The Frenchman's Woman

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The Frenchman's Woman Page 29

by Lee Taylor

  “Feng had at least forty men hidden in the bushes next to him. Bai got off Noire, he and Feng walked toward each other as agreed. Bai must have seen something in his eyes. He gave the signal of a trap, but it was too late. They shot him and Feng and forty men surrounded him.”

  Elena gasped. “Where…was he shot?”

  Nianzu broke in. “His shoulder. It knocked him over. He fell to the ground. I know this for sure, Elena. He was hit and he was bleeding, but he feigned being unconscious in order to see what we were up against. He and I exchanged a glance. The look he gave me ordered me to do what Feng said and get the hell out of there.”

  Elena was grim. “Where is he? How do we get him back?”

  Wyatt sighed deeply. “Honey, we don’t know where he is. At ten o’clock tonight we are to meet the Rongue Ri. Feng gave us an ultimatum. If we want Bai back, Wan is to turn over the leadership of the Sing Leon to Feng Zhang. Then they’ll give us Bai. What we don’t know, and won’t until that time, is whether Bai will be dead or alive.”

  The four of them sat without speaking.

  “How will we know where to meet them?” Elena asked, her voice was sharp, piercing.

  Nianzu replied, “Feng will get a message to us by eight o’clock tonight. Unless we hear from our informants first, we will likely have just enough time to get to the location. Sure as hell, they’ll have it well-surrounded.”

  Elena frowned, a troubled crease on her brow. “I still don’t understand, Father. Bai wouldn’t do this without a back up plan. Grandfather, you have told me many times Bai is as strategic as my father. He would not have done this without a plan.”

  Wyatt agreed, pride crossing his face.

  “You are correct again, Elena. Bai did have a back up plan. He has another level of informants in the Rongue Ri that the first two men were unaware of. In fact, he has a third level. Each group is unaware of the others. Here is the problem. All of the Rongue witnessed the slaughter of those women and children. The question is whether the informants will have the courage to give us the information we need, knowing the risk to themselves and their families.”

  “Father, I know this sounds naïve, but in addition to being horrified by Feng’s brutality, every one of those informants can see the difference between Feng and Bai. They know that Bai would never slaughter women and children. They must know that their lives will be in danger if Feng controls the Sing Leon. If, for no other reason, they should be willing to help Bai.”

  “Right, again, Elena. That is my feeling, as well. It isn’t naive, it is good clear thinking. I am proud of you.”

  “What is the back up plan, Father? Will it still work?”

  Wyatt smiled grimly. “That, my darling, is the critical question. Will it still work? Here is what Bai planned. If he or any of his guards were captured, we are to connect with his second and third level of informants. They will let us know ahead of time where the meeting place will be, so we can prepare. They also will ensure they are part of the attack squad of Rongue Ri that accompany Feng.

  “We have to assume that Bai is alive and will be at ten this evening. We will have our men in place. Our informants will be sprinkled among the men Feng brings, thinking they are loyal. When we begin our attack, they will join us. Feng will be boxed in between us and our informants.

  “Our biggest challenge is to get close enough to Bai to protect him. If we charge the meeting, Feng will simply kill Bai. And, yeah, we might get Feng, but lose Bai.”

  Elena interrupted. “That is not acceptable.”

  “No, Elena, it isn’t. We need a decoy, someone to stand next to Feng and negotiate. Ideally, the decoy will distract Feng and the ones close to Bai. If all goes according to plan, our decoy will make a move for Feng. His men will know it is Feng’s life or Bai’s.”

  “Who is the decoy?” Elena asked.

  “I am,” said Nianzu.

  Elena nodded. “I see. Given the plan, you are the single best man to pull it off. They will expect you. It will be assumed that Bai’s lieutenant will put his life on the line to save him.”

  All three men nodded, clearly impressed with Elena’s ability to grasp the particulars.

