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Clementine Page 11

by R. Jean Wilson

  They all laughed it off, taking sips of their drinks in between bites of popcorn. Addison tried to think of another question to ask so no one would notice her flushed cheeks.

  “Which one would you choose, Addison?” Jordan asked, his long blonde surfer hair making him look boyishly handsome.

  Addison didn’t have to think about it, a vision of Holden popped into her head and she knew without a doubt that she’d choose the second option if the game were real, and if her guy of choice was even an option at all.

  “Don’t you just love Darcy?” Katherine asked, taking a sip of her wine. Addison peeled her eyes away from the TV screen and turned to her friend.

  “I’ll take the fictional Mr. Darcy over a real boyfriend any day,” Addison answered. Is that sad? Oh well. Katherine laughed, nodding in agreement.

  The two girls had worked out a routine. After studying as much as their brains would allow, they’d open a bottle of wine or some chocolate and play one of the various Jane Austen films Addison owned. If they were sick of that they’d watch reruns of their favorite television shows. They had similar senses of humor, which neither of them took for granted on days when all they had to look forward to was endless studying for upcoming exams. That first year of PA school, Katherine would prove to be Addison’s partner in crime. They were both willing to go out and explore the campus bars on the weekend, but agreed that there was no topping a good piece of chocolate and a new movie.

  “You say that, but what about Jordan? I mean he flirts with you all the time and you two would look like a perfect tan blonde couple,” Katherine spoke, pausing the movie.

  Oh good god. Addison laughed and ran her hand through her hair, stalling for time. This wasn’t the first time Katherine had mentioned Jordan’s interest in her over the past few days. It was clear to everyone, including Addison, that Jordan wanted to be more than friends, but something was holding Addison back. Though she found him attractive, she hadn’t delved into where she stood with Holden since starting her new life in North Carolina and she wasn’t ready to open Pandora’s Box. She didn’t trust herself when it came to her feelings for him. The new scenery seemed to dull the pain more than when she was at home, but she still knew she wasn’t drawn to Jordan like she had been to Holden. She never wondered what Jordan was doing or if he thought about her when they were apart. You can’t force fate.

  “He’s cute, yes, but seriously Katherine, I’m too busy to date anyone right now,” Addison claimed, hoping to squash the subject as she reached across the couch for the remote. She pressed play on the movie and sighed when Katherine didn’t push the conversation further. Good, let me just watch my Mr. Darcy.

  “We’ll see what happens when we all go out tomorrow,” Katherine challenged, providing Addison with her final counterargument. Addison didn’t have the energy to speak up. She knew Katherine probably thought it was crazy that she wasn’t interested in Jordan. Katherine didn’t know anything about Holden and Addison wanted to keep it that way. He was tucked away deep down within herself. The fact that she never chose to talk about him was the only control she had over the situation. She couldn’t help the constant thoughts that streamed through her head about the man who had broken her heart. Uttering his name would only serve to wound her pride further.

  “Katherine, turn that song up!” Addison yelled from her bathroom. The two girls were taking their time getting ready for their night out. Katherine had just put her favorite playlist on Addison’s portable speakers and Addison was in her bathroom applying the finishing touches to her hair and makeup.

  “Addison, since I’m letting you borrow that strappy red dress could you please do my hair? I can never get the curls to stay like you do,” Katherine pleaded, striding into Addison’s bathroom with two glasses of wine.

  Addison accepted the glass Katherine held out for her and took a sip. “Definitely, it’s the least I could do. Take a seat, I was just finishing up.”

  Addison released the curling iron letting her hair fall out into her usual loose waves. Katherine had pulled one of Addison’s dining chairs into the bathroom and the two girls chatted while Addison started curling Katherine’s hair.

  “Do you think Jordan will show up tonight?” Katherine said, eyeing her fingernails. There she goes again.

  “Who knows? I just hope the place is packed and they’re playing good dance music,” Addison said, pulling another strand of Katherine’s hair into the curling iron.

