scabbards crossed at the back of his belt. As he did so, he took a steady, deep breath and plunged into the personality he had been getting familiar with.

  With one last thought, Endrance contacted his familiar. I have a plan. Follow my lead.

  "Time to hunt, girl." he whispered. Inside his mind, something vicious snarled in preparation.

  The nearest wolfman heard the whisper and turned to the direction it came from. In the same moment, Endrance erupted violently from the spell's shadow, the daggers pointing down in his hands. The first strike with his left hand punctured clean through the wolfman's eye, killing it instantly. Endrance plunged the other dagger into the main body, and using them, hauled the wolfman into the darkness with him with surprising speed and strength.

  The other four wolfmen, too far around the rest station to see the assault, nevertheless dashed to the site. They found nothing but disturbed earth. They turned to the darkness of the rest stop and a pair of emerald green eyes, dilated into thin rings, glowed back at them.

  "I have your scent..." Endrance whispered, barely able to form words in his present state. Already, the thrill of coming into the senses and animal instinct of the blood tiger within him was overwhelming his ability to reason. "Now you are my prey."

  The mage flew from the shadows into the wolfmen, channeling the fury and predatory prowess of the blood tiger and fighting with his own skill at dagger combat. The mage would ordinarily have hesitated to kill, even enemies such as the wolfmen that assaulted him, but the predator's instinct not only overrode his fear of killing, for a time, it even let him enjoy it.

  Endrance! Gullin called out, unheard. What are you doing?

  The mage-turned hunter dispatched the remaining four feral wolfmen before they could react, his daggers puncturing eyes and severing necks. As the bodies fell, Endrance kept up his momentum, dashing down the road towards the reservoir. His breath came hard and harsh, even before he had worn himself down. Blood pounded in his veins and the night had peeled back from him, seemingly as easy to see in as the day.

  Gullin watched as several more wolfmen barreled towards the rushing mage to intercept him and banked into a dive. He was not going to arrive before they clashed, but he could support his master in the coming fight.

  Before Gullin came within range of any of his attacks, Endrance saw the oncoming wolfmen and accelerated his pace. Pushing himself with wild abandon, Endrance flung himself into the four oncoming wolfmen, spinning in midair as he came upon them. The whirling blades took one down outright and severed the arm off of one of the other wolfmen. His feet impacted the chest of the center most wolfman. And instead of kicking off or dropping, Endrance sank the two blades into the beast's neck. As it snapped at him, he vaulted over its head while giving the blades a twist. The third wolfman fell, nearly decapitated.

  Gullin's dive hit the only uninjured wolfman of the four, shattering its spine as the crimson bird swooped past the mage. Endrance didn't turn to finish the last wolfman, instead continuing on his charge towards the reservoir. Gullin took a moment to finish off the injured one before it could give chase.

  The Fjallar was fearful for his master. He had been incapable of making contact with the mage mentally; somehow the state he was in was blocking any attempts at telepathic contact. It was almost as if he were a different person. The bird couldn't speak in a language Endrance knew either. The mage seemed to be moving with a purpose, but Gullin was uncertain how long the mage's body would be able to handle moving so vigorously.

  Endrance came within sight of the reservoir. Along the way were the fields of some of the farmlands that used the reservoir for water needed for their crops. He leapt over the fence with a single stride and charged towards the home there. Instead of taking the door, Endrance leapt towards the awning over the front door. Catching the wooden beam with his daggers, he levered himself up onto the roof. Withdrawing the daggers, he sheathed them and ran to the highest point of the building.

  From there, he could see everything for hundreds of yards around him. In the distance in every direction, the blood tiger's night vision let him see that hundreds of wolfmen had already invaded the bowl.

  But it was going to be fine. He had figured out a way to hide, as well as deal a visible, decisive blow to the wolfmen. After it was over, perhaps he could find a way to survive further than the next few minutes.

  He staggered for a moment, dragging the blood tiger’s mental presence back into its room. The tiger’s ferocity had been necessary to make it to the reservoir as quickly as possible, but it would impede his further plans. His body ached and burned and he had to take several deep breaths before he could even consider speaking.

  He put both hands together, intertwining his fingers and clenching them until he was white knuckled. He drew upon the power of the bracer to fuel his spell, overcharged it and raised his fists above his head. "Lumifractus!" Endrance howled, channeling yet more power into the tattoo on his left arm.

  Stars exploded out from his opening fists. Orbs of light the size of a man's head rocketed out into the night for over a hundred yards before they started to drift to a stop. The orbs collided with solid objects, rebounding until they drifted to a stop or merged with another orb, making it larger and ever brighter.

  The wolfmen couldn't help but notice. Endrance, still channeling the power of the swirling tattoo on his left arm, waved it in a circle. As he did so, the orbs began to move again, drifting in a circle in the same direction he had waved his arm.

  What are you doing? Gullin asked, alarmed. There was no response.

  The mage ran to the edge of the roof, slipped down and dropped to the ground, where he popped back to his feet and made a dash for the water. The swirling nebula of lights trailed after him in the sky above. From all around, Gullin could see wolfmen coming in droves after the source of the light and spell.

  Endrance reached the edge of the water, throwing his hand out and calling out another word of power as he formed shapes with t
he other. He leapt out over the water without even checking to see the completion of his spell.

  He landed on the surface of the water and didn't sink, instead he kept running. With all the light, Gullin could see a narrow channel of ice underneath Endrance's feet as he moved to the center of the reservoir.

  He came to a stop as close to the center as he could manage. Surrounded by dozens of yards of water on all sides and without looking up, he started to channel another spell. As several wolfmen hit the water and unhesitatingly dove in to pursue the mage, Endrance released the second spell. Underneath him a pillar of ice rose, hefting him two dozen feet into the air, putting him on a pedestal for every attacking wolfman to see.

  They poured towards him in droves, abandoning the villagers they were slaughtering, the houses they were sacking and the soldiers they were fighting. The spell light of his magic drove them to him like some form of furry, undead moths to a flame. They either hungered for a mage, or for him specifically. Either way, it was too late for him to hide.

  The first wolfmen made it to the ice, but were having a hard time climbing up its surface. The ice and chill of the water was making their bodies react sluggishly. More waves of wolfmen splashed into the deceptively deep water, piling on top of the others. Despite its size, the reservoir was filling up with violent, corrupted, feral wolfmen.

  Endrance had immediately started channeling more power as he drew upon the next spell to cast. He could feel Gullin trying to contact him, but ignored it. The spells he was casting required far too much concentration to explain to his familiar. Gullin would just have to trust him.

  The wolfmen were starting to make progress climbing his ice pillar, using each other as step stools to ascend towards their prey. Endrance finished casting the spell, draining the remaining power stored in the bracer to do so. He hoped that the spell would work.

  The water around the pillar of ice took on a violent nature, ripping into four vortexes of swirling water, hauling the bodies into the swirl with it. The water around the wolfmen quickly spiraled up into the air; dragging at first one, then another wolfman into the sky with the water.


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