  She continued, “However, for that reason, it won’t work. This is not a reflection on you, Nianzu, but they will know exactly what you plan to do. The hole in your thinking, in the plan, is that someone has to be able to protect Bai from the Rongue Ri or the second there is a false move, they will kill Bai. You have to know this, Father.”

  Wyatt shook his head. “Hell, Elena, you are too damned smart. And, yeah, we are aware of the ‘hole in the plan,’ as you call it. Bai was as well. For that reason, we crafted a number of ‘distractions’ that we could put in place. Our task between now and tonight is to come up with the best one possible.”

  Again the four of them were silent.

  Elena stood up and went to the cabinet. She refilled her glass, this time to the surface. She took a large swallow of bourbon then turned to face the three men.

  “I am.”

  “You are what?” asked Wyatt. His stern tone confirmed he understood. Her father knew her well.

  “I am the best possible distraction. I am going in.”

  There was a chorus of negative reactions from all three men.

  “Don’t be ridiculous, Elena,” Wan said, not trying to hide his anger.

  “You know we will never let you do that, Elena.” Nianzu added, “Bai would kill us if we put you in that kind of danger.”

  “Bai is not the decision maker here, Nianzu. We are. And I am the best person to go in.”

  Wyatt knew Elena would not be bullied. Instead he appealed to her reason.

  “Elena, Feng just murdered seven innocent people to make a point. What do you think he would do with you? Killing you in front of Bai would be the sweetest revenge he could have. Not to mention, that it would destroy your grandfather.”

  “Father, that is the point. He won’t want to kill me. I will offer myself to

  him – as his woman.”

  “What?’ shouted Wan and Nianzu almost in unison.

  “Elena, for God’s sake…,” Wyatt’s face hardened.

  “No, listen to me. Nianzu, you heard what Wichi and Bai agreed to at the saloon. Wichi said whoever lived would get the ’cunt,’ who happens to be me.” She turned to Nianzu for confirmation. “As you will recall, Bai agreed.”

  “Elena, please stop.” Wyatt was as angry as Wan. “I do not want to hear another word of this. It infuriates me to know this is how you were discussed. ”

  “Father, listen to me. I will go in and tell them that I am living up to the bargain that Wichi made with Bai. Remember Feng was there. He knows what the agreement was.”

  “Elena, I won’t say this again. You will not do this. Do you hear me? I cannot believe that you could be so foolish as to think I would permit this.”

  Elena stood up and glared at each of them, then locked in on her father.

  “Then you had better start believing, Father, because I am going in. I am a much better distraction than Nianzu. If you will give it serious thought, you will agree. They will not expect me. They will be caught completely off guard.

  “What we all need to do now is come up with the best possible plan to protect Bai between the time I distract them and you attack.”

  Wyatt’s face was stone cold, glaring at her.

  “Elena, I am just going to say this once….”

  “Father, please don’t. I need to go to my chambers. I feel faint. I don’t want to get sick here. Please understand. Let’s agree to put the final plan together in the morning. As it is now four o’clock in the morning, I suggest we meet at eight.”

  Elena leaned over and kissed her grandfather. He turned his head, refusing her embrace, his face frozen with anguish. Nianzu hugged her back when she hugged him.

  She went to Wyatt and whispered, “You know I am right. Help me create the rest of the plan. I love you.”

  When she left the
room, Wyatt shook his head and said in a rueful voice, “You know, of course, she is right. It’s too bad we can’t allow it. She has the best chance of freeing Bai, but the risk is too great.”

  Wan nodded and Nianzu agreed.


  Chapter 38

  Elena peeked over her shoulder to see if her father was following her. She breathed a sigh of relief when she saw he was not. An outrageous idea came to her and she needed to be alone to think it through. She didn’t dare share the idea with anyone, including her father or Nianzu.

  It was exceedingly dangerous. If it worked, they could save Bai. If it didn’t, she’d be dead by daybreak. She continued through the garden. When she was sure no one was following her, she slipped away from her chambers, and ran through the courtyard instead.

