Of Shadows and Ash

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Of Shadows and Ash Page 24

by Dana Marie Bell

  Ash scowled. From the gleam in Parker’s eyes he was waiting for Ash to ask. Parker loved to break out British slang whenever someone was acting nervous, just to see how they would react. Most people asked, unable to help themselves.

  Ash wouldn’t give him the satisfaction. Either it meant he looked good, or it meant he looked like he’d had one too many mai tais. Either way, there was no time to change. The ceremony would be starting in about five minutes. Besides, he could always look it up on the internet later, and if it was bad, he’d find a way to get even with the vamp. “Have you seen Selena?” Maybe if he caught a glimpse of her he’d feel better. Just the sight of his mate would have his heart racing for completely different, much better, reasons.

  “No, but Amara tells me she looks lovely. Apparently her dress is stunning, and Amara wants Selena to help pick out her wedding dress when the time comes.”

  “How are your plans coming along?” Ash found himself calming as Parker spoke. Maybe that was the vampire’s intent, to get him to focus on something other than what was about to happen.

  Oh, Ash wanted to bind Selena to him. He wanted that in the worst possible way. But there was something about taking that final step, in becoming hers for all time that had his palms sweating.

  “It’s coming along nicely.” Parker pinned the spray of green leaves to Ash’s suit coat. His ash had gifted them to him, blessing his handfasting. The ash tree had also given enough leaves for a pair of crowns, one for Selena and one for him. Ash was already wearing his, and no doubt Selena wore hers.

  The tree was just as worried about Selena as he was. It seemed to agree that binding with the witch doctor would give Ash the ability to fight on the spiritual plane with Selena. In fact, the ash was certain that it, too, could lend them both strength once the bond was in place. If anything tried to take over his mate again Ash would be there, ready to defend her in all possible ways.

  “Of course, we’re taking our time and planning quite the party. Amara is making special plans for the groom’s cake so the vampires don’t feel left out. She’s been consulting with the ice cream parlor, trying to make a blood cake that we can all enjoy.”

  “What about your special diet?” Ash frowned. He didn’t want Parker’s cake to make either him or his guests sick, but Parker had a very restricted diet. Back in the sixties the witch Terri had cursed Parker to drink nothing but green, leafy blood. It had taken him quite a while to learn to deal with his peculiar needs, but Greg had helped, and his mating with Amara had sealed his fate. It turned out the blood of a dryad was perfect for the world’s only vegetarian vampire, but wasn’t good for others of what Amara called the fanged set.

  “We’re working around that. She’s thinking in tiers, the top one for me and the rest for the other vamps.”

  “That would work.” And the vampires would be delighted to be included in such a way. Often they were forced to sip their blood from wine glasses, or forego “eating” at all at the town’s social functions, but the ice cream parlor was only one of the food shops in town starting to address that problem. “You’re mated to a smart woman.”

  Parker looked proud enough to burst. “Yes, I am.” He tilted his head, his gaze growing distant. No doubt he was talking to his mate. “And my very smart mate says it’s time to get our bums to the altar.”

  Ash gulped.

  This was it. He was going to have his mate in his life forever from this day forward.

  He took a shaky step toward the door, but the more he moved, the easier each step seemed to come. A strange calmness came over him, his tree whispering in his mind, reminding him that they both wanted this more than they wanted their next breath.

  Ash entered the grand ballroom, smiling as he saw the way his friends had decorated. There were leaves and branches gathered from the forest around Maggie’s Grove, either donated by the local dryads or deadfall that the trees wouldn’t miss. Lights had been strung among them, winking slowly like fireflies. Old stumps had been turned into candle holders of all shapes and sizes, strewn around the grand ballroom to create a flickering light show. Leaves had been strewn on the ground to create an aisle for Selena to walk down.

  The elementals had added their own special touches. Air elementals had created a gentle breeze that kept the air circulating without blowing out the candles. Earth elementals had brought in rocks and formed them into fantastic art pieces, representing the flora and fauna of the forest. Fire elementals, with the help of the earth elementals, had created eternal flame braziers in the four corners of the ball room, the fires burning without fuel. And the water elementals had created bubbling fountains and ice sculptures that glittered in the light with their own unique power.