  “Yeah but wouldn’t it be fun if he showed up? You guys could dance,” Katherine suggested, shifting in her seat.

  Addison rolled her eyes. She didn’t know what to make of her friend’s constant ploy to get her and Jordan together. On the surface Katherine was pushing Addison toward Jordan, but it was always Katherine who thought to invite him places and who always seemed to point out when he looked particularly cute.

  “Would you want to dance with him?” Addison asked cautiously, trying to sound as casual as possible, testing the water.

  “What? Ew, no, I don’t think of him like that. At all. No way,” Katherine answered assuredly. Addison eyed her friend trying to decide whether her rapid response was genuine.

  “Besides, he’s been flirting with you, not me,” Katherine continued, not looking at Addison.

  “Well let’s just see how tonight goes,” Addison finished, hoping her friend wasn’t trying to hide her true feelings for Jordan. Sure, he flirted with Addison but that didn’t mean she was meant to be with him. Her true feelings still lay back in Austin and she became painfully aware of it every time she tried to fake interest in Jordan.

  Chapter 11

  Addison and Katherine stepped into the dim lighting of the club. It was barely past ten o’clock but the entire space was packed and Addison instinctively took a step closer to Katherine so they wouldn’t get separated. The floor of the club was covered in rows of black tile and the walls were painted a dark blue. The accent lights placed around the ceiling lit a small cluster of tables but did little else to illuminate the expansive room. Tables lined the perimeter of the room, framing a large dance floor in the center. There were already masses of people moving and dancing to the music. The atmosphere of the club was alive and Addison felt a rush of adrenaline course through her.

  “I’m so glad we came out tonight, Katherine,” Addison yelled over the music. She needed a night to relax, to forget about school and exams and just let loose. Katherine tugged on Addison’s arm, pulling her toward one of the tables where a few of their friends were already sitting. Addison was about to take a seat when she saw Katherine looking around.

  “Now that we’ve found home base, I’m going to get us drinks,” Katherine pronounced, her eyes locking on the nearest bar.

  “I might hold off, I already had those two glasses of wine at home,” Addison pointed out, trying to gauge how tipsy she already felt.

  “Addison, c’mon. It’s my treat,” Katherine said, ignoring her warnings and heading off to the bar.

  Addison shook her head. What did I get myself into? She watched her friend lean over the counter and order drinks. She stayed for a little while chatting with the bartender, who looked quite pleased at the prospect. Her friend came back a moment later with a couple of shots and two apple martinis.

  “Cheers friend, it’s time to dance and pretend we both wouldn’t rather be at home watching a movie in our pajamas,” Katherine laughed, clinking her glass with Addison’s.

  Addison wasn’t sure she should accept more alcohol but she didn’t want to waste the drinks her friend had purchased. The two girls took the shots quickly and then Addison downed some water trying to rid her mouth of the intense burn of the alcohol as it slid down her throat. She took a few sips of her apple martini appreciating the sweetness, but still recognizing hefty amounts of alcohol in the cocktail.

  “Are you trying to kill me with this?” Addison asked.

  “The bartender made them doubles because I told him he looked cute in his uniform,” Katherin
e said confidently, clearly proud of herself.

  “Well you’re dragging my ass home later, Ms. Double Martini,” Addison joked, taking another sip of the strong drink.

  She turned toward the dance floor, taking in the sight of all the young couples dancing as close as possible to one another. They all looked so carefree and Addison silently thanked Katherine for providing her with the liquid courage she’d need to head to the dance floor later. The lights were flashing neon colors over the dance floor in rhythm with the music, illuminating each of the couples in blues and greens. Addison was entranced by the pounding music and lights, oblivious to the martini starting to take effect. She was watching one couple in particular who looked to be almost sealing the deal on the dance floor. They moved so well together, snaked as close as possible, and she envied their obvious attraction toward one another. She would have watched their fluid movements longer if a group of people behind the dance floor hadn’t suddenly caught her eye as they came in the front door. Jordan was among them.

