The Frenchman's Woman

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The Frenchman's Woman Page 22

by Lee Taylor

  She looked at him in surprise. “I thought you liked that thrusting, ramming thing. Didn’t you like doing it?”

  “Hell yes! Jesus, Elena, I have never felt anything like it in my life!”

  “Then why are you sorry? I don’t understand.”

  “I should not let my passions get out of control.”

  A puzzled expression crossed her face. “When you are with whores, do you get out of control?”

  “No, I don’t.” His voice was solemn.

  She snuggled closer to him, slipping her hand inside the top placket of his shirt. “Bai, are we going to make love again?”

  “You know we are.”

  “Will you promise me something?”

  He grinned, stroking her cheek. “I better hear it first. Knowing you, I will have to promise to ride Noire naked standing on my head to prove I don’t have any inhibitions.”

  She smiled and nuzzled into his neck. “Hmm, that would be an interesting sight…No, you must promise you will never hold back your passion with me. If I told you I was going to keep my passions under control, not feel as much or show you as much excitement as I felt, would you want that?”

  He quirked an eyebrow, his lips twisting in a cocky grin. “No way, cherie. I will have you screaming from the rooftops. It will be a scandal in all of California the way you behave when I make love to you.”

  She smiled shyly. “Promise me, Bai.”

  Ah, if she had any idea what she was asking. No, she did not. How could she? How could she know what he was thinking, what he wanted to do, had always wanted to do, but held back? The men who knew the Frenchman knew. He saw the look in their eyes before they died. They saw the beast inside of him. They died in terror.

  Now that he had her, this woman he had dreamed of, he wanted to possess her, every part of her. Fuck her from behind, fuck her virgin mouth, fuck her breasts, and, yes, up her virgin ass. Fuck her, everyway – again and again. Ah, oui, best she not know what was in his tortured body and mind.

  “I promise, cherie.” he said with a soft smile.

  “Likewise, Bai.”

  Clasping her tightly, he kissed the top of her head, then gently licked the curve of her ear. She squirmed and giggled beneath his teasing touch. Drawing her closer, he blew on the sensitive place just below her ear nipping at the tiny pulse hammering at her throat. He kissed one breast then the other and whispered, “Petite amie, I think this thing has melted unless you are getting wet again.”

  “Oh, God.” She wiggled away, her cheeks flushing a rosy pink.

  “Shh, let me take care of you. Let’s go wash this off.”


  Bai lit a fire in the fireplace and after they finished their breakfast they lay in bed holding one another. Bai paused from smoking one of his cigars to lean down and kiss her.

  Nuzzling against her ear, he asked, “Elena, why did you come to my chambers last night?”

  Without thinking, she quickly responded, “Because of my father and Lei.”

  He drew back in surprise, not understanding.

  She explained, “I watched them together yesterday. For the first time I understood how important sex is to them.”

  “Because of the way they are together?”

  “Yes. There is this tension between them. I always felt it, but I didn’t understand it. They seem angry with one another a lot of the time. Now I think it is their way of saying they want each other.”

  “Hmm, and you decided that the reason you were angry with me was because you wanted me to make love to you?”

  She nodded, ducking her head. Then piercing him with a solemn gaze, she added, “And because my father said when I knew what I wanted, I should have the courage to go out and get it. That I should fight for it. He promised me that if I did, you wouldn’t say no.”

  Bai shook his head in amazement. “Mon dieu, now I’m forever in his debt. I guess we are even. I saved your life and he saved mine.”


  Chapter 28

  Several times during the day, both Wan and Nianzu remarked that he seemed distracted. Bai shrugged off their concerns, immediately returning to the discussion. They all knew the importance of the evening, but also knew success was uncertain at best.

  After Nianzu went to make final preparations with their men, Wan and Bai sat quietly considering the evening ahead.

  Wan puffed on his cigar, his expression solemn, softer than usual.

  “Bai, I know this is an important meeting tonight. Regardless of the outcome, it is already a success.”

