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A_Taste_of_Decadence_ARE Page 7

by Blake_Harte_Quinn_Ryan_Rylon

  “That’s right, Grace. Hold on to me.”

  He covered his mouth with hers as he pulled her to the middle of the pool. Grace’s feet couldn’t touch the bottom, but Sean didn’t have the same problem. Five and a half feet worth of water couldn’t cover up Sean Johansson. He pulled her away from the side. She had to wrap herself around him if she wanted to stay afloat. His lips were warm and soft against hers. He nibbled tenderly at her mouth and then rubbed his nose against hers. It was a sweet gesture that had Grace’s heart as engaged as the rest of her. There was lust in Sean’s eyes, but there was a wanting there that seemed like more than simple sex.

  “You’ve made me crazy for days.” He ran his tongue along her lower lip. She groaned in response. Every nerve in her body seemed to be coming alive. “You are the most damned flirtatious woman I’ve ever met. I swear if you use that honey voice of yours on the delivery guy again, I’ll have to kill him.”

  Grace gave into the urge to run her fingers through that thick mop of his. He usually kept it ruthlessly slicked back, but now it was a sexy mess. She loved the silky feel of it under her fingers. She’d longed to be this close to him for days, and now she could see he was perfect even with no distance between them. His face was chiseled perfection. Even the shadow of his beard tickling against her cheek felt like a sweet sensation. “I don’t mean anything by it.”

  She’d just always been a flirt. Pete hadn’t really noticed. He hadn’t been the jealous type. Sean seemed like the jealous type. If she belonged to him and he caught her flirting, he might not laugh it off. He might…he’d said there might be punishment later. That one phrase did all kinds of things to her libido. God, why had he said that? She wondered if she could talk Sean into spanking her. He might think she was a complete pervert. How would she explain that she read a lot of erotica and had a few wicked fantasies? She would have to settle for vanilla sex. It would still be so good.

  “Why do you think I let that poor delivery guy live, baby? I know you’re just being your sweet self, but Grace, I am very possessive. You need to remember that.” His voice was light and teasing. He pulled her flush against his body, his hands cupping the globes of her ass as he walked them toward the shallow end of the pool. Now his chest was out of the water. The white dress shirt was plastered against his skin. It molded to the hard, ripped muscles of his chest that spoke of hours spent in a gym. He looked down at her, studying her face. “You look like you could eat me up.”

  Grace lowered her eyes, embarrassed to be so very open. It was hard to know how to play this. It had been so long since she’d dated. It had been twenty years since she’d been in an intimate situation with any man other than her husband.

  “Hey.” Sean set her on her feet. Without her heels, she came to the middle of his chest. He was so big he made her feel small and delicate. He cupped her chin and forced her to look up at him. The light of the pool illuminated his gorgeous face, making his light blue eyes seem darker, more powerful. “I love the way you look at me, Grace. It makes me feel ten feet tall, and I definitely want you to eat me up.”

  He lowered his mouth to hers, and this time there was no gentleness. His kiss dominated. His tongue thrust in and tangled with hers in a bold imitation of what she was sure his cock wanted. Grace softened against him, letting her hands explore his rock-hard chest as he kissed her. His mouth slanted over hers again and again. Their tongues slid in a silky dance. His five o’clock shadow scratched lightly against her, but she loved the feel of him. He pulled her into the cradle of his body, placing the long line of his erection against her belly. His hips rolled, a blatant invitation to play. It wasn’t an invitation she intended to refuse.

  She was lost, ready to wrap her legs around his lean waist and take him right then and there. Grace buried her face in the skin exposed on his chest. She kissed him there, her hands pulling at the buttons of his shirt, hating the fabric that kept his skin from hers. She wanted her hands on him, feeling the warmth of his flesh and the hard play of his muscles. She wanted to sink her nails in and leave her mark on him.

  Sean pulled away abruptly. His sharp tone of voice cut through the soft haze of her lust. “No, Grace. You are not in charge.”