  Addison watched him walk through the crowd toward their table. He looked so handsome in his grey shirt and jeans and for once Addison felt like she might be interested in him on her own accord. Even if Addison wasn’t ready to jump into a new relationship, it was apparent in that moment that her heart was continuously searching for a new love to replace the old. Katherine nudged Addison’s side, obviously wanting her to see that Jordan had arrived.

  “I knew he would show up,” Katherine whispered to Addison.

  Addison eyed her friend out of the corner of her eye and shook her head.

  “You’re relentless,” Addison said.

  Maybe her friend was right though? He’s here, and he looks so cute, and I’m almost done with my apple martini or did Katherine get me another one? She couldn’t remember... What’s the harm in a little flirting?

  The past few times Addison was around Jordan he’d made his intentions perfectly clear, so when the group approached and he didn’t make his way toward her immediately she felt a bit confused. He stayed on the opposite side of the table and did little more than nod a greeting in her direction. I’m sorry what? I’m in a skintight red dress and I get a nod?

  In an instant Addison felt her pride boiling over, combining with the exceeding amount of alcohol coursing through her system.

  “Finish your martini Katherine, we’re heading to the dance floor,” Addison ordered, throwing back her own drink.

  “Finally! I knew your crazy side was in there somewhere,” Katherine answered, taking a long drag of her martini.

  Addison stood and slowly pushed her hair behind her shoulders, appreciating the fact that Jordan’s gaze turned to her, studying her as she stood up. Addison looked up and offered him a seductive smile. Your move Jordan. She registered his surprised expression as his eyes scanned down her dress. He didn’t get up to join her as she turned and followed Katherine to the dance floor, but she’s acquired the information she needed: his feelings toward her hadn’t changed.

  The dance floor was more crowded than when they’d arrived. Dancers were jostling in every direction and the two girls wove their way into the middle of the floor, the neon lights splashing them with bright spots of color. Addison felt the effects of drinks she’d consumed as she rolled her head back onto her shoulders, smiling and closing her eyes, the music beginning to invade her senses. Katherine let out a loud squeal and raised her hands over her head, letting the music overtake her. Addison giggled at her friend and let her hips start to move in rhythm to the music.

  Any movement the girls made while they danced inevitably brought them in contact with the dancers around them but they didn’t mind. The mood was alive and Addison loved the way everyone was getting into the beat of the song. She barely noticed a man approach until he tried to lace his arms around her. She turned instinctively and tried to step away, not wanting the strange guy’s hands on her. She stumbled slightly trying to pull out of his grasp without causing a scene, but her coordination was definitely off from the alcohol. She’d begun to lose her balance.

  “Whoa, Addison,” Jordan’s voice sounded from behind her as his arm enveloped her body. There’s my knight in shining armor. He stood behind Addison, his body casually pushing aside the guy who’d been trying to make a move on her. He was trying to steady her but she still felt slightly disoriented. The stranger took the hint and started to walk away as Addison closed her eyes and let a slow grin spread across her face. She fell against Jordan’s chest, proud that her ploy had worked. He thinks I look sexy in my red dress. She knew he wouldn’t have been able to stay on the sidelines as she and Katherine danced.

  “How many drinks have you had?” Jordan asked in her ear, wrapping his arm tighter around her waist. She was still facing away from him but the security of his arm around her put her drunken mind at ease.

  “Just the perfect amount,” she quipped, keeping her eyes closed and appreciating his hands on her. He’d never touched her before and in her drunken state she couldn’t help but like it. His hands were warm and she began to dance. Apparently she looked even more intoxicated than she had intended because she heard Jordan laugh behind her.