  Bai smiled, knowing Wan was trying to allay his disappointment if they were unable to reach a firm conclusion at the conclave.

  “I agree, Wan. Having all six Tongs represented tonight is success in itself. I know we are unlikely to reach a full agreement. I am prepared for that.”

  “I know you are, Bai. But it is important that you recognize what an enormous feat you have accomplished. Tonight twelve of the most important men in the California Chinese community will consider joining an alliance that will revolutionize the structure of the Tongs in California -- that could become a standard for the rest of the country. The alliance is your brainchild, Bai. Every man in the room tonight has acknowledged that you, a twenty-eight year old man, are the leader of the group. Even the Triad hierarchy in China is paying attention to your work. It is an enormous credit to you. I am proud of you and I honor you.”

  “Thank you, Wan.” Bai’s tone was serious.

  They stood and bowed respectfully to one another. Wan walked over to him. In an unusual gesture of affection, he put his arm around Bai. “I’m proud of you, Érzi.”

  Bai bowed again. “Thank you, Fùqīn. I honor you.”

  As they were walking out to the courtyard where the rest of his men were already mounted, waiting for him, Wan shared an amused glance with Nianzu and winked.

  “I think if you look up on the balcony, Nianzu, you might see the reason our indomitable leader has seemed somewhat distracted today.” He winked at Elena, who was standing on the balcony outside of her chambers.

  “I overheard the kitchen girls chattering. I believe we can put our concerns to rest. It seems Bai’s inattention is not due to nervousness that the Chinese Tong leadership is assembling at his request. Rather, it is whispered he got less sleep last night than usual.”

  Nianzu glanced up and grinned when he saw Elena. He waved to her. She smiled and waved back. Bai frowned slightly, then mounted Noire. As he turned to go, he swung Noire back to face the balcony and looked up with a twinkle in his eye. He tipped his hat to Elena, then turned and rode out of the courtyard followed by Nianzu and the rest of his men.


  Bai and Nianzu rode in front, fifteen of his men followed. Ordinarily they never rode in this large a group, but tonight was unusual. Each of the Tongs was likely to have a similar size contingent. Anywhere from fifty to a hundred Chinese men were advancing on Villa De Las Montañas, the spacious compound belonging to Mr. Liang Zhao. Zhao was the head of the Qeong Ton, the third largest California Tong. Only the Rongue Ri and the Sing Leon were larger. It was a credit to Zhao that Bai had requested the conclave take place at his villa. It also underscored Bai’s confidence in his leadership that he did not insist on having the meeting at Los Vistas. A not so subtle reminder to the other leaders that Mr. Zhao publically declared his support of the Brotherhood

  As they rode through the dark countryside, Bai allowed himself to think about Elena. All day long he had been obsessed with thoughts of her: her beautiful body, the feel and smell of her. More than anything, he was struck by what she did to him. It was as though she had entered his bloodstream – touching, possessing every part of him. Only when he saw Wan or Nianzu or one of the others looking at him oddly did he realize his thoughts and feelings were more apparent than he thought and quickly redoubled his effort to concentrate on their work. He was chagrined, then amused, to hear that the servants were talking about them. Merde, was it that obvious? Wan’s w
ink and Nianzu’s grin left no room for doubt. But why would he think he could hide his feelings, act as though nothing had happened. Mon Dieu, he had spent the most momentous night and morning of his life with the lovely Elena, the woman who had consumed his soul.

  As they got closer to Las Montañas, he turned back to the challenges that lay ahead. He pushed against a hard thought. Even though she was absent, Elena would play a role tonight. Elena knew nothing about the work he was doing, only that they were meeting to deal with the potential violence among the Tongs. He tried to push aside the fact that if the meeting was a failure or even less of a success, it would be in large part because of Elena’s and Nianzu’s actions. Merde, he wished he could get it out of his mind.