  Her feet found the bottom of the pool. She hadn’t realized she’d been depending on him for balance. She felt vulnerable again, without the comfort of his body surrounding hers. She’d heard him, but the only words that really registered were no and not. She was making an ass of herself. How could she have thought he was serious? He was just being playful. He was probably really surprised she’d taken him seriously. She was a forty-year-old widow with sagging boobs and ten extra pounds that wouldn’t go away. He was a Nordic god. Grace tried to make her way around him.

  “Stop it.” His voice was a sharp bark, and his arm went around her waist. “I’m not putting up with that. We’re going to get the rules in place before we get started.”

  “Just let me go, Sean.” She didn’t want to hear about his rules.

  “No.” When Grace looked up at him, he seemed a bit savage. “Did you treat your last Dom like this, sweetheart? Did he let you manipulate him? That won’t happen with us.”

  He picked her up and set her on the side of the pool. She could feel her face flaming with embarrassment. He’d mentioned Doms. Why would he do that? What had he heard about her? Only a few people knew about her fantasy.

  The smooth tile was slightly cold on the cheeks of her ass. Her feet dangled in the water, leaving her feeling exposed and vulnerable. She quickly tried to cover her breasts. Her fence was high, but it felt wrong to be naked out of the water.

  Sean’s hands grabbed hers and pulled them away from her chest. “Don’t you dare. You need to pick a safeword right now.”

  “What?” She felt her mouth drop open. He was asking about a safeword? “I don’t understand.”

  How could he know? What would he think? He’d asked about her Dom.

  He frowned. “Lie number two, Grace. Let me put this as plainly as I can. Me, Dom. You, sub. Pick a safeword, or I’ll get out of this pool, carry you to that very nice bench over there, and we won’t get up again until your ass is a stark red.”

  “Elephant.” She spoke quickly. She wasn’t afraid of the spanking. She was intrigued by it, but she wasn’t sure how she felt about Sean knowing so much about her so soon. He didn’t seem to be bothered by it. Grace let her eyes sink submissively down. From the books she’d read, she knew it should be a word she wouldn’t use during sex. “Is that a good word?”

  Her soft words worked some magic on him. His shoulders relaxed, and his hold on her grew gentle once more. “It’s a very good word. Is that your usual safeword?”

  She bit her bottom lip. He was under some mistaken impressions, but Grace wasn’t sure if she should set him straight. She settled for honesty by merely answering his question. “No. I just made it up.”

  He smiled. “Excellent. I would prefer we start a fresh relationship. Now, I’m releasing these hands. Put them on the tile behind you and lean back. Then I want the heels of your feet on the edge of the pool. Do you understand?”

  She glanced around, forgetting her game. She was a little panicked at the prospect of obeying him. “But Sean, people might see me.”

  “No one is out here, Grace.” The impatience rolled off of him.

  Grace shook her head and once again wished she’d kept her damn swimsuit on. Of course, by now, Sean would probably have pulled it off her. Grace was honest enough with herself to know that she would have let him, but there were several problems with the scenario. “I have a home owners association. I once got a three hundred dollar fine for leaving my garbage cans out two hours late. I can’t imagine what the fine will be for leaving my ass hanging out.”

  He bit the words out like bullets. “No one can see your ass because you’re sitting on it. As for that pussy of yours, don’t think about it. All anyone’s going to see is my face buried in it. So, all we have to worry about are those gorgeous tit
s. We’ll just tell everyone you’re French. Now, do as I told you, or we’ll go to the bench.”

  She shivered, but it wasn’t from cold. She’d fantasized so often about being placed over hard thighs and accepting loving discipline. Not even in her dreams had she expected it would come from someone like Sean. “You would really spank me?”

  He stared a hole through her. “I’m very close to doing it right now. You have to make the choice. You can submit, or I’ll stop right now, and we can pretend this never happened. I don’t know if you’re experienced or if you’re just curious, but this is who I am, Grace.”

  “You’re a Dom.” Deep down she’d known. She had been sure he was all alpha male, but part of her had recognized a man who could completely dominate her.