  All four had worked together to create the altar. Crafted of stone and wood, somehow they’d managed to get the two to flow together, the stone melting and cooling so quickly over the wood, with such precision, only an elemental could have achieved it without turning the wood instantly to cinders. The front of the altar was mostly stone, with a glittering Tree of Life surrounded by Celtic knots. They’d managed to create the Tree of Life from crystals, giving it the same rainbow effect that Selena’s symbol had. It was absolutely stunning, and a tribute to how much the elementals cherished the witch doctor.

  Even the animal shifters had contributed. The feathered shifters had given of themselves, their shed feathers decorating the centerpieces of the tables the guests would sit at. The furry shifters, both predator and prey, showed their support in their own way. Some had chosen to attend the handfasting in their fur, moving among the statues and ice sculptures, lending an air of reality to the fake forest.

  The town had truly gone all out in a short period of time, pulling together a venue Ash would remember for the rest of his life. He stared out over the people of the town who’d done this for Selena and him, and bowed as deeply as he could to them.

  When he stood up, he found they’d all risen to their feet and were returning his bow. It left him speechless.

  “It’s time.” Parker sounded awed and subdued. He patted Ash on the shoulder and took his place behind Greer, who’d chosen to remain out front and supervise. Dragos stood behind Parker, and Eddy behind him. Noah was last, the alpha agreeing to stand as one of his groomsmen on condition that his wolves were allowed to remain in the Throne to guard Iva and her tree.

  Music started, soft flutes and the strum of strings, and one of the witches Ash wasn’t familiar with glided forward. Selena’s bridesmaids wore short green dresses with a black lace overlay and a black sash, and it looked stunning on all of them.

  A water elemental, the mate of one of Noah’s wolves, glowed in the dark green and black.

  She was followed by Mina, who looked regal and sexy. He could hear Dragos growling out his approval of his mate as she took her place behind the water elemental.

  Amara came next, her red hair pinned up and a huge smile on her face. She winked at Ash before taking her place in front of Mina.

  Mollie Ferguson surprised him by being the next bridesmaid, taking the maid of honor spot. Greer sucked in a breath as Mollie made her way daintily across the carpet of leaves.

  Ash clapped his hand on Greer’s shoulder. “Your turn is coming, Greer, I swear it.”

  But he had no more time to think on that as Selena stepped into the room on the arm of Dominic. As a unicorn shifter, it was a great honor Dominic did her, and he’d have...to...



  Ash could barely breathe as his mate walked across the leaves. How the hell had she pulled off looking so damn sexy with such short notice?

  The dress she wore was green with a lace overlay, strapless just like the bridesmaids. But over that dress was draped a long, flowing skirt-like thing that was slit up the center and flowed behind her like a princess. The top of that skirt was black, but the underside was dark green, tying the green lace dress together with it. Holding it in place was a crystal pin in the shape of the Tree of Life, glitter
ing like a star on the dark background.

  Instead of the plain crown of leaves Ash wore, Selena had somehow managed to sprinkle crystals all through it, making it glitter like it was dusted with morning dew. Crystals dripped from her ears and dipped into her cleavage.

  She literally took his breath away.

  He didn’t realize they’d reached him until Dominic placed her hand in his. He couldn’t speak, only mouthing thank you at the unicorn before staring once more at his little witch.

  Selena winked at him. “I look that good, huh?” she whispered.


  She laughed softly. “Thanks. You look good too.”

  She was looking at him like he was chocolate covered ice cream with a side of brownies.

  “Ready to get started?” She tilted her head toward the altar, where Gideon was taking his place. The coven leader wore a black silk robe tied with a green sash in deference to the dryads.

  “More than you know.”

  They turned toward Gideon and nodded, their hands still clasped.

  Gideon smiled at them. “Then let us begin.”