  “Well, I don’t want to leave you guys alone out here so it looks like you have to dance with me. Or I could just stand here looking like your body guard, you can pick,” He said, sounding even more like the chivalrous man she knew him to be. I bet if I turn around he’ll be decked out in a full suit of armor, maybe he even snuck a white horse into the club. She giggled to herself.

  “Suit yourself, my knight,” she mocked in an old English accent, continuing to laugh as she began moving against Jordan. He hadn’t lessened his grip around her and she could feel him beginning to move his hips with hers. She let him hold her against his chest for a few more moments, enjoying the attention, before finally turning around to face him.

  (♫6)It was in that drunken moment that she realized she’d been picturing a different man behind her. One whose hair was dark brown and whose stare could turn from icy to warm in an instant. She’d wanted Holden to be the man wrapping his arms around her. She’d envisioned his face; him saving her from the strange guy on the dance floor. She stilled momentarily, unable to snap herself out of the strange haze. Jordan didn’t seem to notice. He slid his hands to her hips gently forcing her to sway with him to the music. She took in his appearance: his entire demeanor screamed clean cut, nice guy. His golden hair and toned body were perfect and Addison cursed herself for not having the power to get over Holden. She licked her lips and took a deep breath as she sidled up to Jordan, pushing their bodies together, hoping the physical contact would force every thought about any other guy out of her head. He responded to her movements and wrapped his arms around her lower back, pulling her closer still so that no space remained between them. Jordan could be her knight in shining armor; she just had to let him be.

  Chapter 12

  Addison rolled over and cringed at the light flooding through her window. Holy hell could someone tone down the sun, she thought, registering how painfully her head was throbbing. She crawled out of her bed, covering her eyes with one hand and using the other to find her way to the bathroom. I just need medicine and water, medicine and water. She reached in her medicine cabinet and grabbed the bottle of pain killers before making her way into the kitchen. Katherine was already starting to brew a pot of coffee, last night’s makeup smeared across her face.

  “Dude, why did we do this to ourselves?” Addison asked hoarsely, reaching around her friend for a glass of water. The girls had arranged for Katherine to stay at Addison’s the night before so it didn’t surprise her to find Katherine in her kitchen, looking a little worse for wear.

  “I can’t. Even. Think. Will you get me some water and I’ll meet you on the couch with coffee?” Katherine asked, her voice sounding just as low and pained. Addison followed her instructions and made her way to the couch, slowly leaning back against the cushions and throwing a blanket over herself.

>   “Let’s not leave this apartment the whole day. I just need to sit in this one spot and try to keep my head from spinning so violently,” Addison said, pulling the blanket up to her neck.

  Katherine laughed and nodded in agreement. She brought over her cup of coffee and settled in on the other side of the couch.

  “I’m trying to think back but the entire night seems hazy. I remember forcing you onto the dance floor and Jordan joining us,” Addison recalled.

  “Well we danced normally for a while... Jordan was all over you,” Katherine confirmed before taking a sip of her coffee, “but then you forced him to twirl you like a ballerina a few dozen times and demanded that everyone form a dance circle around you so you could have a dance off,” Katherine continued, completely in hysterics by this point. Addison’s mouth was agape, unsure if she could believe what her friend was saying. What the hell did I do?

  “No seriously, you’re kidding right?” Addison asked, trying to piece together the events in her head. I was that drunk?

  “I wish, I really do, Addison. No one would have a dance off with you and it was the funniest thing I’ve ever seen. I’m pretty sure Jordan got it on video,” Katherine said, laughing as she remembered the details.

  “Oh dear god, I blame you,” Addison said, finally remembering shoving people out of the way so her dance circle could form. Suddenly, she realized what she should really be most concerned with.

  “Nothing happened between Jordan and I, right?” Addison blurted out, scared to know the answer. Didn’t I think he was cute last night? Why would I be scared if something did happen between us?

  “You guys danced, but no. He drove both of us home and then headed to his apartment,” Katherine explained, looking down at her coffee cup and twisting the blanket between her fingers.


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