  But the scene at the saloon, like the one at the waterfall, was never far from his thoughts. He flashed back to the saloon. The image of her captured by the Rongue killers, while the others were intent on beating Nianzu to death, was frighteningly vivid. As hard as he tried, he was unable to squelch the fury and the fear the image inspired. He saw again the salacious grin on Wichi’s face, knowing Wichi was already fucking Elena in his mind, intending to make her his cunt. Damn, Bai was glad he beheaded him. He should have ridden through the streets of town carrying Wichi’s head high on a pole. Then there would be no doubt what would happen to anyone who touched his woman.

  Goddamn, he realized with a start, he had not made arrangements for Elena’s safety before he left the compound. Christ, he and Nianzu were both gone and, fuck, he hadn’t put a back up in place. He wondered if he should send one of his men back to stand guard. Surely Wan would take charge, watch over her. But God, what if she decided she wanted to ride Zhenqui? Would she ask Wan to ride with her? Fucking unlikely. No, more likely she would take advantage of him being gone and take off by herself.

  He hadn’t realized he was muttering out loud until Nianzu spoke loudly.

  “Bai, are you all right? Goddamn, you look like you were about to slaughter someone back there. Christ, if I ever needed to be reminded of why men are afraid of the Frenchman I’ll remember the look on your face. Seriously, are you okay?”

  “I’m fine. I … I realized I didn’t arrange for a guard for Elena while we are both gone. I…I may send Quitin back to guard her, make sure she doesn’t leave the villa.”

  “Damn, Bai. It’s nearly dark, almost eight o’clock. Elena isn’t going anywhere. Plus, Wan is there. Bai, I know you worry about Elena. I know we made a terrible mistake going to the saloon. I will never forgive myself. I am much more responsible for what happened than Elena is. But you trusted me enough to bring me to this meeting as your lieutenant, something I will be grateful for as long as I live. If you can trust me on this critical mission, then, hell, you have to trust that Elena is fine. Right now she is probably counting the minutes until you get back.”

  Bai took a deep breath and nodded.

  “You’re right, Nianzu. Wan is there. Humph. Perhaps Elena was correct. Remember when she told you my head is so big I have room for more imaginings than the rest of you do?” he said with an attempt at a smile. “She may be right. I’m discovering that she usually is.”


  The ride from Los Vistas to Las Montañas took nearly two hours and it was dark when they arrived. Nianzu followed Bai up to the gate and turned their horses over to the waiting stable hands. The rest of the men dismounted, joining the men from the other six Tongs represented at the meeting. Bai had requested that each Tong send only two men inside the conclave: the leader and his lieutenant. It was understood that each Tong could bring as many men as they felt were necessary to guard their leaders, but inside the meeting would be a maximum of fourteen men. In the clearest possible declaration of Bai’s leadership, Wan Chang insisted that Bai and Nianzu represent the Sing Leon. When he entered the room, twelve men, most of them at least two decades older, stood and bowed respectfully to the young man who would be their leader.

  Any concerns Nianzu might have about Bai’s state of mind evaporated when they walked in to the meeting room. He turned and gazed at his beloved friend, the man who was the recipient of twelve respectful bows. It was as though a cloak of grace had settled over Bai’s shoulders. Nianzu watched with pride as Bai greeted each of the leaders, all of whom were there because Bai requested their presence.

  By the end of the meeting, two things were clear. The Brotherhood would not be formed this evening, if ever; and war between the Rongue Ri and the Sing Leon was more likely, if not inevitable.

  “You were fucking amazing, Bai. I will never forget Gui Li’s face when you said, ‘Sir, it takes more courage to end violence than to be violent.’ Damn, I think even he had the grace to be embarrassed.”

  “Ah, Nianzu. So true. But do not forget. Before the meeting Feng got to every man there tonight with a stark warning--join the Brotherhood and you are the sworn enemy of the Rongue Ri.

  “Ultimately Gui and the others are correct. It is easy for us, for me, as the leader of the Sing Leon, to talk about non-violence. I head up the fucking most violent Tong in the country and I personify that violence.”