  His lips quirked up. “I believe I mentioned that. I’ve trained for years. I know a sub when I see one. Now, make the choice. Give in to me or say your safeword.”

  Everything she’d dreamed of was right there. She could explore something she’d always wanted with Sean if she was just brave enough to submit. Grace chose to give in. Sean was in charge. Grace let her legs fall open. This was what had attracted her to the lifestyle. She didn’t have to worry about anything except obeying Sean. There was no place for insecurities with a Dom. Grace felt her body tremble in anticipation as Sean stared at her pussy.

  “You’re so fucking gorgeous. Look at how wet you are.” His voice was a dark, warm blanket covering her and protecting her from the outside. It was safe here with Sean.

  His fingertips grazed the inside of her thighs, making her shiver in anticipation. He ran his hands all along her legs, cupping her knees, caressing her flanks, running his fingers all the way down to her pink toenails and back up to the apex of her thighs. He moved a single finger from the top of her clit down through the wettest portions of her cunt. Very gently he worked that single, big finger deep inside her.

  “This is better,” he said, his voice still deep, but the previous bite was gone, replaced with a languid, sensual tone. “Let’s go over a few things, little one. Set some ground rules. I like to be called Sir when we’re playing. I don’t know if you’ve worked with a Dom before. Sometimes I’ll ask you to keep quiet, but not tonight. I want to hear you. You have permission to make as much noise as you like.”

  “Thank you, Sir.” She knew that much. Doms preferred Sir or Master when playing. They also liked to be obeyed. Luckily, he was willing to let her make noise. It would be hard to remain silent when everything about him made her want to howl. She gasped as he grazed her clit with the pad of his finger. “Oh, Sir.”

  “I love the way you say that.” He moved between her spread legs. The height of the pool’s side was perfect for his purposes. His face was right in line with her waiting pussy. He breathed in her scent. “You smell delicious. And I love this pretty, shaved pussy. It makes you look like a ripe peach.”

  Pete had asked her to shave it. She’d never gotten out of the habit. Now she was beyond glad for it. His mouth hovered over her pussy. She wanted more than anything to push up and force his tongue into her, but she was patient. After a moment, she felt the first gentle lap of his tongue.

  “Oh, oh.” She whimpered at the delicate feel of him on her clitoris. It had been so long. Tears formed in her eyes at the sweet feel of another soul touching her, adoring her. She’d missed this so much. She loved her children, but she’d longed for this.

  He tormented her with little, teasing licks. His tongue darted from her swollen clit to her weeping slit, delving briefly in, only then to trace a line almost all the way to the rosebud of her ass. He kept it up for the longest time before she felt the pressure of a finger pressing against her anus.

  “I’m going to fuck you here, Grace. Not tonight, but eventually. Have you been taken here before?” He rimmed her anus, but didn’t press in.

  “No.” The feel of his finger against her ass was foreign and totally wicked. She wasn’t sure if she liked the pressure, but she wanted to push her own limits. She wanted to please Sean. She pressed her backside against his finger.

  He pulled his hand away, and she felt a short, sharp slap to her ass. She hissed slightly at the pain, but it quickly became a warm heat. “No. You take what I give you or I’ll stop. Do you understand?”

  “In theory,” Grace admitted. She was careening between feeling intensely vulnerable and totally uninhibited. She was flustered and on edge. She found herself saying things she hadn’t wanted to share. “I’ve only really read about BDSM. And it’s been awhile since I…dated.”

  “You’ve never had a Dom before? Really? Your husband wasn’t in the lifestyle?”

  She shook her head. “No. He laughed when I asked about it. He said he didn’t want to hurt me.” He hadn’t even been willing to try.

  “And you haven’t looked for a Dom? Not since he died?”

  “I was busy raising my kids and working. It’s hard to have any kind of relationship when you have two teenagers in the house. Sean, how did you know I was interested in…this stuff?”