  Armando and Manuel were sleeping, but both were at the door with guns drawn by the third light knock. They had been with Wyatt and Wan when Bai was captured and, like the rest of Bai’s men, were grabbing what sleep they could. All the men knew the next day was likely to be the beginning of an all out Tong war.

  Armando sprang back in shock when he saw Elena standing in the doorway.

  She forced her herself to be calm, belying the turmoil wrenching through her. “May I come in?”

  Armando shook his head astonished, then shrugged and stepped aside to let her in.

  Elena’s face and voice were fierce. “Before you say anything, please let me speak. What I am about to suggest is extremely dangerous. Not only for me but for you. I would not ask you to do this, except I am convinced it is the only way we are going to save Bai.

  “You need to know one thing and understand it well. If you do not agree to help me, I am going by myself. You cannot stop me. I likely will be killed. It is up to you. No one including my father or grandfather or Nianzu knows anything about this plan. They will be furious with you when they find out you helped me. The only thing that will make them angrier is to know you let me go by myself and caused my death.”

  For the next five minutes, the two young men listened to Elena’s plan. Their reactions ranged from shock in the beginning to disbelief to a firm rejection. Finally, after mounting every conceivable counter argument and it was clear she was going with or without them, they reluctantly agreed.

  Under the cover of darkness, they saddled their horses and moved quickly and quietly through the courtyard. They waited until they were far enough away not to be heard before they broke into a hard gallop and headed toward the canyons. It was still dark when they reached the canyons, but there was enough moonlight to guide them along the narrow, winding path. They picked their way up the side of the canyon for approximately a mile when they saw the shadows.

  A soft voice said, “Quien va amigo o emenigo”

  Armando responded, “Amigo.”

  The man continued, “Tire sus armas ahora.”

  Armando and Manuel looked at Elena and shook their heads no, but she spoke clearly.

  “Armando and you too, Manuel, give them your weapons -- all of them. It is our only chance.”

  Ignoring the horrified looks of the Sing Leon guards, Elena jumped off Zhenqui and walked up to the men standing three deep, guarding the path. As she approached, they all leveled their guns directly at her.

  She spoke in fluent Spanish. “I am the Frenchman’s woman. I must speak to Senor Panches. Please take me to him now. I will go with you by myself if I must.”

  Armando and Manuel shouted in unison. “No!”

  Armando continued in Spanish. “Elena, you must not go alone. That was not our agreement.” He turned to the banditos. “Here are all of our weapons. Please take the three of us to Senor Panches, immediately. We need his help.”

  The banditos conferred among themselves and exchanged several lewd nods to Elena. She glared back at them and didn’t try to hide her pain or fierce determination. The one in charge glowered at her, then nodded to the three of them to step forward. He forced them to turn around and tied their hands behind their backs. Armando and Manuel glared at Elena reproachfully. But she shrugged and held out her hands to be tied. When the three of them were securely bound, the banditos whipped out bandannas, blindfolded them and then helped them back on their horses.

  Senor Panches stood looking appraisingly at the young woman. He was struck by her beauty, her youth, but more than anything, by her determination. The light from the fire lit her beautiful hair. She looked like a vision. Only her pale face and wide eyes revealed her fear and her pain. He listened to her outrageous plea and when she was finished, he lit a Spanish cigarillo and smoked it thoughtfully.

  “Don’t misunderstand me, la mujer del frances. I know who you are. In addition to making the Frenchman a most fortunate man, you are Wan Chang’s granddaughter and Wyatt McManus’s daughter. Your father and his Caballeros have supported the Mexican cause over the years. If I am correct, your grandmother was a Mexican woman.”

  “That is correct, Senor. I am named after mi abuela Mexicana.”

  “I see. Those are the reasons I agreed to see you. Why I did not let my men kill you or, frankly, rape you. But even given those reasons for friendship, why would we, a group of banditos, help you, Senora?”