  “But Bai, no one there said they were opposed to the Brotherhood. Hell, how could they? You took them back to the roots of the Tongs and reminded us all of the founding principles -- kindness, righteousness, wisdom, and bravery. Goddamn, when you told the story of the Four Brothers I thought Nui Sima was going to cry. He said he hadn’t heard those principles articulated since his grandfather died. Hell, Bai, there were more than a few teary looking eyes when you finished your appeal. I was damn proud of you.”

  “Thank you, Nianzu. But the message is clear. Two weeks ago, it looked like we were going to prevent a Tong war and the timing for the Brotherhood seemed auspicious. Since I killed Wichi Fan, none of the minor Tongs are willing to step forward until I clean up the mess that I made. In other words, they all need to know that I can and will take on Feng Zhang, or they aren’t willing to follow me.”

  He was quiet for a moment, adding, “The challenge is clear. I fight the war the Brotherhood was intended to prevent or the Brotherhood is dead. A hell of a choice, wouldn’t you say?”

  They rode for several miles in silence. Finally, Nianzu spoke, his voice breaking. “Bai, you haven’t said it, but I will. If Elena and I hadn’t gone to the saloon, tonight would have been the beginning of the Brotherhood. Instead, tomorrow we begin to plan the war that you spent the last two years trying to prevent.”

  Bai’s sigh was audible. “It is what it is, Nianzu. It fucking is what it is.”

  Nianzu didn’t know which hurt more, the anger behind Bai’s words or the crushing disappointment. He knew he would never forgive himself for having caused both.


  Chapter 29

  Elena finished her bath, impatiently watching Francine brush her hair.

  Francine’s voice was filled with wonder. “Miss Elena, you have the prettiest hair I’ve ever seen. I know for sure all the men agree. All I ever hear is them talking about the fiery haired woman.”

  “Thank you, Francine. I think people like it because they are surprised by the color.”

  “No, Miss, I think it is more than that.” Francine smiled and blushed.

  “What else?”

  “At least the men—they like it because it is so – how do you say it – fantaisiste, wild!”

  “Hmm, you may be right about that, Francine,” Elena said, thinking about how Bai wanted her to put her hair down and how he kept burying his face in the loose curls. “Francine?”

  “Yes, Miss.”

  “What does chatte mean?”

  “Miss Elena!” Francine turned bright red and jumped back, her hand to her mouth. “Miss Elena, you mustn’t ever say that! Nice ladies don’t say that.”

  “But, what does it mean? Is it like pussy?”

  “Miss Elena!!”

  “Oh Francine, don’t be a ninny. Do you think I am a child? That I don’t know anything?”

  Francine’s eyes widen
ed. She looked at Elena as if seeing her for the first time.

  Elena giggled to herself. Even though she didn’t speak Chinese, she understood enough to know that some of the women in the kitchen were talking about her when they came from Bai’s chambers carrying his bed linens. She also heard Angel and Francine whispering, then they both blushed and stopped talking when she came in the room.

  She gave Francine a sunny smile and continued with a wink, “I don’t want to shock you but tell me, if I asked someone to touch my chatte, am I saying it correctly? Would he know what I mean?”

  Francine turned an even brighter shade of pink but appeared to have given up being shocked. She said in a pained voice, “Yes, Miss, I am quite sure he would know what you meant.”

  “And if I wanted to use some special French names for his …”

  “Miss Elena!!”

  “Oh, for God’s sake, will you stop saying that and just help me?”


  For the next half hour, Elena sat with pen and paper and a blushing Francine and made a phonetic list of French names for his beautiful cock.

  Elena waited until she was sure that Francine had left for her quarters, then tossed aside the cotton nightgown Francine had laid out for her. She went to her closet and instead brought out a beautiful silk nightgown and robe Lei had given her months ago, but that she had never worn. She put it on, smiled at her reflection in the mirror, and shivered thinking about what Bai would do when he saw it. Making sure no one was in the garden, she slipped out of her chambers and ran through the cool dark night to Bai’s chambers. Her eyes and body were dancing with excitement and anticipation.


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