  “Years of training and very good instincts,” he replied with a little kiss. “You attempt to please the people around you. You’re not a pushover, but you gain a deep sense of worth from being valuable to others. You prefer to wait, to defer your own pleasure and needs if you notice someone else in need. You’re a natural submissive, little one. You should be happy Doms don’t grow on trees or else you would have been snapped up and collared a long time ago.”

  She couldn’t help but laugh at that scenario. It felt right to be here with Sean. He’d seen so much in the few days he’d known her. He’d really studied her.

  Sean was still for a moment. “Grace, how long has it been since you had sex?” The question was softer, the tone much closer to the everyday Sean she’d become accustomed to.

  “I haven’t seen anyone since my husband died, Sir. It’s been six years.”

  He was quiet, but his hand traced a pattern against her pussy. “I am honored, little one. I’m honored that you would let me show you this world. I promise I’ll take care of you. I’m not interested in a one-night stand. I’ll be very good to you. Starting now.”

  His tongue covered her clit, rubbing insistently as his fingers foraged deep. Grace’s fingers bit into the stonework. It felt so good, yet she needed more. He worked one, and then two fingers, deep into her pussy, scissoring them when he found the proper place. Grace let out a little howl as he hit that perfect place deep inside her. He stroked her G-spot and her clit simultaneously, and she came with a fierce little cry. The orgasm spilled over her, curling her toes and making her very happy with the blond god who had made good on his promise. Her muscles shook with the tiny aftershocks as he licked her one last time.

  Sean pulled her off the tile and back into his arms. Grace felt languid and happy. Her arms wound around his neck, letting him support her. The water felt cool now that her skin was so hot. It was a comfort to be surrounded by it.


  Grace didn’t pretend to misunderstand his quiet question. Honesty, she’d read, was the most important component of the relationship between sub and Dom. “I didn’t want anyone until now.”

  He held her close, cradling her to his chest. He pressed light kisses on her forehead. “I’m very grateful for that, little one. You won’t regret it. Now, I need to get out of these wet clothes.”

  “Yes, you do, Sir.” She put a little sexy growl on her words. He needed to get out of those clothes because it was his turn to come. She wanted to take him in her mouth. She wanted to learn every inch of that solid erection she’d only touched through the fabric of his pants.

  Sean chuckled. “Oh, we’ll get to that, but later.”

  Her head came off his chest, the pleasant buzz she’d gotten from the orgasm dissipating a bit. Her insecurities began to eat her again. “You don’t want to?”

  He seemed almost hesitant to broach whatever subject was bothering him. “I want to, but not until we get a fe
w things straight. I don’t know what you expect from a Dom. Since you’re so new to all of this, I think we should talk about what each of us wants. Communication is the key to a relationship like this, little one. I know what hasn’t worked for me in the past. I want this to be easy between us, so I think I should explain. Grace, I want to dominate you in the bedroom, but I don’t want a twenty-four/seven relationship.”

  Her heart felt like it would break. She really hadn’t expected that from him. “You just want to see me for sex? You don’t want to date me?”

  His eyes widened with confusion. “What are you talking about? What do you think I’ve been trying to do? Grace, I ask you out three times a day. I go and get your three o’clock coffee. I sit like a lap dog at your desk, waiting to see if you’ll deign to allow me to walk you to your car. It’s hard on a man’s ego. How can you say I don’t want to date you?”

  “You said you didn’t want a relationship.”

  He sighed. “I don’t want a twenty-four/seven D/s relationship, baby. Look, I have a brother. He’s older than me. He’s really hardcore and most of his friends are, too. I got into the lifestyle at a young age, but there are parts I’m never going to be comfortable with. I’m crazy about you. I want everyone to know we’re together. I just…I don’t want a slave.”

  She smiled up at him. Her relief surged through her like a wave. It had never occurred to her that he would want to take the D/s relationship outside the bedroom. “I’m glad to hear that. Sean, you should know that the first time you tell me what to do outside the bedroom, I’ll probably take a skillet to your head.” She cuddled back against him, happy they were on the same page. “My mama made sure I had a good cast iron skillet when I got married.”


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