  Another black robed witch stood and bowed to the altar before drawing a black handled dagger from a sheath at his waist. He began walking clockwise in a circle around the ballroom, casting a sacred circle that would stay in place until after the ceremony was over. The same witch would dispel the circle, allowing everyone to enjoy the reception.

  Gideon gestured when the circle was cast, and a group of witches stood. Paired together, they moved to the cardinal points in the room.

  The witches wearing soft green robes bowed toward the East. The female spoke first. “I am the Maiden, facing the dawn. I call to the Guardians of Air, light and free as a butterfly. For the witch doctor and her mate, I ask for the gift of love without boundaries.”

  The male in the green robes spoke next. “I am the Young Hero, facing the dawn. I call to the Guardians of Air, whirlwind love blowing them together. For the witch doctor and her mate, I ask for the gift of a love that sings sweeter than the birds.”

  The pair in gold robes bowed to the south, and again the female of the pair spoke first. “I am the Warrior, standing beneath the noonday sun. I call to the Guardians of Fire, dancing and bright. For the witch doctor and her mate, I ask for the gift of a love like a hot flame.”

  “I am the Hunter, standing beneath the noonday sun. I call to the Guardians of Fire, swirling with motion. For the witch doctor and her mate, I ask for the gift of a life filled with wonder.”

  The pair in blue bowed next, facing west.

  “I am the Mother, facing the sunset. I call to the Guardians of Water, deep and unknowable. For the witch doctor and her mate, I ask for the gift of a love as deep as the ocean.”

  “I am the Father, facing the sunset. I call to the Guardians of Water, ebbing and flowing. For the witch doctor and her mate, I ask for the gift of a love always in motion, never growing stagnant.”

  Last, the pair in brown bowed.

  “I am the Crone, facing the night. I call to the Guardians of Earth, deep like mountains. For the witch doctor and her mate, I ask for the gift of strength in adversity.”

  “I am the Sage, facing the night. I call to the Guardians of Earth, the farmer lovingly tending his land. For the witch doctor and her mate, I ask for the gift of a love that knows how to grow and yet remains steadfast.”

  The circle glowed brightly as the Calling of the Quarters ended. The pairs joined up, bowing to the couple standing at the altar before taking their seats once more.

  Gideon raised his arms. “I am the priest, facing the couple asking for the blessing of the gods on their union. For Selena and Ashton, I ask for the gift of a bond that entwines them together from their roots to their topmost branches.”

  Ash smiled. He doubted that was the usual blessing at these ceremonies, but the witches were making concessions for him, a dryad. And by using their names, Gideon made Ash an equal in the bonding, rather than merely Selena’s mate.

  He approved.

  Gideon picked up the green and white cord lying on the altar. “Face one another, and be bound.”

  Ash turned to Selena and stared down into her beautiful brown eyes.

  “With the rising of each sun, you receive the gift of a new beginning.” Gideon wrapped the cord around their wrists in a figure eight. “With the fire of the noonday sun, you receive the gift of a light you will share in your darkest times.” He bound their hands together a second time. “With the setting of the sun, you receive the gift of a willing ear and an open mind.” For a third time their hands were bound. “And with the coming of night, you receive the gift of a safe place to rest your heart.” Their hands were bound for the fourth and final time.

  Ash could feel the magic tingling within the cords and the words Gideon spoke. From the way Selena swayed, she too could feel it.

  Gideon looked at him, his expression solemn. “Ashton, I ask you this. Will you honor your mate, cherish her love, hold her in sorrow and aid her in her battles?”

  As if there was a question. “I will.”

  Gideon turned to Selena. “Selena, I ask you this. Will you honor your mate, cherish his love, hold him in sorrow and aid him in his battles?”

  Selena’s chin tilted up, his little witch proudly stating her vows. “I will.”