  “Because the Frenchman will be killed if you don’t.”

  “I understand why that concerns you, Senora. As you have said, you are his woman. But why would I, a Mexican bandito, care if he is killed?”

  Elena’s lip trembled and tears welled in her eyes. Her voice shook, but she held Panches’s gaze. “For several reasons. You know he is a good man and he respects your cause. He and my grandfather have given you quiet aid over the years. They allowed you safe passage through their lands. If Bai is killed, there is a good chance the Rongue Ri will take over the Sing Leon. The Rongue Ri have declared Mexicans their enemy. They will do everything they can to destroy you. Instead of a respectful friend, you will have another sworn foe.”

  “You are convincing, la mujer del frances. But surely you know what you are asking is extremely dangerous. Why should my men be willing to die for such a mission? It is not our cause and will not help our cause.”

  “Money will always help your cause, Senor. Especially the amount of money we are willing to pay.”

  “Hmm, and what is that amount of money, la mujer del frances?”

  “Ten thousand dollars for every man you send in with us. We need a minimum of twenty five men.”

  Senor Panches whistled in surprise and appreciation.

  Elena continued. “Between my father and grandfather, you will have the money in gold by this evening. Whether or not we are able to free Bai, the money is yours. But you must decide now. And you must come back with me to help me convince my father and grandfather that this is the right plan, the only plan that will save Bai.”

  Senor Panches stepped back in surprise. His face darkened with anger.

  “Your father and grandfather do not know that you are here, Senora? They do not know of your outrageous proposal to me? You came to me with two unarmed men? No one else in the Sing Leon knows you are here? Why? Why did you do this foolish, dangerous thing, Senora? Foolish and dangerous, not only for you, but for me?”

  Elena appeared to stifle a sob. “Because, Senor Panches, you are my only hope. If you don’t help me, the Frenchman will die and I will no longer have a reason to live.”

  Senor Panches shook his head and frowned darkly at the young woman. He turned away motioning to several of his men. They walked to the shadows out of earshot and carried on a heated conversation.

  After several minutes, Senor Panches walked back to Elena. His face and eyes were serious, but not unfriendly.

  “We will help you, Senora. It is against my better judgment and that of my men. But you are offering more money than we can steal in five years. When we receive the gold from your unsuspecting father and grandfather, we will help you save your Frenchman.”

  Elena squeezed back her tears. “Thank you, Senor Panches.” She hesitated, a quick gr
in tugged at her mouth.

  “Now all you have to do is come help me convince my father and grandfather.”

  Panches allowed a slight smile to cross his face, “It would surprise me if anyone says no to you, Senora.”

  Elena smiled in return. “They haven’t yet, Senor.”


  Chapter 39

  Wyatt was relieved to see Wan shake off his grief and join with him and Nianzu to consider their various options. When they received the location of the meeting from the informants, confirming that the men had held firm against the brutality of Feng, they began planning in detail. They all dismissed Elena’s insistence that she be the distraction and began to flesh out Nianzu’s role.

  Wyatt said with a rueful grin, “I’ll handle her, it won’t be easy. You both know what Elena is like when she makes up her mind. Somehow, I will convince her that it won’t work.” He added with an appreciative shrug, “You have to admit, it was a hell of an idea. I gotta say, if I wasn’t her father and our only concern was saving Bai, I would recommend we go with her.”

  Wan agreed, “You are correct, Wyatt. Now let’s get serious and decide how we will protect both Bai and Nianzu.”

  At that moment, there was a knock on the door. When Wan called out in response, a frightened Angel opened the door and stood in the doorway. Francine stood beside her. Both women were shaking and had tears in their eyes.

  Wyatt jolted to his feet. “Is something wrong with Elena? Quickly, tell me!”

  When Francine started to cry, Angel gathered up her courage and said, “Mr. Wyatt, I am sorry, but Miss Elena is gone.”


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