  “Then remember this.” Gideon put his hands over theirs. “These are the hands of your best friend, young and strong and full of love for you, that are holding yours as you bind yourselves together. These are the hands that will work alongside yours, that will passionately love you and cherish you through the years and will comfort you like no other. These are the hands that will hold you when fear or grief fills your mind, that will tenderly hold your children and will help you to hold on to your family. These are the hands that will give you strength when you need it most. And these are the hands that, when wrinkled and aged, will still be reaching for yours. Cherish what you hold, for at any time it can be taken from you, for nothing lasts forever.”

  Gideon lifted his hands and moved until he stood on the other side of the altar, his back to the guests. He placed his hands on top of Ash and Selena’s heads. “And so, by rite and by vow, are you forever bound.”

  Ash gasped as the force of those words rushed through him like a wave. He felt lifted off his feet, adrift, aflame, his roots digging into the earth and the wind ruffling his leaves as the sun shown down upon him. And through it all he could feel the bright light that was his mate, wrapped around him root to branch.

  Together they glowed brighter than any star.

  When it passed, he heard the applause of the wedding guests, the howls and the chirps, the clatter of rocks and the patter of water. The town celebrated his bond with the witch doctor, adding their own sounds to the more human claps of the vampires, psychics and humans among them.

  “Let the circle be dispersed, and let the couple go forth as one.” Gideon winked at them before taking his place behind the altar once more. “Ladies and gentlemen, I give you Ashton and Selena Ward!”

  “Ward?” Selena hissed, shooting him a narrow glance.

  He shrugged. “I didn’t say it, he did.” No way was he taking the rap for that one. They hadn’t discussed whether or not Selena would take his name.

  Selena glared at him suspiciously. “It’s a good thing I’d already planned on taking your name, Mr. Ward.”

  “I didn’t do it!”

  Ash wound up defending himself just as the sound of the crowd lulled, causing the guests to laugh out loud.

  Selena shook her head. “Come on, mate. Let’s go party.” And she danced him down the leaf aisle, laughing all the way.

  * * *

  He lifted her, careful of her dress, and carried her through the ballroom. They’d eaten, they’d danced, they’d laughed with their friends, and now it was time to take his mate back to the Throne and consummate their marriage. He ignored the cat-calls, the applause and the shouted congratulatio
ns. All he wanted was his naked mate, their bed, and a lot of groaning and moaning.

  “I have my broom.”

  Ash paused. “Are you sure you wouldn’t rather—”

  She slapped his shoulder lightly, just hard enough to make her point but not hard enough to hurt. “Get it, Captain Kangaroo. I’m not getting motion sick before sex.”

  Good point. There was nothing sexy about barf. “Yes, ma’am.” He changed direction, heading toward the closet where Dragos had the witches store their brooms when they came to visit.

  He grabbed hers, instinctively knowing which it was. Each of the brooms was different, but similar enough that normally he’d have no clue which one was hers. But her broom hummed for him, vibrated as he held it, so subtly he doubted anyone else would notice.


  He glanced down at his new wife. “Yup, what?”

  She grinned cheekily. “Yup, it always feels like that. In fact, my wand and athame will sing for you too.”

  He blinked. “Huh. That’s...unexpected.” He put her down gently.

  “You won’t be casting spells, so don’t worry about that. It’s just my protections acknowledging you, that’s all. Now that we’re bound, they see you as mine.”

  “Sort of the way my tree saw you as mine?”

  “Exactly.” She tilted her head. “Okay, maybe not exactly, but close enough. They won’t bond to you, just respond to you.”

  “Good to know.” Ash followed Selena as she led the way to the front door of the mansion. “Let’s get out of here before someone tries to stop us.”

  “Ugh.” She shuddered. “Now that my powers are stable again it seems everyone wants my attention.”

  And Ash was fiercely glad she’d moved into the Throne. He could keep those demands down to a dull roar. In fact, he still needed to speak to Dragos about getting Selena an official office with official fucking operating hours, but damn if he was setting one foot back inside the ballroom. No way in hell was he opening the way for someone to stop them from getting home and getting naked.

  Selena jumped onto her broom and patted the spot behind her. “Hop on, and let’s blow this joint.”


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